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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That's not how it's worked for me, or anyone else on here I know. Could it be that you're just that unlikeable? If someone neg reps you, they might be a jerk. If a bunch of people neg rep you, they might all be jerks. If everyone is neg repping you, maybe it's not them who are the jerks anymore.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Like all foolish delusions there is a grain of truth within yours, sharing my opinions has gotten me the majority of my negative rep, however I have also gotten positive rep for some of those opinions. Though, your reasoning is most certainly off, in almost every case the content of the opinion was why I recieved negative rep (1 person just shouts 'you ass' constantly, so I'm not sure about those...), not the fact that I stated an opinion.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Heh. It's cute how Sponge doesn't even know about the secret blue rep and the special hidden VIP section. If you think a high green rep makes you a big fish around here you have a lot to learn. We've all been trying to rise to the next level for years already. I hear there may even be yet more rep colours that pre-date the internet itself and go beyond the visible spectrum, with yet another level of users that rule our current masters. But that's surely all baseless conspiracy and rumour. Surely...


Ooops said too much.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Iunno, just seems like all these people who keep putting me down yet at the same time mocking me because I talk about it, wouldn't make such a big fuss when I say something.. (I wasn't complaining about it before, but since you've all given such wonderful examples, I might as well NOW..)

You know.. Since obviously I'm crazy and have nothing useful to say, one would assume people would be smart enough to just ignore it and never even give something like that attention..

Or.. (And again, this is one of my craaaaazy theories~.)

Maybe the things I say, have such an impact that it draws THAT many people to clamber over to toss in a witty remark to insult my intelligence, as if to defend something that I was trying to attack, or take, or call out in the open..

Since by what you've all said, it couldn't POSSIBLY be that you're all just a bunch of fucking jaded no-good idiots who think it's just absolutely necessary to talk down someone right in the dirt out of.. .. What... Let's say.. ... Boredom?..

It's just a simple analysis, but I know none of you are "Simple" enough to take it like that.. So yeah, have fun clambering over that too like a bunch of depraved seagulls..

And of course one of the highest rep persons tossing in a remark is the biggest asshole of them all.. How fitting..

It's amazing how you people just can't figure out why I think you're just a bunch of hysterical monkeys flailing your poo around at me.. .. It just completely eludes your thoughts.. .. Now THAT'S what's cute..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Or some people just find you an easy target to make fun of. But in all honesty, I wasn't putting you down in my post. Nor did I say you were crazy. And Ranger... well she just looked like she was making a Monty Python reference, cause fuck, who doesn't like Monty Python? (rhetorical question)

Also, not appreciating getting called an idiot and a troll. I've kept my insults to myself so far, I'd appreciate it if you did the same.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I was referring to the squid..

But of course you'd overlook that... The one person who threw an insult far bigger than mine..

Seriously... Wtf, lol.. You wonder why I have a conspiracy complex..

I say one thing, everyone jumps on me.. Can't fight back either, because 5 people insulting one person is apparently just fine, but one person just trying to make a small point, oh lord, get the torches and pitchforks..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You never did specify who you were speaking to. Hard to know that it was Squid you were referring to, especially with so many others.

But of course, you'd overlook that you didn't do that. Because you can't do any wrong can you? You are infallible.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well hey, what can I say..

I'm just emulating the community.. :rolleyes:

From what I've seen, every single person that ever existed around here's infallible.. At least, that's how they act..

Just look at how they talk to me, there's your proof if you ever find my claims questionable..

What, I don't get to be too?.. .. That's no fair.. \: o
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No problem, I'm done.

Had to read back on this month old rep on what exactly this was referring to. <3 Slicer.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

We don't actually have a secret council room where we pass around memos detailing instructions on how to respond to you or any other member, you know. I was merely being sarcastic about how you seem to imagine we are far more organised than we are. People react as individuals based on what you present them with.

This is like a cafe. With lots of regular patrons that come in and enjoy chatting about inconsequential things. And suddenly there's this guy again yelling in the middle of the room about how everybody is out to get him. Most of the time I assume he's either enjoying cafe food with pals, or in the kitchen helping to cook stuff for others. Yet the only time I ever actually even see or think about this guy is when he drop kicks the door down once again to share more drama.

I've only ever neg repped you twice, and I hand out neg rep very rarely. Both were for stirring drama and endlessly whining about rep in this thread. I've barely read a single post you've made anywhere else.

Shut up and enjoy some pastries already.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Right back at you babe.

And not to bring down a beautiful moment, but who the hell keeps + repping sponge? You're undoing all of my the communities hard work! QQ
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

PLEASE! PLEASE! Pleeeease take a look at what you're saying outside of yourself for once. You're speaking in exactly the way we described, but you're making these claims that seem to exonerate yourself. Now I'm not saying your suggestions can't be right, but you don't even TRY to see how ours could be. You shut out everything people actually say for your own interpretation of what they're saying, while not seeing that you're playing right into it. You end up calling everyone else delusional.

How many times have I mocked you directly? Shitloads when we first started talking. But since then, our interactions have been me responding to your sarcastic comments about me, without actually shooting barbs back at you, just saying that you were wrong or mistaken. Since then, I've gone on record many times in just saying I was worried about you. There are clear issues behind the way you post and I even lauded when you had that little lady friend. Did you notice that the only negative comments you were getting then were that people thought you were talking about it too much, as if you were bragging? Did you notice that no one thought you were an asshole then? That doesn't really play into your theory. We didn't suddenly become nicer people for a few weeks. I mean, honestly, the way you act and shut everything else out for your own reason and your own universe, it's on par with schizophrenia. I've seen that happen, and it's really scary shit. I think that's the worst thing that can happen to anyone, and it plagues the family of someone I love.

So, and remember this isn't the first time, I really do hope and encourage you to find help for yourself. I couldn't care less whether or not you think I'm an asshole, or anyone else here for that matter. And I'll be honest, so you know I'm not doing this so I save face for the other members, so they don't know how much an asshole I am. If you get better, I don't really care if you come back either. I don't think you've contributed a thing to the regulars of this forum. It's obvious how much you've helped the lurkers and I'm sure they're extremely happy for your presence, but you did so in ways that REALLY shouldn't have been allowed, and we turned our head about it in the most obvious of ways. We tries hints, but those didn't work, and ended up having to tell you multiple times on how to actually do it, and that still didn't sink in, but we let you go on. But the way you interacted with me, and by extension, how you ended up pushing that behavior on every other member in the main sections of the forum has not been a positive experience for ANYONE. But again, it's not what you do, but how you're doing it. We've had a bunch of morons and assholes of all kinds come through here, then they get banned and forgotten, but you stand alone in HOW you act, because you don't seem to grasp anything except what you believe. So again, I beg you, please seek the help you need. If I've even let you peek into how you shut everyone else out, I feel like this post was a successful one.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Regardless of the debate at hand, a key point many forget:

The rep system only ever effects the rep system. Having more means you add of subtract more when you weigh in, yes. But the total number is only worth bragging rights. that number doesn't mean anything. There is no bar to be met that prohibits your entry to other sections. There is no hidden functionality to the site that becomes available when you become popular. You do not at any point get additional privileges or lose them because of that number. Your feelings are hurt because a person you've never met expressed a contrary opinion in such a way that some numbers (that don't change anything but other, similar numbers) went down, and as a result you're going to complain. That is this whole thread. And sometimes it's warranted. But not to the degree that we devolve into a page and a half argument about conspiracy theory and who's a what now.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

But I don't have a conspiracy theory~! X(

If I did, I think I'd be aware of it..

I mean, you don't see ufo-watchers denying that they believe in a conspiracy, they're PROUD of it! They like people knowing that they believe in something no one else does.. To them, it's a hidden knowledge, and they think they're cool for having acquired it.

I don't do that, I have no conspiracy theories..

I know how the social systems works, how forums sort've turn into high school, and human beings do tend to bud off into groups or clicks.. But that's not a conspiracy.. That's just common knowledge..

What frustrates me is how you all just sort've react like.. Well.. THIS!..

The whole "What's he talking about? Oooh, he's just immature and crazy..." thing..

It's discouraging to not even be able to make a remark about something I have a problem with or am curious about directly regarding people without getting shot down.. I mean.. Me?.. Yeah I'm sensitive, and plenty of you tell me all the time that maybe I should grow a thicker skin, but what's with everyone always jumping down my case?.. I don't act any more or less arrogant than ANY of you!.. So why pounce on ME, when one of YOU guys makes a slightly-threatening remark directly regarding a group of people, I NEVER see a bunch of people randomly jump on your case...

And don't give me that "Well whenever we do it, it's usually got a good reason behind it" bullshit.. A social inquiry, is a social inquiry.. There's no good ones, there's no bad ones.. It's just an inquiry, and you're supposed to give it an answer, not hit it with a rolled-up newspaper and laugh at it..

It's not like I enjoy arguing with people.. If I did, I'd do it in a chatroom, or an online game, where that sort've stuff really pisses people off..

I just get frustrated and confused, and whenever I expect an explanation, instead, I get a bunch of YOU people, yes, YOU... PEOPLE.. Not just other people, not just certain people, but YOU PEOPLE.. Picking on me.. You know who you are, and you know why you do it... I have allies, but I don't have enemies.. People can choose to hate me, but I refuse to hate anyone..

Misunderstanding or conspiracy theories or schizophrenia or what, that's all there is to it.. I don't just randomly pop in and insult people.. And if I do, well fuck, I'm sorry, okay?.. That was never my intention, and it never will be..

I originally came in here just to say "I've learned to never give neg-reps since doing so to someone with high-rep never turns out well, even if I've got a good reason.".. But then everyone just piled on me barking about how stupid I was..

I was saying that in a proud manner, as in I was saying I was starting to assimilate, and act more positively.. I didn't mean it as some arrogant remark.. That's why I typed it the way I did.. For fucks sake.. I'm not schizophrenic at all.. I think all YOU guys are.. o_o

Look, fine, to end the argument I'll stop posting on this damn thread again.. If anyone really cares about what I think, or wants to tell me something actually important, and not just "Bla bla bla your stupid and crazy" again, PM me..

Honestly.. I make 1 post, 5 of you people show up every time...

If I'm the fire, you're the fuel.. And you've got one hell of a fuel depot down here..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Oh my god... Nunu is illuminati... I never knew!
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