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The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

IMA FIRING MAH LAZER DICK! FUCK! I HATE BURRITO! I have no doubt pbird that your character is going to be a rape toy. Some traps will completely pin her....

Until I break them (I hope). On top of that - if this works the way I think it will, I will actually be able to reliably fight things that try to rape me. Which means actually leveling. I've noticed a lot of people just run from everything, which seems like a recipe for defeat to me. Works in the short term, but in the long run you just wind up weaker and weaker relative to everything.

Make no mistake, Int will be my first priority to upgrade. And if this doesn't work...well, experiment failed. It is relying on some luck, I'll admit - but half this game seems to be luck. >.>
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Luck is 80% of the game. There are rolls for everything. That means breathing, walking, looking, tasting, staying awake... Yah. That is correct logic. Though I dare say it seems useless. After all, INT is the main stat that HELPS your character notice and RESIST the effects or arousal!
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Won't get aroused if they never pin me in the first place. At lest, not most of the time. :3

We'll see if it works or not. If it fails miserably, you can go "HA, TOLD YA SO!"

If it works, I reserve the right to say the same to you.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

If it works, then every other person has the right to say " COPY CAT!"
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Really? Most of the ones I've read so far relied on high int/speed, low strength. o.0

Maybe I need to look again. It's hard to be original when you're late to the game anyways. >.>
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Luck is 80% of the game. There are rolls for everything. That means breathing, walking, looking, tasting, staying awake... Yah. That is correct logic. Though I dare say it seems useless. After all, INT is the main stat that HELPS your character notice and RESIST the effects or arousal!

Luck as of now is probably about 80% of the game but ya know some creatures players have ran upon are so poorly stated to hold, that everytime that person would break the pin, they'd win without even adding the rolls.

The luck is added to give even a low level player a chance against someone such as Lilith who can rape a person from a distance without even doing anything.

Next version that still be in place but as the stats get a bit more concrete, I'll lower the luck factor out.

And in nearly all cases but a couple. The creature has LESS of a die to roll in luck factoring. Such as the player 50 versus 25 d, or 100 versus a 60 d. This gives the player an advantage, even if poorly done.

And as of now there isn't much you can do but try to be either a runner or a fighter.

Speed: you can be fast all you like, but you'll find escaping your key thing. Unless luck is on your side, against tough creatures. You won't be doing any/much damage.
Intelligent: You'll hold out your orgasm better, you'll spot nearly everything but you won't be able to run easily. You won't be able to kill without strength and speed.
Strength: You'll be able to do massive damage but if you can't hit....what's the use?
Constitution: You got plenty of health and plenty of stamina based upon your health but can you run or fight? Essentially a tank without guns.

Which all lack in something. As stated above. If you lean too much on one, you're lacking in something.

So yeah while it is luck, creatures usually have less luck or factors that keep them back some. Such as damage done to players is HALVED of the number the creatures come up. So while if it comes up to do 20 damage to a creature, the creature takes 20. But if it comes up for the creature to do 20 damage to you, it does 10 damage. (this is for LITERAL attacks, not abilities or traps)

The advantage is in the player's court, but at the same time if luck frowns upon you the luck can be totally against you.

okay I really have to get going I think, maybe one more responce here.

So quick, any questions? XD
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Yes, Is luck against tomoe?
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Yes, Is luck against tomoe?
So far...yes. Since its not sure thing that the vibrator raises every turn, max vibrator level is 9. Max turn it lasts is 10. Literally its risen every single turn. She failed to pull the vibrator out as well the first time but she was able to escape, found an EMPTY room and all. So technically its a bit both ways. While luck put her in a hard place, its also given her an escape route.

Though that will all be seen until later.

[Note I use the term she, basing on the character. Not the person behind the character. Since half of you all I don't know your real gender. XD]
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

You know my gender. Anyway, wouldn't another denizen of the Dungeon, find her if she passes out again?
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

You know my gender. Anyway, wouldn't another denizen of the Dungeon, find her if she passes out again?

Its possible. Its also possible nothing will.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

But considering Tomoe's luck, there's a high chance a tentacle spawn will find her.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

[Note I use the term she, basing on the character. Not the person behind the character. Since half of you all I don't know your real gender. XD]

Haven't you seen Tomoe's avatar? Tomoe has no gender because it is a pair of gummy bears. Just like I am a faceless demon surrounded by many colors.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

My gender is a book. YAY! Phoenix we all know that your the demon hat. Tomoe's character is going to be super raped.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

On a side note, the two white dots to the right of my possessed host's shoulder is my cat's eyes.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Argh, I want that damn sexual trap off my character!
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

What song is that?
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Where can I find that without using google or yahoo or youtube?