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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah's face went pure white at Jillian's first words, the hint at what happened to Eilsah herself drawing all the blood from her cheeks. And not a moment later, she flushed with embarrassment, and regret. "I..." she started, but didn't finish. She left that start of the sentence unfinished for a time as she let Jillian continue to speak. And after she finished, Eilsah seemed to give the situation some thought, before slowly nodding, "... Alright... You're right, Jillian... I don't want this..."

"I feel free... I do..." she started to explain herself once more, venting her highly condensed thoughts, "But... When you say it like that... It scares me something fierce..." Her head lifted up, looking Jillian eye to eye, not too hard considering that most centaur were the size of ponies. "It's alright, I don't want to be a demon, I don't want to turn into a monster like her," she spat, casting a curse at the Succubus that infected her with this curse.

"I'm glad to hear it," declared Beatrice, who was trotting slowly towards them, with someone walking alongside her, hidden behind the centaur. "-because I've already talked with her about what was going on briefly."

And as for the woman in question, she walked over, into sight, when Jillian immediately identified her as Beatrice's common 'guest' to the town, Cynthia, the Crow Tengu.

(These events take place after Grave Cynder and Alexia the Imp have departed the tower.)

Cynthia's straight, black hair flowed in the wind as she walked on her talons towards Jillian and Eilsah proper, and her red eyes shifted between the two, much like how birds usually do when investigating. Her wings, in place of where her arms would be if she were human, were at her sides, feathers fluttering just as much as her hair was. The same for the feathers on her legs, starting from the knee and down, were feathers waving rapidly back and forth from the force of the wind currents. But, her outfit, which was a strange, almost foreign dress, even to the island, seemed hardly affected.

Cynthia gave Jillian and Eilsah a polite bow, just as she normally does when greeting someone. "... It is nice to see you all again, even if under unfortunate circumstances..." she greeted them in a near whisper, then politely waited for a greeting back from Jillian and Eilsah, although it appeared Jillian would have to be first, as Eilsah seemed... A bit out of touch.
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Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah's declaration brings a smile and a quick hug from Jillian. "It'll turn out all right, just you wait and see."

The arrival of Beatrice and Cynthia gets Jillian to drop the hug and face them, but she still holds on to one of Eilsah's hands as she bows in greeting. "Ma'am... I don't believe we've met before, although I'm sure I've seen you visit Waymeet a few times. I'm Jillian... and this is Eilsah." A quick heft of their linked hands to show who she's talking about accompanies the introduction.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Cynthia held up her feathers at Jillian as she went to introduce themselves, "I'm aware who you are... As well as your predicament." she informed them, "But, before we speak of what is done, would you rather we step inside, and discuss over some tea to help soothe the mind?"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian glances down at Eilsah before responding. "Tea sounds great. So, shall we?"

She gives their linked hands a gentle tug. Eilsah seemed content with walking before, but if she decided she wanted to ride for this last little bit, Jillian wouldn't say no.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah did not make any request, or attempt to ride on Jillian's back, although Jillian did have to slow down her usual pace to stay with her as they followed Beatrice and Cynthia towards the tower.

After going inside, and sitting down on chairs for those who had two legs, and on her bottom for the only woman in the room with four, Cynthia was quick to prepare accommodations for her guests, and herself, bringing tea, and sugar to everyone, there was little conversation among the four of them. Jillian, left with the only option of waiting for Cynthia to do what they obviously came to ask her to do, could only politely wait until she did just that. Eilsah, nervous about what would happen, and if she really wanted it to happen, spent most of her time, thinking to herself, engaged in a private conversation with the demons of her mind. And Beatrice was confined with watching everyone else. Observing, and watching all of their facial expressions, trying to find unspoken words...

It wasn't until they were finished with drinking the restorative tea, that Cynthia finally spoke, "I will not hold secrets, not all of your transformation, I can cure..." she said in the same, cold, relaxed tone of voice as always, "I can prevent the Succubus curse from altering your sense of right and wrong, but I cannot reverse your physical changes..."

Eilsah looked at Cynthia oddly for a time, as if she didn't know how to respond to her statement, before she shook her head, a little upset, "What... What does that mean!" she questioned the crow. And, slouching back in her seat, and taking in a nervous breath, Eilsah thought the worst, "Does that mean I'll look like this forever...?"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"Awww, you don't want to keep these?" Jillian reaches over to Eilsah, grinning, stroking her fingertips along a wing she'd fanned open in her nervousness. "I think they're kinda cute."

Her smile gets more serious, but still with an indulgent flair. "I'm sure, given time, Cynthia could find some way of changing your appearance - maybe not reversing, no, but letting you look the way you want to. I think she's just saying that she can't do it now."

Then it dissipates, Jillian's face taking on a serious cast. "But she said she could deal with what I think is the important part of the curse - the part that's trying to mess with your mind. I told you, I'll stay with you, Eilsah, no matter what you look like. I'm just worried that you would stop being the person I care about."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah's face goes red as Jillian strokes her immature, small wings, and her small tail stiffens, pointing upwards like a heart shaped arrow. Both pink in color, likely due to the fact that they were not done developing, they could easily be considered cute in reality, despite their obvious nature. And after listening to what Jillian has to say, niether Cynthia nor Beatrice inturrupting her, Eilsah sighed sadly, looking down at her lap, "... I suppose I am to..."

Eilsah picked her head up, looking right at Cynthia with as much boldness as she could muster in her state, and with more courage than Jillian had ever seen her have ever since she was attacked, "I'll do it, Cynthia, just please hurry and get this poison out of me!" she told the crow with nothing but a demanding attitude.

Cynthia agrees with a nod of her head, standing up from the table, which Beatrice seems to mimic, until everyone stood as well. "Very well... I will remove the curse from you... Although..." she trailed off for only a mooment, "During the time she is being purified, her deepest sexual demons will attempt to emerge, and stop me... And they will use her body to accomplish their goals..."

Beatrice suddenly looked to Cynthia with an alarmed, cautious look, "Cynthia-?" she called her name out questioningly, before she was halted by an upraised wing from the crow herself.

"Eilsah's body will be possessed while the spell takes effect... Essentially, she will act as a full fledged, berserk demon for a time... And she will rape the first person in her sights..." she said bluntly, which bruoght an uneasy stir from Eilsah, "It is up to you..." Cynthia suddenly directed at Jillian, "If you think you will not be able to handle Eilsah in her fully developed state, I will offer myself to her in your place..."

With that, Jillian was left with a choice. On one hand, she could let Eilsah pleasure her, but if she fainted, Eilsah would break free of the spell... And then who knows what would happen? On the other hand, if Cynthia did it... While she'd more than likely handle anything Eilsah throws at her just fine, would Jillian be alright with letting Eilsah rape her..?
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Tut tut tut... what to do, what to do...
"Get yer lardy ass offa me! I'll rape ya till yer brains turn to MUSH!" "Nope." "Why you- agsthi pargthi oof-" "No spellcasting, now." "Hrrrgh... errgh... huff, huff... I-I'm b-back? I'm okay, you can -huff- let me up now -huff- really!" "Hmmm, Cynthia? You done purifying yet? No? Too bad." "ARRRGGGHHH!"
(I'm gonna assume Jillian can't simply squash Eilsah to the ground until Cynthia's done. Either because she needs to be able to see Eilsah, or because Eilsah's stronger than that. :p)

Jillian frowns at the idea of letting Eilsah rape Cynthia. No doubt Cynthia believed she could shrug off anything Eilsah did... but Jillian said she'd help Eilsah. Not simply find help for her, but actually assist Eilsah herself. If grappling with an Eilsah-turned-demoness was what it took, well, she'd tried something similar already. And besides... I outlasted her this morning... sure, she got a rest on the way here, but she won't be that much more energetic, right?

Her mind made up, Jillian gave Cynthia a nod. "I'll do it. I'll keep her busy while you cast the spell, or whatever." She reaches out to Eilsah, gathering her into a tight hug, whispering in an ear "It'll be okay, just wait and see." Then she looks back at Beatrice. "Um, Beatrice... could you make sure if she, um, gets free... that nothing bad happens?"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Cynthia blushed slightly, twisting her lips, as if Jillian had said something wrong. "I... Do not need a distraction, Jillian..." she informed her, before her red eyes regained their focus, directing at the centaur herself, "The spell will take effect almost immediately... And since they will emerge, they will express themselves... thoroughly... And all that is needed, is for someone to allow the demon to vent itself, out of Eilsah's soul."

"I say this, if you cannot handle Eilsah at her peak of sexuality, she will simply come after me once you are spent. It is a matter of sexual endurance... Once Eilsah is completely satisfied... She will be cured."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Um... oh. That's how the spell works? Somebody needs to fuck Eilsah's brains out, till her demonic self is satisfied? Okay, then! :D)

"Um... oh... OH!" Jillian's face flushes, red as her hair, as she realizes what her role in this 'ceremony' would really be. Not that she minded having sex with Eilsah... not after this morning... but to do it with an audience of Cynthia and particularly Beatrice...

Her arms firm up around Eilsah, holding her tightly, as she sucks in her cheeks in nervousness. "I, um, I'll still do it... um... Beatrice... maybe you could, um, go somewhere else? Ma'am? Please? I-I guess Cynthia can, um, take care of any trouble herself after all..."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah, blushing, looked away from both Jillian and Beatrice, while the chief centaur herself rolled her eyes, "Fine by me," she said, standing up on her hooves from the table, the only trouble from her size being that she was about as long across as a couch, not from how tall she was. For, like Jillian, she was only the size of a pony, so she only stood as tall as any other human. And just before she walked away, she gave Jillian a look she would only recognize by knowing Beatrice for a long time; a look of disapproval. It was clear that the sight of a centaur and an elf kissing was taboo, even to the more accepting of individuals. And being a religious person of sorts, Beatrice held to her beliefs.

The doors leading out of the tower gently closed shut at Beatrice's departure. And when the chieftain was gone, Cynthia sighed softly, fluttering her wings a little. And without saying anything, she began to remove certain articles of her clothing, one at a time, catching the immediate attention of Eilsah, who stared at the slowly disrobing crow.

Folding her clothing, and placing it on the table, Cynthia's small breasts (large, for a monster of the avian variety, who usually have flat chests) were laid bare to the open air. Cynthia looked at Jillian for a moment, as if expecting her to be doing the same, but looked back to herself, not about to tell Jillian to safekeep her clothes, nor warn her that they will likely be destroyed during Eilsah's cleansing process...
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian does not move, still holding on to Eilsah, hiding her red face in Eilsah's hair, until the click of the door announces Beatrice's departure. At that point, she lets go, nervous, eyeing Cynthia as she strips. Cynthia's soft cough and look as she finishes, encouraging Jillian to do the same, recalls her to herself, and her hands move up to the ties on her tunic.

Now that Cynthia is simply standing, her feathers shifting slightly as she waits, Eilsah's attention is drawn to Jillian as she strips. With her carry harness and her gear left at the tower entrance, all that's left to remove is her tunic, and when she senses Eilsah's eyes upon her, Jillian rather nervously tries to put on a show. Tail flirting, breasts bouncing free as she tugs her tunic over her head, Jillian folds the shirt up neatly, twisting slightly as if to shield one side or the other from view. Then she walks, almost prances, over to the table with Cynthia's garments, hair and bosom bouncing, and puts her shirt down beside them.

Taking a deep breath, she turns back to Cynthia. "I-I guess we're ready."

(Blah. Sorta-generic-feeling posty stuff.)
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Cynthia nodded to Jillian after both of the girls were ready. A look of calm on her face even now, when she was about to engage in something rather embarrassing...

With a deep sigh, Cynthia slowly brought her wings together in front of her, the tip of the wing directing a black feather at Eilsah, causing the elf to tense up a little with fear, fear of what might happen once Cynthia lets the demon inside her take total control. And as both elf and centaur witnessed the crow summon her magic, Eilsah shut her eyes, awaiting the magical blast intensely with every earth shattering heartbeat.

Then, suddenly, Cynthia's magic was released. A ball of seemingly pure energy came forth, colliding with Eilsah's body like a droplet of water falling into a pond, spreading out in ripples, soaking Eilsah's entire body, not to mention her entire soul. And the next thing Jillian knew, all of Eilsah's fear and tensity was gone from her muscles, replaced with a sudden calm, as if all the worry within her disappeared.

Eilsah, standing in front of Jillian with her back to her, slowly began to turn her head around. A strand of hair slid down from her shoulder, going down along her skin in a wave, until it stopped at her breast, coasting along her skin like a river. And when Eilsah turned her head just enough to look back at her dear friend, Jillian was greeted by a pair of bright red, glowing eyes, and a small, eerie smile...

"Jillian..." Eilsah whispered, her breath rolling along Jillian's skin in waves, sending a shudder along her spine, "For the very first time..."

"I feel Alive!"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian feels her face freeze as Eilsah's glowing red eyes come to rest upon her. Making her feel dirty, as they roam up and down her nude body, seeming to treat her as merely a fleshy sex toy, instead of a person.

This is supposed to happen. You agreed to it happening, so did Eilsah. You knew what would happen. Being scared of it happening is what a child would do.

A pox on all magic anyways.

She inhales, clenching her teeth while she regains her nerve, and then makes herself smile. "I'm glad you feel all right."

Stepping forwards, Jillian draws Eilsah into her arms, resting her head on her shoulder and letting her fingers trail down her side, the act becoming more natural as she feels herself respond to Eilsah's raw sexuality. "So..." she purrs, "what would you like to do first?"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah didn't seem to respond to Jillian's embrace. She turned her head to look at the back of Jillian's as the centaur spoke to her, regarding the horse woman that held her with the same, unchanging smile.

"... I'd like to devour you... To hold your soul within my own, forever..."

"Let me hear your soul scream, Jillian."

A piercing mix of pain and pleasure shot through Jillian all the way to her core at the end of Eilsah's words. Tendrils, summoned forth by an unknown magic came forth from the ground around the two women, and proceeded in violating Jillian in accordance with their master's wishes. And at Jillian's natural reaction to try and remove the one that slammed into her mouth, Eilsah wrapped her arms around Jillian's body, holding the centaur arms at her sides, so that she might absorb Jillian, undisturbed.

Each tentacle was connected to one, slightly larger tentacle, which soon came forth out of the ground amidst the others, before going inside Eilsah's pussy. The possessed elf moaned loudly, squeezing Jillian tightly as she began absorbing Jillian at a dangerously lethal rate. And in a mere moment, Jillian suddenly lost contact with a majority of her senses. Her vision blurred, her hearing went, and the tentacles inside her somehow felt as if it was happening to someone else.

However, before Jillian's soul could be dragged out of her body in that mere instant, the centaur managed to recover her senses, and fight back before it was too late, gathering herself back enough to think clearly, see clearly, and worst of all, feel what was happening to her.

And as soon as she gathered herself, having managed to fight back the demon's lustful hunger, she realized two things; First, was that she needed to stop what Eilsah was doing to her, and second, Cynthia appeared very alarmed, likely to intervene if Jillian didn't turn the tide soon.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

The tentacles ramming themselves up her backside cause Jillian to open her mouth. Whether to voice a protest or merely yelp in pain remains unknown, as another magical length promptly stuffs itself down her throat, twining and slithering in a frenzied parody of a tongue. Her shocked grab at the invader gets halted by Eilsah, wrapping her arms around Jillian's torso, moaning and rubbing herself on Jillian. Everything goes hazy and dreamlike, her feelings left drifting. If she'd asked, I might just give it to her...

But she didn't ask. She just took.

With that thought, Jillian snaps back into the now. White-hot fury burns, at realizing just how close she'd come to failing them all, and equine instinct provides an immediate reaction...

If something threatens the herd, charge it and trample it so the herd can flee.

Fortunately for Eilsah, Jillian doesn't actually get to the "trampling" part, using the powerful muscles of her equine legs to push Eilsah forwards and pull herself away from the tentacles, and slamming the possessed elf painfully into the wall before she has a chance to go under Jillian's hooves.

With either the shock or the movement having proved enough to free Jillian's mouth, she snarls at the demon in her arms...

"You want to play rough? We'll play rough!"

Turning, swinging Eilsah violently around as she does so, Jillian looks for a chair, a table, something she can bend her over and ram a fist up her cunt.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Pulling away from the tentacles, and knocking Eilsah's concentration on the unholy magic off, they faded away, dispelling into some kind of gas, before vanishing entirely, as most magic does when it loses the life force needed to keep it a part of reality. And, after slamming Eilsah into the wall hard enough to knock all the breath out of her lungs, the possessed elf snarled at Jillian, showing her teeth, and glaring at her with her bright red eyes.

Not giving Eilsah a chance to try another trick, Jillian slammed her, face down upon the table which they drank tea from earlier, before jamming her whole hand inside Eilsah's cunt, fisting her now much more loose pussy, thanks to the demonic transformation, in an attempt to defeat Eilsah in this sexual battle of sorts. And on the table, Eilsah moaned, planting her hands flat against the table, and moving her hips in response to Jillian's arm inside her.

With Jillian's arm planted against her back, Eilsah looked back at the centaur with a toothy grin, "Let's up the ante, Jillian!" she announced, before summoning forth another spell, to quick for the centaur to stop it. And in all but a few moments, Jillian felt the grip of Eilsah's dark, succubus magic take ahold of her. It seemingly meant no ill, as far as she could tell, since there was naught a sign of pain on her. But, the purpose of the spell revealed itself quickly, when Jillian felt a 'growth' coming from her private areas, growing larger, and larger in size, until Jillian realized that Eilsah had cursed her with the genitals of a male...

Looking back at Jillian, still with the same, devious expression, there was little doubt as to what the elf wanted...
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian falters for a moment as the magic plays with her crotch, then leans over to snap in Eilsah's ear. "If you'd REALLY wanted me to use that, you'd have put it up-front!"

She reaches around, grabbing a tit with her free hand, pulling her upright to balance on the one in her slit. Elisah's wings flutter against Jillian's breasts, and she leans her head in to suck on Eilsah's neck while she wiggles her fingers around, feeling her squirm as she rubs against sensitive nerves. Leaving her fully exhibited to Cynthia's sight.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Turning to try and find Cynthia, Jillian noticed that the crow woman had moved from where she had last been since she was last seen. And was now seated in a chair on another side of the room, still nude, with a book in front of her, which she was using a feather, just as black as her own, to write in it. She seemed to be paying Jillian and Eilsah little visual attention, instead occupying her time elsewhere while Jillian dealt with Eilsah.

But, Jillian would have little time to think about that, since Eilsah wasn't too happy to not have her way.

In one quick moment, as Jillian took to groping, and fingering the elf in her arms, Eilsah, using her tail, stabbed Jillian's underside. The sharp tip of the heart shaped tail easily went inside the centaur, but instead of causing immediate pain, Jillian felt what could only be described as a portion of the succubus curse trying to seep inside her, and corrupt her rational thought. "You'll see things my way, Jillian. Even if you can't see at all."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

The sting of Eilsah's tail catches Jillian by surprise, and what had been a developing hickey turns into a row of red marks as she bites down on Eilsah's shoulder. She pulls back and glares at the elf's head. Focus on what you're doing here, not what else is happening...

"Errgh... you, you... FINE!"

So saying, Jillian forces Eilsah down to her hands and knees, straddling her and holding her shoulders to keep her in place. She wriggles her hips, trying to insert her magically-granted penis, unfamiliarity with the organ in question causing her to prod all about the demoness's crotch.