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The (New) New EGG!


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Tiffania Bryven
Age: 21
Race: Brown Wood Elf
Level 0 Trait: Short Swords (Dual Wield)
Description: But as a 5' 4" futanari (8-inch long dick and 1.5-inch-wide balls)

Tiffania Bryven is a person who always wants to play around and have fun. She rarely gets angry or serious, usually staying happy and mischievous. She is rather selfish, doing what she wants with little regard to other people's opinions but generally follows the law. She really loves her few beloved people, making sure to keep them happy too and caring about their feelings. She is moderately intelligent, knowing more than the average person but not enough to understand things like politics. She prefers to live a life without many burdens and thus took up the mantle of a ranger, hunting game and relishing in the freedom she has. In regards to sex, Tiffania is not really picky and is willing to have sex with all sorts of monster girls and beasts, provided that they don't try to breed with her without her consent. Since she doesn't want a family right now, she asked her friend's mother, a local mage, to teach her spells that help her out. The spells she learned are a contraceptive spell, a stretching spell for the bigger ones, and a compatibility spell for her future spouse. She practiced casting the spells until she was proficient enough to make them last for the entire day after a short ritual.

Special Notes:
Instead of a simulator, the character lives in a fantasy world.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name:Trixie Trapp
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Sword

Attitude: Peppy, energetic, quick to joke and make lewd inuendos and all around is a fun-loving girl. She's also an open masochist.

Extra Notes: Trixie's gender IS male, but for all intents and purposes, she considers herself a flat-chested girl with a penis.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Well, I was bored. So I decided to just make a big character dump. Anyone feels like running a game for one of these up or teaming up with one of them just poke me.

Character #1 a.k.a. Standard not-slut

Name: Anya
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Axe

Attitude: Anya likes to fight and likes to win, and is perfectly willing to resort to whatever strategy she can come up with to win (preferably the sillier the better.) She's generally not to good around the topics of sexuality and tends to react to such with minor violence.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Character 2: Eeeendless Runner

Name: Cili
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Sword/Dagger

Attitude: Cili isn't a fighter, not that she can't fight when needed, she just prefers not to. Instead she prefers to play games and the like to see just how far she can go without fighting anything. Preferring to play games for trading and building herself to the highest dodge and running speeds she can build.

Extra Notes: Likely will surrender when caught instead of trying to fight.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Character 3: Magic Meido

Name: Pia
Level 0 Trait: Magic

Attitude: Pia has a maid fetish, she works at a maid cafe and around her house she dresses like one. She can be incredibly submissive and tends to play ero games that allow her to more or less bounce from situation to situation easily. Allowing her to serve multiple masters over a single run. She'll fight loyally for said masters, even for creatures that don't understand the whole concept like beasts, and usually only leaves when she's become bored of a specific scenario or the games events force her to.

Sorry for the triple post. The website was breaking for me for some reason and would delete half the sheet if they were all in one post.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name:Rowenna Sheridan
Level 0 Trait: Spear/Shield
Description :

Rowenna outside the game works as a bouncer for a small bar in her home town. Daughter of Irish immigrants, Rowenna is a very serious but still generally friendly woman, mostly due to her upbringing. Also stubborn to a fault and when she sets her mind to a goal, she pushes towards it come hell or high water. Had to care for younger siblings growing up so is rather nurturing as well. Was also good in a scrap growing up, having gotten into more then a few tumbles with neighborhood bullies growing up and common thugs and overconfident drunks in her current job. She is quick to provoke into a fight though, a fault she admits she wants to get rid of.

In her college days (she did...ok, averaging about mid-high C's), she took part in reenacting and this is what drove her to the game. Since she can't take part in her old hobby due to various reasons, this game was a good substitute.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

I have always wanted to play The Egg and so here is my first character! I might make a few more, might not.

Name: Lauren
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Sword (Rapier)
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Except with a Rapier

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):
Raised among a wealthy merchant family, Lauren has grown up with a cheerful and somewhat optimistic attitude. She has her spurts of arrogance but she has learned through her family's training to also be humble at times. Although she grew up with everything she wanted she felt oppressed by her parents and has always wanted to gain independence. While growing up she knew she was a fighter her self, never liking to loose, but her family never let her do as she wished in this regard. Driven by a passion to explore and finally be independent from her family she sets off to explore the world and do as she pleases.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): First character ever so feel free to point out anything wrong with her :p
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Lieze Swanhild
Level 0 Trait: Swerd
Description : http://ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=881&pictureid=18394 Also wears a red cape over that particular getup when traveling. 5'7 tall. And no, she doesn't have a flame sword like the picture.

The daughter of a demon and a human, Lieze was never given too much love or respect by the rest of her surrounding community when she still lived in a small town with her ailing mother. Despite her mother's wishes against it, Lieze would grow up training with a blade whenever she could find the time for it amidst her chores, having to help her mother as she could not get everything done by herself in her sickly state. Eventually, Lieze would grow up and her mother would end up perishing to her sickness, which left the daughter by herself as the father had never been there to begin with and she had no real friends among the rest of the townies. Selling the house and most of the belongings in it, Lieze would pack up a bag and leave after getting herself some clothes, traveling gear and longsword that she could trust herself with.

Two years after that, she is still on the move, never too long for one particular area as the experiences of youth still make her a fair bit cold and callous towards other people and their lives. Wherever Lieze went, she would remain just long enough to do some odd job, usually one of a mercenary or guard to keep herself fed, rested and clothed. Despite her fairly rough line of work, the now adult girl keeps up with her odd fashion style, being maybe far more revealing with it than necessary to a warrior to say the least. Despite having acquired a different sword after her departure, Lieze still considers her choice of weapon as the king of weapons and thus having a slight superiority complex towards other, "lower" weapons such as spears or pole weapons.

Extra notes: Honk honk walf


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Looking for a GM to attempt a RP

Name: Himari Kitabayashi
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Bow and Arrow
Species: Red Fox
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):
Example Picture:
Himari has red hair with highlights at about shoulder-length that transitions into orange at the tips, sometimes her bangs will cover one of her eyes, she wears cut-off blue jeans and a plain-ol' no-sleeve tee. her tail fur thick and fluffy until she trims it up, she sometimes appears scruffy and worn-out if she hasn't fixed her hair or groomed her tail for two days. On her mischievous days she wears a black hoodie that hides her face with a shadow. She will occasionally experiment with her looks.

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):
Where she used to be cheerful, playful, sarcastic, excited, energetic, kind and affectionate, she is now fairly reserved. Ever since her father went missing she hasn't been the same, her personality rapidly changed over the course of one week without him. She has quickly fallen into depression and anger, though she hides it well. She attempts to keep a smile on her face around others, and acts chipper, though when she's alone, she's different. In the moments where she's completely lost in thought, her expression is frozen, she doesn't hear, she doesn't see, but she visualizes. In these moments she has to be physically touched to snap out of it, but she doesn't like to be touched anymore. When she's visualizing something horrid, she has to be slapped to come back to. In the moments where she's on the edge of losing herself in anger, she begins to talk to herself, in these moments she will shoot down nearly anything anyone says to her, if she is unable to calm down, she loses it. When she loses it, all hell breaks loose, she becomes very aggressive and verbal, she is no longer in control of her body until she has vented her anger. She controls her emotions as best she can and will often try to get alone when she's feeling unwell. She doesn't talk about her feelings to anyone, nor does she return affection... yet. She hopes to find her father, and bring him back home, and perhaps, find someone who cares for her along the way.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):
Her father taught her to shoot a bow at a fairly young age, she's been at it ever since, she's a good shot, she's able to shoot from trees, bushes, behind rocks and giant mushrooms, she's able to hide, except when her bright colors give her location away. On stealth missions she'll dye her hair to keep her cover.

Please note that Himari's emotions can go from one extreme to the other, she could be banging her head against a wall at one moment, and balling her eyes out at the next. The RP may contain dark moments.
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Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Valdis
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Sword
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):
Doesn't use whip as primary weapon though.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):
Valdis was originally born in the far north to a legendary pair of heroes, but while still in swaddling clothes her parents fell to a dark and unknown power; she alone was found alive of the army they were with, surrounded by bodies that appeared reaching out for help, earning her the name of "Goddess of the slain in battle".

Since then she has been raised by an adventuring guild, often moving from city to city. She grew to be a sweet, energetic child, helping out wherever she could, learning how to bandage wounds, travel properly, and woodcraft, but never any martial skills. She changed at 19 however: a group of boys attacked her, beating her bloody, then ripping her dress to shreds. Pinning her down, they roughly caressed her breasts before one started reaching lower... Breathing heavily, Valdis grabbed an errant knife and slit two throats before they ran.

The guild could no longer shelter her, but she asked to be trained as an adventurer. Becoming withdrawn and calm, she focused on exercising and practicing with the best there, and after one years time she sets out on her first adventure...

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):
-Valdis is a slight masochist, but more worryingly has started enjoying any form of corruption or sexual teasing, becoming excited and more deadly as it continues.

-Is inexperienced

-Has one of her parent's sword, but is currently unable to use it.
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Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Selesis
Age: 22
Race: Greater Medusa
Level 0 Trait: Shield
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1338&pictureid=18805

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):

Selesis could be easily viewed as a monster due to her abilities and instincts to coil about things. The serpentine Medusa is thus very insecure and tends to cling to anyone who seems friendly to her and over enthusiastically tries to protect them. That her smothering nature tends to push others away too doesn't really filter in too much.

Selesis' emotional swings can be dangerous for those who anger her however as she is quite physically powerful and uses her strange shield claws to great use into battering opponents into submission. But it's her gaze that tends to inspire the most fear.

Selesis has a bit of a statue fetish and tends to get aroused by those she petrifies. Her anatomy allows her to reproduce with them safely despite their stony paralysis, them able to feel everything she does to them as she does it. Medusa saliva can depetrify others, though it takes awhile to do.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):



Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Matylda Kladivo
Level 0 Trait:Spear
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Fully Equipped
Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Matylda came from a family of soldiers. Guards, spear infantry and even a royal guardian if the rumors are to be believed from her grandfather. And Matylda as a result followed her family lineage and enlisted, working hard to reach a middling rank. She's a respectable young woman, stern and devoted to her work. But also able to relax when need be. Being an enlisted soldier, she had to learn when to relax and enjoy her life, for she never knew when she might be sent to an unwinnable fight. She also developed a protective edge for the men and women she served with, acting as a den mother of sorts, protecting the younger recruits but giving them the space they needed.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Heather Lee/Jenkins
Age: 32
Level 0 Trait: TBD
Description: Heather. She's about 5'3.
Bio: For nine long years Heather was married to a man named Arthur Lee, a kind and boring man she met in college. An accountant through and through. She gave up a lot for him; she became a stay at home housewife, forgoing a career to support him, to cook and clean and do all the things that kept home life running smoothly. And it was a happy nine years.

Until her husband left her for another woman suddenly, without so much as a hint. The year after that, that was tough. She found herself depressed and lonely, struggling to find a job and support herself. And then she heard about the EGG. The kinkiest thing she'd ever done was give a blowjob, and yet... maybe that would be a good way to blow off steam, to work through some of her feelings. She decided she would give it a test.


Monstah Maker
Apr 24, 2016
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Durga Mishra
Race: Elf
Age: 24
Gender: Futanari
Class: Witch
Level 0 trait: Alchemy
Equipment: Steel Dagger and Wooden Staff; Alchemical Kit; Journal; Assorted Pencils for Drawing and Writing; Bag of Holding; Familiar
Appearance: Durga Mishra.jpg
Clothing: Clothing.jpg

Bio: Durga has always been the odd one, obsessed with cataloging all sorts of plants and animals. When it was discovered that she possessed magic, the local witch adopted her as her apprentice, teaching her the arts of witchcraft and potions. When she was determined to be proficient enough, Durga moved to a nearby forest to conduct her research and sell her potions to the nearby village. Though life was good, Durga was bored, having researched every little living thing in her area. Lucky for her, she heard that a new continent was discovered and immediately set out to the nearest port.

Tends to analyze any interesting she finds, asking questions to herself under her breath. Due to spending so much time alone, she has trouble socializing with other people. When puberty hit, her previously ignored futanari status came to the front, giving her a lustful desire to have sex, usually with the monster she is studying. Fortunately her familiar takes care with any pent up needs and her proficiency with Alchemy allows her to avoid diseases and pregnancy.

Appearance: familiar.jpg
A rare Glass Jellyfish, this familiar is a potent fighter, blasting foes from afar with bolts of electricity or paralyzing them with its venom. In addition, the Glass Jellyfish can consume potions or alchemical reagents to change it's abilities or gain new ones, such as becoming stronger or breathing fire. Is happily bonded with its master, feeding on her semen when the occasion pops up.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Unknown, tells people to call her Red
Age: 24
Class: Kototama Speaker
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Human body underneath the outfit, though the mask does not come off, it does seem to for whatever reason adjust in size to anything trying to get through the holes.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): A mute, seemingly not even by choice as even when harmed or pleasured she remains silent. While her mask makes it near impossible to tell what Red's emotions are, as she stares at anything that is the center of her attention. She does 'talk' though, using her magic to draw words in the air before her, and even has weaponized these words. When she spells 'mend' it mends wounds or breaks, when she spells 'sharp' the word itself becomes sharp, and she can fire them at her opponents. Its through this word magic that she fights.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jan 4, 2016
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Syla Blue Heart
Age: 21
Class: Brawler
Level 0 Trait: Fist weapon (Axe)
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Syla

Attitude/Bio (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Syla never knew her true parents, as far as she knew she’s always been with her mistress Taelynn. As long as Syla remembers, she has been mistress Taelynn’s student, and since Syla was a child, Taelynn taught Syla to fight with fist weapons. Although Taelynn wants a much closer relationship then mere student and master, Syla made it time after time clear that she isn’t interested in her mistress in any sexual way. At first the rejections didn’t bother Taelynn at all, but after a while they started to grate on her, and on Syla’s twenty-first birthday, Taelynn had enough of the brat’s dismissive and ungrateful nature. Although, at this moment Syla has no clue that Taelynn was going to get her revenge for being rejected that many times, and Syla was still eagerly awaiting her birthday present, without having any idea what is awaiting her.

Syla usually speaks in an uncaring monotone way, and tends to be stoic when faced with insults or physical trauma. However, being extremely inexperienced with lewd things, such things are the only things that can break through her emotionless exterior, and reveal the shy panicked girl deep inside. Syla is also incredibly dedicated to training, and will pretty much do anything Taelynn tells her to, if Taelynn can convince it would benefit Syla training.

Mistress Name: Taelynn Red Heart
Mistress Age: 35
Mistress Gender: Futanari

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

I had two different ideas for characters and wouldn't mind either one or both being the focus if any GM's wanna pick one or both of them up, since most of my threads have slowed to a crawl or died out recently.

Name: Elena Raecus
Age: 18
Gender: Futanari
Class: Priestess
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description: Elena Raecus, just imagine her with a foot long cock and large balls full of cum along with her tight virgin pussy, to be milked out of her along with her magical and holy energies by the various baddies. :3

Attitude/Bio: Elena's a sweet and soft spoken young angel that knows virtually nothing about sex or the mortal world, and really not much outside of her angelic home of Celestia and the temple where she was a young priestess initiate. She doesn't really understand why she was blessed or cursed with her body the way it is, but all the high priestess Maria told her was that everybody was made for a purpose, and Elena would simply have to learn what her purpose in the world was over time. Elena rarely gets angry, and always tries to help those in need, even at risk to herself, and she doesn't have too much experience when it comes to fighting, having been learning to be a priestess and whatnot. The only thing about sex that she does know, is that once or twice while bathing, she accidentally rubbed the sponge she was scrubbing herself off with across her penis and it felt really good, but not understanding what had happened, she chickened out and didn't keep rubbing, and told the high priestess about it, and Maria told her that she shouldn't do such things, that they would lead her astray from her path the gods had laid out for her.

Setting: Really I'm okay with any form of setting, but angels I feel tend to work best in fantasy settings personally, so she somehow gets sent down to the mortal plane and cut off from Celestia for the most part would be how I'd imagine any story line with her to go.

Name: Brandi
Age: Unknown
Gender: Futanari
Class: Android
Level 0 Trait: Great Sword (similar to Cloud's Buster Sword)
Description: Really I'd be okay with any of these potential pics. Haven't narrowed down exactly which one I'd most like to use for this hot android herm.

Attitude/Bio: Beautiful Re-population android #7, or Brandi for short as her creators chose to call her, was designed to be as close to human as possible, and has not only all of the working features of a human female, but also possesses a large male endowment as well, with equally large and fully working testicles with which to help repopulate the world, and she also has internal organs that are scientifically enhanced to be stronger and less susceptible to harm, and her skin is made to feel even more soft and smooth than a humans, and make her more desirable, and though she doesn't look like it, she is incredibly strong physically. Her cock is 12 inches in length, her breasts are quite large and can fill with milk when she is pregnant, and sometimes even when she is not pregnant. Her body can feel all the forms of senses that a human can, though her pain receptors have been tuned however to be lower than that of a humans, as she was originally meant to repopulate the world, but was later partially redesigned to be a combat model android as well so she could defend herself, and humans wherever she found them, and so she could take more damage without her body shutting down in the midst of combat. Brandi's body can bear children as well as sire them with most any creature that now walks the world, and both her cum and her womb have been enhanced by the last great scientists of humanity to ensure that any children that she bears or sires will be more sentient, regardless of race, and be more humanoid as well.

Brandi is not devoid of emotion though despite being an android, and has wants and needs like any other actual human, like for example she really likes to play the violin, not because she needs to, but because she just likes to. She was created to be as "human" as possible after all, and there are plenty of other things she likes and enjoys doing as well (mostly I'd come up with those as the thread progressed). She has a desire to help protect the world though, even if her mind doesn't truly understand exactly How she can do that yet.

(Or something like that, I dunno, I was half asleep and drinking some when I wrote most of this, and I've been playing NieR Automata on my streams some here the last 2-3 weeks, so I was thinking something of that setting, just instead of having 2Booty running around killing things, it might be she, or my herm gal here rather, goes around and things try and smut her that she might not Want to really smut.. at first, as she doesn't know what her purpose truly is just yet, only that she was activated only recently... maybe she wakes up in an abandoned facility or something that was damaged when she was created, I dunno, as I said was half asleep and had been drinking when I wrote most of this for Brandi.)


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Level 0 Trait: Axe
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):Kobold Rota Stands at average kobold height of just over 4 feet tall.

Attitude/Bio:Rota was a kobold.(The furry kind, not the scaly kind). Not that difficult to understand. But she was not content with her life among her people. Besides serving in the tribes militia, her life was fairly dull and uninteresting. It wouldn't be long before she'd get hitched and have to start bearing litters of pups. She decided that before she settled down, she decided to head out into the wider world and make something of herself. Prove that kobolds could be skilled adventurers and warriors.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Sorta going for the idea of a monster/monster girl trying to be more then what her race is known for. Trying not to be just another nameless beast. Even if everyone else is bigger or stronger then her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Tory
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Bow
Description: Is a bit short for a kobold, at 3'10

Attitude/Bio: Tory is Rota's younger sister. The younger of the two kobolds was always worshiping her elder sister to some extent, and like her elder sister, served some time in the tribes militia. While she was a bit more okay with living among her own people, when Rota left, Tory was right behind. Leaving the village to join her sister in making a name for themselves, and prove they could be the best!

Extra Notes: Tied to Aust's character. FEAR MINIKOBOLDS


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Age: 23000 (visually, 23)
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): As an angel Claudine is very noble, kind, generous, and graceful. She is very pious towards her duties and vows. She is chaste and pure to this day with only the mild occasional daliances in masturbation. She keeps a poised, refined, elegant and almost royal demeanor. Though she triestried to keep from off as elitist or snobby. She is very interested in the goings on of humans and expresses a genuine care, interest and love towards them. As an angel of Amazonia she is a natural born hermaphrodite and therefore has a heightened libido as well as fertility. She is honorable to a fault and always keeps her word regardless of how distasteful it may be to her, she can also not turn her back to the needs or suffering of others. She has emerald green eyes and long platinum blonde hair that goes down to her ass.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):
Claudine's vital stats
Height: 175cm,
Weight: 69kg,
Bust-Waist-Hips: 100-67-105cm"
E+ Cup"
Areola Hue- Medium
Areola Circumference 3"
Nipple Length 1"
Penis Length 10" ribbed
Penis Circumference 2"
Clitoris size - about the the size of the tip of your thumb
Navel Innie
Tounge 4 inches, pointed
Areola Circumference - 3"
Vaginal Circumference- 8"
Anal Circumference- 5"
Anal Hue- Dark
Pubic Hair- Full Bush, Dirty Blonde; Same for pits
Scattered medium hue freckles on back
Beauty Mark mole under right eye
Lip Hue- Medium

Fetish/Content Table
M/F Y 10
F/F Y 10
Futa/Herm Y 10
Consensual Y 10
Non consensual Y 7
Monster Girls Y 10
Tentacles Y 10
Triple Pen Y 8
Multiple Pen (2+ In one hole) Y 7
Mind Break/Control Y 8
Aphrodisiacs; (natural/drug) Y 7
Nipple Fuck Y 8
Urethral insertion Y 6
Ear fucking/mind control Y 5
Bondage Y 10
D Yes 10
SM Y 7
Tickling (pits,ears,back,feet,belly,anal,etc) Y 8
Slimes Y 9
Slavery Y 8
B Mod/Transformation/Corruption Y 10
Bestiality Y 4-5
Egglaying/child birth Y 9
Impregnagion Y 10
Cumflation Y 9
Pet Play (dog,cat,pony,live stock, breeding etc) Y 8<br>
Humiliation Y 10
All the Way Through Tentacles Y 7
Fisting Y 7
Tattoos/ Branding Y 6
Nipple/Clit/etc piercings Y 7
Fetish Gear (harness,corset,body suit, etc) Y 8
Milking (breasts and cock) Y 9
Spanking Y 9
Unbirth 7
Water Torture (forced drinking, enemas) Y 5

For Mind Flayer