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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"I... wha?" Six stammered, the blue that had been crossing her cheeks soon turning to a deep violet shade with the intensity. These compliments...

"I-I'm sorry... but me? Beautiful? I'm sorry but, I can't quite wrap my head around that prospect..." she admitted, head drooping a little.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Six

Her voice quieting down Pale answers more seriously: "I think you're beautiful. Not like human, but beautiful nevertheless. Then again, my sense of aesthetics is somewhat peculiar."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Semi-clean Tomoe -> Backscrub Tamo

With the girl's words, the pair of them went down into the water, doing it with a degree of slowness to get adjusted into the higher-than-usual temperature of the liquid. Despite not needing all that much adjustment, Tomoe liked the fact that her carrier considered her well-being. Despite her earlier rough and rather straightforward violation of her body, the girl seemed to be a considerate, shy personality when not engaged in battle.

Set into the girl's lap once more, the priestess briefly turned her head at the other, flashing an awkwards smile at her. "Right... not that I'd be able to stop you if you... started doing something again.... still feel pretty weak.... though I can move a bit now...." she replied as the other woman spoke up, simultaneously starting to rub at her back. There was probably nothing there except sweat, but the miko could understand why she settled on that area. With her own two hands, Tomoe did some cleaning of her own, rubbing at her womanhood as the pale girl kept up with the backrub. Despite the slightly arousing nature of her clean-up, the easterner would not show it on her face, though it was possible that the girl saw or felt her doing it even as the shrine maiden sought to do the whole thing as discreetly as possible.

Having rubbed enough to get a level of cleanliness she thought appropriate, she moved downwards a bit, inserting a finger at the entry of her rearhole. Without too much hesitation, she poked it inside to stretch out the hole a bit, hoping to get that semen out somehow. This caused her to flinch and make a small sound, but getting herself clean was a more pressing matter and thus Tomoe did not make it an issue, only showing a blush as she did so.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale

Six didn't comment again as the other creature commented her thoughts again, once again reinforcing the huge flush on her face. "Er, right... um... I guess I can try painting you, sure..."

Six looked at the brush and decided it wouldn't work, then quietly- after Pale did any preperations she wished to- got to work, gently dipping a claw end into the paint and then as gently as possible ran the tip around Pale's bare skin. She worked carefully and diligently, not quite sure what she was really working on, however the design eventually turned out to be a mix of lines and spirals, attempting to mimic warpaint in some ways, while also trying to show a sence of grace with it's spiraled patterns. Her strange abstractism finally finished, she backed up and allowed Pale to look.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Six

Seeing Six take the paint, Pale quickly slipped out of her clothes and let Six paint her freely. Looking critically at the results, she smiles. "It looks nice."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale

"Not my best..." Six replied, still deeply flushed. "I found whenever I wasn't chained up that scratching in the dirt helped... helped take my mind off of things," she said, seeming to stop saying too much on the subject. "Admittedly your body's nowhere near the usual canvas I'd mess with, but it had it's own intricatecies," she admitted, her flush still not fading.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Now that Iggy thought he was alone at the baths, he shyly took off his towel and set it aside. He covered himself and gulps as he closes his eyes and hops into the warm bathwater. He then starts to thoroughly clean and wash himself clean of the sticky caramel.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala and "Paradox"

Nala's eyes narrowed, and she paused to gather her thoughts before reasserting herself, squaring her shoulders towards Paradox, and then resting a hand upon the high elf's bare thigh, beneath the surface of the water. When she spoke again, it was with a more serious, less flighty tone.

"I perceived instinctive images. Language is ill-designed to describe such things. I sensed layer upon layer of inhibition, secondary and tertiary natures, a strong sublimation of your sexual nature. You have an incredible sexual appetite -- but you've been funneling it all into other directions, imposing an order upon it that was never meant to be there. You said that in the past you considered such pursuits a waste of time? Sadly, I believe you, even though you were lying to yourself."

Nala had leaned in close by this point, and the hand on Paradox' thigh was moving upwards, towards the girl's bum, her fingers tracing the skin tenderly, as if to convince Paradox that nothing about the touching was wrong.

Beachside (1 hour before)
Nala --> Luciana

After having awoken from a mutually exhaustive sleep, the two women found themselves entwined upon a blanket near the seaside. Nala stretched and yawned, then hoisted herself up on an elbow to look Luciana over. "You were more than wonderful, Luciana. My first succubus, and you did not disappoint. We should do this again some time. Ah... by the way... I do apologize for tricking you, but don't worry, the effects aren't permanent. You won't feel devoted to me because of my spell after a few days. Of course, I can't do anything about your devotion to me because of the incredible sex~"

Nala grinned and pinched Luciana's cheek.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Paradox" ---> Nala

"Layer upon layer? Perhaps. You see dear, due to the nature of my personal craft, I am made to set..."definitions" for myself, guidelines as to how I am to act, when I am to act, and what I am to act upon, lest I lose myself in my works. I know not if that is the source of what you saw...however, I will say that, until recently, such was a primary reason for my...abstinence from such carnal indulgences, if not most pleasures in general. No love for fine drink do I have, nor desire for wealth. Although fine to have, lavish comforts are unsuitable to my tastes, and exotic delicacies are simply unnecessary. A cup of tea and perhaps some scones now and then are enough for my palette, for sustenance is hardly ever a large concern of mine. The pursuit of knowledge, and by extension my craft, was my only passion for the longest time..."

As Nala put her hand upon the high elf's thigh however, she would feel the latter become unnaturally tense...along with possibly, an intense air of hostility...though only for a moment, causing it to seem more as a "reflex" rather than an intentional response. For once "Paradox" seemed to have processed that the touch was permissible, she would allow herself to "relax"...her body slackening just a bit.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala --> Paradox

Nala tilted her head to the side, reading into the other woman's words.

"You've set yourself on a dangerous path, if you have to limit yourself with definitions. Knowledge at any cost? That could be maddening as well..."

She noticed the flinch, saw the spark of the hostility as her touch ignited an instinctive reaction which was quickly masked.

"You do not like my touch? It's not intended to harm you... even if I wanted to, I could not. Nor will I use my powers on you. I take care in choosing my experimental subjects - only on people who do me a discourtesy, or those who volunteer for it."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Tomoe

The swordswoman continued her efforts on Tomoe's back for a time. The miko's reply was met with a sheepish glance to the side, even though the lithe woman wasn't face-to-face with her former opponent anyway. A feeling of arousal stirred in her body at the idea of dominating the helpless shrine maiden again. Oh gods, I have a problem, the woman silently reprimanded herself. Trying to return her focus to the task at hand, she didn't notice Tomoe's hand diving down to wash her womanhood at first, though Tamonten had a few suspicions as to what the easterner was doing when she began cleaning. It was a little bit more difficult to miss the sight of the eastern woman washing her other violated hole. Malleable energy and desire stirred within the demonic woman's manacled appendage.

No, she wouldn't give in, the possessed girl mentally repeated to herself. It was much more difficult than she thought it would be to resist the temptation, to resist the lustful energy that could grant her a member. In Tamonten's mind she was even fighting a battle against reason, I can be gentle on her this time to make up for the last. But regardless of whether or not she really would be more gentle, the girl with the blackened arm knew that she was trying to give herself an excuse to molest the eastern maiden again. What came of her ongoing internal argument in the end was that the pale woman slipped her hands around the miko, rubbing at her hips and under her noticeable chest. The demonic girl's own perky breasts brushed against the easterner's back from time to time, stiffened tips pressing into the miko's exposed flesh, though not on purpose this time. Neither hand wandered to Tomoe's sensitive spots, although the swordswoman tried to aid the warrior maiden's own cleaning routine in any way she could. "Tell me if anything makes you too uncomfortable, okay?" Tamonten spoke softly from behind the woman.

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma

At the sight of a blushing Enigma, Tamonten knew exactly what she could do to further earn her mistress's favor. The pale swordswoman grinned mischievously, readjusting her arm so that she could reach across the naga without obstructing Auralice's access to grope her own small tits. Slowly snaking her freed appendage across the serpentine woman's body, the human's target would quickly become clear; Enigma's chest. The hand softly grabbed and groped at the elf's unoccupied breast, carefully rubbing the necromancer's sensitive nipples between her fingers and massaging the small orb. With a hand suitably attached to Enigma's soft skin, the manacled woman continued to rub her own body against her half-breed mistress. Green eyes looked up at Auralice, searching for approval for her initiative.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Paradox" ---> Nala

"My apologies, I am generally required to "accept" a touch before it happens, lest there be...messy, consequences. I did not mean to offend you dear, nor discourage the spirit of...experimentation. No, in fact...that is one of the primary reasons that I approached you dear. I am "requesting" that you demonstrate your abilities upon me, out of both curiosity and in actuality, necessity."

There is a glint in one of the high elf's heterocromatic eyes, one that could possibly be described to be that of...madness perhaps, as Nala perhaps accidentally suggested earlier. Though oddly enough, as that glint appeared. the other eye...the one with a purple pupil, seemed to lose its life, becoming...hollow and empty.

"As to my sanity though, I possess enough of it still for conscious, and logical thought. Albeit, logic that differs from what some consider to be traditional trains of thought, but it exists nonetheless. I am not kind enough yet that I would perform actions out of utter self-sacrifice, even to a fellow scholar. So I beseech you Nala dear, enemy I may not be to you, but do not fear to grant me a full demonstration of your powers. If it were possible for me to become utterly bound by mental shackles, then my own research would have been for naught anyway."


Enigma ---> Tamonten ---> Auralice

"Hah?...What are you..."

As she began to find her chest assaulted by not only her mistress, but the white-haired warrior as well, the elf began to moan out...if only slightly, despite attempting to squirm away still.

"Is it...Can we not simply...take a bath?...Honestly..."

...Naturally, they couldn't, not given the inclinations of her mistress and the half demon with her. Yet no really, why was she allowing herself to have this done to her again? This really...made...no...sense. But at the same time, it seemed to make all the sense if the world.

Too weak to actually slip free of the grasp however, Enigma would find herself with little choice but to remain there as she was...so attended to, even as the light of life faded from one of her eyes, that being the one which with a crimson red, even as the sensations slowly began to be...slightly appealing to her...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Anally-violated Tomoe -> Tamo the Lustful

Immersed in the steaming water with her "caretaker", Tomoe held open her rear for a while, each passing second making her want to make a sound as she tensed it. A while later, she considered the cleansing done, enough of the water had entered and exited to make her assured about the result. The girl holding her still carried on with the backrub, but stopped a moment after she had finished the intimate scrubbing of her lower areas. Before the priestess had the opportunity to as what was up, arms wrapped around her shapely form, rubbing across her hips and midsection. Despite feeling the two points pressing against her back, the easterner was assured of the pale girl's good intensions when she spoke up. "I will... don't worry..." she replied to the comment, letting the girl go about her business while she reached for her arms and shoulders at the same time.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nala

As Nala started to stir, Luciana slowly awoke, nuzzling herself gently into the dark elf’s side. "Ah, thank you. For your part, you were great. That was one of the more… fulfilling… experiences I’ve had." When Nala apologized, the succubus shook her head, saying "no, don’t apologize. That’s the point of the competition, really. And… I don’t mind this. It’s been exciting and fun to have a mistress worthy of the title. Even without your magic, I think I would still feel the urge to bend my knee to you. I don’t know when the daemon will see fit to send us back home, but until then feel free to call on me whenever you want." When Nala pinched her cheek she smiled and gave a little bow to the dark elf, saying "and now, if I have your leave mistress, I’ll be on my way. I smell of sweat and sex, and would like to clean myself before I seek out new experiences on this wonderful island."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor

His stay at the springs interrupted, the tension that built up eventually left his muscles the further behind Bakan left the hot water river. He wasn't quite sure, but despite his keen evasion of the unstable contestants the island had he was suspicious of an invisible force overlooking him, seeking to foil his plot to take advantage of the island's luxurious locations without having to fight in the arena. 'If I were to be subject to all of their madness, I'd fear for my own sanity.' he thought.

A unique building came into view, seemingly empty of any signs of inhabitants other than the staff, that Bakan was more than assured of now would not attack him. A rather obvious banner was above it's entrance, telling of what it's purpose was. Still not satisfied that he had recovered from his previous tortures, he steps towards the greeters, and asked the first question on his mind, "Are there any other contestants here?" and the answer he received was a flatly spoken "No."

"What a shame~" Bakan said sarcastically, and with a skip in his step he gladly announced that he'd love to have someone tend to his sore body. "... No full-body, please," he made sure to add, before he was taken in to, for the first time so far, enjoy the island for what it had to offer.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Alex -> Bakan

If anyone asked why she did it the girl would probably cock her head quizzically to the side. Maybe they had a bit of mischief in them. Maybe the daemonic host was a bit of a prankster himself. Either way once Bakan was properly prepared and led to his table he would find another girl working on a rather familiar looking scaly back.

At first glance it would look like Alex was out cold, all the work done on her eliciting no reaction at the time, but when the masseuse dug the heel of her palm into the dragon's tough hide a muffled but still quite loud groan of relief could be heard. The pink-haired girl looked a bit pleased with her work, and she moved to a different spot to reveal that Alex was buried face down and was bare as the day she was born.

But her face didn't stay hidden for long, and before he could react she turned so she lay on her cheek and looked straight at Bakan with probably the most relaxed look he would ever see on anyone's face. "Well met... Mmmmm~... Well met, Bakan."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Bakan -> Alex

Walking in with a towel around himself, he stopped as he saw Alex, his eyes wide. After hearing her greet him, he made a small bow to her, "My apologies, I thought this was the men's room," he announced to her, before turning, and promptly being pushed back by the succubus who was to massage him. After a couple shoves, he landed on his back, right next to Alex, with his face looking up at the ceiling, and his hand gripping his towel tightly.

"Greetings," he said with a blank tone and expression, staring up at the ceiling as if in a trance. "Sorry for intruding."
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach - Rocky End
Zaro'Alk -> Tomonten the chatter-box.

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk!

The swordswoman didn't realize quite how literal the Dragoness was in her answer. So, rather than finding it potentially sad that the giantess never had a choice, or perhaps happy that Zaro could find joy in her morbid task, or any number of the conflicting emotions that might have arose, she felt something a little simpler. Tamonten felt amazement at the woman's apparent dedication. "That's admirable!" The pale-skinned human offered in her lack of understanding, taking her eyes off her work once again to look at Zaro. By that point, the carving had only really just begun. What remained of snapped off twigs had been carved away and smoothed out, yet the wood still needed a bit of work. "I wish I could be that dedicated," the manacled girl added, unaware of what that would have entailed.

"As for me?" Tamonten wasn't bothered by the vice-versa questioning, having always replaced quality with quantity, herself, when engaging in any lengthy conversation. Indeed, she was all too ready to prattle out her entire life story to her training partner. "This probably sounds silly, especially after what you just saw, but I wanted to be the best swordsman in the Empire, maybe even the world. My father was a swordsman from Amazonia, a mercenary," As always, Tamonten's voice filled with reverence and she practically beamed as she spoke of her parent. "He was the best swordsman in his company. He fought in several wars before I was born. Father used to tell me bedtime stories about valiant knights and heroic soldiers." The possessed girl sighed wistfully, fond memories passing through her head. "There was one about a swordsman who would travel from place to place in a quest for perfection, challenging masters to duels and winning every fight. I remember spending so much time waving a stick around and pretending I was challenging the greatest swordsmen to single combat, like that man. After enough begging and a liberal application of guilt, I got my father to teach me swordsmanship and I've trained hard ever since." Tamonten returned her eyes to her woodcarving efforts, continuing without looking up. "I've never stopped wanting to be the best, it's like an obsession, maybe even an addiction, but I guess I got distracted by my arm." The manacled appendage was raised briefly as if to accentuate the point before returning to holding the training sword.

"In some way, I suppose I always wanted to be like my father. He was my hero. Did you have someone to look up to when you were learning, Lady Zaro? A hero of your own, maybe?" Another question that had been intended to be simple, which was potentially complicated by Tamonten's inability to know the taller female's history.

It was, in truth, dedication of the highest order... however this kind of dedication was instilled not by willingly choosing to deeply engross herself in the martial arts of protecting others in conflict and obliterating aggressors, but by measures that Tomonten and, or, her kind would find less then pleasing. Perhaps the Giantess was a marvel of genetic manipulation or a wonder of what magically re-enforced indoctrination could do for a powerful Demon, and might be seen as such a good step in terms of science in the eyes of those seeking to learn more about creating quality servants... To others she would be an abomination, to herself it was simply what she was. Zaro was far from the naive, self-pitying beast that merely wished to become a civilized member of some static community, nay, she had no lofty goals save to see the night today and morning of tomorrow. There was no arrogance or sadness, nor rage of being a pawn or desire to inflict misery upon those fortunate enough to be who they are by choice... life was quite... straightforward for her in a pragmatic, thoughtful way.

It was the thoughts regarding this that flitted through her mind as she listened to the pale-warrioress as she talked... and elaborated about her goals in life and why she chose to wield the sword... and continued to talk. All the while Zaro merely shifted, becoming somewhat unsure as to how she should respond for revealing information typically classified as 'personal' was not something she chose to do... at least not from some silly notion of lacking trust in a individual to tell them, rather it was merely a lack of inclination to do so, with minimal experience in being spoken to this much did not make the engineered Shield-Maiden a excellent conversational partner. Most of the time she simply listened with a easy and deep breath in slow movements, finding herself both enjoying the little vibrations of Tomonten's words in her perked ears and watching the waves kiss the sand then fade away, like some of the birds that hovered by a plant and fed upon it's nectar. The rocky outcroppings that stood taller then herself provided them with a natural screen from the rest of the beach and thus privacy was assumed to some point... however Zaro did maintain some sense of situational awareness for survival instincts were wholly trusted.

Which also meant that despite however much Tomonten spoke or however irrelevant she might feel about her words, Zaro never 'switched off', lacking such an irritating quirk she herself noticed in those that did not wish to listen. Remembering every detail would be another matter, for while it was perhaps useful information, it was also information that was borne of personal experience, fuelled by emotions that were difficult to understand and thus... there was a grandly unique difficulty in being able to relate with somebody else. She did understand the sound of optimistic enjoyment in life, the reverence for another superior being and the desire to improve one-self... but that was the only true similarities between herself and this friendly, pale-skinned, demonic-armed woman. It was then she asked the question, oddly giving Zaro the title of 'Lady' once again that felt alien... what was her hero? an easy question, in fact she barely had to spend those long moments in thinking of a good answer with neglected vocal chords; "I... looked up to a female - Narissa. She made me for my duty. She is gone." The guttural words spilled out with some solemn rumbles at the end, and still gazing out to the beautiful ocean, the Giant warrior merely blew some air from her nostrils and tapped her training spear lightly with two vaguely clawed fingers.

"I am what I am, just Shield Maiden. Your Father must have been very skilled. That is... was good." She continued, un-sure as to whether or not Tomoten's father still lived, for she did say that her father was a good swordsman, thus suggesting he was no longer at such a useful capacity, surely to be disposed of at some point. "I am merely... here." Helpfully added, to just about sum up her existence and what she was planning to do... the muscular female did ponder about the way her smaller counterpart mentioned 'obsession' and 'addiction', perhaps it was related to the joy of fighting? That could be related to, although it was quite clear that Tomonten was not specifically born to protect or slaughter. It was now that she managed to tear her gaze away from the soft waves of the clear waters, and blinked whilst tilting her Dragonic skull towards her... acquaintance. "Do you wish to be a hero?" Came the thoughtful question that entirely lacked patronising implications, predatory optics softening as curiousity of a manner not strictly tactical arose, ears perking as the dog-smile departed to make way for a glint of the eyes, looking upon the porcelain fleshed female with quietly burning interest. Of course being under such a gaze from a demonic Giantess would give any normal creature pause... but the pale one was hardly 'normal'.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala --> Paradox

"Gotcha, you don't like to be surprised. I can see how that would be irksome for one that aspires to "know" everything. But really, wouldn't it be boring to never be surprised? Perhaps the 'bliss' everyone refers to about ignorance? Anyways, you've managed to surprise me... you're requesting that I use my techniques on you? Why would you want to put yourself in my hands like that? You've only just met me."

Nala tapped a finger to her lips, pausing in her caressing of Paradox' thigh.

"You think yourself resistant to my magics? It's possible... I haven't perfected the techniques by any standard, especially not my own. Might I know exactly what you intend to get out of this, since you have said you operate on logic? It can't be carnal pleasure... if you wanted that, I could give it to you without the sexual conditioning."

Nala --> Luciana

"You flatter me, Luciana... a mistress couldn't hope to employ a better servant than you. But yes, you have my leave to go clean up. I think I'll follow suit, as you've certainly left your mark on me, again and again and again~"

The night elf giggled sinfully as she thought of how many times the two of them had cum together. The succubus had emptied load after load of gooey warm seed onto and inside of Nala, so much so that it reminded her of some of the larger orgies Nala had orchestrated in the Pfirian Jungles. Amazing that one creature could be so beautiful and such a sex machine. Nala needed more succubus friends.

"If I recall correctly, one of the daemon's servants mentioned an onsen being around her somewhere. Let's go in search of it."
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Nala/Pale/Six

"An onsen? That sounds wonderful, let's" Luciana replied, picking herself up and walking along with her wonderful new mistress on the way to finding the promised onsen. On the way, however, she was distracted by the sight of the vampire she had fought earlier, seemingly having fun painting herself and a strange-looking friend. "Please excuse me, mistress, I have business with that woman, I'll be along in a little bit, alright?" she requested of Nala, brushing a matted strand of hair out of her eyes and heading into the boutique, still smelling strongly of sex. "Hello again, Pale" she said quietly, walking up to the vampire with a smile. "I've been meaning to ask you something."