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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye -> Nadia

Skye raised an eyebrow and nonchalantly waved her hand dismissively, "Rules you say? How boring." The vampire's eyes held Nadia's gaze, but there was something off in her gaze - she was no longer totally present, as if bored by the situation. "Alas Nadia, you remind me why I tend not to make anyone's acquaintance. You see, I did not threaten you. I don't threaten. If I intend to harm someone, I do it. It's as simple as that. Skye sighed, "This conversation is tiresome, you don't tell me anything of substance, and I'm hungry. I was rudely interrupted while savoring what was perhaps the most delicious blood I've ever tasted, and my appetite is not sated."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Skye

"A veiled threat is a threat, whether you would have it so or not, but 'tis a moot point really." Nadia replied, the glow from her eyes fading. Her eyes cocked at the mention of blood, and the angel said; "Well, if there is any place that would not begrudge your tastes, it would be here. If it is blood that you require to survive, then I am sure that the host of this place will find some accommodation. I am unsure if your tastes may be sated in the arena, but if they can, I do wonder.... Have you ever had the blood of one who was not human themselves?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye -> Nadia

Skye's eyes came back to life at the mention of blood. The redhead's gaze darted up and down the angel's form, and she opened her lips enough to show her fangs, sliding her whip-like tongue over them. "I have not... Are you offering yourself to me? Despite what people might say, I've never harmed someone that willingly offered themselves to me... unless you consider the means of sucking to be harm. The vampire smirked.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Skye

Smirking herself, Nadia replied; "Offering? Perhaps.... Though, it would be more accurate to say that I am offering you the chance to earn it. I am sure that an angel's blood is a rare treat, for one of your kind, Captain Skye of the Seawolf." Tilting her head to the side, Nadia exposed the soft, pale flesh of her neck, out of reach of the other woman's fangs but completely open if she attempted to close the distance. "Do you know the rules of the contests that take place upon this island?"
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia/Luciana

Smiling relaxedly as her back is rubbed clean Pale answers Nadia "Oh, I won, though I suppose it was as much luck as it was skill. What's your name? I'm called Pale."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale/Luciana

Nodding to the woman who had spoken, Nadia replied; "Congratulations then... Pale. By what method did you claim victory, if you don't mind me asking? My name is Nadia. Tis a pleasure to meet you! And you are?" Nadia nodded to the woman who was helping Pale clean herself, in this case cleaning her back.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk

The shorter woman's pale arm went behind her back as the Dragoness circled her. Tamonten didn't want to rely on her better appendage for that sparring match, even accidentally, she wouldn't get any better with her left hand otherwise. Even as she adjusted herself, the human kept her eyes on her training opponent. The white-haired swordswoman didn't mirror Zaro's circling, wanting to be on the defensive. It was a strategy that she would probably regret much later. The shield-maiden had a fearsome aura about her. Her size, the way she held herself, the strength she displayed in wielding her weapon of choice, and her stoic expression, all were intimidating aspects about the genetically altered female. Had the shorter woman been a bit more green to that sort of thing, she might have thrown her hands up in surrender. Cowardice wasn't in the cards for the pale-skinned girl that day, though. Defeat, probably, but not cowardice.

Tamonten frowned slightly at the noticeable movements before the training spear lashed out at her. The swordswoman's displeasure wasn't at Zaro, but instead because she wouldn't have been able to block the first strike in time if the warning hadn't existed. Even when the lithe human did move to deflect the blow, she had to backpedal away from her opponent. The parry had been too slow, even for the measured strike that wasn't really aimed at her body, and to have remained would have risked a followup from the same direction. In the end it didn't make much difference as the Dragoness lunged at her with the training weapon, Zaro's grace and speed belied her size and that caught the defensive woman off guard. Tamonten simply couldn't bring her sword arm from her previous, almost mechanical, parry in time to even attempt to stop the strike. The swordswoman had to leap back in order to avoid the brunt of the improvised spear, and even then still took part of the intended attack.

Worse, Tamonten found herself almost cornered by the rocks. Between a rock and the Dragoness, as it were. It wasn't enough to dissuade her from the sparring, the swordswoman still had pride, she wouldn't wait in a corner for her opponent to strike her at leisure. Instead, she moved towards the giantess. A few very measured thrusts aimed at the larger woman's legs. None of the thrusts were intended to actually connect with Zaro, it would have been dangerous for the white-haired girl to extend herself that far against an opponent with longer reach than her. Tamonten's primary goal was simply to create some distance between herself and the rocky wall. Her secondary goal was to not get walloped by a stick wielded by a seven foot tall warrior. Regardless of what happened next, the swordswoman's smile had returned. The pale-skinned woman could feel the blood rushing through her veins as the shared practice intensified.

Tamonten -> Auralice, Sleepy-Time Enigma

"Passed out?" Tamonten replied, relief plain in her voice. "Is that what happened?" That put her a little more at ease. For a while there, she had begun to believe that she had actually done all that with Enigma and Auralice. Of course she hadn't, she wouldn't! The matter of what she was dressed in silently fell to the curb. It was especially easy to forget as her mistress coiled around her and began to pet the pale-skinned human, causing her to share the naga's blush. "Yes, Lady Enigma and I have met. And you can call me by," She paused for a second, as though she wanted to say something other than her name but wasn't sure why. "Tamonten. It's an honor to meet you, m...milady."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Naltaibur > Six

A black portal opened up, and out tumbled Naltaibur and Six, falling some feet onto the sand below. She still held onto the demon, her legs wrapped loosely around the other's, and they impacted with a small puff and an "oof!" muffled by Naltaibur's porcelain mask.

"Don't be silly! Existence is no crime! Without existence, one cannot be just! Now stop squirming, anomaly. You appear not to have listened when I was talking about hugs." She then brings up a hand to stifle a yawn, though with her face covered as it is, it helps little. "Besides, you are comfy. Comfiness is a sign of righteousness."

She rolls over to lie atop her student, wrapping her up in her arms and legs. "Didn't you say something about a nap earlier? A nap sounds ni-hic-nice right now... oh, and - *yaawwwn* - remind me to ask your name when I wake up."

She nuzzled in under Six's chin, and promptly passed out. No longer conscious, it would be easy enough for Six to slip out of her assailant's grasp whenever she wanted to.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Naltaibur

Six gave another yelping groan as she flopped onto the beach again, still gripped by the other creature, covered in slime, and blushing a deep shade of blue on her cheeks. Partly unsure quite what to think of the entire escapade, Six quietly wormed out from the sleeping warrior and shook herself, like a dog would, to clear off most of the junk sticking to her body.

What does she know about me, she muttered in her head, simply deciding what to do for now, before quietly sprinting off away from the other creature, following the coast as she explored more of the world she was stuck in...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Nadia

After her humiliating battle and the end of it at Nadia's arms, Tomoe found herself alone again as the light had taken them, deposited back at the lagoon. But of the angel there was no sight, so the shrine maiden took to washing the clingy oil from her shapely body among the waters of the sea in this strange location. It took a good while, but eventually she got rid of everything on both her own form and the robes of her duty. Another while passed as she dried all the clothes in the sun. Once she was done with everything, Tomoe took off from the lagoon, only to bump into a man at the resort street later and trigger another fateful encounter with him....

Tomoe -> Bakan & Ione?

When she came to, the eastern warrior found herself deposited at a room, possibly an inn. She was laying in comfortable sheets, her robes oddly clean considering where she had been just some time ago. As she turned her gaze around, she saw a man lying there next to her in the bed. This startled her, causing the young miko to back off and accidentally fall to the floor behind her. She remembered... having done things with him... immoral, filthy things...

Not sure how to react or speak to this man, Tomoe retreated to the nearest corner, curling up as she eyed the male and waited for a possible reaction. The inbuild distrust of men she had developed back in the homeland was rearing it's head at full force now.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Random Forest Section
Six -> ?

Six had traversed a good deal of the coastline as she pooled her thoughts, before moving inland, trying to keep away from habitation signs in case she scared anyone. Allready, one of the staff members had teleported at the mere sight of her, more then likely overloading some form of fear system in the poor creature, but otherwise her travels were unimpeded, soon leading into the jungles towards one of the farther ends of the islands.

As she moved, she thought over the day's actions. Having had one of the fights firsthand now, Six wasas quite disappointed. If all the arenas were designed to compromise her own fighting spirit in some way, Six would have to figure out either a way to make herself better guarded from such curses, or ignore them and hope like last time her opponent succumbs before her. She was strong, but what she experienced earlier...

It was quite unlike any torture she had ever experienced. The fact that even her assailent was effected made Six shiver, and glad that she stuck to claw and tail to solving conflicts. What bastard power was she using? Why did it make the twisted creature that she was feel good, delighted, craving for more? The mear thought that the demonic side of her reveled in such a act made Six growl and claw at one of the nearby trees, tearing into it's bark as her anger vented this way. Deciding that such weakness required it's punishments, Six closed her eyes tight, wrapping a clawed hand around her left arm, before gripping tight and quickly moving the claws downward, wincing as some of her strangely purpleish-blue blood drained. It'd heal, quite rapidly, but until then, it would be a reminder.

Satisfied with her self-mutilation, she continued further into the forest, exploring the place and seeking to see if there was any exotic sights and smells.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"My name is Luciana. And she won by... Well, I bit off more than I could chew, I'll put it that way" the demon replied, pondering a way to challenge the angel without seeming malicious about it.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia/Luciana

"It was honest wrestling, no excessive violence." Pale answers as she turns around to wash Luciana's back in turn.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Tomoe & Ione

After finding what was under the sheets, Bakan gave an even more dramatic response than Tomoe, screaming with shock at finding who was under the covers, and then her immediate panicked retreat. After landing on the floor, Bakan pushed himself up on his elbows, staring at the ground in disbelief. "What the hell...!?" he grunted quietly with astounded bewilderment.

Leaning up slowly, Bakan peeked over the bed meekly, attempting to carefully observe Tomoe. Now that their lust was out of the way, he wasn't quite sure how she would react.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Bakan & Ione?

Somehow, the man had almost the exact same reaction as she did, and this slightly surprised Tomoe. After a few brief moments, she picked herself off from the corner, straightening herself up and dusting off her robes of duty. "I'll... just go now..." the young miko told the man, not able to meet his eyes in direct contact and heading towards the door.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Tomoe & Ione

Seeing Tomoe leave, Bakan blinked, before standing up straight, and making a sudden bow towards her.

"I'm sorry!" he announced loudly, with an uncontrolled tone, clearly nervous, "You lost something precious! I-I know circumstances were-and considering the situation there was little-but I'm not making excuses or anything more or less, even if it was you that did... I'm not saying it's your fault-I will take responsibility for what happened!" he said very quickly, face bleet red with shame.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Bakan & Ione

Already at the door, the shrine maiden was stopped at the suddenness and seriousness of the man's words. Only now did Tomoe remember, this man was actually very much like her. Unable to come up with a good, proper reply, she settled on bowing at him, but not in his direction. "It's... alright. But please... do tell me your name so we can meet again..." she eventually managed to say. She would wait for him to tell her, before telling her own and leaving for real, but briefly.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale/Luciana

"I was under the impression that real violence was impossible on this island, even in the arenas, but 'tis good that you avoided bloodshed all the same! This place is too pleasant for real violence to be permitted. I just concluded a match myself, actually." Nadia replied, watching the two wash one another evenly.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Bakan & Tomoe

Ione stared with curiosity as the commotion between the two other guests began, both of them giving comical shouts of surprise at finding themselves in the same bed together. They both quickly abandoned the bed in their fright, and as the woman backed toward the corner near where the alraune was hiding she was weary for a moment that the woman might just bump into her by accident. What more of a scene would that have been! Thankfully, there was no incident, and the plant girl let out a incredibly silent breath as she relaxed, her hiding safe once again.

Looking up, Ione had a bout of fright herself when her blue eyes met Bakan's own pair, but she calmed down when she realized how focused he was on robed girl. Even as she got up, and announced her intention to leave, he was focused on her, and as the girl neared the door Ione was given the amusing sight of Bakan's bow and speech to her. 'Lost... something... precious...?' From the moment the words left his mouth, the alraune could feel her own nervousness leave her as her thoughts on the man turned to simple playfulness. Standing up to become much more noticeable, Ione covered her mouth to hide her grin while trying to stifle an audible giggle at the situation as she continued to watch the both of them.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia/Luciana

Pale smiles as she moves from washing Luciana's back to washing her hair: "Oh, violence is definitely possible. I haven't tried the limits, but my guess is that as long as it doesn't kill or cripple it's okay. Though I've noticed that all the bruises fade as soon as the combat is over."