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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

All I remember about daria was me changing the channel whenever it was on
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

well i'm out of valid arguments (although you havent changed my mind about it, I just realise that I will be unable to change your mind either)so i'm leaving the argument, we can either agree to disgree or more likely you can just parade this as a win.

as for toxic, screw you.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

as for toxic, screw you.
Right now?

I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand watching it. Maybe it was because I was a child? Maybe it's because I find a monotone unlikeable character as a protagonist unbearable. Like I said, I don't remember much about it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I am having such a rageing good time trying to find Uncensored versions of "Seikon no Qwaser" (An anime I found last year and only now getting around to hunting down) that EVERYONE boasts is uncensored on there sites... So I skim, and find like half the content missing... Or just a site that actually HAS some but keep nailing you with dead links left and right...

Am I actually gonna have to download the RAW?

I already watched a French sub...

Now I'm on some German Fucks Facebook page and I'm still only 6/24 through the first season!

... I have half a mind to BUY the goddamn DVD's just to upload them myself... Just so there would be a SINGLE RELIABLE SOURSE!!!
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

well i'm out of valid arguments (although you havent changed my mind about it, I just realise that I will be unable to change your mind either)so i'm leaving the argument, we can either agree to disgree or more likely you can just parade this as a win.

Woot, i win!!! *performs a backflip*
Jokes aside, i argue for the sake of arguing, this isn't exactly an important topic, so there aren't winners or losers, since at the very end is mostly a matter of preferences. After all the best animation is just as good as the effect it has on the ones who experience it.

I am having such a rageing good time trying to find Uncensored versions of "Seikon no Qwaser" (An anime I found last year and only now getting around to hunting down) that EVERYONE boasts is uncensored on there sites... So I skim, and find like half the content missing... Or just a site that actually HAS some but keep nailing you with dead links left and right...

Am I actually gonna have to download the RAW?

I already watched a French sub...

Now I'm on some German Fucks Facebook page and I'm still only 6/24 through the first season!

... I have half a mind to BUY the goddamn DVD's just to upload them myself... Just so there would be a SINGLE RELIABLE SOURSE!!!

Is streaming ok?

For download this should still work:
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Let's start something new and more for fun...

Dinosaur Apocalypse vs. Zombie Apocalypse

Which is worse? For both sides, the setup is simple. Dinosaurs/Zombies have taken over the world. Most people are dead and few have been able to survive.

Now before you go all crazy. The first thing we'll have to do is establish realism for the zombie. The zombie lore can go quite far with it's fantasy. So it's only fair that we talk about things that are realistic in order to debate properly.

Now if anyone would care to help me define the "realistic" zombie, please do. I could claim a lot of ground but only to have a debate with-in itself. I guess I can start by saying that to me, I don't see that big, buff overly powerful zombie stuff as realistic. Like tanks from LFD or most bosses from RE.

Also, do animals really count? We could just say the classic definition, which is shit came back from the dead... but something like RE or 28-days/weeks had a more realistic approach, in which case, animals were affected.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Zombie Mosquitos: Everything's fucked.

That being said, dinosaurs are probably more dangerous in general, but also probably are probably more likely to leave us alone. We'd get a lot of hassle from smaller predators, but humans by and large are too small to draw the attention of larger carnivores. We just wouldn't be a satisfying meal. Plus, dinosaur meat is probably edible, whereas zombie meat certainly is not. I'd give odds to dino apocalypse
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Zombie Mosquitos: Everything's fucked.

That depends on how we define the zombie. If we used a virus, then it's possible for bugs and animals to get away. For the same reason that when you catch a cold, your cat or dog won't get it. Our systems work differently.

In any case, it's a good point.

As for dinosaurs, they also have a way to reproduce that doesn't involve having to kill us. So over time, they could just grow and populate more.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Zombie Mosquitos: Everything's fucked.

The problem wouldn't be an undead insect per se... but rather a mosquito or flea or some such carrying the virus much like the bubonic plague or West Nile.

Thing between zombies and dinos... dinos are easy to deal with. It's a large creature that can be taken down easily with modern weaponry. They'd also fit into their own ecosystem and yadda yadda... dinos aren't an issue when it comes down to it.

Zombie however... zombies are always a problem. Let's just ignore the whole flesh eating bit for just a moment. Lets talk about the cause. Many modern zombie scenarios involve some form of virus (even the undead ghouls of Romero fare) that either brings a person back from the dead or gives them highly zombie like qualities (L4D, 28 Days Later). This is a huge problem, as a virus that comes out of no where, we have zero defense against. Is it a natural bug spread by fleas and mosquitoes? Is it a biological weapon spread through airborne methods, through the water pipes and so forth?

That's the issue with zombies. The virus can come from anywhere, and you can't be fully prepared for it. And how contagious it is could be an issue, and even where in the world it pops up. Some third world shit hole in Africa currently embroiled in civil war... no one's going to care and it could quickly spread throughout the continent and internationally through smuggling, international aid groups, missionaries etc.

That's why I think a zombie apocalypse is a much scarier prospect than a dinosaur one. Everyone focuses on the side effect of a zombie apocalypse, the zombies themselves, and thinks that's it, ignoring the virus itself for the most part.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The problem I see with dinosaurs, is that they can expand without us being in the equation. Whereas with zombies, as long as we keep our killing methods sound, we can effectively lower the populous. Yet the virus is a strong point.

Although, I wouldn't keep dinosaurs out just yet. Even though their whole life structure is different than ours, there are new diseases that could grow which could pass on to us. With zombies, after whatever point of death, any diseases that once were there, .


Something else I have add is that Dinosaurs have a working brain.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm going with dinosaurs considering the lack of realism with zombies.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm going with dinosaurs considering the lack of realism with zombies.

While I suppose it's possible that there could be evolution in a few hundred years of current generation reptiles and such to get to the point of being dinosaurs again, or genetic experimentation could speed up the process, I still doubt an apocalypse of them.

Whereas plague and disease (the basis of zombies) have already struck the human race plenty times really fucking hard.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Oh I didn't mean of it happening, I mean the difference of how things would be during it realistically as opposed to the common fictional tales.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I mean the difference of how things would be during it realistically as opposed to the common fictional tales.

Also, before any confusion begins... that is how I implied for this debate to happen.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Zombie Ninja Pirate Robot Dinosaurs.

Do I win? :3
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well I mean, I'm not gonna cite cracked or anything, but rotting bodies are rotting, and they just naturally wouldn't last long at all in most conditions. Sin is right though if it starts as a virus, because the virus ITSELF is the question. Plus there's a lot of disease that cannot travel cross species, not to mention the diseases that don't pass in saliva

*edit* I'm still gonna go with Ninja Werewolves, now that's messed up. Inc won't let me play a undead/ninja werewolf in his RP though...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

My entire point for zombies is on the virus itself, but that's a wide variable.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, this isn't between dinosaurs and viruses. I do want the zombie in the debate, so we'll have to keep the lore where as long as you don't get bit, or the blood or saliva etc. doesn't pass on to you, then you're free to walk the Earth.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, this isn't between dinosaurs and viruses. I do want the zombie in the debate, so we'll have to keep the lore where as long as you don't get bit, or the blood or saliva etc. doesn't pass on to you, then you're free to walk the Earth.

you still need a patient zero.