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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.


new glasses. I have fallen into the realm of Geek Chic. And I really hate the camera on my phone. It gives bad quality images of everything x.x
Re: The pics thread.

Nice glasses. :D
Now all you need is an orange sweater... :p

Re: The pics thread.

x3 I suppose I could do that for halloween. I still want to be a cancan dancer from Moulin(sp) Rouge though.
Re: The pics thread.

My friends find awesome things.

These may not be 'awesome', but I still think they're pretty good :p

This is for our military members. Might wanna take a look at having this made, if it's not out there already :p :

I just thought this was kinda funny. Plus, I just watched Linkara's 'History of the Power Rangers' on TGWTG:

Lastly, to our Norwegians, you guys might be getting some new Norwegians soon:

Not to say there aren't pictures like that for every country, I believe, but this was something I didn't have to search for :p
Re: The pics thread.

He's not that bad of a fighter, though I do still mock both his work as an actor and where he's taken his tradition in martial arts.

Not to take anything away from him as a mixed martial artist, but that shit's gonna haunt him forever. In his most recent match, just as the ref was starting it, you can hear a fan yell "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!"
Re: The pics thread.

I find it hilarious that my one GM and I were just talking about him the other night and how fricking cute he was *laughs* Not sure about all the tattoos now, but wow. Just wow.
Re: The pics thread.

The gun is nice but I doubt if I could lift and fire it without at least two more arms. Even then it would break three of them.

I'll still mock him as well, seeing as how I mocked him before when he still could have kicked my ass with his martial arts. Just because he got bigger doesn't mean he's any scarier.

What's wrong with a lot of tattoos?
Re: The pics thread.

I still find him cute, the tattoos are a little much, but still.... Mmm.

He's part of the reason I hate Kimberly and the color pink now.

She was my favorite Power Ranger until he came along. >.>;;
Re: The pics thread.

Check wear long sleeves if I ever meet any of you peoples.
Re: The pics thread.

lol, I don't MIND them. It's just doesn't add to attractiveness to me. Doesn't really detract either... depends on the subject material.
Re: The pics thread.

Well it's not like I got them because I thought they made me look cute anyways. I would just need a bag for my head to do that.
Re: The pics thread.

Check wear long sleeves if I ever meet any of you peoples.

I'm fine with tattoos. In fact I have a tattoo of a howling wolf on my upper right arm. And angel wings across most of my back.
Re: The pics thread.

I'd like to get a tattoo, I just don't know -exactly- what I'd really get, and I don't want to get something that I'm just going to hate in a few years time.

I'd also prefer it to mean something to me.
Re: The pics thread.

Could do like my cousin did. He designed his own but you could pick one relevant to yourself just as easily. He hung it in his room where he could see it easily and kept it there for a year (mind you, he's not 18 yet, either, so he *has* to wait anyway.) with the notion in mind that if he liked it after that long, he liked it enough to commit it to ink and skin. Granted you might not have to go that long for yourself but I think it's a good acid test for it.
Re: The pics thread.

I know what to get and it has reason, but I haven't designed it and I haven't exactly fit my skin, so to speak. I used to be a small amount overweight, not much at all, but now I'm wickedly underweight. At the same time, I'm constantly working out and training now, so if I got a tattoo anywhere, I wouldn't want to see it stretched.

I have problems with motivation, so I've been working with the idea of getting an hourglass somewhere visible to myself and it would act as a form of "string on the finger" to motivate me, especially with the idea that around this time of my life is when things start to really shoot by, and I can already feel that.
Re: The pics thread.

I actually drew all mine myself, then went to an actual artist not an apprentice. He prettied them up since I'm not the best artist, then put them on. An artist will be a bit more expensive usually, but it's worth it.

As for the tattoos I have my right forearm has a fleur-de-lis on the inside and a celtic cross on the other side with a sleeve around them of a bear in a forest. On the upper arm I have a band which was the first one I got, you know the drunken army Imma get a tatoo sort of thing, then there's a flame going up the shoulder blade and stopping just above the neck line.

The other arm has a German eagle on the inside and a Scandinavian cross on the outside. With my family coat of arms on the shoulder roughly where a unit patch would go. Then over my heart is my airborne wings with crossed sabres under it.
Re: The pics thread.

I love the fact that the person said our site is better even if toonpimp's site gets more traffic.

If TP's forum is getting more traffic than ours, I think that's a recent change.
Re: The pics thread.

As for the tattoos I have my right forearm has a fleur-de-lis on the inside and a celtic cross on the other side with a sleeve around them of a bear in a forest. On the upper arm I have a band which was the first one I got, you know the drunken army Imma get a tatoo sort of thing, then there's a flame going up the shoulder blade and stopping just above the neck line.

The other arm has a German eagle on the inside and a Scandinavian cross on the outside. With my family coat of arms on the shoulder roughly where a unit patch would go. Then over my heart is my airborne wings with crossed sabres under it.

Sounds pretty good actually Ronny, I especially like the sound of the bear in the forest sleeve. The coat of arms is a really good idea, I've been thinking about that myself, but not entirely sure. Still, I'm happy with what I have.