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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: Corruption (Jillian)

After walking for some time, the two began to take note just how late at night it was. And after stopping back at the village to quickly gather supplies, their preparation much easier now that the succubi were long gone when they arrived, Beatrice and Jillian set up camp for the night. Eilsah was wrapped into a comfortable sleeping bag made of the finest arachne silk, while Beatrice and Jillian had silk wrapped around feathers, fashioned into very comfortable pillows, along with sheets to allow their human portions of their bodies to feel more comfortable on the ground.

Laying on the ground, looking into the fire, Beatrice let out a sigh as she glanced at Eilsah, "I was afraid something like this might happen one day..." she suddenly told Jillian, "Cynthia always spoke of dark, demonic forces rising, but in our quiet little town, I never thought..." she trailed off, her tone and facial expression seeming to drown in guilt, as if she was to blame for the town's defeat.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(Hm... I take it Waymeet's in between where they caught up to the succubus and where Cynthia's house is.)

The trip back to Waymeet passed quietly, neither centaur much interested in talking, the moon lighting the way enough that they could follow the paths easily.

The eerie silence that greeted their arrival left Jillian feeling nervous and uncomfortable. Neither succubus nor villager greeted them, scuffs in the dirt giving signs of the result. Here an arrow, tip bloodied where it had bit demonic skin, then presumably pulled free and let drop. There a shred of fabric, torn from a sleeper's tunic, the crusty white dribbles next to it indicating what must have happened to its owner. The very air seemed gloomy and dark, the trees still and their shadows threatening.

Jillian made her way back to her stable, letting Eilsah down carefully outside before stepping inside. The bed that had been so inviting, just the previous day, now seemed like bait to a trap, and she avoided it, taking off her nightshirt, putting on the heavier garb she normally wore during the day. Her carry harness went on too, food and water put into pouches, camp-bedding piled on top, bow and quiver slotted in their accustomed places. The leathers she wore when anticipating danger were also added to the pack, their weight insignificant compared to the threat of demonic claws.

Returning outside, Eilsah remained unconscious, so Jillian gathered her up and quietly made her way to Eilsah's hut, ducking inside the broken door and grabbing items. A fresh set of clothes, her weapons, the bedroll which the arachnes had traded to her... things which Eilsah had always taken with her, on extended trips. But will she even recognize them now... Jillian shook her head, trying to banish such thoughts, stuffing the salvaged items into a backpack and moving outside with them.

Once more picking up the sleeping Eilsah, Jillian met Beatrice coming their way, packs of her own balanced on her back. "I don't feel... safe... staying here... it's like the air itself is darker and more threatening than it should be. You don't suppose those demons did something to the village itself...?" With Beatrice shaking her head and agreeing, the group moved on, eventually finding a small clearing that seemed friendly and safe.

"S-Should we tie Eilsah into her bedroll, or do you want to trade off watching her?" A campfire made and bedding spread out, Jillian stared moodily forwards, lying down on her sheet, elbows propping up her torso. Beatrice's guilty statement rouses her slightly. "We haven't lost everybody... you've got me... and we've both got Eilsah... W-We'll get them back. We'll find out where the demons took them, and we'll bring them back, and we'll find a way to heal Eilsah and them and stop whatever it is the demons think they're doing."

She inhales, a long, shuddering breath, trying to keep up a brave attitude in the face of disaster, and not really succeeding. "I-If Cynthia was predicting the demons attacking... she'll know of something to do. And I'm sure once she gets a chance to look at Eilsah, she'll have a better idea of what the demons are trying to accomplish. If she's really as good a scholar and magic-user as you said she is..."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

(It's only a little bit out of the way, actually. It was just the need for supplies that caused the need to go back.)

Beatrice shook her head at Jillian, giving her an odd look, "I don't think we need to worry about Eilsah that much, Jillian... Besides, she's still your friend, she's still Eilsah. I wouldn't dare think of tying her up unless I truly believed that the Eilsah I knew was gone." she said firmly, "... She's only a little more horny than usual..." And at Jillian's attempt to brighten the situation with hope, hope that they can cure Eilsah of her corruption, and save the others, Beatrice didn't look so sure. Her eyes wandered a bit, uncertainty showing itself on her expression. "But... What if they do the same thing to them, as what was done to Eilsah?" she said, her brows furrowing together with worry, "... It tears me up, to think of what might be happening to them..."

Beatrice let out a sigh, before laying down on her pillow, "The only one who can help any of us now is Cynthia... She's the only one I know with enough magic, and knowledge that might be able to stem the tide of this darkness..."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian lets out an unhappy sigh at the thought of their friends and family being tormented. "Some of them saw you fighting. I'm sure others heard me yelling at the succubus. They'll know the demons didn't capture us... because we're not wherever they took all the villagers. I-It's not much... but they'll know we're working to free them..."

She stares into the fire for a bit. "We should sleep... it won't help anybody if we're staggering with exhaustion in the morning..." So saying, Jillian puts her head down on her pillow, shifting to get more comfortable and try to resume her long-interrupted rest.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Beatrice happily did the same, laying her head down, and closing her eyes slowly, trying to get as much rest as she could, as she was almost just as worn as Jillian from the horrible night they had. Sleep came quickly for them both. The world slowly faded, as their consciousness slowly slipped away, the warmth from the fire they made washing over them, and easing them into a gentle sleep...

Some time into the night, Eilsah's eyes opened suddenly. What greeted her was a night sky, and a pain in the back of her head, along with the warmth of her bed roll. Eilsah slowly rose, holding the back of her head, while she looked around at her surroundings. Jillian and Beatrice were fast asleep, and there was an old campfire on the ground, the flames gone, while only a few spots of red hot ash remained. Eilsah blushed when she looked at Jillian, still feeling that longing in her heart. It felt so real, so pure, she felt that her love for Jillian was simply something that she held in for so long, and she couldn't stand it any longer.

She didn't want to wake Jillian, but she couldn't stand being away from her. Quickly, she got out of her bed roll, the woven silk no longer covering her nude body, revealing her pink nipples, and round rump, not to mention a small tail that had grown overnight, with a heart shape at the end of it to compliment what she was turning into. She gathered her sleeping bag, and quietly moved over to where Jillian slept, her soft feet not making more than a tiny sound as she crept over to her now beloved centaur. She laid out her roll, before quietly slipping into it, right next to Jillian's front, so that she was facing her. And, with one arm free of the roll, gently cuddled up to Jillian, resting her forehead against Jillian's bosom, before she herself fell asleep...

And when Jillian would next awake in the morning, she'd find Eilsah in that very position, cuddling to her, and showing a great deal of affection to the centaur she claimed she was in love with...
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian slowly awakens, an unfamiliar weight pressed against her chest and a limb holding her down. She manages to keep herself from reacting, only stiffening slightly till she realizes that it's Eilsah's head, resting against the fabric of her tunic. Letting out the breath she'd taken in by instinct, she reaches up and starts gently stroking Eilsah's hair.

"Eilsah," she whispers, "what is happening to you...?"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah shuffles a little as her hair is stroked, but her arms around Jillian remain firm, and even give Jillian a little squeeze to make sure she was still there. And, after a moment of being caressed, Jillian suddenly heard Eilsah speak without even seeing her open her eyes. "Jillian..." she called out her name in a quiet, soft tone of voice, "... Do you love me?" she suddenly asked. And when she did, her eyes opened, revealing blood red eyes, unlike the beautiful blue eyes Eilsah had her entire life at all, a marking of yet another stage of Eilsah's speeding corruption...
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"Well, I, um..." Jillian starts fumbling to answer the question, not really sure the answer's yes, but equally uncertain about saying no and hurting Eilsah's feelings.

Then Eilsah opens her eyes.

Jillian freezes. "Eilsah... your eyes... they're not your eyes, I mean, they're not blue, they're red, they've changed colour, they don't look like your eyes, they, they, they -"

By this point, Jillian's grabbed onto Eilsah's shoulders, quite firmly, and is shaking both her and Eilsah spastically in her increasing panic.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah didn't respond much to her shaking, and not too much to her large amount of concern. She simply continued to look at Jillian, staring at her with her blood red eyes, while a feeling similar to before, on the mountaintop, began to wash over her. Jillian's stomach fluttered, and her heart held a longing for her dear friend, which only grew with more and more intensity every second.

"Jillian..." Eilsah whispered to her, "If I became a monster... Would we still be together?" she asked Jillian in an almost unbearably sheepish voice, filled with enough sorrow to make someone cry, and with enough pent up emotion to make someone lose utter control of their own emotions, and thus, abandon all logic.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah's quiet sadness gets Jillian to take deep breaths and stop panicking. "A monster is, as a monster does... If you started attacking people, without care for their wishes, destroying their homes, blighting their futures... behaved as a monster would... then no, I would not stay with you."

She hugs Eilsah tightly, near squashing the breath out of her. "Eyes changing colour, hell, things like sprouting wings and a tail... those don't make you a monster... harpies aren't monsters, now are they? I w-wouldn't leave you just because your eyes turned red..."

Jillian loosens her grip, bringing Eilsah back face to face, looking her in those eerie red eyes. "I-I'm worried... what's happening inside you... you don't seem to care that your eyes changed colour... and you always had the prettiest blue eyes..."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian's words saying that she would not stay with Eilsah, no matter what happened to her, truly seemed to hurt her. Her red eyes lowered, and became soft with sadness. She shook her head in the middle of Jillian's speech, pulling herself away from the centaur, quickly moving to stand up, "Even if I turned into a monster... Someone who loved me would never leave me alone... They'd never abandon me." she said, nearly on the point of tears. Having held such emotions, whether real or not for Jillian, only to hear that Jillian herself did not hold anywhere near the amount of love for her, made Eilsah feel torn apart. Betrayed, almost.

And right as her first tears broke out, Eilsah suddenly darted off in a run, her succubus tail lifting a little, and swaying back and forth with each step she took as she tried to run away. Her broken heart only speeding her steps as a result of Jillian's unwise choice of using the blunt truth with someone so blindly lost in emotion.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"E-Eilsah! Wait!" Jillian's eyes catch sight of Eilsah's tail, bobbing as she turns to run, hesitating only a moment before she lurches upright, catching up to the fleeing girl, arms grabbing her about the chest and bringing her to a halt.

"T-The Eilsah I know would NEVER become a monster. Would not even THINK of becoming a monster." Jillian rests her chin on Eilsah's shoulder, tears threatening to fall despite all efforts to keep herself calm.

"A-And you're Eilsah. You're not becoming a monster. W-whatever's making you feel like that... like you could possibly become a monster... let me help... there's got to be something I can do to help..." She sniffles, trying to keep from crying.

"S-Stay with me? Please? Let me stay with you?"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah seemed on just the same point of shedding tears. And with Eilsah in her grasp, Jillian could feel her trembling fiercely. "Jillian..." she said weakly, as if depressed, or tired. Or perhaps even both, "I can't fight this... You don't know what it's like... How much she injected into me..." Eilsah's breath slowly started to quicken, and she started squirming a little, while her legs clenched with a rising lust, "And-and I want more. I want so much more, Jillian. I want to fuck, I don't care how!" she told her, her voice quickly rising, getting louder as her words became more and more passionate.

"And I want to do it with someone I love, at the very least... Out of everyone else, I want to make love to you, Jillian..."

Eilsah's head slowly turned back, until her lips were nearly connected with Jillian's again, just like the night before, "I want you to fuck me... I want you to give me everything..." she told her. And at that point, she could no longer contain herself, quickly lurching forward, and planting her lips on Jillian's.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian's mind is racing, trying to make sense of her emotions and Eilsah's, so she's not very responsive at first, when Eilsah kisses her.

This is... stupid... we can't be far from Cynthia's home... and what if making love strengthens the curse? That'd be just the way to set it up... draw the victim into doing something which makes them need to do it even more...

But she's in pain... she wouldn't ask if she thought she'd hurt me... and really, we've done it before... however embarrassing the circumstances...

At that thought, her shoulders relax a little more, hands beginning to caress Eilsah's back and returning her kiss with tenderness. They break to breathe, Jillian panting slightly, her breath puffing warmly into Eilsah's face.

"Shhh... it's okay... I want to help..." And then she leans in, kissing her again.

(Blah. Now to find out that my pessimism is correct.)
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

After taking a deep breath in, Eilsah moans, and parts with the kiss, a smile forming on her face, "Oh, Jillian... I feel so dirty from fucking all of those humans all this time... I've always wanted to fuck you instead... But I didn't want to ruin our friendship..." she confessed, and whether this was true, or the lies of a succubus, was hard to tell, since it sounded so believable.

"Lick me, Jillian... before I change... Or whatever happens to me... I at least want to know I made love with you..."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian looks Eilsah in the eyes, hands wandering around her back, trying to stroke reassurance into her.

"Shhh, Eilsah... that you're still so uptight about humans, is the best sign yet that you won't turn into some rampaging rapist... so stop talking about that... and start doing..."

To emphasize that, she lets a hand drop to the base of Eilsah's brand-new tail, tracing around it and teasing it, while she starts gently nibbling and sucking at her neck.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Her tail straightened, her cheeks blushing as Jillian stroked the base of her tail. And she let out a lustful moan as Jillian's lips met her neck. Her hand grabbed Jillian's own free hand, and gently brought it over to her pussy, wanting desperately to feel Jillian touch her already soaked pussy.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian obliges, gently circling her nub with her thumb while her fingers just dip inside, getting themselves wet, continuing to lip at Eilsah's neck the whole time. Her other hand leaves Eilsah's tail, sliding up her spine and pulling Eilsah close. Their chests press together, separated by only a layer of Jillian's tunic, the rough fabric tickling both their nipples with every shift and slide.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah moans aloud from both Jillian's fingers inside her, and her thumb rubbing along her clit. She moves her head more over than it already was, allowing Jillian full access to her neck, "Jillian! Y-you're driving me crazy!" she shouted, thrusting her hips forward, trying to help Jillian finger-fuck her. And after a moment, Eilsah went back, unable to stand on her own legs, and sat on a large, nearby rock, spreading her legs open for Jillian, while she placed two fingers on either side of her pink pussy, opening her folds for her, while her other hand went to grope her own breast, "Lick me, Jillian! I'm almost there!" she pleaded with her, her pussy juices that soaked her thighs already soaking her ass as they dripped down onto the rock.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian is quick to oblige, kissing her way down Eilsah's front as she leans back. She pauses just before reaching her mound, and pulls back slightly, letting her breath puff across Eilsah's clit while she looks up at her moaning and fondling herself.

Then she dips her head down and applies her tongue in earnest, sucking on her button, probing into Eilsah's depths as far as she can reach.