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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia

For a while, Pale just held Nadia. After a serene moment or two, she yawns and stretches, looking at the stars and the horizon. "I'd say we have an hour before I have to leave. Was there anything else you'd like to do?" the vampire asks in a quiet voice.

Nadia was equally content to hold the silence, breathing deeply and holding the vampire in her arms. Her glowing flesh had already knitted itself closed where she had been bitten, but the angel's glow was still slightly diminished compared to what it had been like when they had entered the pool. Smiling at Pale's words, Nadia quietly kisses Pale one the lips one more time before replying; "You've already been wonderful.... And I wouldn't want to keep you from your rest. Perhaps I can walk you to your room?"

Nadia -> Bakan and Surka

Nadia raised an eyebrow at Bakan's rather obvious ploy to keep from having to bathe with the two of them, but then turned to Surka, waiting for the orc's response. She couldn't help but laugh lightly when Surka seemed to catch onto Bakan's intentions as well, and nodded earnestly as she took to her feet. "It is quite the hassle... And many of the arena's seemed to be filled with things that cover the participants in filth! I've had to take an hour long bath after every match so far!" With that, the angel grabbed Bakan by his hand and led the way to the bath house.

Upon arriving there, the angel paused briefly in the changing room at the entrance, which didn't have any dividers to speak of, and promptly pulled off her robe, revealing the fairly skimpy white bikini that she wore underneath it. Glancing sideways at her tow companions, Nadia said; "The dress code in this place is rather... Strict, I'm afraid. One cannot enter while garbed... In anything. I tried the first time I came here, you see, and my clothes simply vanished, and I had to go back to my room to get fresh ones. I'd like to spare the two of you the indignity of walking across the island, so I'm warning you both right now."

And with that, the rest of her clothes came off, Nadia quite clearly not minding at all if either Bakan or Surka were watching her get undressed. Once she was done, she turned toward the two, facing them squarely with a serene smile one her face, and said; "There are quite a few different kinds of baths here, but I've never tried the sauna's. Would you two like to give them a try, or just go and take a bath?"

Anthriel's Bad Decision

As the angel summoned on her power to strike at the mindless slaves, she noticed several things in consecutive order. Firstly, her power simply did not function when called upon, no matter how much power she pumped into it. Secondly, a voice spoke into her mind, saying simply; 'Stop that.' Finally, the angel was promptly squashed flat to the ground in the middle of the cafe, her chair and table simply vanishing into thin air as a massive weight fell upon her shoulders and pinned her to the floor. She was held there for several moments, completely unable to move, before the force holding her down released her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Springs -> Hotel, before dawn
Pale -> Nadia

Answering the kiss with slight hesitation, Pale considers the angel's words. "You haven't slept either. How about I walk you to your room?"

Cafe, morning
Banshee ->Anthriel

Seeing the table disappear and the angel getting pressed against the ground, Lily blinked, then burst to rich laughter and started clapping her hands. That's a nice trick. How did you do that?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Auralice/Tamonten

Without any delay Luciana found herself pulled into Auralice’s lap again, being gently caressed even as the naga gave almost loving attention to Tamonten. "Just because I enjoyed the sex doesn’t mean I wanted to be enslaved" replied, still sounding a little angry. "I don’t need your help to ‘get in touch with my soul’ damn it! I’m a succubus!" she shouted, though she calmed a little as the serpent stroked her cheek. "My name is Luciana. If you break your spell over me I’d be glad to stay and have some more fun, I just don’t want to be forced! And if you use your magic to enslave me again I will gut you and wear you as a cloak!" she shouted in reply before accepting the kiss, her own tongue rubbing against the naga’s long one, her arms wrapping around Auralice without any attention paid to Tamonten for the moment.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Cafe of rage and subjugation :eek:
Anthriel -> Banshee
"What the... Why?... hmm... BLEHH!!!!!"

Anthriel smashed down into the floor of the cafe, her chosen furniture simply vanishing as what felt like a massive hand pinned her to the ground. Cursing muffledly into the tile Anthriel struggled with all of her might but couldn't move. As the weight lifted off her Anthriel pushed herself back up off the ground to the sound of the girl across the room laughing. "I fail to see whats funny about our current predicament" Anthriel said shaking with rage at being treated so roughly, "If you wish to simply accept our current situation without so much as an attempt at rectifying it than maybe you know something I do not"

Finishing this statement Anthriel smoothed out her ruffled feathers and retrieved her coffee. walking over to the girl and sitting down in front of her. Draining what was left in the cup and running her hands through her hair Anthriel simply looked at the extraordinarily white figure before her. "Anthriel" the angel stated holding out her right hand...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Cafe, morning
Banshee -> Anthriel

Still smiling, Lily is quick to answer "I think I'd like to know more before doing anything hasty. While there may be...unpleasant things going on, we appear to be in no immediate danger, so there's no reason to act like... like a human, if you'll pardon the expression." Lily stands up to take the extended hand. "Lily"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Anthriel-> Lily

Anthriel blushes profusely at the remark, "It's in the blood, and i tend to resent being shackled in any way shape or form..."
Anthriel takes a seat and looks intently at Lily for a few seconds. "How would you proceed than if you don't mind me asking" Anthriel says quietly as she once again toys with the large collar around her neck, the silver chain links set at intervals around its girth tinkling slightly as Anthriel turns her black gaze to her coffee
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Banshee -> Anthriel

Lily appears to ponder the question for a moment, looking at Anthriel's necklace absentmindedly. "The first order of business, I think, should be gathering information. Where we are, exactly. Is this even the same dimension? We'll also need to find out what our host - or hosts - are like, and where are they. After that we can figure out a plan. Have you fought anyone? I was told that this is some sort of tournament, so it's likely that there are arenas of some sort somewhere. If they indeed force us to fight, we must be transported there, somehow. I'd like to see how that happens."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Anthriel -> Lily
The Cafe of
conspiracy and plot

Anthriel's motions stop cold as Lily poses her questions. "As far as the golems have said, and they didn't say much, this island is a place of erotic combat and that although you may challenge opponents as often as not you are simply deposited in one of many different arena's. I personally have not been involved in this and in all honesty if someone were to try and take liberty with me, forced by rule or otherwise, I would become very, very, upset"

Anthriel had not intended to make a small speech and realizing that the venom in her words was not only unwarranted but unhelpful apologizes, at a loss as to what to do...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Banshee -> Anthriel

Taking another fruit from her plate, Lily starts towards the door. "Well, lets start by taking to the air and trying to find out where this island is." As she takes another step, Lily disappears in a blinding flash.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Anthriel watches as Lily vanishes... And then on a whim throws a coffee cup at that exact spot and watched it vanish before bailing ass out of the cafe to avoid being teleported herself, Flying as fast as she could towards the beach

Coffee Cup VS. Lily, Slime Arena
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Nadia, Surka
Dem Baths

Everything was riding on Surka's response. And with the first words out of her mouth, Bakan openly heaved a sigh of immense relief... Only to choke on his own breath as she turned right around to place a metaphorical knife in his back. His mouth was openly agape in shock as he realized both of the girls were grinning. Realization came to him quickly that he was outnumbered, which was further implied as Nadia grabbed his arm, and pulled him towards the baths, her expression clearly stating to him that he was not going to escape the situation with such indirect attempts.

Though caught off guard, and vulnerable for a moment, he closed his awestruck mouth, and frowned, putting on an expression of steel. He was the man in this situation. He has the most control between the two of them. He nodded to himself sternly. 'I'm only going to these baths because I want to. It would have been rude to decline their invitation,' he told himself. 'I have the perfect weapon against this situation...' he chuckled, finding himself clever.

Nadia pulled off her robe, and Bakan gave no response.

And when she took off her revealing bikini, Bakan again gave no response.

When she caught sight of him changing some distance away from them, she'd find a certain strip of his own cloth around his eyes, blinding him from any lewd sight around him, while she'd also notice a victorious grin on his face. 'The master of this island thankfully makes their rules clear. I am not allowed to wear clothing, beneath the neck, so a blindfold is fair game!' he announced to himself proudly.

With one hand covering his manhood, his other hand blindly searched along the wall for the bath entrance, before Surka and Nadia would perhaps become alerted to his presence at the loud dong heard from Bakan walking face-first into a hollow support beam, and sequentially holding his face in pain.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Reaching the beach Anthriel dumped every ounce of energy she had into her speed and took off like a bullet into the open air above the sea. a few minutes later and several miles out to sea she feels the restrictions on her power fade and as soon as she has a grip on her abilities she uses Instant Transmission to get far away from this twisted place, popping into existence on a beach far more to her liking in the pacific ring of fire. blissfully alone...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Surka -> Nadia, Bakan

Surka could barely stifle a small chuckle as the Angel led him off, staying in place a moment to shake her head and regain herself, before following the two on their path, taking note of the direction and distance to their destination.

Once there, the half-orc gave a second of looking around in unsurety of how to proceed until the angel began to strip in front of them. In that instant, she froze, suddenly realizing that, although she had been told about the nature of the arenas on this island, she had yet to "scope out the competition" so to speak. But now it was clear, it was right in front of her and was she ever getting an eyeful of it. Her eyes explored her milky skin as it was revealed to her, time seemingly slowing for the robe to descend her body, revealing her creamy flesh, not quite hiding her fantastic musculature. She fixed on the divine sight of the Fey's round rump only for a moment before her eyes distractedly came back to meet those of the woman she had practically been leering at, the nature of the spring being explained, nodding to thank her for her warning. Feeling she had stared perhaps a little too long, she feigned some privacy by turning sideways herself to let Nadia remove the remains of her garments, as she started on her own.

Slipping her fingers under the single shoulder from which her furred cloth hung, she lifted it, soon letting the baggy mess hit the ground. She followed suit with the tattered wool clothes she had underneath until she was fully in the nude herself, her light pale green skin visible to multiple eyes for the first time since she can remember. With the men of her sexually charged tribe usually lusting over her but unable to force or coerce her into sex, her personal pleasures didn't particularly call for her to be completely in the buff in front of the men she led, though she did occasionally call on a singular audience for such times. Her blue eyes turned sideways at Nadia briefly, before returning to her own toned body, biting her lip, reminiscing over the fact that none of her partners who enjoyed her company were ever female. Closing her eyes and filling her lungs with a deep breath, Surka released her tension and thoughts along with the air as she exhaled, putting on a courteous smile to turn back to her companions.

Her smile was immediately transformed into an amused grin in front of her clenched teeth, cutting short the laugh trying to escape her lips, as she spotted their male friend returning with his eyes wrapped for, who knows what reason, but still equipped with an assured look on his face. There was just something so upliftingly charming about his foolish naivety, she had to shake her head smiling as she turned to speak to Nadia, being cut off before she started with a loud noise. Her hand had to cover her mouth in amusement but a touch of genuine concern, taking half a step forward towards Bakan, who managed to lead himself into the first obstacle he could. Seeing he was all right for wear, but hoping further accidents could be prevented, she walked over to him and, though she toyed with the idea of reaching to pull away the hand he was using to block his member, decided it was best to try and take his free hand to lead him back to where Nadia was, after quietly speaking to him. "What are you doing? You'll make an idiot of yourself. Will you just take that ridiculous thing off?"

Finally reaching Nadia, they were offered a choice on their preferences. Having still been wound quite tight from the walk to the cafe and springs following her constant runs around the beach, which left lingering traces of sand around her feet, she hoped she wasn't to impose when responding, "Well, personally, I could go straight for some relaxing and getting clean myself. I think I've worked up quite a sweat as it was already and look forward to some nice warmth against my skin."
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Springs -> Hotel, before dawn
Pale -> Nadia

Answering the kiss with slight hesitation, Pale considers the angel's words. "You haven't slept either. How about I walk you to your room?"

Smiling, Nadia kindly replied; "Of course you can!" With that, the angel spread her wings and released Pale from her embrace, though she stayed close to the vampire as the two made their way out of the water. "It's this way." Unless otherwise interrupted, Nadia led Pale across the island and up to the door of her own room, not at all bothered by her nudity as far as Pale (or anyone gawking) could tell. "This is it! It is rather late..... I could let you stay the day in my room, if you like. I wouldn't want to impose though..." She said, and then turned to Pale, waiting to see what the woman might say.

Nadia -> Bakan and Surka

Nadia watched the other two covertly as she removed her own clothing, a slight smile appearing on her face as Surka rather openly leered at her. She turned toward the two of them once she was completely in the nude, watching as Surka dropped her clothing unceremoniously to the floor, in contrast to how Nadia had slipped them off and folded them into an alcove that was present for just such a purpose.

Her gaze followed Surka's to find Bakan, the blindfold over his eyes. Raising her eyebrows, Nadia watched the man blunder about blindly, until he finally walked headfirst into a pillar. The angel had almost tried to warn the man, but stopped herself from doing so, instead simply shaking her head with a wry smile on her face. Seeing Surka move over and pull the man over to her, Nadia waited until they were close before saying; "Let him have his blindfold if it makes him more comfortable. Are you alright, Bakan? You should let us lead you around, if you insist on wearing that thing. Don't fret... Surka and I will take good care of you." She threw a conspiratorial wink at Surka at her last comment, and then stepped forward, taking the hand that he had been using to try and block his member from view.

"That's quite fine, right this way!" Nadia replied when Surka conveyed her desire to simply get clean, and then the angel led the pair gently into the bathouse, to one of the smaller "private" baths that were laid off to the side. Climbing down into the heated water first, Nadia turned around and said; "Careful! Come toward me slowly, Bakan. The steps are slippery, and I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Carefully guiding the man down into the pull by his hand, Nadia stood still rather than move out of the way, smiling teasingly all the while. When Bakan reached the bottom step, he would find himself pressed against Nadia's body, her breast pushed gently against his chest.

She pulled him, and through him Surka, further into the bath until all three of them were submerged. Keeping her wings spread wide so as to keep them out of the water, Nadia led Bakan deeper, her body still pressed against his, until she could push the man gently down onto a bench. "Comfy?" She said, staring down at him and releasing his hand. Once Bakan had answered one way or another, Nadia turned to Surka and said; "I must thank you for offering to aid me... As useful as they are, keeping my wings clean is such a chore."

(We can probably move to the arena now. Anyone that wants to post first in the Bath House, go ahead.)
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Ione & Tomoe : Hot Springs
Ione -> Lily & Tomoe: Hot Springs

Ione felt a little relief at Tomoe's words, the woman taking the time to agree with her thoughts on feeling pleasure. Her emphasis on holding in desire and not forcing things on others did make impact on the plant girl, but as much as she was lifted by the words she still couldn't help but feel her lustful nature would foil her efforts greatly regardless of how she went about trying to suppress it. 'It's just the way I am. When something cute catches my eye I just can't help myself...' The talk and correction of her misused virginities made Ione feel a bit sheepish, but the idea of following something like chastity drained nearly all the color from the plant girl's face. 'Not have sex... as in ever!? I think I would wilt up from lack of contact if I did that!'

As the alraune continued to feel down, Lily's sudden intervention and kind words brought comfort to Ione, and as the girl wrapped her arms around her, the plant girl slowly brought her own to do the same. With the other plant girl agreeing with her thoughts on feeling pleasure, Ione could feel her spirits slowly return. The white bloom's own thoughts on not forcing it with others mixed in too, and as she went on to apologize to Tomoe for the peeking, Ione remained in the other plant girl's gentle embrace. She did it mostly for simple comfort, but it wasn't long before she was reminded another reason her mind might wish for such an embrace.

Blushing lightly from feeling the other girl's stamen brushing against her gently, Ione pulled away from Lily to turn and look at Tomoe again. "I'd... I'd like to apologize too. I merely wandered in and found you two... enjoying yourselves. I was trying not to be so... entranced myself actually... but... well I'm a lot more lustful than the both of you are. The thoughts just sort of come without thinking about it. And my actions too..." Ione closed her eyes looking away, remembering again about how she went about almost violating Bakan without thinking about it. To a certain white bloom, what Ione just said however might remind her of what had transpired just moments before Tomoe arrived, with Ione's forward offer to her.

Whether it dawned on Lily or not, Ione returned her gaze to Tomoe with a half-lidded happy expression. "Thank you Miss Tomoe... and Lily too. I try my best to limit my lust... but with how I am... things might just slowly drift down toward such pleasurable things regardless..." After a moment of sudden blinking, Ione looked back to Lily, her blush returning before looking at Tomoe mischievously. "Um... speaking of which... Miss Tomoe... my friend and I were about to happily mingle about in this spring ourselves, before you ruined our fun..." Ione said teasingly, giggling in a show of her self having recovered from before. "I know it's so soon after your own fun before but... would you care to join us? This bloom wouldn't mind thanking you more closely..."

With a laugh, Ione let her arm wrap around Lily as she continued to regard the robed woman. "Oh, but forgive me you must be famished after that last bout. If you haven't been there already I'd recommend the cafe for getting your strength back. They serve a steak there that just melts off the bone. Though if there is something else you prefer I'm certain they'd have it. If you're hungry that is..."

"You need to temper your self-restraining ability with something then. I do not know if the plant people need to have sex, but certainly us humans can. Some are so dedicated to their beliefs that they go through their lives without ever touching another intimately..." Tomoe carried on with the listening and answering, not sure what to make of the whole sex thing now. Did they really need it that badly... she had managed to hold out for 20 years, but then agains she had lived in a mostly secluded shrine. This was a thing that no doubt required further investigation.

After hearing a little more from the golden plant, the priestess spoke up further. "It's alright. We did get in here after one of those battles, met by some random chance. That girl... she handled me quite roughly at the arena first, then we got moved here for a more peaceful time and washing up. For some reason, she got me into carrying on with the act..." she explained a bit about the past moments.

But as her thoughts were slowly moving towards leaving, a few lines from the golden alraune stopped her. It was true, she kind of had disrupted them with her sudden appearance and preaching. "Should I really... this whole thing is getting out of hand..." the easterner thought, thinking about her record during the past two days. It was true, she was weary after that long act, not having eaten at all during the day. But for some reason, her conscious kept nagging at her to help these two with their problems. Maybe she was just easy to speak into these things... "Well... despite my better judgement... and weariness... I think I will join and help you with your problems... if you get what you want, it will help you maintain your determination later..." she announced her reply. Moving off to the side for a bit, she undid the already loose robes and set them aside in a neat pile, soon joined up by the rest of her equipment spare the headband she almost never took off. With a careful step inside, she seated herself not too far from the two plantgirls in the pool. "What am I thinking... well... at least I hope they will not go overtly rough on me... surely they won't..." the miko thought, not sure how to approach the situation besides this.

Having said her part, Lily simply sits and listens again as the others speak, enjoying sitting with Ione like this. This polite discussion was surely fair proof of civility right? No one was circling each other with blades and tentacles ready. No one was chasing the other through a forest. Yes, this was civil, Lily thought. Thinking about Ione's claim that she would wilt, she considered it herself. After that... first time, Lily hadn't had to worry about any lack of contact or how much she "needed", since it kind of came to her. Though how might she feel without that?

The accidental brushing of her stamen against the other Alraune brought her thoughts back to the pool, along with a fleeting shiver. Letting her gaze fall down at the reflections on the water ahead of her with a serene smile, she sits and relaxes a while, thinking both about was was being said, and Ione's unexpected offer. She could only imagine what had been about to happen... Until words of mingling together turned her attention back to look at Ione's teasing and warm face. And with Tomoe as well!? Suddenly Lily was blushing fully once more, as she tried to suppress her wide eyed surprise until she had heard the virtuous humans response. Surely she wouldn't after all this, and yes she must probably be hungry too, right? There was no sense in fluttering over a mere invitation which... had just been, accepted? Wait what?

Glancing to Ione in awe for a moment, before her eyes were drawn over by Tomoe undressing. She couldn't quite decide if she should be looking or not, with the recent past still lingering in her mind, but soon enough being pushed aside as watches the mikos elegant form descend into the water. Half consciously Lily slides round to hide very slightly behind Ione's shoulder, hugging onto the plant girl from behind and smiling meekly as Tomoe comes over to their side of the pool. How was this going to work then? She'd never done anything quite like this before.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia

Hesitating, Pale answers: "There's something I need to take care of, first. I could come back after that, if you want me to. Do you?"

Regardless of Nadia's answer, Pale all but flees from the room. Going downstairs, she orders one of the servants to make a big breakfast and give it to her. It doesn't take very long for her to receive the tray, which she then proceeds to take to her own room. Inside room...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily & Tomoe: Hot Springs

Hearing the robed woman relent and watching as she slowly undressed, Ione's grin only got bigger as the time passed. The woman's curvy figure at such a close distance enticed the plant girl greatly, and her breathing drew deeper as her mind begin to wander, scenes from the 'show' that she had peeked on from before flashing through her mind. Yes... she wouldn't mind enjoying a little something of her own with the woman, though she was surprised at Tomoe accepting. After that last session she had, Ione was almost certain she would have wanted something to eat instead, and yet here they now were. Two blooms and a human about to enjoy some quality time with each other.

Feeling Lily take up place behind her and peek around her shoulder, a small giggle erupted from Ione at the other plant girl's meekness. Wrapping her arm backwards around her, Ione gave Lily a quick glance and mischievous wink before moving to close the gap between them and the shrine maiden. Approaching her with Lily in tow, the three were soon in quite intimate proximity with each other. "I'm glad you'll be joining us... Tomoe. Another to our mingling will provide even more chances to blossom! I know you're still weary from before though, but you needn't worry. We won't wear you out so much I'm sure." Still bearing a big grin, the plant girl let her hand trail down the shine maiden's arm as she spoke, getting a hint of the soft skin she soon would be indulging in. With a light tug of her wrist, Ione silently encouraged Tomoe as well.

'They're both so beautiful... such wonderful figures. But who first?' Letting her mind decide for a moment, the answer came easily enough. Tomoe still needed a little time to recover from before, and Lily... Lily was a case she couldn't pass the first chance up with. Slipping out of the white blooms grasp only to turn and rejoin her embrace bust to bust, Ione was suddenly gazing deeply into the other plant girl's eyes again as she regarded her. "First though, I want you... Lily. Or rather... I want you... to want me..." Drawing her head close, Ione's lips soon found their target when she began to lightly kiss at the other plant girl's neck, trailing them up and pulling away with a playful giggle. As she teased her neck so too did she tease the woman's genitals, grinding lightly against that 'problem' she wished to help Lily take care of.

Despite her playful and seductive exterior, in a part of her mind Ione was quite nervous about being intimate with Lily. She had been partners with plenty... but never another plant person, and certainly before today she might never have even considered being partners with one. She was eager to know how it felt though now, and she remembered hearing something about a similar warmness to making seeds from the act. 'I wonder if Lily wants to feel that as well? I'm sure she wants to feel such wonderful sensations. I want to make them both feel so wonderful... Please Lily and Tomoe... make me feel as wonderful as I want to make you...'

As the thoughts reigned in Ione's mind, Lily might then and there become quite aware of hearing them too, if only ever so faintly.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Ione & Lily

It was not hard for Tomoe to notice the golden plant girl's wide grin as she closed the small gap between her and them. With a little pull at her wrist after a slight touch, it seemed the girl wanted to have her join in the cuddly grapple. The shrine maiden did get closer but still kind of stayed away despite being in bodily contact with the two. Noticing there was underwater touching going on, she did not want to interfere with the foreplay between the two planties. The beautiful miko simply remained there with her body in contact with them, providing warmth to the already hot spot were they were. Despite her newly-found acceptance of these kinds of things, it seemed like the eastern warrior was still too awkward to engage in any activity herself.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Luciana

The serpent kept their lips locked together in erotic tongue wrestling for a brief while, being somewhat bothered by the demon's remark and broke off the pleasing gesture in dismay.
"... it is for that very reason why I keep my lovers enthralled. I'd very much not end up as a garment, no matter how beautiful it would be. I told you already, I wouldn't force you to do anything against your will, unless of course... you're into that sort of thing~. I'm merely using it for insurance and that's it, am I really that untrustworthy?"
Auralice let out a notable sigh after remembering that she had already done the act of underhandedly enslaving Luciana, not that it was entirely done willingly and simply slipped the serpent's mind in the mind-numbing fucking.
"Ugh... look, if it REALLY bothers you that much, then fine... but if you raise your hand at me I swear I'll lock you up and loosen that tight asshole until it's wide enough for me to hibernate in."
The serpent once again tugged the demon close and began concentrating her mind, soon docking their lips together and gently slid one of her cocks into the blue-tinted pussy, followed by a quick surge of energy. Auralice briefly moaning before parting their mouths.
"Mmmph, there, happy now? So, anything you want done here or anywhere else? Or do you want me to go... deeper?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Auralice

"Am I really so untrustworthy that you need to limit my free will?" Luciana asked in reply after Auralice broke the kiss. "I don't want to hurt you, quite the opposite, but I won't tolerate your tampering with my mind." The naga soon relented, releasing Luciana from the mental slavery with a kiss, and then slid one of her cocks into the demon's needy pussy. The succubus let out a lewd moan, groaning out "ohhhhh you better believe I'm happy... Deeper... go deeper... My ass too... Squeeze me and fuck me hard and deep..." between moans.