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The (New) New EGG!


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Welcome to the EGG version 2.2! After playing through quite a few testing sessions with the first batch, I feel I've learned quite a lot, and now, I present, the new system! (Which is the old, but nicer, I hope)

The Core

The core mechanic of the egg, for combat, is simple. I roll two d20s, and the side that gets the higher result wins.

There are modifiers for rolls, depending on Traits (Which are explained below), and other things such as circumstance, or the special abilities of monsters.


Traits help define a character, mostly for combat, and such. There are a few basic traits, and even some hidden ones. Traits have 'levels', meaning that they get more effective. Each character may start off with one trait at level 0. Please note that traits do not increase in power at the same rate, for example, Magic increases a lot slower than other traits, as it's very powerful.

Sword Expertise X | +X to all combat (offensive and defensive) while wielding a sword.
Magic X | A character can preform magic, depending on rank, useable in combat, adding +X to combat rolls
Axe Expertise X | +(X) to offensive combat rolls, +(X-1) to defensive rolls. Also increases crit chance (Reducing the needed beat score by X)
Polearm Expertise X | +X to offensive rolls, +(x+1) to defensive rolls
Bow Expertise X | +(X+1) to offensive rolls, +X to defensive rolls. These bonuses are lost when grappled.

There are other traits, that can be accquired only in game, here's a few examples.

Combat Expertise X | +X to all combat rolls.
Dodger X | +X to defensive rolls as long as not entangled
Escape Artist X | +x to escape checks (Including attacking escape checks)
Spotter X | +(X+1) to not getting ambushed. Reduces monster encounter rate.
Hardened X | Reduces chance to become aroused in battle. (By 1X die sides.)
Aggressor X | +X to attack rolls.


Anyways, moving on, below is the information you should have for a character when you apply.

Level 0 Trait:
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):

Below are settings that will be filled out when you first enter the egg. Please do not fill them out here.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.
______(Feel free to add new ones, though I may not run it if I'm not into it)

The last notes on the system is FP and AP, the two stats.

FP is fatigue, when you run out, your character 'loses' (Meaning you probably win, you jerks). The other is AP, or arousal. There is a penalty to all combat actions equal to one-half AP, as below.

When a character reaches 10 AP, they can do nothing but try to pleasure themselves, ignoring everything else to try and get some release.
AP | Penalty
1    -0
2    -1
3    -1
4    -2
5    -2
6    -3
7    -3
8    -4
9    -4
10   'Stunned'
FP has a cap starting at 5. It can increased in the game.
AP has a cap of 10. It can not be increased.

I think that's all.

Monster Details
<Name> | <Hit Points> | <Base Offensive Power> | <Base Defensive Power>
Effects & Description
Slimes | d6 HP | +0 | +0
Slimes look like somewhat translucent blobs of a semi-liquid state. It is well know that slimes are breathable, which tends to be little comfort to their victims, when being deeply throat fucked. The standard types are a blue-green in color, other colors exist, and they tend to be more powerful.

Slimes tend to be very rough on their victims, though some are gentle

When a slime hits, the target is engulfed. An engulfed target has a 30% chance of becoming more aroused each turn. They also take penalties as defined below. It takes a single successful attack, or escape roll to escape.

Rounds Engulfed | Penalties
1                 -1 to Attacks
2                 -2 to Attacks
3                 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes, Slime has +2 to hit
4                 Can't Attack, -4 to escapes, Slime has +2 to hit
5                 Can't Attack, -5 to escapes, Slime Auto-Hits.
Rope Demons | d6 HP | +1 | +0
Rope Demons look somewhat humanoid in shape, though more deformed, and made of rope coils. They have long whip like arms, which are used to capture and entangle a victim, they tend to have large amounts of rope coils spread in their dens.

Rope demons tend to be gentle with victims.

A Rope Demon attacks using its whip like arms. When a rope demon hits its target, the target becomes entangled. An entangled target takes penalties as below.

Any time a character rolls a 1 in combat with a rope demon, they become entangled by a nearby coil of ropes, suffering the below effects.

Rounds Entangled | Effects
1                 -1 to Attacks, 10% Chance of Arousal
2                 -2 to Attacks, 15% Chance of Arousal
3                 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes, Demon has +2 to hit, 30% Chance of Arousal
4                 Can't Attack, -4 to escapes, Demon has +2 to hit, 40% Chance of Arousal
5                 Target is Bound and unable to fight.
Tentacles | d8 HP | +0 | +1
Tentacles are very common enemies, tough and hard to hit, they waver and attempt to grab their victims. They come in many colors.

Tentacles emit a slick slime that dissolves clothes and arouses when in contact with the skin. Any tentacle who hits its target grapples the target, a grappled target takes a -2 penalty to attacks, but they can try and escape at no penalty. They also have a 50% chance of being aroused every turn while held.
Lust Lily | 0 HP | N/A | N/A
A lust lily isn't so much a monster as a pest. Releasing aphoristic like spores, this flowers tend to make any female nearby filled with lust and arousal. They also tend to be hard to spot, there's only a 25% that a character will spot one each round. They increase AP by 1 each round that a character is in a nearby vicinity.
Shadow Possession Box | d12 HP or Victim (see text) | +0 | +1
This isn't so much a monster per say, but more of a hijacking of another person. Although it only possesses males. When a victim is taken, it uses either the victims HP or the roll of a d12, whichever is higher. It also uses it's victim traits for attack and defense.

It tends to be no more rough than the person it possesses, though it has different ways to claim it's victim.
Wrap Demons | d10 HP | +1 | +1
Wrap demons are much like rope demons, though are still quite different in many ways. They tend to be effectively large amounts of bandages held together by a spirit, generally a perverted one. It tries to encase itself around it's victim. Generally when they take too much damage, they either try to escape or dissipate.

They grab hold of a victim when they hit in combat, refer to the following table.
Rounds Held | Penalties
1                 -1 to Attacks
2                 -2 to Attacks
3                 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes
4                 Victim Mummified, unable to participate in combat

===Extra Rules===
The game is still developing, so sometimes, rules are made in a game. New rules will be posted here, so that players can be informed on them.

It is possible to try a counter move, forgoing your attack, instead adding offensive and defensive bonuses together, with an additional +5, to your defensive roll. If you meet normal counter rule requirements, which is beating the attack roll by 15, you will counter the attack and do damage to your enemy. Note that it is possible to counter without doing a riposte.

--Description/Tactical Bonuses--
If I find you write a good description of an action, or come up with a good tactical idea, then I may award small bonuses of +1s or +2s to your rolls you give you an edge.

Ties always rule in favor of the player.
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RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

===The EGG! Terror in Virtualand!===

A set of the latest recruits have been selected to try out the first ever test of the multi-player function of the EGG! However, unknown to all (except you, the viewers), it wasn't going to got at all like planned.

The lab is encountered by a group of horny college students who managed to make their way into the facility, uploading a virus and taking control of the facility, they trap the current girls inside the EGG, taking over control of the world, recording it, and even entering the world themselves so they can toy with their victims.


This is a new option! I'm planning to start a multiplayer game and give it a try. So when you apply with a character, please note if you would like a normal game, or if they are trying for the multiplayer game. Or both, even!

Also please note that the story for the multiplayer game (the facility being taken over and players trapped in the EGG), does not happen in singleplayer land, it is an alternate continuity.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

(The adventures of Synthia will continue in single-player form)

Applying for the new multiplayer adventure:

Name: Moira
Age: 21
Description: Moira is a red-haired girl with green eyes and a pretty face lightly dotted with freckles. She is atheletic and enjoys sports, excelling at field hockey, volleyball, and track events. She wears jeans and simple black tanktop, along with red socks and some running shoes.

Her in game persona looks similar to her real life appearance:

Attitude : Moira is not well-versed in computer games, but likes the idea of a virtual experience that the EGG is offering, and has dared some of her friends to go with her to test a multiplayer version of the game. She is something of a tomboy, and can be blunt and challenging in her demeanor.

Extra Notes: Despite her aggressive attitude, Moira secretly likes it when control is taken from her, though it is something she would not readily admit. She also strongly prefers girls to boys, and may have a secret crush on one of her friends in the game.

In the gameworld, Moira takes on a barbarian/amazon persona and wields an axe.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Rawr, new character for multiplayer and porting Catherine for my single player.

Name: Lynne
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Magic 1

Attitude: Lynne is normally quite shy and quiet and is a long time friend of Moira. Despite her reserved personality, she rose to her friend's challenge to test out the new EGG rather than be excluded.

(If you need more for the attitude let me know, I can edit in a bit more tomorrow if need be. too tired to write anything more.)


Jul 7, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

(edited to add) Applying for the Multiplayer

Name: Sanae
Age: 19
Description: Sanae is a strong, athletic girl with a toned, boyish figure. Slightly broad shoulders lead into a sleek, subtle hourglass figure, and the muscle tone of an athlete. She's very sports-oriented, including kickboxing. In the game, she sports cat-ears and a tail, but otherwise looks almost exactly the same.

Attitude: Usually quiet and reserved, sometimes bordering on brooding. She doesn't, like to back down from challenges however, and she's been playfully goaded into signing up for the multiplayer game. It was likely a comment along the lines of 'I know you can kick my butt in real life, but I bet you can't beat me in this game!', but she just blushes and growls whenever asked about it!

Extra Notes: Not being the most familiar with this kind of game, she's managed to accidentally skip over most of the equipment selection, and will probably have to find clothes for herself after she enters the gameworld.
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

*Yoinks spot because of getting left out last time!*
Also, solo play if ya don't mind. I don't play well with others ^^;


Name: Shalen Kiritan
Age: 23
Level 0 Trait: Spear Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): A tad smallish, with fiery red hair. She's a talented artist and spends her time- whenever she's not gaming in one form or another- doing art and stories. It's just focusing on a task at hand that's partly her problem.

Shalen is almost in love with the Leage of Legends character, Nidalee. Very often she plays her with a customized skin and is in process of writing up a small story focused on her. Thus, Nidalee has been on her mind quite extensively as of late, thus her mental image taking form of the champion- of course, the catchanging part of her favorite champion probably won't transfer along....

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Headstrong and often trying to make sence of things she runs into, Shalen tries to evaluate all the outcomes before going into a situation, though every so often she'll jump the gun and go ahead into the fray without calcuating her odds. She's also friendly with those that seem friendly enough, but if ya act hostile to her, she'll act cold, annoyed, and even angry.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Shalen's attended a few fantasy fairs in her time, with her preference in the real world extending to javelins, spears, and dagger combat training, though not steel-to-steel, unless you call nerf-foam steel... Also, she's a small understudy in herbalism and can identify plants- unless the game world differs too much from the real world that is.


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Sandra
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Bow Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):Sandra is a lithe girl who lacks any real build except in her chest

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Sandra enjoys seeing new things, she's incredibly curious and lacks any desire to be confrontational with people.


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

For either Single or Multiplayer fun times.

Name: Faylin Ester
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Physical Description:

Mental Description: Faylin is competitive by nature, always keen to work towards being the best. She was never really too good at team sports though, preferring to outwit her opponents mentally rather than physically. A love of board games quickly translated into a love of video games as she grew older. Despite her competitive nature she is fairly social, always enjoying testing her wits against new people.

She doesn't peg herself as much of a fighter and has always gravitated towards spell casters in fantasy games. It helps that she really likes wearing robes over the thought of bulky armour.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

(Both alone and multiplayer)

Name: Susan Summer
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise
Physical Description:

Mental Description: she is a normal girl a little clumsy so she have a hard time to join any team sport even when she have a great athletic body, she join the marathon team of the school but years before she was a member of the volleyball and kendo team. Susan is not a competitive person but she prefer to be surrounded be friends than play video games alone as she was in her childhood.


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

I would tend to prefer single player for at least most of the time, though I wouldn't mind her meeting other players for at least brief periods.

Name: Sarah Silver
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Axe Expertise
Description: An attractive brunette with a constant grin and ample breasts. She could probably stand to lose a little weight, but not terribly much.

Attitude: A practical joker. Her problem isn't so much that she doesn't care about other people as that she thinks her sense of humor is universal. Most recently, she took advantage of Ashley's honor to get her to enter the Egg with brutal settings. She understands that this wouldn't be fun, but still thinks it was worth it for the sake of the joke. She has agreed to submit to the same herself so that people will speak to her again rather then from actual remorse.

Extra Notes: Depending on just how brutal you're willing to be, she might try to get out before Game Over. She'll probably talk herself into returning, though, since she's getting rather desperate for attention. And of course you mentioned someone locking people inside...

(Oh, and as far as goals go... I'd like to have a nice thorough learning experience at the hands of slavers (maybe getting a bit further into her 'training' then Ashley before she escapes) but then manage to go on and maybe even beat the dungeon. :p)


Tentacle God
May 21, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Bio: Just completing school and college, he set out for a job. Current economy is tough, so unfortunately he had to settle for the fast food industry. While working he overheard a customer talking about some game called "The Egg". When giving the customer his order, Gordan inquired about the game and asked the cost for it. Surprisingly, Gordan was told he would be getting paid to do this. This being his dream job, playing video games for cash, he requested immediately where to find this and how he could get set up. The customer however forgot to mention plenty of details about the egg, and how sexually explicit it was. He'd be in for a big surprise. It would be rather amusing to see how such a prude will deal with this game.

Name: Gordan
Age: 20

Physical Description:
Mental: Always being a guy who loves imagining himself as the character in the story, he'll try to make it look as much like him as possible.

Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y3
Female/Female/Male (since he's a guy in this case): Y 4
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 4
Monsters Y 3
Roughness from gentle to downright dominatrix
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The (New) New EGG!


Name: Caitlyn Davies
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Swords
Description: A short girl with brown hair that flares out at just above shoulder length. She has a modest bust about which she has become quite insecure, and is not thin but not overweight either, with wide hips that her mother claims will be just perfect for childbearing. She shudders at the thought. She is something of a crybaby, easily upset. She's a fairly new student at the college the other three attend, and was quickly befriended by Moira despite her shy nature. She doesn't much care for video games, but is willing to tag along with the others for companionship.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): I'll probably run this as a pretty submissive character, and you really can't offend me, so don't worry too much. She'll probably start out with a fairly simple and plain outfit, etc.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

The EGG Multi-player!

An announcement for you all, the first players in the first multiplayer EGG game will be BlueSlime, Tiffanian, Quartz, and DemonKammy.

As an added bonus, BlueSlime will be running single player threads for both Farren and Plmnko, in addition to the offer to run a multiplayer thread for the both of them!

Look for the new EGG multiplayer soon.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Farren/Plmnko, is this all right that I GM your threads? Don't want to seem like I've been foisted upon you.

Also, you've both said you're okay with solo and multiplayer. Would it be all right to start you off solo, and then perhaps make a multiplayer thread later if the two of you should meet up?


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Sure thing, whatever is the easiest whatever helps you two get things set up and running. I'm fine starting of solo as well.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Im also fine with solo, if we make a team (something than will be great if happen later) i hope than i dont take to much to post to dont bother you more Farren


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

I might propose a new game/character awhile from now, but probably not too soon.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Single for now, might take up multiplayer if I find it interesting

Name: Ai Tsubaki
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Polearm Expertise
Physical Description:

In-game look is pretty much that, with the inevitable skimpy armor (maybe not) and a naginata or similar

Personality/Attitude: A quiet, shy type of girl. Despite her seemingly passive nature, Ai is interested in all kinds of new things. Recently having picked up videogames, she finds the EGG to be a fascinating thing to try out
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Her Boyfriend is Hung Like a Horse
Jul 23, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Age 26
Description: Tall and athletic this former web-cam model has finally earned enough money for college. The intense study schedule has led her down the path of gaming, in search of stress release.
Level 0 trait Magic 1
Since she has experienced the sex industry first hand, Sahmica has essentially sworn off sex due to having become jaded, making it difficult for to have relationships since she is hard to please. coupled with the fact that she has had to develop an assertiveness that borders on being rude when handling unruly customers, she can come across as being overbearing unkind.
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Jungle Girl
Feb 11, 2011
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

I hope this is how it works n.n;;

Name:Sayuri Kana
Age: 19
Weapon: Sword
Description:Sayuri comes up short; being 5'2", but her unimpressed look and habitual chewing of gum tells you she thinks she's much taller. Her hair is short and swept to the side with a bluish glaze to her black hair, ending in haphazard tips of red. Her deep blue eyes are veined with lighter grayish blue streaks coming from her pupils. Her skin is quite a few shades tanner than most who lurk in cubicles, as she can be often caught skateboarding and wreaking havoc on sidewalks. Her usual selection of clothes is quite contrasting; bright neon colors bordering and streaking black or gray. She usually wears any array of shoes that is often designed by a multitude of hand-drawn sharpie images.

Attitude: Sayuri is rebellious, and lives to break things, but not in the physical sense but to challenge whats established and prove she can find a better way. She's strong-willed and pretty cocky. Nothing excites her more than seeing someone try to take that away from her. But she also knows when to flee, having been caught on the wrong side of the law quite a few times.

Humans: Y 2
Male/Female: Y 4
Female/Female: Y 3
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 3
Monsters Y 5
Roughness: Very? Anything short of guro, scat and nipple-insertion I think I'll be fine with.
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