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The (New) New EGG!


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Deborah Whitehearst
Age: 30
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Deborah is a kindly woman who thus far has dedicated her life to the study of magic. She's gotten fairly far... although a lot of her knowledge is tied into practical things and rituals. In her city she's fairly well known for her magic, though it isn't the biggest of cities...

At her age she's almost on the edge of Old Maid status, having never had a serious relationship and having rejected the marriage arranged for her by her parents. That isn't to say she hasn't had her dalliances, of course... but she's hidden them fairly well, projecting the image of a proper lady in most company.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Hello there.

I'm back on the forum, and I decided to throw in a new ad for The Egg. :)

I'm interested both in playing my character and playing the game master.

Here is the bio of my character, for reminders:
Name: Delia
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):
Delia is a cute girl with chestnut hair and eyes. Inside the game, she sports a nimble cat-tail and cat ears.
She's relatively short (1.74m /5ft7) and energic looking. Her breast size is B.
Her avatar wears blue molding shorts and breast-covering top, and a short white scarf covers her neck.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):
Albeit Delia seems like a stubborn person and pout rather easily, but she is deep down a caring and comprehensive person.
She has an experimentative approach towards sex, and the promises of the EGG program immediately interested her, and she applied for the program.
Usually cautious, her stubborness occasionnaly causes her troubles. Also, she has a weak spot for cats and, most generally, cute fluffly things.

=Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):=
Here is my favourite fetishes.
- tentacles / plant
- furry
- machine/robots
- encasement / heavy bondage
- forced orgasm
- oviposition

And here is what turns me off :
- scat
- piss
- gore/guro
- torture involving blood or physical wounds
- oversized breasts

I'm okay with most of the other fetishes, including herm and transformation stuff, and prefer fantasy and sci-fi settings.


Send me a message if you want to play with me.


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Jessie Arwell
Age: 38
Level 0 Trait: Ax Expertise

Jessie stands above her peers at 6'1" her eyes are sky blue with her purple hair trailing past her pert rear at full hang. Despite the unflattering clothing Jessie has a respectable pair of D-Cups and flaired hips.

Jessie's Avatar is also 6'1" yet that is where the similarities end. The avatar's eyes are a shade of forest green with her hair snaking its way past her thigh is olive green. Her breasts are a large DD-Cup and her hips flair is even more pronounced. Where Jessie would where a business suit her avatar has a high-leg leotard were it not for the small jacket on top Jessie's pert breasts would be on full display, she ends the ensemble with small heeled shoes.

Attitude: Jessie has been married for almost half her life to one thing her job. She had placed everything on hold until she had a 'steady and reliable income' sadly by that time most of her chances at romance had past her by. So when an invitation to test the EGG appeared in her inbox one day Jessie took it.

Jessie has very little sexual experience beyond toys and herself even then she isn't above a novice. She looks forward to having sex in the EGG Program, she won't activately encourage it being who she is she still looks forward completing something or other but, quick romps in the hay to fill idle hands are all well and good.

Jessie has a very domineering personality and unless clearly shown she isn't in charge will run roughshod over others, yet Jessie secretly is somewhat of a masochist and has fantasies of losing control of her body. Jessie has a very mercenary mindset and weighs choices in terms of monetary value instead of being swayed by emotions.

Extra Notes:
Well since I have a bevy of extra time on my end I thought why not make a EGG character I follow a ton of them anyways. Looking for something sex heavy mostly to unwind from my day, plot can exist but its not my main focus. I prefer single player willing to try multiplayer, not sure if I will be any good. Dungeon crawling adventure that force the player to continue despite increasing corruption and difficulty is ideal.

Favorite Fetishes
-Non-Humanoid Enemies
-"Living" Clothing

Things I rather avoid:
-Water sports

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Grim Reaper
Dec 27, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Aw, heck, I guess I'll try one, too:

Name: Dana Miller
Age: 23
Dana is your typical nerd recluse: Pale, 5'1", a little on the thick-set end. Brown hair, green eyes hidden behind giant glasses.
She's got great boobs, but wouldn't believe you if you told her.
She mostly keeps them covered in conservative shirts and sweaters, afraid to get picked on.

In-game, she appears as a 5'4" redhead. No supermodel body - these arms could actually reasonably swing a sword.
Boobs come to about a C cup, set over a cuddly-but-not-flabby waist and a butt that'll go boom when it needs to.
All that contained in practical leather boots, a conservative black skirt reaching just about to her knees, and a dark red tank top over a grey sleeved shirt to keep the chill off.
Undies? Pervy game, gotta specify undies... Okay, white kneesocks, green hipster panties, cover-and-comfort orange plain-ish bra.

Dana is a nerd, above all else. Shy from strangers, but nice and helpful once you get to know her.
She's played video games ever since she could, and together with her older brother has a collection of basically any mainstream title ever made.
So when she got an EGG invitation through a game design discussions forum, she just had to jump at the opportunity to see for herself.
She's read some interesting rumors on the less trustworthy corners of the internet, and wants to see just how much truth there is to them.

In-game, she's not one to back down from a challenge.
She'll happily leeroy-charge the boss while the NPCs are still scripting through the story, just to see what would happen.
And sure, your character might not be designed to beat that enemy, but you'll never know for sure unless you try, right?

If someone were to ask her sexual experience, she'd reply "Theory or practice?".
Let's be honest - she's a girl with unmonitored access to the internet, she's seen enough hentai to know where THIS is going.
But in practice, well... She never quite trusted guys enough, but eventually caved and ordered a well-reviewed vibe off amazon to help get through the jilly days.

Extra notes: Lesseee...
Turn-ons / want:
- Humor. If you can't laugh while getting your rocks off, what's the point?
- Including meta. She's a gamer, she's going to have tons of comments, at least until the game distracts her enough to forget she's in one...
- Temporary transformations / parasites / symbiotes.
- Dungeon-crawling / traps / enemies. Gotta get her game on, after all.
- Tentacles / Slimes / Plants. If you're gonna get fucked, do it in style.

Do not want:
- Blood/gore/guro. Let's keep it happy fun rape time.
- Scat. We don't need _that_ level of realism.
- Long story/character dialogue arcs [This may change as we get deeper into story, for now I just want to wreck and get wrecked]
- Taking-itself-serious roleplaying [Again, may change over time, but for now it's just jumping into the world and seeing what it has in store]
- Permanent corruption. I like having choices and surprising fools, but being nice when appropriate.

In general, though, I'm fairly open and not easily disturbed, so I'm up for pretty much anything.

I should be able to DM as well, but I'd rather play a month or two in the character seat first, to get a hang of things, before I jump into that side.
I do tend to ramble a bit sometimes, so you'll need to survive that.
Send me a message if you're interested in running me or just have questions.

Caution: I WILL without warning disappear off the face of the planet for a month or two at a time, and just as suddenly re-appear and resume as if nothing happened.
I realize this is a bit suboptimal for this format, but I hope someone will be able to cope with it.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Right, gonna try and see if I can get in on this... Interested in single player only.

Name: Rumia
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Magic

Description: A blonde-haired girl with blue right eye, the other one (or what's left of it) hidden behind a black eyepatch that covers up scars from a nasty accident. Shorter than average and slim, Rumia appears to be almost petite for her age. With a modest chest and short hair, she gives off the vibe of a fragile maiden - or at least, she would if she'd stop scowling for a second. With a sharp, icy stare, thin lips and a nigh-perpetual frown, the image created by her face clashes greatly with the one created by her build. In game, she wears a white skirt with a red trim and a white vest over a black shirt, with a short red tie. The ensemble is completed by black boots and kneesocks. Her underwear is similiarly black.

Attitude: Rumia is actually a pretty nice person who doesn't need to be asked twice to help. However, she is hampered by her tendency to view other humans as potentially threatening/unpleasant to deal with, a result of having trouble with peers in her past. This results in a person who is a bit socially awkward at times and prefers to be alone. Easily annoyed, finds guilty pleasure in dropping sharp comments and similiar petty acts. Despite being a quite smart and skilled person, has an inferiority complex due to her bad relations with people and not living up to her ideal self. While she tries to cover it up by acting tough, deep down she's looking for someone or something to punish her for her percieved failings. Between her stress, curiosity, and hidden desires, she found an invitation from EGG too tempting to resist, and hopes to indulge her fantasy.

Extra Notes:
First of all, a couple things I do not want to see - scat and the like, guro, ryona, oversized body parts and inflation, or having my character made into a futa or growing more body parts than she ought to. Not terribly fond of lactation and piercings, but tattoos and such are fine. Thing's I'm ok with include, aside of the usual stuff like tentacle and whatnot, vore, petrification, asphyxiation (when not done in a brutal fashion), mind control, drugs, being encased/mummified as well as inhuman partners, beasts and parasites, including living clothes, bondage, corruption and some minor mutations. Impregnation, eggs/seeds and slavery are also fine.

The kind of adventure I'd be looking for would preferably be something along the lines of a dungeon crawl, with a corruption/enslavement theme. Not something like Nethack, which ends your playthrough swiftly when you give it a chance - rather, a game that lets the player progress further if she wishes regardless of how badly she screws up on the challenges, but punishes her accordingly for each mistake. Whether she makes it to the end without being completely defiled and reduced to a slutty bitch somewhere along the way... Now that is another matter. A sort of "power demands sacrifice" thing going on with any trinkets, helpful objects or advantages she might gain would also work well with this. No need for a plot, maybe a basic one, but some humor and opportunities for a joke (including at some poor shmuck's expense) would be very much welcome, to relax and have a laugh as Rumia exercises her right to be a vengeful petty pain in the ass between attempts at avoiding getting raped senseless.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Damn cross_grave. That is also a kind of game than im always looking for XD

However, i doubt to be able to gm you, im busy these months and i would love to have many of these kind of games as player, not gm :p

If you find a gm i will certainly follow your game


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Jessica
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Sword.

Attitude: A college student-slash-fast food worker with an unreasonably cheery personality considering that she's a college student-slash-fast food worker. In most aspects of her life she can be adequately described as an athletic tomboy with a dangerous blend of confidence and impatience, and she usually more than willing to throw herself at any problem or challenge until she comes out on top. She's an energetic sort and most of her free time is spent at some physical activity or another.

When she was invited to test the EGG she quickly decided to give it a try for three reasons in particular: first being that it's full immersion VR and who hasn't dreamed of that since they were a toddler, second being that she's always been interested in European martial arts and certainly wanted to give melee combat a try in a risk free environment, and finally that she's a bit of a closet pervert who has never been brave enough to try to act or find a partner willing to try her fantasies and has read many enticing rumors about the game's content since she received her invitation. Obviously getting triple-stuffed by virtual tentacles is a much more reasonable first step in that direction than asking a boyfriend that she doesn't have.

Extra Notes: I know that the typical group that GMs EGG threads is swamped and not likely to want another thread, but I'm posting this should anyone be interested. I'm just looking for a bit of fun involving plenty of smutting and fighting without necessarily having any aim to it beyond old-fashioned dungeon diving, but I'll gladly go with whatever adventure a GM would be willing to set for me.

My favorite fetishes are mainly bdsm-related, and I especially enjoy darker themes in my smut. Blackmail, extortion, or other means used to coerce a character into playing along with a tormentor? Yes. The character being slowly broken down by a combination of different types of bdsm play (encasement, heavy bondage, public display, etc.) and being generally humiliated and forced to wear or say demeaning things? Doubleyes. The character finally breaking down and accepting their training? Tripleyes. I'll still happily write lighter things though.

The only fetishes that I'm particularly squick over are watersports, scat, and hard vore, oh, and obviously consensual sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation (sick fucks). Beyond that there are a few that I don't necessarily enjoy but they don't bother me too much. Just letting the fetish stuff be known in advance in case it's make or break for any potential GM.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

EDIT: I already got several pms, so I'm closing off this ad for now, as to not disperse myself to much. Thanks anyway :)

Hello everyone.

I am currently playing a game of Egg as a player, and I'd like to try something new on the side.

I'd like to try and GM a story (again). I'm looking for a person who would like to play as a non-female character, by which I mean any kind of herm (shemale, herm, etc.) or male.
I'm okay with playing either by post or pm, albeit if some unusual content is in the story, it will be by pm only.

Things I love:
  • Monsters
  • Traps
  • Dungeon runs
  • Oviposition
  • Stories with a high roughness setting
  • Any level of BDSM
  • Milking, both breasts and penis

Things I won't do ever:
  • My three big Nopes: piss, scat, gore
  • Snuff and permanent death (for humans, at least)
  • Slavery / SM based stories (I don't find them interesting)

If playing something other than a female character interests you, or if your character is a futa and you want to play with me, send me a pm so we can discuss the details.
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Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

In the interests of not wanting to overwhelm klm with another thread, I would like to know if someone is interested with taking over the Yelena thread as a gm.

I would also like to say that my game with klm (I am the gm of his game), has inspired me to take on a few more games as the gm. If anyone is interested as a player, send me your ideas and I will see if we can work something out. This is more to protect myself from staring a game with concepts that I cannot really get into. .
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Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Aaron Thorston
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Magic
In real life Aaron appears a short guy, with long blonde hair blue eyes and glasses. His face is fairly feminine, and his body is slender with a small frame. He is often mistaken as a girl. He usually wears a simple t-shirt and jeans.

In game he appears as a busty and curvaceous blonde woman with blue eyes and elegant glasses. Though her body is slender and curvy, she still retains her male parts where her female ones should be. She wears a simple white blouse, a knee length black skirt, and 3 inch high heels. Her underwear is a sheer white and lacy.

Attitude: He is always cheerful and smiling, being very easy to make laugh. He is quite easily bullied, or cowed into doing the bidding for others when he is scared or frightened. But when a friend is in need, he will risk everything for them. He is studious and very much a book worm. Preferring to stick his nose into a book then perform a sport.

Extra Notes: Please no scat or watersports. And no forms of vore.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Annika Streiss
Age: 26
Level 0 Trait: Axes(Specialize in weapon pictured)
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Potential Avatar Idea:

Real Life Appearance:

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.): A very serious woman, Annika is a dedicated member of her local police force. She strides hard to excel and show the members of her department her skill and gain their respect. As such, she puts duty above her personal safety and would put her life on the line if it meant the safety of an innocent.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

If anyone feels like running a game of this, going to post a character here

Name: Lia Torosian
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Polearm Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): In Game: Darker skinned version of

Outside World: Arabic skin tone, black hair, about 5 foot 7, slightly rounded, medieval history student.

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.): Upbeat and High Energy and quite adept at her chosen field. As a hobby she joined her universities medieval club and from there learned the bare basics of combat. The others in the club introduced her to games, though she doesn't play them too often she couldn't resist an opportunity like EGG. Speaks with a notable Armenian accent

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

For the pichu

Name: Lissandra
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description: Tall and light with platinum blonde hair and a c-chest, Liss favors light breezy clothing. dark blue eyes and sharp features. She has an unusual affinity for big hats, probably because she likes to hide her face. Not a fighter, she's definitely a coward who'd prefer to just run away or hide from danger.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!


Xia Nephenee

Age: looks as a 17 old girl Real Age: not so far of the 105 years old
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description: Inocent magic novice dark elf. Her will focused on help any in need often looks to place her in problems thanks to her curiosity this often get usual in her travel. Her trust in others had place her also in many terrible moments, but neithers of them cause her harms and only increased her capacity to face the world and theirs dangers.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Lena Weiss
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Spears
Description: This is Lena's pic while clothed. She is a human hermaphrodite with full DD-cup breasts, and a 12 inch long, inch and a half thick cock, and large testicles that the various beings she'll run into can milk dry of her delicious seed.

Attitude: Lena is a warrior that doesn't give up easily in a fight unless she knows there is no way to win. She is a very kind hearted girl, but will fight viciously when pressed to protect her friends and loved ones, or the innocent. Lena is quite sensitive and weak to pleasure, and tends to give in easier than most, but she can go many more times than most in exchange for that weakness. When pushed too far though, her mind turns submissive and she will willingly allow whatever may be raping her or just having sex with her do whatever they wish.

(To show how much more sensitive and weak to pleasure she is than most, Lena's max PP would be between 6 to 8 instead of 10, meaning she reaches climax easier. But she can have more orgasms before she would lose from having too many of them.)

Extra: This is for whoever wants to GM this character. I'm not overly picky of what you'd like to use as enemies or anything like that. Just no scat, guro, or anything sickening like that is all I ask. I'm okay with most any setting/quest as well, though do prefer a fantasy setting more than any other. Whoever might want to GM a thread for Lena here toss me a PM to let me know.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Age: 24
Name: Jessica
Level 0 Trait: Kung Fu :p
Description: Jessica is a lithe built woman who's just short enough to do her job at 5'5" and a respectable BB cup whose long hair is pulled into a tight tail that falls down to her mid back, capped with a heavy silver ball, a memento of her first theft.

Fond not of leather, but of tightfitting, bodyhugging dark blue silk, Jessica has a talent not for fighting, but for running, hiding, and stealing, who relies on not being noticed rather then open combat. Because of this she doesn't carry weapons and tries to stay light.

Her eyes are a light green and her face is reminiscent of a fox with a short pointed nose and high cheekbones that frame her eyes well while her bangs dangle around them further offsetting her pale skin.

Practiced running in heels just to say she could.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Shauna Davenport
Age: 26
Level 0 Trait: Polearm Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Shauna is a good hearted young woman, who generally likes helping others where and when she can. Being a virgin she is quite uneducated and unfamiliar with matters of sex. She prefers to try to find peaceful solutions when possible as opposed to needlessly engaging in violence.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): I am okay with most fetishes, including scat, non lethal vore, watersports, and etc. The only things I won't do are bloodletting, needles, loli/shota, bestiality and guro.

Fetish checker:
Humans: 10
MalexFemale: 10
FemalexFemale: 10
MalexMale: 0
Pregnancy: 10
Birthing: 9
Eggplay: 10
Non Consent Sex / Rape: 8
BDSM: 10
Monsters: 10
Roughness: 10
Tentacles: 10
Mindbreak: 6
Futanari: 7
Transformation: 7
Bestiality: 4
NTR / Cuckoldry: 6
Group / Gangbang: 10
Cumming inside: 10
Facials: 10
Femdom: 10
Maledom: 10
Furry / Anthro: 10
Double Penetration: 10
Double in one hole (double vaginal, anal, etc): 9
Emotional or public humiliation: 9
Dehumanization (human furniture, ponygirls / pet play, etc): 9
Consent-inducing drugs or alcohol: 10
Mind Control: 9
Scarfing or Breath Control: 8
Lactation: 9
Size Difference: 9
Enema/scat: 8
Watersports (forced urination- though this can also fall under humiliation): 8
Water bondage: 8
Ryona: 9
Softcore vore:19
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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Christine Caissa
Age: 25
Level 0 Trait: Magic expertise

Attitude: Curious, deceitful and mischievous.

Extra Notes: Touch the fluffy tail


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Laerissa Whitepelt
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Polearms
Laerissa carries a Lochaber Axe (Despite the name it's a pole arm.) as well as a wood cutting axe and a hunting knife for more survivability than any combat uses.

Attitude: Stern but protective, Laerissa tends to prefer associating with animals than people, though she makes exceptions for some who catch her eye. Not uncivilized but very much a blunt object unless she feels she has to turn on the charm.

Extra Notes: Fine with everything I'm aware of besides scat, gore and watersports.
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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