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The Unseen (SirOni)

Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The door lead to a cramped hallway. It was nondescript, painted in white and brown. Various storerooms lined either side at regular intervals. Noone seemed to be around, all was quiet. Infact, it didn't seem like people came past here often, some of the boxes had a fine layer of dust on them. A few of the larger ones seemed to contain items for various stores, both alot of what was back here was actually equipment for the mall itself, such as step ladders, spare lights, that kind of thing. Up ahead was a small jog in the hall that Alex could not see past, but she couldn't hear anything from there, so that was a good sign.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex's face lit up at the sight of the boxes, and at the thought of what goodies they may hold to aid her in her struggle to flee from the city. Alex paused for a while to rummage through the boxes, looking primarily for anything that not only could be used as a weapon but is also easy to carry. Once that was finished with she would catiously make her further down, though Alex would poke her head out a little bit first to make sure everything was safe before adventuring further.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The first box Alex opened had something ideal as a makeshift weapon, nail guns. Unfortunately, they were all electric, and thus fried by earlier events. The rest of the boxes seemed to be painting supplies and other things for the general upkeep of the mall. It seems the only thing these boxes were good for were blocking her path.

The next section of hallway had many doors leading to the various stores on this side of the main area. Most were shut, but one to a clothing store was slightly ajar, giving Alex a peek at a dark an desterted, but mostly unlooted store. There were also the stockrooms for atleast three stores here, more clothes, pet supplies, and electronics it seemed. Up ahead was another slight jog in the hallway that Alex could not see past, but once again no indication of trouble.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex grumbles as her searching turns up what would be considered to be largely useless items. "Dammit, should've realised most of this would be junk..." She thinks to herself, though a thought comes to her before she leaves. Turning back for a moment she eases out one of the pots of paint, she then coninues on down the hallway.

As Alex comes to the other stores she takes a look at them for a second to see what kinds of shops they are before continuing onwards. Those shops, she guessed, would probably be as useless to her as the other stuff she had found.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The next section consisted of a photo studio, a weight loss clinic, and an empty store that might actually provide some good cover, the front of which was covered in black curtains and the gate was down and locked. Perhaps not the most secure location, but as long as no one knew anyone was in there, pretty safe. The other side had two more storerooms, then a small door to the lab area of an eyeglass place. The hallways then ended in a door just like the one Alex had first come through, no doubt another hallway to an exit was there.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex stopped for a moment as she came to the next lot of stores to rest for a bit. Placing the pain can on the floor she sat on top of it, and while it wasn't the most comfortable seat she's sat on it would certainly be easier to get up off than the floor if any hostiles came around.

After several minutes break Alex stood back up and picked the paint can up. She scanned the new stores for a moment, and noticing the gated shop a thought came to her. While Alex still planned on leaving the city it would be risky to travel during the night when anything could sneak up on her, and with this mall seemingly unoccupied she could spend the night here and then make a move in the morning.

Moving to the gated shop Alex took the keys out of her jacket pocket and tried each key in the gates lock until she comes to the right one.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The key marked "14" fit the lock of the gates and a small metallic "click" noise echoed throughout the area. From out in the lobby of the mall Alex could hear a few moans from infected who had heard the noise. Slowly shuffling could be heard moving in her general direction, though she still couldn't see out through the curtained windows. On the bright side, the gate was still in the down position, and thus if or when the zombies found her she'd have a first layer of protection.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Shitshitshit!" Alex thought to herself as she heard the groaning of the zombiess coming from behind the curtained window and gate. Panicking, Alex stood there for a moment, wondering what her best course of action is. On one hand there was what she imagined to be a pack of monsters on the otherside of the gate just waiting for the right moment to get her. But on the other hand where the zombies currently are is most likely a way leading out of the mall which could bring her closer to leaving the city.

Alex stood still for several minutes, her chest tight as she tried to slow her breathing down to normal as well as decide what she'd do next. Eventually an idea came to her. It was a high risk idea but one that could potentially have a high reward.

Moving towards the gate Alex tried to open it, and if successful she'd then open the tin of paint and spill its contents on the floor in front of the gate. This, no doubt, would cause a lot of noise which Alex was hoping for. Once both parts of the plan is complete she'd then quickly hide somewhere that both concealed her completely or as complete as she could get while offering her a decent view of the opened gate.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(Heh, the zombies were moving faster then Alex thought, though you fortunately managed to avoid getting detected more then you already had been)

Just as Alex was about to move to implement her plan she heard shuffling feet and a loud thud that traveled down the wall. A zombie must have run into the wall a few feet down the mall. The thing proceeded to make quite the racket as it traveled along the wall towards her at an amazing speed, for a zombie atleast. The gate rattled as it passed, but it must not have known exactly where Alex was, reacting only on instinct to the previous loud noise, and it passed down the mall, noise growing fainter. A few seconds later Alex heard a zombie trip out in the middle of the mall, then get up and follow the first, with two more zombies following in the next minute or so. She had remained undetected thanks to her shallow breathing.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

((Yeah, I was unsure of what kind of zombie they were so I just went with how Alex would've thought they'd act))

Alex had held her breath until the last of the zombies were clear from her before exhaling. Panting heavily she thanked her good fortune that the zombies paid more attention to the noise the other made instead of her.

"But they moved too damn fast for 'normal' zombies," She thought to herself as she looked down the way the zombies had run to. "Guess whatever's the cause of all this chaos is the reason for that..." Allowing herself an extra moments rest to get her breathing under control Alex would then head into the section of the mall that was gated off, sidestepping the puddle of paint as she made her way further.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(Uhhh, you do realize that opening the gate will make alot of noise and bring the zombies back?)
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

((Yeah, but there may be an area in there to hide))
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(Well, okay, don't say I didn't warn you though)

The gate made noise at the sightest touch, and opening it made alot more then the first simple *click* that alerted the zombies, who must have been on edge or something. The group's howl came once more from down the main lobby of the mall. Alex could see three of the things shambling around overturned benches and trash cans, now headed right for her but still about fifty meters away. Unfortunately, there was no cover in the lobby, just trash. All the other stores were also locked up, so Alex could not run into one of them. She could run towards her right, and down further into the mall, but there was no telling what was down there. Alex could shut the gate and lock it again, but there was no way the beasts were stupid enough to miss where she was hiding now.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex, while expecting the gate to make some noise didn't expect it to be as loud as it was.

"Oh fuck!" Alex shouted, panic in her voice as she turned to see the zombies attention on her once more. Running through the gate she started to panic, her breathing coming short and fast as she realised that she could be well and truly fucked, both metaphorically and literally. Quickly scanning the area she noted the passage to the right, and while she didn't know what was down there she decided it would be better to try her luck there than stay here and be attacked.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As Alex ran she noticed all the stores were gated down, no escape there. Paths to the outside were spaced pretty evenly down the mall, but whenver the girl got close to one, one or two zombies would shamble out, joining in the pursuit. Up ahead Alex was rapidly running out of room, one of the anchor stores dominated her view with one last exit from the building on either side. However all hopes of escape were dashed as more zombies came from those directions. Alex was surrounded by around fifteen zombies. No cover save a concrete bench and limited weapons.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex's fear turns to an uncontrollable rage as she's surrounded by the zombies, cursing her stupidity for entering this cursed mall. Reaching her free hand around to her bag she blindly fumbles for a flare, her other hand holding tightly onto her axe.

"C'mon you fuckers," She growls between gritted teeth, her hands clutching tightly onto her weapons as she eyes each one of them in turn. "Just try it, see what happens then..."
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The zombies close in, forming a circle through both instinct and chance. With so many, they can't all attack her at once, but it becomes obvious that Alex will have to fight atleast four of them at a time. Once satisfied that there are no gaps their catch can escape from, the zombies slowly move in. Their excitement is clear, they lick their lips and moan in anticipation, but something deep causes them to have patience. They know they have the upper hand, but that the first to attack will get a nasty licking first, though most likely will survive as Alex is taken down by the rest. Still, that'll knock them back a few places in the pecking order, so to speak.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

((I'm assuming the flares are the snap/twist cap variety, otherwise ignore the second paragraph))

Alex watches as the zombies circle her, trapping her between them in the ever decreasing space, unable to break through them due to their overwhelming numbers. She turns around slowly, glaring at each monster in turn, wanting to lunge out at them but knowing that when she did it would be all over for her. No, it would be better to play it defensively, let them come to her so she could launch a counter attack.

Then an idea comes to her. Slowly she moves her one hand to the flare, and while still gripping the axe as best she can she snaps the top, causing the flare to spark and ignite. Alex then throws the lit flare in the zombies general direction, more hoping that it would confuse and scatter them than it doing anything else.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The zombies weren't all that bright, and as such the flare was allowed to simply hit one of them in face. That did throw that zombie back, but for the most part the others just closed in faster. Alex could not react to all of the zombies, and while her attention was forward, one came up from behind and grabbed her arms, pulling them behind her back. Before she could even try and pull free, two more were at her side, also grabbing for a peice of her. More and more crowded in, so many of them grinding up and down against her. The weight of all of the zombies caused them to fall onto the bench, one zombie below her, pressing its pelvis into her behind, while more were falling in on top of her, and to her sides.

(I'm not gonna lie, you're totally boned (in more then one way), here. It is beyond statistically impossible for you to escape. Alex still has to react to all this, but the zombies are going to get their happy time now :D)
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

((There's always a way to escape!))

Seeing the zombie's rush at her she pulled her arm backwards, ready to drive the edge of the axe into the skull of the zombie that gets close to her first. Though she hadn't anticipated that the first attack would come from behind.

"Sonnovabitch!" She shouted as the zombie grabbed her arms, her grip loosening from the sudden surprise of the grapple and her weapon dropped to the floor. "Grr, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" She screamed again, now with more than just a note of fear in her voice as the monsters crowded around her, reaching out and groping every inch of her as their cold hands grab onto her.

Then she tumbled backwards with them. "Please, let me go!" She cried out, fear now completely taken a hold of her as she felt the zombie push against her ass, sure of what was about to happen next. She tried fighting back, and when that didn't work she broke down in tears, hoping against hope that they'd stop their assault. Tears stained her face as she tried one last attempt to pull herself free from her attackers, hating herself for choosing to go through the mall.

((...maybe not...))