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The wish thread.

Re: The wish thread.

I wish Stephen hawking could move around and talk.
Re: The wish thread.

I wish for supreme underwear! (Ten points for whoever gets the reference)
Re: The wish thread.

I wish for supreme underwear! (Ten points for whoever gets the reference)

Dragon Ball?

I preferred the Japanese version better, where he wishes for Bulma's underwear.
Re: The wish thread.

I wish for supreme underwear! (Ten points for whoever gets the reference)

Dragonball, though that's not the line.

I wish for demonic tentacles to sprout from my back the next time somebody tells me I'd make a great employee at Duck Fucker's Box Store.
Re: The wish thread.

Dragon Ball?

I preferred the Japanese version better, where he wishes for Bulma's underwear.

First one to achieve reference, ten points for you.
Re: The wish thread.

Sora no Otoshimono?

Anyways, I wish I could learn anything just by looking at it twice, so what if it was anime, or tv. I mean "¨so you mean, I can dodge bullets?¨ ¨when the time comes, you won't need that¨" I mean imagine walking through a wall, before firing a Giant kamehameha into the air, then teleport fire one downwards, then teleport back and watch it from afar. Flying? piece of cake! piece of cake? easy! close, but no sigar? Never again.

That would be awesome, that or zombie apocalypse.
Re: The wish thread.

I wish i didn't have a 17 inch dick
I don't have one, but I imagine it would suck
Re: The wish thread.

I wish i didn't have a 17 inch dick
I don't have one, but I imagine it would suck

Then stop stitching horses penis' together into your still growing frankenstein horse weiner, you strange twisted man.
Re: The wish thread.

To the removal of military budget into research...

And suddenly without the money to pay the soldiers, clerks, the U.S. military is without personnel. Without any money to spend on new equipment and with no one to maintain old equipment it sits in a hall and rusts. Ships, tanks and jeeps are forgotten or disarmed and sold to the public or made into statues.

Suddenly, the resources of America look mighty dandy to the world. Every citizen must now pick up a dictionary to help them learn their new language while Canada suddenly has to spend every penny they have to keep out their not so friendly new neighbor, as their economy plummets into nothing because their greatest trade partner suddenly vanished.

Hmmm... I'll live without learning through Osmosis.

Plus then I has no job! *sad face*
Re: The wish thread.

I'm cool with my eye color, but I wish they were bioluminescent
Re: The wish thread.

Honest to god, I really wish I knew why Indian people shake their heads from side to side when they talk.

Has anybody else noticed this? Like half of the Indian people you'll meet (the ones that were raised in India at least) will just rapidly waggle their heads. It's one of the strangest and most disconcerting things I've ever seen a culture do.

Well, I sort of lied - it's not so much disconcerting since it just makes them look like complete morons. Moreso the idea that half an entire culture can be ingrained with a habit that would just give me a headache is the disconcerting part.
Re: The wish thread.

That's okay, most folk I know from the artillery bob their heads like a pigeon when they walk and talk... tell me, how do you take someone seriously when they're yelling at you and doing that?
Re: The wish thread.

ROFL. That sounds hilarious. I hope I'll see that before I die. Any idea why it's only the artillery folks? Are they just that used to ducking that they unconsciously do it whenever they do anything?
Re: The wish thread.

Well, I've seen it outside the artillery, but it happens most often from my experience in that particular trade. Don't know why. Fucking funny though.
Re: The wish thread.

I wish my bio teacher could just give me an A for the class already and I wouldn't have to do any more work.
Re: The wish thread.

Most artillery guys I know do that as well. It's just a guess really, but I think it may have something to do with the fact that they are all partially deaf. Also people develop different forms of communicating when you really can't be heard over the sound of a howitzer firing. Therefore it could just be a habit from talking like that quite often.

Never noticed the Indians I know doing that, but most of them weren't born in India.
Re: The wish thread.

Yeah for some reason it seems to correlate with those who were actually raised in India. If they have extremely thick accents they usually wiggle their head... if they speak English very well, they tend not to. It's all very odd.
Re: The wish thread.

Most artillery guys I know do that as well. It's just a guess really, but I think it may have something to do with the fact that they are all partially deaf. Also people develop different forms of communicating when you really can't be heard over the sound of a howitzer firing. Therefore it could just be a habit from talking like that quite often.

Well if it happens to Americans as well it must be something to do with communication under those conditions. They would most likely be wearing heavy ear protection so...