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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex

Her smile widens considerably as Pale hears the question hanging in the air. Tilting her head the ivory-skinned woman looks at the dragoness, her eyes seemingly regarding every inch of the other woman's body before she answers: "Alexandra, I'd love to have one such as you as my pet. But for now, I require rest. Go outside, get yourself a massage or something and have fun. I'll find you later, or you'll find me."

With that said, Pale strips herself and lies down on the bed, still looking at the other woman.

Pale -> Six

After a moment of consideration, a hint of mischievousness appears in Pale's eyes: "I know! You have a beautiful body, but it could use some more color, don't you think?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale

Six raised an eyebrow. While preportionwise, she was quite average for a human, however... "An odd thing to say, considering how... marred I am," she stated. "But in all seriousness, what do you mean by 'color'? I doubht anything beyond permament pigmentation would stick to me too much..." Six wasn't one for being too quizical, however the fact the vampiress seemed like she was up to something would be probably better then finding a place to nap, again, she reasoned.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Relaxing in the waters, with the alarune girl that he saw before nowhere to be found, his worry of her return gradually vanished from his mind over time. Relaxing in the hot springs, he found himself slowly drifting into sleep, even though he had slept all last night. His body was still craving more rest. But his slumber was suddenly cast away and replaced with shock as he heard voices from the other spring, one of them he recognized. 'That sounds like... Sigma, or whatever her name was. Of all the weirdos here, she's sure to be the weirdest. I'd best leave, and quickly, lest we be dragged into an arena.' he thought to himself as he lifted up, and tried to quietly make his way through the water, though he didn't do a good job as when he lifted himself from the water, he did it too fast, and caused the sound of water splashing to be heard.

'Time to leave,' he concluded with haste, sprinting for his clothes.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Cafe -> ???
Pale -> Six

"I think I saw a shop selling body paints. Come!" Pale stands up and leads Six out of the cafe and down the street where, indeed, there's a little boutique selling make-up products including body paint. Strangely enough, the boutique is open and Pale steps inside, starting to look at different shades.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"B-body p-?!?" Six started, looking in bewilderment before the barked order overode Six's confusion. Even still, it confused her. Body paint? Why would anyone seek to make themselves less inconspicuous? As if on cue, Six started picturing her black, sleek armor decorated with hot pink flowers and bluebirds, causing her to shudder worse then if she was staring down a great foe. Even still, she followed on, though her dark violet flush once again pervaded her face.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex

Her smile widens considerably as Pale hears the question hanging in the air. Tilting her head the ivory-skinned woman looks at the dragoness, her eyes seemingly regarding every inch of the other woman's body before she answers: "Alexandra, I'd love to have one such as you as my pet. But for now, I require rest. Go outside, get yourself a massage or something and have fun. I'll find you later, or you'll find me."

With that said, Pale strips herself and lies down on the bed, still looking at the other woman.

Alex -> Pale

The appraising glare was definitely appreciated. Alex even went so far as to cross her legs slightly to give herself a more alluring profile for someone who obviously had rather fine tastes, and as the vampire undressed and climbed into bed the dragon simply smiled while staying where she was. "Very well. Once you are done resting I shall be yours." With that she leaned closer. Her hand came up to lightly catch Pale's chin, and her lips approached to delivery a gentle and tender kiss to her new master. "But only for 24 hours. I still have my pride as a dragon, so life-long servitude is not something I can just give to another."

With that said and done Alex managed to rise to her feet, and a few seconds later her rather unassuming shirt and skirt were back in place. "If you'll excuse me a massage sounds like heaven right now. Pleasant dreams..." As she headed for the exit she let herself out without any fuss, but just before the door was closed it stopped as Alex turned and gave the vampire a coy smile. "...my Mistress."

Hotel -> Massage Parlor

The moment she entered the building one of the island's attendants welcomed her and escorted her to the same table she had used earlier. Not a word was said as Alex stripped and laid bare on her front, but once she was prepared she finally gave her masseuse some instructions. "I was unable to sleep as well as I would have liked, so my entire body is stiff. Deep tissue, this time." A wordless smile and a nod came from the pink-haired girl, and a few seconds later all that could be heard were a series of deep grunts and groans as Alex finally felt the deep knots in her back starting to give way.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Maya & Vira

Vira -> Ione & Maya

Vira shuddered in pleasure as the cat-like woman buried her face in her crotch, darting her tongue in and out of the Night Elf's already dripping cunt and coating Maya's face with her juices in the process. When Vira felt a hand from the alraune add to the pleasurable sensation by fondling her breasts, she had to reach her own hand out to brace herself against the tree to keep her knees from buckling as the the two's skilled ministrations quickly driving her towards climax. When the catgirl's mouth suddenly moved away from her, Vira let out a quiet moan in protest that was immediately transformed into one of pleasure as Maya's wet tongue was replaced by her fingers, not missing a beat as she delved that same tongue deeply into Ione.

With the combined sensations of Maya's fingers in her pussy and Ione's skillful work on her breasts sending waves of pleasure up and down Vira's spine, along with the loud moans coming from the plant-woman as she approached her climax, it soon became too much for Vira's own senses, and she joined Ione in the throws of ecstasy as her own orgasm washed over her.

When she recovered, Vira eyed Ione for a moment and gave a small, breathless chuckle of her own at the alraune's 'honeysuckle' comment. She then felt the plant woman's vines beginning to slip around her waist and rub gently at her stomach and back, while another pair did the same to Maya, causing a lustful grin to work its way across the Night Elf's face as the vines idly dipped lower, their intent clear enough to get her excited for more.

"Hmm~ Well then, we shouldn't let any of that delicious 'honey' go to waste~" Vira replied, moving between the other two women before gradually lowering herself onto the ground on top of Maya, presenting herself on all-fours to the beautiful plant-woman behind her. "And I know the perfect place to...deposit it~" she cooed, looking back over her shoulder at Ione and wiggling her ass as she spread her pussy lips with her fingers, showing the alraune that her dripping flower was ready to be 'pollinated'. She then positioned her hands at either side of Maya's hips, lightly gripping her waist as she kissed her way down the catgirl's midriff until she reached her nethers, stopping oly to wait until Ione penetrated her before thrusting her tongue deep into Maya's pussy, eager to return the favor and make her cum.

Ione gave pause at Vira's movements and her enthusiastic coos, staring frozen at the night elf's form for a moment before breaking further into a grin. To say that she was enticed would be an incredible understatement, and Vira soon felt as she went down on the cat girl in front of her the motions of the alraune moving up behind her. Giggling lustfully, Ione willed a tentacle to barely emerge from a spot above her lower lips, cooing softly herself as she held and traced it along Vira's own nether. Another tendril, one that had been tracing along Maya's stomach before, found itself moving upward as Ione positioned herself, hovering at the cat girl's lips and pressing gently into them, as if to entice her to suckle upon it. Maya's hands similarly would feel two more brush into her palms, very eager for her to do something with them as well.

Looking over at Maya as she finished positioning herself, Ione gave the cat girl a seductive wink before slowly pushing herself into Vira's folds, moaning softly as she pressed on before burying herself to the hilt. Held deeply with the night elf, the alraune was surprised at just how... tight the woman was, and as she began to slowly pump into her that tightness quickly proved to be quite the force! As her tendril motioned within Vira, waves of pleasure crashed into her mind, the night elf's folds squeezing at her relentlessly. Enticed by the pleasure, Ione plowed on passionately, leaning over and letting one of her hands trace along the dragonfly-like wings that adorned the Night Elf's back. And as she continued on, the plant girl couldn't help but look at the cat girl that Vira was servicing below, and who she might be serving with her free tendrils should she permit it, and smile with a warm but lewd grin.

Ione -> Cafe

Finding her way out of the hotel that she had found herself in, the alraune took the time she spent doing so as a way to calm herself from the events that had transpired therein. Explaining herself to Bakan had taken more out of her than she had initially thought, and even in the peace of the walk she found herself feeling unnerved about it, especially about the truth of the matter. 'I really did almost break my word to him... I promised a friendly duel with no tangling involved... and yet it all started going towards much more than friendly sparring...' Ione let out a sigh as she looked around, using landmarks she remembered to find her way to this 'cafe' that Bakan spoke of. 'I know... I'm lustful... I enjoy it... but I can be better than just that... I'm more honorable than that... I know I am...'

Finding the Cafe emerge in her sight and letting out a happy sigh, Ione pressed on, entering the building and gauging the people who happened to be inside. Briefly noting two shady looking individuals who appeared to be on their way out, the alraune's weariness melted away in an instant when the smell of delicious food began to waft her way, getting stronger the further she went into the building. Gravitating toward a seat, it took little time before a servant approached asking Ione of her order, leaving for a time to prepare it before returning, a sauteed steak of delectable aroma making Ione drool comically in anticipation. Almost immediately after she politely thanked the servant, she dug straight in taking little time to enjoy every bite.

Alone where she sat, Ione had time to reflect further on her dealing with Bakan, the food energizing her thoughts. 'Hrmm... Bakan... when he spoke to that other woman... what was her name? Tomoe? He was really apologetic, humble even. Those kinds of people... they hold to those ideals greatly... those... those... virginities? No... that word doesn't sound right... but still they hold to those... whatever they're called.' Chewing her food in thought, she took a moment to drink before continuing her thoughts. 'Come to think of it, when we first met he was that way too, although a bit cautious of me at first, before he slowly opened up...' Ione warmed a little as a image of his confident grin and sound of his happy chuckle echoed through her mind, before she felt herself sigh in discontentment. 'Well... he was opening up before I had to go and lose it... if only I had just punched him instead, he might have just been a little mad and embarrassed.'

'I've... I've got to make it up to him somehow... but if I try to give him an actual gift... No, I have to do something more to get back on good terms with the man. The only thing he seems receptive too is politeness and civility without any lewdness though...' Chewing twice more, Ione suddenly stopped, blinking in realization before letting a grin stretch out on her face. 'Of... Of course! Without lewdness! All I have to do is show him I can be polite and civil towards him and people and that sex isn't everything on my mind! How hard could that ever be for someone like myself...' An objective set, Ione returned her focus to enjoying the meal in front of her until she was done or interrupted by anyone who might bump into her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Maya -> Ione & Vira
Maya -> Ione & Vira

Letting out a small startled yelp as she finds herself snatched and suddenly pressed against the tree, Maya stares wide eyed back at Vira. Instantly melting into the kiss with a muffled moan, she pull the passionate night elf onto her, giggling playfully as her dress is pulled away before she even gets the chance to do so herself. Gasping softly at Vira's touch below, she rests her forehead on her partners shoulder as Ione enters the embrace. Taking her turn with Ione next, welcoming the Alraunes lips to her own. Though colours may be different, the familiar taste was exactly as she knew it. Needing little encouragement, she happily glides her hand down Ione's front and towards her sensitive area, rubbing into the plant girl boldly. After a moment of triangular fondling though, Maya seems to have a different idea. Sliding down without warning and holding a hand beneath each of the others crotch, she suddenly leans in and licks her way into Vira's slick "flower", drinking in everything she's given. Before much can be said or done, she then switches her mouth's attentions to Ione, slipping her fingers into Vira as she does so, and delving her tongue as deep as it would go. Getting both women's nectars slicked over her face in the process.

Ione -> Maya & Vira

Feeling Maya's fingers rub boldly at her nether, Ione eeped, fidgeting slightly before slowly widening her lips into a smile as she continued to smooch the cat-girl. 'Oh my~, she's even more... oh this is going to be good!' The cat girl's touches enticed the alraune on, and as her breath broke into very light pants, Ione could feel the effects of her touches coming on quickly. She could feel her own 'flower' dribble with nectar, and there was no doubt that her friendly cat-girl friend was also getting quite the feel of it as she continued her fingered motions on the plant girl. Pulling away from Maya, one of Ione's tendrils slipped away subconsciously and wrapped itself around the cat-girl's wrist and lower arm, seeming to want nothing more than to rub against it as encouragement.

Abruptly, Maya moved out of the fondling, and for a moment confusion took the alraune before she realized the meaning of the motions. Teasingly, the cat-girl's hand made little motion beneath Ione's crouch, something to which the tendril still wrapped around that arm gave a cute tug and rub to try to entice to action. While it did so, Ione found herself watching with anticipation as Maya delved quickly and deeply into Vira's folds, coating her face in her juices as she expertly ate out the woman's flower. Smoothing one of her hands along Maya's back as she worked and the other fondling Vira's breast to give her additional excitement as she was 'fed' upon, Ione with contentment let out a few giggles as she enjoyed the sight and sounds during the brief break.

Her giggles ceased however, the moment Maya drew away from the night elf, and with no hesitation on her part, dug into the alraune's nether penetrating it with her tongue. Cooing at first, Ione's sounds soon turned to moans as the cat-girl treated her to the same comfort she had given Vira moments ago. Intensive waves of pleasure shot through the plant girl, every prod and touch of Maya's tongue on her genitals feeling like pleasant torture to her. Her own hands fondling not only Vira's breast but also her own, Ione's own face flushed deeply as she felt herself stiffen. Maya's treatment, along with her own excitement was too much! Moaning loudly, Ione was driven to the brink before she orgasmed, her eyes and expression widening into embarrassment.

Panting for a moment while still quite embarrassed, Ione finally regained control, letting out a few laughs aimed at herself. "Ah ha ha ha... I guess the... honeysuckle... flows a bit easy today... ah ha ha..." Elated, Ione was quite distracted in her thoughts to realize a few more of her tendrils has come out, one managing to slip lightly around Maya while another did the same for Vira, both gently rubbing and caressing against both of their stomachs. Another pair wished to prod against both of their backs, smoothing out along their waste line while dipping with a hint of intent downwards before moving back up. For all her excitement though, Ione was blissfully unaware of her tendrils in the tide of pleasant feelings.

Vira -> Ione & Maya

Vira shuddered in pleasure as the cat-like woman buried her face in her crotch, darting her tongue in and out of the Night Elf's already dripping cunt and coating Maya's face with her juices in the process. When Vira felt a hand from the alraune add to the pleasurable sensation by fondling her breasts, she had to reach her own hand out to brace herself against the tree to keep her knees from buckling as the the two's skilled ministrations quickly driving her towards climax. When the catgirl's mouth suddenly moved away from her, Vira let out a quiet moan in protest that was immediately transformed into one of pleasure as Maya's wet tongue was replaced by her fingers, not missing a beat as she delved that same tongue deeply into Ione.

With the combined sensations of Maya's fingers in her pussy and Ione's skillful work on her breasts sending waves of pleasure up and down Vira's spine, along with the loud moans coming from the plant-woman as she approached her climax, it soon became too much for Vira's own senses, and she joined Ione in the throws of ecstasy as her own orgasm washed over her.

When she recovered, Vira eyed Ione for a moment and gave a small, breathless chuckle of her own at the alraune's 'honeysuckle' comment. She then felt the plant woman's vines beginning to slip around her waist and rub gently at her stomach and back, while another pair did the same to Maya, causing a lustful grin to work its way across the Night Elf's face as the vines idly dipped lower, their intent clear enough to get her excited for more.

"Hmm~ Well then, we shouldn't let any of that delicious 'honey' go to waste~" Vira replied, moving between the other two women before gradually lowering herself onto the ground on top of Maya, presenting herself on all-fours to the beautiful plant-woman behind her. "And I know the perfect place to...deposit it~" she cooed, looking back over her shoulder at Ione and wiggling her ass as she spread her pussy lips with her fingers, showing the alraune that her dripping flower was ready to be 'pollinated'. She then positioned her hands at either side of Maya's hips, lightly gripping her waist as she kissed her way down the catgirl's midriff until she reached her nethers, stopping oly to wait until Ione penetrated her before thrusting her tongue deep into Maya's pussy, eager to return the favor and make her cum.

Ione -> Maya & Vira

Ione gave pause at Vira's movements and her enthusiastic coos, staring frozen at the night elf's form for a moment before breaking further into a grin. To say that she was enticed would be an incredible understatement, and Vira soon felt as she went down on the cat girl in front of her the motions of the alraune moving up behind her. Giggling lustfully, Ione willed a tentacle to barely emerge from a spot above her lower lips, cooing softly herself as she held and traced it along Vira's own nether. Another tendril, one that had been tracing along Maya's stomach before, found itself moving upward as Ione positioned herself, hovering at the cat girl's lips and pressing gently into them, as if to entice her to suckle upon it. Maya's hands similarly would feel two more brush into her palms, very eager for her to do something with them as well.

Looking over at Maya as she finished positioning herself, Ione gave the cat girl a seductive wink before slowly pushing herself into Vira's folds, moaning softly as she pressed on before burying herself to the hilt. Held deeply with the night elf, the alraune was surprised at just how... tight the woman was, and as she began to slowly pump into her that tightness quickly proved to be quite the force! As her tendril motioned within Vira, waves of pleasure crashed into her mind, the night elf's folds squeezing at her relentlessly. Enticed by the pleasure, Ione plowed on passionately, leaning over and letting one of her hands trace along the dragonfly-like wings that adorned the Night Elf's back. And as she continued on, the plant girl couldn't help but look at the cat girl that Vira was servicing below, and who she might be serving with her free tendrils should she permit it, and smile with a warm but lewd grin.

Leaning back to lay as Vira comes down over her, Maya looks elated as the kisses begin trailing down her body. Watching the way the night elf presented herself to Ione only seemed to excite her more, seeming enthralled about the entire scene. "Mmmmm~" purring out a happy murmur, as she lets her head fall back and closes her eyes in anticipation of the sensations she knew would soon be coming. When the tentacle prods at her lips, Maya's eyes flick open again as she gasps at the pleasant surprise. Two more tentacles greeting her hands, she squees with delight, instantly beginning to salivate even more than she already had been. Catching the alraune's wink, Maya casts a lewd grin back, licking up the tendril once before eagerly taking it into her mouth. She could already taste it! A tiny amount of precum on the tendril. That wonderful sweet intoxicating blue liquid. She would earn every drop she could. As Vira would begin, so would Maya lovingly work her tongue over Ione's tendril and allow it full use of her mouth's services. Her hands taking up the others, stroking and caressing them with hands still nicely slick from the two women's juices.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala-->Enigma, (and indirectly everyone else within earshot)

Nala squinted in the shadowed light and her perceptive gaze pierced the steamy haze to take in this new bather, and her ears picked up other movements not far off in the distance... the slither of scales... and some splashing and a male voice not far off on the other side of the spring.

"I did not know my studies were that widely known... it's surprising and somewhat gratifying. Ah... yes, my name is Nala, and I do specialize in natural-entropic sexual conditioning. You have a memorable appearance, my elven cousin, should I know your name?"

Nala rose up to her full height in the water, letting the hot liquid beads dribble down her pert breasts as she approached the high elf without fear. She was not sure yet who this woman was, but the rules of this island would allow her to approach anything with a safe aura of curiosity.

"Please, come closer, no need for us to be shy."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Tomoe

Tamonten's cheeks burned as the miko spoke of her...condition. The swordswoman still wasn't sure what had possessed her to do all that. How had she gone from being apologetic for what she had to do during the fight to butt-fucking a shrine maiden? It was a little hard for the pale-skinned woman to admit that she had enjoyed the act, let alone to figure out how to even try to make amends for it. The matter wasn't helped by fond memories of the taste of the eastern warrior's essence. If she wasn't careful, Tamonten feared that she might become addicted to that sort of thing. The demonic girl cleared her throat, feeling increasingly awkward about the whole situation. "Er, yes, let's take a dip. I'll help you wash until you get some energy back."

Despite any discomfort at the idea, the pale-skinned woman stepped forward into the water, Tomoe still in her arms. Tamonten dipped one foot in to acclimate herself at first and, after finding that the spring was wonderfully hot, stepped in. The heat was incredibly relaxing for the possessed swordswoman's muscles. A few stone benches seemed to dot the floors of the steamy onsen, perfect for sitting. Picking one near the edge of the water, closer to the privacy offering trees, the taller woman made her way towards it. When she had reached the seat, Tamonten began to lower the shapely woman into the pool, though she slowed the process to allow Tomoe to get accustomed to the heat. After the eastern woman was in the water, the swordswoman carefully placed her former opponent on the edge of one of the stones. The manacled girl straddled the bench to sit behind the miko. Without much warning, Tamonten began to rub the easterner's back with her hands, attempting to clean away some of the filth, mostly sweat, partially because she wasn't sure how to go about helping the woman she just violated clean her more sensitive areas yet. "I'll, er, try to keep it platonic this time," the would-be weaponmaster spoke up nervously.

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma
(A different time from the Tomoe visit!)

After some time spent walking the mostly naked Enigma around, all the while sporting her own frilly maid outfit, Tamonten's mistress had apparently chosen to partake in the local hot springs. As the naga's travel plans rapidly changed, so too did her feelings towards the elf and the human's clothing situation. Quickly stripped naked by Auralice, the pale swordswoman could only gasp and try to cover her nudity sheepishly, a task that became much harder when the half-breed snakewoman dragged her into the onsen. One that became much less appealing to the woman as her perky breasts were groped by her mistress, as well. As the serpent-tailed woman toyed with her chest, the enthralled woman began to cuddle into her mistress's embrace, quickly forgetting that she was in a somewhat public area and about the potential for spectators. When Auralice offered a statement that could have been construed as praise, the possessed human began to rub her body against the naga, proud to have pleased her mistress and eager to continue doing so.

How could she have ever doubted that her mistress knew best? The swordswoman would have smacked herself for her doubt if she wasn't too busy basking in Auralice's attentions.

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk!

The swordswoman didn't realize quite how literal the Dragoness was in her answer. So, rather than finding it potentially sad that the giantess never had a choice, or perhaps happy that Zaro could find joy in her morbid task, or any number of the conflicting emotions that might have arose, she felt something a little simpler. Tamonten felt amazement at the woman's apparent dedication. "That's admirable!" The pale-skinned human offered in her lack of understanding, taking her eyes off her work once again to look at Zaro. By that point, the carving had only really just begun. What remained of snapped off twigs had been carved away and smoothed out, yet the wood still needed a bit of work. "I wish I could be that dedicated," the manacled girl added, unaware of what that would have entailed.

"As for me?" Tamonten wasn't bothered by the vice-versa questioning, having always replaced quality with quantity, herself, when engaging in any lengthy conversation. Indeed, she was all too ready to prattle out her entire life story to her training partner. "This probably sounds silly, especially after what you just saw, but I wanted to be the best swordsman in the Empire, maybe even the world. My father was a swordsman from Amazonia, a mercenary," As always, Tamonten's voice filled with reverence and she practically beamed as she spoke of her parent. "He was the best swordsman in his company. He fought in several wars before I was born. Father used to tell me bedtime stories about valiant knights and heroic soldiers." The possessed girl sighed wistfully, fond memories passing through her head. "There was one about a swordsman who would travel from place to place in a quest for perfection, challenging masters to duels and winning every fight. I remember spending so much time waving a stick around and pretending I was challenging the greatest swordsmen to single combat, like that man. After enough begging and a liberal application of guilt, I got my father to teach me swordsmanship and I've trained hard ever since." Tamonten returned her eyes to her woodcarving efforts, continuing without looking up. "I've never stopped wanting to be the best, it's like an obsession, maybe even an addiction, but I guess I got distracted by my arm." The manacled appendage was raised briefly as if to accentuate the point before returning to holding the training sword.

"In some way, I suppose I always wanted to be like my father. He was my hero. Did you have someone to look up to when you were learning, Lady Zaro? A hero of your own, maybe?" Another question that had been intended to be simple, which was potentially complicated by Tamonten's inability to know the taller female's history.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala-->Enigma, (and indirectly everyone else within earshot)

Nala squinted in the shadowed light and her perceptive gaze pierced the steamy haze to take in this new bather, and her ears picked up other movements not far off in the distance... the slither of scales... and some splashing and a male voice not far off on the other side of the spring.

"I did not know my studies were that widely known... it's surprising and somewhat gratifying. Ah... yes, my name is Nala, and I do specialize in natural-entropic sexual conditioning. You have a memorable appearance, my elven cousin, should I know your name?"

Nala rose up to her full height in the water, letting the hot liquid beads dribble down her pert breasts as she approached the high elf without fear. She was not sure yet who this woman was, but the rules of this island would allow her to approach anything with a safe aura of curiosity.

"Please, come closer, no need for us to be shy."

Enigma ---> Nala ---> Enigma ----> Auralice ---> Tamonten

As the sound of slithering scales greet Nala, she could perhaps swear that the image of the elf before her "shimmered" a bit, though only for a second. The bemused smile which accompanied such a strange...phenomenon did little to disprove that either, even as the high elf would opt to indeed take up the night elf on her offer and stand as well before approaching... though her body, barring the typical elven figure, was not nearly as well endowed as Nala's was. Moving close enough to show that she was indeed "present" and "real" should one attempt to touch her and the likes.

"I do suppose it would be a bit...incredulous to be shy given the contest we are both wrapped up in at this time. And yes, your studies are quite the topic among more open-minded scholars such as I, well that and your strain of magic is apparently finding great use by demonkind last I heard. Fascinating really, though hardly my own specialty. Would ever love to find out more about it- Ah, but where are my manners? If there is a name I could offer you by which to recognize, it would perhaps be "Enigma", "the wanderer" as some call me. Though as this environment is a tad...sporadic already, for purposes of addressing me, please call me "Paradox" instead. "


Meanwhile, the "other" Enigma, would have found herself in a state of...perpetual blushing, if not embarrassment the entire time as she was so liberally "walked" across the island...looking as if she might simply pass out from it given how red her normally pale face was by the end of it. Being put in a naked apron was one thing... Being paraded around with the intent of becoming a spectacle for strangers was...something else. Thus unlike Tamonten, when her mistress brought them to the hot springs and stripped them of their garments... The necromancer would actually breathe a sigh of...relief. At least being naked, or near naked was normal in a hot spring.
Though as for being groped across her most flat, but sensitive chest...that...was something she could do without, as she found herself squirming just a bit...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Paradox." Nala seemed to roll the name out on her tongue, as if tasting the way it sounded and coming up with no clear dislike, but finding no wow factor in it either. "Also known as Enigma or the wanderer. Well... aren't you the mysterious little thing..."

Nala approached to within arm's length of the petite elf. Nala was by no means extremely well endowed, but she was more 'gifted' than the strange girl before her. Still, she loved that hair, and there was something pleasantly unique about this one that stoked the fires of Nala's curiosity.

"So, you're interested in my work? Pray tell. What about it interests you? I'm always happy to speak about what I've learned. It really is an... exciting field of study. Highly underappreciated, even taboo in many cultures. Very unfortunate. So you are a scholar? Yes, you have the look of a mage about you. So nice to find someone of similar bent, Par."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

As Nala opts to exposition a bit into her studies, she would find that the grin upon "Paradox" 's visage only grew wider and wider. Truly the two were kindred spirits... Both masters of lines of magic often scorned, or forbidden by other practitioners... and if she could be so fortunate, both willing to take means to further such "abandoned" lines at the possible "expense" of others, if rumors had proved correctly.

Choosing to avert her eyes slightly, running a hand through the long multi-colored hair that fell past her shoulders to feign combing her hair, Enigma would speak in a bemused tone of voice...though remain cryptic still.

"A low profile is generally preferable to me dear, I am sorry to say. Though whispers seem to escape every now and then anyway. As for your work, I am fascinated by simply what you have accomplished. You have taken what many, I myself included at a point in time, a "fruitless" activity and turned it into a thing of great depth and power, a task that deserves the greatest of praise if anything, even if the ignorant refuse to acknowledge its worth still. Hearing of your success was perhaps one of the only times I regret having opted to ignore the potential of carnal pleasures as a means to assert authority, control, and mastery. But with that said though, it is also doubtful that rumors from the mill could express the true extent of your research... Thus, I do suppose my greatest interest at this time would be to learn the theory of your line of power directly from you my dear Nala. I am ever so curious after all."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Ah, well if it's a low profile you're intending to keep, Par, you might want to try a 'quieter' hair color," Nala chuckled and slipped down next to Paradox, sitting at a close distance, but not quite touching. Nala was aware of personal space issues, but wanted to see if anything about her being this close was bothersome to the other mage, and to use that as an illustrative point if possible.

"But as to the theory of my studies, it's very simple. Sexual congress is a perfectly natural drive, and the desire to engage in sex and partake of the many emotions associated with it - love, lust, infatuation, curiosity - this is all deeply rooted in our animal psyche, the very core of our beings, the stuff that makes us truly alive. Even the most prudish of creatures has this within them, undeniably. Through the mastery of nature attunement, I can pinpoint these instincts and strengthen them, while with a mastery of the sphere of entropy, I can likewise locate and break down the barriers that 'life experiences' or what I like to call 'social disinclination' instill upon mortals. I can sense and file away inhibitions and strengthen natural instincts to react favorably to my sexual presence... If I may.."

Nala stretched out a hand and pressed it to Paradox' wrist. Her eyes closed in concentration and she began to caress the high elf's arm. With a sudden shiver, Nala released her hand and broke the contact.

"You... have some unusual and strong disinclinations..."

Nala frowned, not wishing to expound upon what she had just felt.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Paradox" ---> Nala

There is perhaps a brief moment of...discomfort, as the color of her hair is brought up, though for the sake of maintaining an amiable atmosphere, Paradox opts to let the statement pass without much commentary, choosing instead to listen as she was offered the explanation she...requested.

Yet when the night elf offered a demonstration...and the reaction that followed...now "that", that was when "Paradox" 's interest truly began to show, as an almost wicked smile graced her.

"Is that so my dear?...What did you see exactly when you peered within? In that brief glimpse?... Please do tell dear, I am curious..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Six

Either choosing to ignore or simply not noticing the other's reluctance, Pale instead chooses to ponder colour choices out loud. "Hmm. You don't seem like one who wants to attract attention, so it should be something that blends in...too bad, since I bet you'd look stunning in red...brown? No, too boring. Yellow spots or stripes might work...or maybe green?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale

Six continued to flush a bright blue, even as she tried to figure out a reason the paint even existed. Camoflage? But then why would they have such garish colors? Intimidation? Perhaps, it's one of the more logical ways, though she probably would have laughed if she saw an opponent painted in yellow warstripes. Even still, Six was unsure about the vampire's course of action. Surely, even with her marred and scarred body, it was intimidating enough without accentry...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Six

Picking up a can of bright green paint, Pale asks instructions from the "owner" and, upon receiving them, leads Six to the back room. With a short command "Stay still" Pale gets to work. Putting the can down, she picks up a brush and starts working on Six, the bright green turning dark on the blackened skin. Working with long strokes and avoiding major erogenous zones, it doesn't take her long to finish. The end result is..peculiar, but it would no doubt pass for a camouflage in a forest.

Stepping back from her victim, Pale regards the end result. Pointing at a mirror on the wall, she utters with a mischievous grin: "What do you think?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale

Six had followed, thanks to her training's focus on following orders, but had mentally found herself preparing for the worst. She could almost picture the kind of derogatory terms that could result from this...

And then she was told to look. Quietly, Six opened one of her eyes, and found... nothing too peculiar. In fact, the camoflage style of painting was a surprise, as it partly fit with Six's first thoughts.

"A... plesent surprise," she admitted, blushing even deeper now she was proven wrong. "M-may I ask why?" She was expecting some form of catch, because, well, it was kinda how everything else to this point have acted.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Six

Smiling at the compliment, Pale takes a moment to consider an answer. "Because I wanted to see if I could make you even more beautiful. Would you like to try to paint me? I won't mind if you mess something up, these are all washable."