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The (New) New EGG!


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Gloria
Age: 25
Level 0 Trait: Sword (and shield)
Description: This is what Gloria would look like inside the EGG

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):
Gloria has always wanted to act out in a fantasy world. Having gone to various renaissance faires, Gloria had developed a fond liking for the medieval fantasy settings. Hearing about the EGG program, the only thing she could think of was being able to have a sword and shield in her hands for "real". What happens after that would be anyone's guess.

Humans: Y 4
Humanoid Creatures: Y 4
Male/Female: Y 4
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: Y 2
Birthing: Y 1
Non Consent Sex: Y 3 (sort of expected I think)
Slavery: Y 1
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5

There is probably other stuff as well, but for a general idea of what I would be looking for that should be decent enough. If anyone has a random fantasy setting to throw my way feel free to shoot me a PM and we can try to work something out.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Tsukumi Lvl 1 (start at 1)
Age: 22
HP: 12/12 (HP is 10 plus 2 for each point you have in con.)
PP: 10/10 (Pleasure points is 10.)
MP: 14/14 (MP is 10 plus 2 for each point you have in mind.)
Str: 0 (Determines how hard and well you hit with most melee weapons and thrown weapons, adds a bonus or minus to most physical rolls, like swimming, climbing, lifting etc.)
Dex: 0 (Determines how hard and well you hit with most finesse melee weapons, ranged weapons, and adds a bonus or minus to dexterous rolls, like acrobatics, dodging, lock picking etc.)
Con: 1 (Adds 2 HP per point, adds a bonus or minus to rolls like resisting poison, holding breath, recovering from fatigue, etc.)
Mind: 2 (Adds 2 MP per point, determines how easy it is to cast certain spells and use certain abilities, ands adds a bonus or mines to rolls like identifying items, examining magic etc.)
Perception: Hearing -3, Smell -10, Sight 0 (Add these to your character sheet as perception checks, they cannot be increased with points but will be increased by mutations.)
Passive abilities: (List here your passive abilities.)
Active Abilities: (List here your active abilities.)

Level 0 Trait: Water Magic X
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):Appearance:


Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.): Tsukumi is a rather competent water mage, and rather arrogant about that. Generally believing herself superior to most things she's ever fought, she tends to be aggressive even toward friends, though deep down she can be a bit of a softy.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):
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Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
Reputation score
Name: Gwynne Sheridan
Level 0 Trait: Two handed weapons(Prefers swords)

Attitude: A mercenary by trade, Gwynne was a consummate professional in all her work. She often was very straightforward with her employers, completing jobs with a fair amount of skill and ability. She knew her talents well and would use that to negotiate better turns with her potential employers. She often did wel enough to hide her identity, ensuring that any enemies she made would not know her true face. Is quite protective of those under her charge, making sure she takes blows in their place.

Extra note:


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Luxe
Race: HalfElf
Weapon: Spear

Lvl 1
HP: 10/10
PP: 10/10
MP: 10/10
Str: 1>skills= 0
Dex: 2>skills= 5
Con: 0>skills= -1
Mind: 0
Perception: Hearing -3, Smell -10, Sight 0> 4
Passive abilities:
Vine hair: gain -2 resistant to fire spells and take 2 more damage from fire-based attacks.
[Feminine body: -1 str]
[Elven Sight: +4 perception to sight]
[Elven Physique: +3 to dex, -1 con]
Active Abilities:
Monkey dry cum
[Foul leather armor: +1 to be hit. Special effect: Foul odor, -2 to sneak. DU 15/15]

[[Dex] Pointy stick: +1 to hit. Physical Damage 1d8-1. DU 10/10]

From young age Luxe has seen how hard the life is, raised to be in an army by her family even when there has been conflicts thanks the mixed blood. Being looked down by strangers between the usual stuff than beings like her must endure. Anyway, this only made her push further and be the best in the battlefield where death is the same for everybody, of course she soon realize than the credit of her victory always was taken by others at the start, but by every wall and danger placed in her way, more fame he start to gather until there was not way to hide his glory.

Luxe could see herself as a skilled and experienced soldier, even with a toned body she was faster and dexterous thanks maybe his elven blood. But having now many looking up at her made her back exposed and before noticed it she was placed in a mission than she will always regret to accept.

After days to find the target, she others soldiers and adventurers without notice it get inside an unusual place, Luxe find herself alone and changed into a slim and delicate woman. It was like a dream, a nightmare, many things come at his mind as he looks her trained body turned into this. It was all this planned by the force than they needed to take down or his superiors use him and the others as tribute for an unknown force? Luxe new frail body couldnt hold easily the powerful spear or wear the clothes many sizes above her, trying the best to wear what she could, the cursed soldier tried to find answers and a way to recover of this terrible change.

No items
Vine hair: gain -2 resistant to fire spells and take 2 more damage from fire-based attacks.
[Recently changed: -1 str, -1 dex, -1 mind] > [Feminine body: -1 str]
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score

Name: Grace

Age: 18

Level 0 Trait: Sword

Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):
Grace was born as part of a branch family of a noble house. Her family over the generations slowly took on the role of more servants than equals, becoming bodyguards to the main family. A tradition eventually established itself with the help of the main family, the heir of the branch family was to be raised alongside the main family’s own heir in order for them to have a servant with them.
In reality, it was to be able to engrave submission to the main branch into the branch family’s heir. This generation’s heir for the branch family was unfortunately Grace herself. Unfortunately because the Main Branch heir was turning into quite the pervert, and Grace was a rare beauty. With his power as heir and permission from his elders, Grace turned more slave than servant for the heir.
Grace spent several unwilling years under the main branch’s thumb, until one day, Grace saw her chance, and ran for it. She chose to forsake her family, and her duty for the chance of freedom!

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Mostly just looking to see if anyone wants to pick up this character and GM for them. Switching up the concept just a bit.

Name: Cili
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Sword/Dagger

Attitude: Cili isn't quite a fighter. Not to say she can't fight if needed, but she personally styles herself as a trader. One that is rather open about who she works with and trades to. More specifically she believes in the many resources and things that monstrous species could potentially bring to the table. It's dangerous work, but there are some pretty good rewards. As it is this ends up with her also being half adventurer as she tries to harvest resources from the less intellegent monsters.

Extra Notes: Mostly Social Character, though uses stealth for adventuring too.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Name: Lydia Raysa
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Magic (sorceress)
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.): Lydia tries to be a kind young person to all she can, and doesn't like to fight if she can help it, but she isn't beyond fighting if it comes to it when she has to. She's always wanted to help people after seeing her mother use healing magics to mend the her arm when she was only five years old after she fell from a tree and broke it in several places. After that, Lydia was fascinated by all things magic, and while it might get her in trouble sometimes, her curiosity for magical things really urges her to investigate them if it's something she doesn't know about yet. She also has a talent for all kinds of magic as well, from attack and defense, to healing and augmenting, entropy and curses, and even resurrection magics, provided she studies the spell to learn it that is. Her mother told her when she came of age that she was incredibly talented and had an incredible amount of latent energies, which was the result of a curse that had been placed upon her when she was an adventurer herself, that Lydia and all of her siblings would have incredible reserves of energy, so much that they can sustain magics for far longer than most.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Being a sorceress in training with as much latent energy as she has in the arcane, spiritual, and soul, Lydia has always been a target for things growing up, creatures of all kinds that have wanted to capture her for making use of all of that energy she has stored within her. Her mother however, an elf woman named Nadia, has always kept her and her sisters safe from harm along with the help of their papa, an elf herm by the name of Lysa. Lydia has 3 sisters, with her being the youngest of them. Her oldest sister Leah is 24 years old. Her next oldest sister Celeste is 22 years old. And her next oldest sister Eris, is 20 years old. All three of her sisters are herms just like her, and all of them have incredibly huge reserves of energy just like her as well. The curse placed on their mother was by not just one, but a quartet of succubi by the name of Hazel, Alluria, Rose, and Rina, as a part of Nadia's... payment required for gaining as much power as she did from them when she summoned them. All of the succubi are absolutely gorgeous and are playing the long game in acquiring the best "fruits" as they called Nadia's children at one point, not having told Nadia what the curse entailed until after she'd had her first child. Nadia of course, doesn't wish to give her children to the quartet of horny succubi who lied to her when they placed the curse, which was a very ancient and powerful curse, until she started to settle down and have children, the quartet hoping to acquire massive wells of energy reserves so that they would never have to worry about running out, and to use them for fueling dark rituals for all kinds of naughty and nefarious purposes. The curse on Lydia and her sisters through their mother is what causes them to have such huge energy reserves, and while it allows them to be drained, it also allows them to recover quickly for the sake of keeping them alive from being drained too much, which is what the succubi all want of Nadia's children.
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