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Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

  • Freeform

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Traditional RP

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Don't have much to add except that I like this idea too. No destiny and freedom to make our own characters.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Ok so what you're basically saying is we keep the martial art school vs school ''war'' theme and just remove everything related to the ancestors or the Megatama and all that,is that it?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

After thinking about it a bit and looking over the thread, I've decided to go with Inc and Kathy's idea and set this either like shortly or maybe a few years after the anime and manga is finished. This way we don't have to worry about preordained events and players can write their own stories and etcetera.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Do we still get magatama? Come up with our own? Or can we ignore that part?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

And does the megatama's have to be inclusively from the ROTK3 period?Or could we just take anyone that marked history,for exemple Masamune (i know he was a blacksmith and made katana's but it's just for an example.)
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Either or. If you want to make a Rot3K related character you can or you can come up with something new.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

For the sake of not getting too bogged down with Rot3K, I would kinda lean on the suggestion to keep these characters to a minimum. It helps open up the RP to a larger audience without needing to know so much backstory of each character. Plus it keeps the backstories from becoming the inevitable driving force of the main plot.

Just assume that whatever freak event caused the creation of the Magatama in the first place has happened in other events of history and you can snag characters (or freemake characters) to be your spirit.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Interesting...Interesting indeed.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Shit, get back from work with an idea to help only to discover it's all but decided. Ah well, guess I'll make my suggestion anyway.

How about keeping the characters from Ikki Tousen i.e. the main cast and what not, only basing it on an alternate-reality version of the events in Rot3K? This will save Tenta some trouble in coming up with NPCs, prevent issues of comparing warriors from different times (who would win in a fight, Alexander the Great or Robert E. Lee?) while still allowing us to not only interact with known characters but also allow our characters to not be tied down by destiny. (After all, who's to say in this alternate reality that Huangfu Song didn't unite the entirety of China?)

So, what do you think?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Shit, get back from work with an idea to help only to discover it's all but decided. Ah well, guess I'll make my suggestion anyway.

How about keeping the characters from Ikki Tousen i.e. the main cast and what not, only basing it on an alternate-reality version of the events in Rot3K? This will save Tenta some trouble in coming up with NPCs, prevent issues of comparing warriors from different times (who would win in a fight, Alexander the Great or Robert E. Lee?) while still allowing us to not only interact with known characters but also allow our characters to not be tied down by destiny. (After all, who's to say in this alternate reality that Huangfu Song didn't unite the entirety of China?)

So, what do you think?

While you pose an interesting oddity by putting such combatants together, the rest of your approach is essentially remaking new characters anyhow, simply using their premade bodies for appearance. It might be a good idea to have a vague suggestion of time periods involved though.

I think Tenta needs to step in and lay down some more ground rules at some point to help refine the system.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

sigh. Well.... originally I had in mind that this would take place either during or after the series. But it's starting to get more and more complicated. It's looking like a future setting would be the best option. Post manga/anime timeline. I was sort of wanting to include the main cast but from people's responses it is looking like it would be better to leave them out. It would make for more freedom and options for potential players if I allowed characters/identities from things outside of Rot3K; but I'm also afraid of it turning from Ikki Tousen to a martial arts version of Fate/Stay Night.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Eh... I don't think that a mixed cast would be a bad thing, to be honest... Still, Tent. Kathy has a point - I think you should just lay down the rules say how things are going to be done. What's allowed, what isn't. I think you're a bit too afraid to make a firm decision.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well I'm afraid of losing potential players by making things too limited or restrictive. I might consider allowing people to play main stream characters rather then having them be NPCs, if the gave an excellent RP sample; but I'm just trying to be flexible and think about what the players want and make a game that can be enjoyed by a good deal of people if not most or everyone. But I guess I can't please everybody. I'll try to come up with some solid rules.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Oh im sure you'l come up with something.But we could make an ''Official'' list of players so you can adjust to the numbers of people that would want to be a part of the RP.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I don't think that number of players is the biggest factor here... Besides, without clear guidelines on character creation and clear idea of what is going to actually be included, I believe the number of potential players is still a variable that can change in a moment. In my opinion, your idea might be an unnecessary restraint.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

While they will most likely be too OP for low raning starting players, I think it would be interesting for people to be able to interact with the main cast at one point. So I probably will include them. As has been stated it would be rather discouraging for players backgrounds to dominate their roleplaying rather then make their own stories.

But I was originally meaning for this to be an Ikki Toussen RP, which features dominantly Rot3K. However unless I allow people to play canon characters, it really makes it hard for people to be able to play. So I suppose you can make characters based on other historical figures from Japan or mythology as well as the rest of the world. Just try to kepp them fitting to the Ikki Tousen universe, I guess.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Yeah, i guess that would be the best way to do it.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP


Heres a rough draft of the rules:

1.) no godmodding
2.) no magical powers ( I know there is a certain degree of mysticism in the series, but basically no Kamehamehas, or super magical attacks and such. I can give a bit of leeway considering the slight mysticism of the series, but be practical.)
3.) characters must be a figure from literature, mythology, history, etc. but a gain be practical and try to make him or her fit into this particular universe.

If anyone has any suggestions or critiques feel free to post and let me know how I can improve this before the actual thread is put up. Thank you. :D
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

While they will most likely be too OP for low raning starting players, I think it would be interesting for people to be able to interact with the main cast at one point. So I probably will include them. As has been stated it would be rather discouraging for players backgrounds to dominate their roleplaying rather then make their own stories.

But I was originally meaning for this to be an Ikki Toussen RP, which features dominantly Rot3K. However unless I allow people to play canon characters, it really makes it hard for people to be able to play. So I suppose you can make characters based on other historical figures from Japan or mythology as well as the rest of the world. Just try to kepp them fitting to the Ikki Tousen universe, I guess.

Not to interfere with your ideas again. But ever play Dynasty Warriors? :p

Although most of the fights are setup in a way that certain events are going to take place, certain generals are put into obvious slaughter situations, different stages are designed for you to have easier times going after story-accurate enemies instead of branching off on your own, etc.

The game eventually boils down to whipping out whoever you like and kicking ass until you conquer all of china (with the story mode kinda pretending that that's not what you're doing, and there's actually more going on in the background).

If you really wanted to keep everything Rot3K, you could simply take this approach. Characters are not limited by their history (for whatever reason YOU decide), and the main cast is NPCed (or approved by you to be PCed).

The biggest problem with using Rot3K and characters from the series exclusively, is that a large number of major characters are already off the market, and unless you're INSANELY familiar with Rot3K, it becomes impossible to figure out who you're trying to use to match with your original character.

... Quite honestly, I've already given serious thought to simply stepping back from the RP entirely if I have to dredge around through the wiki to try to figure out what character is in my little gem.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

RJ and I have been working on a pair of characters, and we've pretty much not bothered with trying to fit them to historical characters anymore. They're a pretty archetypical team though, so it wouldn't be too hard to find historical/mythical characters to fit them if we need to, but I liked the idea that the origins of the megatama were relativly unimportant, especially if we wern't being tied to their fate.

In regards to wanting to have the main cast as NPCs occasionally showing up and not really running the story, maybe the game can be set to run concurrently with the anime, but set in a different location, with characters from one location occasionally traveling over to the other.

Also, are there going to be new schools made up for the game?