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The Quest of Light (SomCr)

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Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Once looking for it, Daniel is able to take in the entire dock area. She is at the first warehouse of the row, right next to the North entrance. There are several other warehouses of the same type as the first, in a row along the shore. While the last one is almost too far for Daniel to see any details, it seems to be a bit different then the others somehow.

However, there is another concern. Daniel doesn't know how long she was out, and she now notices that the sun is getting close to setting. Shelter for the night might be a good idea.

(It's about 6:45 now, so she was out for awhile)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

It takes all of her self control to stop form going to the final warehouse, instead she returns to the first one. Daniel would move all of her things along with the laser inside. Though it may be uncomfortable she didn't really want to sleep very far away from it.

She'd nearly close the door, putting a chunk of wood there as a stopper, and curl up, jacket as a blanket, other clothing as a pillow.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Stealth Check

11+14+18 = 43 vs 33 = 3+30 PASS

Daniel gets everything in order, all her equipment and the laser and nice and safe next to her, though the box wouldn't fit through the people door, and therefore it was still right outside.

Just as Daniel was getting comfortable, she heard a skittering noise. Something was creeping along near the other office, at the far end of the warehouse. Daniel had never checked the other entrances to the building, or even searched the other end, there was no telling what was down there.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Just how much light does she have to work with here?)

<Shit.> The girl thought picking up her axe. <No time to get dressed, I need to deal with... more of those things.> She felt her stomach turn thinking about the spiders again. Daniel crept down the warehouse as quietly as she could trying to get a better read on the sound.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Enough that it's even. After this fight it'll be considered low light if you keep going)

Stealth Check

2+14+18 = 34 vs 35 = 5+30

Daniel creeps down the warehouse. There's something crawling around in the other office, she can hear it. However, it can hear her to. She can see the outline of a giant spider, more spider then the other things, atleast, in the office window. It now knows she is there.

Order Roll

Daniel 13+27 = 40
Spiderspawn 7+25 = 32

Daniel goes first
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel quickly opens the door and jump back, waiting for the spider to get with in her reach to strike.

(Ready action, hit it as soon as it's in range.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The spider closes to within 10 m. Daniel has time to prepare some more, before the spider is upon her.

(It'd take a few turns, so you get a +10, the order here seems a bit wonky, but that's because we fast forwarded a bit)

Grapple Attempt

17+43 = 60 vs 72 = 18+44+10

Daniel was ready, the spider's attempts to grab her a fruitless, and miss by a mile.

Hit Attempt

5+44+10 = 59 vs 50 = 17+33

Damage (Axe - d12 slash)

(8+13+10)/3 = 11

Daniel is getting good at melee combat. She lands a serious blow across the spider's torso. It's howling for blood, but not out of the fight yet.

The spider now has 29 HP

Grapple Attempt

8+43 = 51 vs 55 = 11+44

A little off balance from swinging the axe, Daniel almost gets snagged by the spider next time it tries to latch on, but makes it.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Yeah, take that you stupid bug." Daniel yelled as she continued pounding on the strange creature.

(Attack again)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Hit Chance

15+44 = 59 vs 47 = 14+33

Damage (Axe - d12 slash)

(9+13)/3 = 8

Daniel's next blow wasn't as strong, she didn't have time to get ready for it like she did last time. Constantly swinging the axe was hard work.

The spider now has 21 HP

Grapple Attempt

12+43 = 55 vs 49 = 5+44

Recovering from the blows, the spider tackles Daniel good, knocking her over. She is on her back, with the spider on top.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Uhh, she's probably just in underwear right now.)

"Ha, I got ya." She yelled at the thing as the last blow struck, not realizing that it wasn't as hurt as she thought it was Daniel simply wasn't prepared for it's charge. Landing on her back she tried to kick the spider off of her.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Hey, before we go any farther, confirm anything that you don't like happening to your character, just in case. I posted in the OOC topic, but don't know if you saw it)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(I'd like her to stay in one piece, that's about it.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Escape Grapple

20+26 = 46 vs 50 = 7+43

Daniel struggles, but the spider is much stronger then her. She can't get free.

Bite Attempt

6+43 = 49 vs 44 = 18+26

The spider tries several times to bite Daniel's neck, missing a few times, but eventually landing one.

??? = 10 turns
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Urgh, owww" Daniel tries to resist yelling as she's bit. <Oh, no... I don't know how to deal with poison.> She tries to fling the spider off of her again.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(You can attack while grappled, just so you know, seeing as your grapple stat is slow low. I didn't put you in a hold for now, in case you didn't know, just had it bite you again)

13+26 = 39 vs 59 = 16+43

Daniel just can't throw the spider off, it's too heavy and strong.

Bite Attempt

6+43 = 49 vs 41 = 15+26

The spider enjoys toying with weak prey. It bites Daniel again out of spite.

??? = 4 turns
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Didn't realize that, most games have a restriction of the only things you can do while grappled are engage in grappling actions.)

Realizing that she has no chance of throwing the spider off with her lack of physical power Daniel tries a different tactic. Taking the axe in a short grip she waits for it to come in for another bite and gives it a face full of blade.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(That's what the submission hold is for. Your chances of hitting the spider are about the same as escape, but you're one point from 50%, where it will release you for the moment as a RP reward, though by now I think you're about to be for another world of hurt, though, might I reccomend using the last of your ammo.)

Hit Attempt

5+26 = 31 vs 55= 12+43

Daniel misses by a long ways. The spider simply moves out the way, the girl is helpless to counter.

Web Spray (-10 to all player rolls if passes)

8+43 = 51 vs 41 = 15+26

The spider sprays webbing all over Daniel's legs, binding her to the floor, legs slightly spread.

??? = 3 turns
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(That is something I was considering. Given the ??? it's probably a good enough idea.)

Now that she'd been webbed down Daniel was barely controlling herself. She still had the gun, as empty as it would be after this stunt.

Flipping the switch to auto she pointed the gun into the center of the creature above her and squeezed, trying to keep the pistol as on target as possible.

(Yeah, full auto, as many shots as possible till it's dead.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Hit Chances

1: 40 + 45 = 85 // 14 + 33 = 47 ... success
2: 18 + 40 = 58 // 6 + 33 = 39 ... success

Damage (AP1110 - Full auto)

6 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 5 = 25

(dead here, you save two bullets, hurray for you!)

In one last desperate act, Daniel raises the pistol and fires a burt into the creature. It practically screams as three new holes are drilled through the widest part of its torso. It falls limply on top of Daniel, but now that it isn't fighting her, she can easily push it off, as well as get out of the webbing.

There is bad news, however. Daniel can feel a sharp pain building in her nether regions, right over her pussy.

??? = 2 turns
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Panting Daniel pushes the thing off of her. "Well ,that you again." She gives the pistol a light kiss, right before noticing the pain. "Ahh, what? It didn't bite me there did it?" The young woman quickly pulls off her panties, trying to figure out what was happening.
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