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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Wolfish suprises
Tag: Everyone

"Wait, ... I don't get it, they didn't say they were bandits.." Sylvia pondered, seeming the trusting nature "Wait, hold on, those seem more like Wolfsmenschen and.. your bandits are really strange." Sylvia complained, seeming rather confused whilest the wagon was rattled. It seemed to Slyvia the rude priestess had made the right decision as the beasts pounced at the wagon.

"Wait, so they'd lie to and attack innocent travelers.. they are.. Criminals!" Slyvia concluded, taking her dear time. Once she had made up her mind though, her eyes lit up, satisfied. "Oh I get it! Thank you for this opportunity to prove myself in these strange lands." She nodded satisfied while the werewolfs dug into the wagon, reaching out for her Greataxe, stepping up to position herself between the most sucessful climbing werewolf, Mara, and anyone that seemed defenseless(which, to her mind, included spellcasters).
"Fighting evil is the highest honor." Her hands gripped the axe tightly, her knuckles whitening around it as she exhaled heavily, her eyes lighting up, as did lines on her face, creating a mimicry of primal warpaint as she exhaled. Interestingly, to anyone that could look at both the werewolfs and her enemies faces, their orange irises wouldn't seem all too different as she smirked a violent smile and now that her mind was made up, determinedly swung her axe at the wolfman, seeming more eager than intimidated by the bestial change and challenge.

Initiative: 3
Attacking with Reckless Abandon, better roll:

Damage: Roll(1d12)+4:
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Vita the Tiefling Warlock
The Old Svalich Road
Tags: All

The shouted words of the men that Esvele called bandits, the tiefling gal shivered at the accusatory words even as she leaned out of the cart. Hand and arm reaching out for Sylvia, heavy breasts smacking against the wooden boards, jiggling in her leather armor. "UFF!" The dumb farm gal grunted as she grabbed onto Sylvia, helping her aboard. The massive falkovian woman falling into the cart and righting herself.

The next events flashing like still motion into Vita's mind. Tongue and words forgotten as the wagon barrelled forward. The...man changing to wolves! Horrid wretched wolves! Wolves standing on hind. Wolves growling and snapping in shape of man. Vita's emotions whirrling around in shock. The sight of them. Her memories of his words. That dream. Her emotions in utter turmoil, all of it flashing through her mind. The woman she and Ireena had just been whispering with so recently, launching herself into action and shouting something. The wolves jumping onto the wagon. The lack of sound... All of it rushing back in as she comprehended! The howling wolf pain going underneath the wagon as the wolfman in front of her growled out!

Shrieking out in shock, shoving her hands forward crystal flashing as she yanked on the light in panick. Not wanting to be ripped and shredded, thrown to the ground and fucked "AIIEE! Away! Fly on fire! [Produce Flame]!" Vita's hand sparking in fire.

Initiative Roll: 10 (10 +-0)
Attacking with Spell Produce Flame
Attack Roll: 17 (11 + 6)
Damage Roll 1d8, if hit successfully: 9 (5 + 4 (due to radiant Soul)
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Esvele ducked to the side as the wolfmen leapt high enough to clear their rickety little cart, her rapier just appearing in her hand, but made no move to stab either of them, and just slapped the reins hard once again to keep the horses going. The horses whinnied and jerked to the left; Esvele yanked back to right, just as the wolfmen landed. One of them lost his balance, and the nun bared her teeth in a grin as she slammed his face into the rocky cliffside hard enough to make him lose his footing and fall. The violent jostle as he was crushed under-wheel made her turn back to driving... though she couldn't help but call back tauntingly. "Clumsy mongrel, stay in your kennel next time!"

That only left their apparent father... but it seemed like he had the advantage, if all he meant was to abduct their charge. "No mere criminal - a kidnapper! He's here to steal Ireena! Protect her!"

The cart leapt and jostled again as they hit a stone in the road, and Esvele turned her attention back to driving, glancing backwards every few moments. Damn! They had to keep going lest she gave the other wolves a chance to catch up, but she couldn't fight without risking sending them all careening down into the ravine. She'd have to simply trust the others to handle this, it seemed. Risky prospect, but there was nothing to be done about it.

Drive ye cart, .
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Werewolf chase!
Tag: All

Esvele took firm hold of the reins and kept the horses under control and moving at speed across the rough and rocky terrain, up ahead, the path had been partially blocked by some rubble that had fallen from the rocky cliff edge. Esvele's keen eyes spotted what looked to be the lifeless arm of some poor dead man who had been trapped underneath the collapse. She would need to drive the cart close to the edge of the steep cliff in order to bypass it.

About 80 feet behind the cart, the two other werewolfs who had been shunted aside or driven into the wall by the cart were back on their feet and had assumed wolf form. They were faster in this form and could keep up with the cart, although they were still rushing to catch up as Esvele's concentration on driving had put a further gap between them. She had an upcoming decision... slow the cart down to get past the rubble for certain, or keep the speed up and drive the cart through the gap without hitting a loose stone and sending the cart potentially on its side or worse... over the cliff edge.

[Animal Handling check again if Esvele chooses to keep going fast to stay ahead of the chasing wolves.]

Meanwhile, the hulking werewolf stood tall on the wagon, glowering down at Ireena, who had fallen on her back, prone, her eyes going wide with terror at the sight of this beast.

*Fwoosh!* *Pew!*

A red and radiant flame burst from Vita's fingertips as the light filled warlock burned the supernatural enemy with her inner fire. This spell attack was followed swiftly by a green ball of magical energy that zipped around in the air, passing the werewolf at first, and then turning around and homing in on the enemy, pelting him in the back and leaving additional singed fur.

The werewolf howled and turned his attention away from Ireena, focusing instead on the source of its greatest damage: the tiefling.

He lunged for her with his claws and fangs. She managed to duck his massive claw swipe, but he fell upon her and caught her arm in his mouth, sinking his teeth down onto her and drawing blood.

[Vita takes 8 damage. She rolls a Constitution Saving Throw (Result is 14...)]

Sylvia sees this and leaps into action, letting her inner battle lust take control, as it has in the past. She can control it better now, and the presence of this were-beast... it seems familiar somehow in a way she does not possess the capacity to express, save perhaps that she recognizes a kinship in the savagery with which the enemy leaps about to attack.

Her battle axe bites into the back of the creature, but for all the strength that she puts into it, the weapon appears to have no effect! The wolf notices her presence but chooses instead to continue to wrestle with Vita, keeping his fangs wrapped around her arm.

Seeing Vita in trouble, Ireena overcomes her terror and picks herself up, drawing her blade and attempting to pierce the wolf's hide, but having only as much effect as Sylvia.

"Damn you! Get away from her!" She yelled at the beast.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Wolfish suprises
Tag: Everyone

"Hmnn.. Weapons don't seem to work well in it. Grrrr.." She narrowed her eyes, then noticed the cliff. twirling her axe sideways, she slammed at the creature again.. but not with the narrow edge of her weapon in order to damage it, but rather the blund of the axehead, in order to shove it off of the wagon, if not dangerously close towards the cliffs edge, smirking in a Falknovian dialect: "Guten Rutsch!"

She also added: "If weapons don't work well, got to work your weapons better." She nodded with a soldiers wisdom.

Attack roll, with advantage due to rage:

Contesting strength check, advantage too, attempting a shove to get the werewolf off Vita, off the cart, and.. if I get lucky, off the cliff. oooh!.. om nom nom.:

Re: Through the Mists: In Character

"Shit!" spat Esvele as they crested a rise in the road and a blockage in the path made itself known, terse and vulgar, and very at-odds with the carefully constructed speech the nun usually used. Sparing a glance backwards, she found the younger two had reverted even further into beasthood, and were closing the distance between them on all fours.

"Ireena!" Esvele shouted. She kept pace as they approached the blockade, but slowed up as they neared, to navigate the small strip of clear-ish roadway between the landslide's rubble and the deadly drop down the cliff face. "You must drive! Climb up here, and hurry!"

I'm not risking flying off the cliff. I'll slow down to make it past the rubble. Hopefully Ireena can swap out with me once we're past it so I can get stuck in.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Vita the Tiefling Warlock
Tags: All

The werewolf snapping and clawing at her! The wolfman falling atop of her. A meaty paw of his smacking her massive breasts, slamming them inwards and resting atop of her breasts even as her fire singed him! "GAAAH!" Vita yelped! Burning pain filled her as she felt warmth fleeing her arm.

Snarling in infernal <<BURN! [HELLISH REBUKE!]>> Her free hand jabbing a finger at the werewolf atop of her!

(Reaction Roll happening due to her taking damage from the werewolf as discussed in OOC.)
Hellish Rebuke at 2nd Level from Tiefling Racial Ability. Dex Save DC 14. 3D10 Damage Roll: 30 (8,10,8 + 4) | 15 Halved.

The pain blistering in her arm even as she heard Ireena and Esvele. Her arm bled warmth and light into the nasty mouth of the wolfman, the bite painful and aching. The dumb farm girl struggled, trying to shove the werewolf off of her. Shove him away from her! "Get away!" She yelped, pain lacing her voice.

(Shove Strength Check.)
Strength Roll: 6 (5 + 1)
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Wagon chase
Tag: All

Vita used her fiendish legacy to invoke the flames of hellish retribution, as power pulsed from her wound and lit the werewolf's face on fire!

"YEEEAAARRRRGH!" the wolf clutched at its charring face.

Slowing the wagon down to ensure that they wouldn't be risking a tumble down the vertiginous drop, Esvele called over her shoulder at Ireena, who heeded the instruction and leaped to the front of the wagon, seizing the reins and allowing the warrior nun to ready herself as the two slavering wolves closed the gap.

Vita's push against the flailing, burning wolf was not enough to tip the creature over the edge, but when joined by the ferocious, raging Sylvie, the lycanthrope had only a moment to let out a panicked howl before he was pitched - still burning - over the side of the wagon and the cliff face, smashing into the jagged rocks, his face and shoulder still blazing with devil's fire.

"Arrrroooooooo!" The remaining pair of wolves leaped onto the back of the cart, just as the horses cleared the last of the difficult terrain and followed a switchback further up the mountainside. Ahead of them, in the near distance, they could make out the looming western gates of Barovia, just visible through the grey mist. Ireena lashed the reins and urged the horses onward.

The lycanthropes were still in their wolf forms. Bella, who had been holding off on her casting, pointed a finger at the wolf nearest to her and emitted from her finger tip a black beam which struck the creature and made it seem to grow... frailer. It whimpered and then it and the other wolf both turned towards Vita, sensing a wounded prey.

[Next turn! Same order! Ireena is piloting the wagon, and Bella will be delaying her action. Wolves will act after Vita and before Sylvie.]
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

The Esvele pushed off of the footboard of the driver's seat, sliding over and into the wagon. She crouched to keep her balance and knelt at the back, sparing only a brief, pleased glance at the burning werewolf rolling on the rocky trail and disappearing over the edge before turning her attention to the two other wolves bearing down on them. Esvele pulled the wounded Tiefling back and stepped in front of her, and gripped the railing with her free hand to steady herself. "Brave, Vita. Let us shield you, now."

Esvele went to the wagon's back and gripped the railing to steady herself. She gazed at the sprinting wolves steadily as Ireena cracked the reins and started to bring them back to speed once again... and started to chant, her voice strong and steady.

"Lord of the Morning, Savior of the Light, Hear me, I beg. I kneel before thee, here in Your Home, Light on my Face, and Fire in my heart, I do not Squint looking straight at the the Sun, I am not blinded by fear..."

The instant one of them came close enough, Esvele lunged forward with her rapier to stab it, even as a black beam lanced past her shoulder to strike a wolf - though which, she had practically no time to tell. Though their hide might protect them from her steel, she expected her magic to fare much better.

"Need your uncle to wound your prey for you, whelps? Shame he's dead now, isn't it? Better cut your teeth on us if you can, cur!"

I'm hoping to move to the edge of the cart and delay a casting Booming Blade, to smack a wolf before it can hop on (so it has to stop and can't follow us or else explode). Is that okay?

Uh, I get a bonus +2 damage due to Dueling Fighting Style, if it becomes relevant, but it's mostly to nail ye doggo with the 'stop or explode' effect and keep it from getting stuck in.

Booming Blade (SCAG 143)
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: 1 round
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves before then, it immediately takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for moving increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Vita the Tiefling Warlock
Tags: All

The sight of the werewolf falling to its death. Vita couldn't pay anymore attention to it even as the memory is sure to revisit her later. As she watched the other two wolves leapt onto the cart!

Suddenly, a hand on her arm and pulling her back. Her wounded arm leaking blood into her leathers as she jolted at Esvele's touch. Heart pounding and head filled with panick. Esvele's calming words brought her some bearings even as the wolfmen wolfs wolfed up onto the cart with their devlish wolf paws. The sight of them as full wolves... She didn't want to be bitten again and they were looking at her!

"Sylvia! Move!" As Vita budged over, smushing into the strong barbarian women who seemed far more frightening with each passing moment these fights went on. Her heavy breasts smushing hard against Sylvia as the dumb farm girl wasn't waiting! Her arm rubbing against Sylvia. As she held her hands, aiming at both the wolves that were looking at her! Knowledge filling her, the light sparking from her crystal and her eyes glowing with sudden vibrant light! Telling her how to position herself to release the spell from her hands! "Be burned by the fire that trails the light! [Burning Hands!]" She shrieked!

Pressing against Sylvia, her hands wavering as she struggled to concentrate and push the spell through!

(Con Check to Cast Spell.)
CON DC 13. CON Roll

Gouts of flame rushed from her hands, rolling at the wolves to burn them! Hands aimmed only at burning them and not her friends or the cart! But the flames are fierce and blinded her eyes with the light!

(Check to not burn cart and Damage rolls.)
DC 10. Roll to not burn Cart Or 7 without the +6
Burning Hands Damage Dex Save, DC 14. 2nd Level Casting. 4d6 Damage + 4 (Due to Radiant Soul.) | 8 Damage Halved.

Vita breathed heavily as she felt the force of the spell pushing her backwards, or at least she thought so. Her feet stumbling as she fell backwards, slamming onto her rear and staring at the wolves on the cart. Her legs are splayed, and depending on how Sylvia fell, her head may be between the tiefling's legs.

(Action in spoiler)
Vita falls on her ass manveuring backwards after casting her spell. She is behind Sylvia but sitting/prone as well >:3.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Combat on the Wagon
Tag: All

Esvele had reached the back of the wagon a moment too late, as the wolves had already been mid leap as he blade struck. The rapier appeared to have little effect, but the cantrip struck the wolf as it completed its leap, causing a concussive force to batter it. Still, it did not fall off the wagon as Esvele had hoped.

Behind her, Vita unleashed a torrent of fire, dropping Sylvia low to give her a chance to burn the arriving wolves. The evil canines crouched low, the backs of their fur being singed badly, but when the gout of flames was finished both wolves still seemed to be only minorly injured.

The wolf that had been struck by the black beam bit the nun on her leg, but its jaws seemed to not have the strength to bite too deeply.

[3 damage to Esvele. CON check: ... Natural 1!]

Esvele winced. Something about the bite, even though it was barely a scratch, seemed not right. Oh well, no time to think about that now as she stared down the wolf.

Lunging at Vita, the second wolf focused on the spell caster that had set its 'uncle' on fire before he had plummeted down the mountainside. The wolf saw how the firecaster had backed off and tripped, splaying her legs and showing off her revealing undergarments. Licking its lips, the wolf leaped past the rising Sylvie and onto Vita, sinking its teeth into the girl deeply.

[Damage: 10 piercing to Vita! CON roll: Natural 1! (Not kidding! yikes!)]

Vita felt a wave of nausea go through her, but the pain in that moment was more that she could concentrate on. She needed to get this wolf off of her. As it pulled back its jaws, there was a great RIIIIIIIIPP! as Vita's top was shredded, exposing her upper body to the elements.

"Fight it girl! Fight! The beast must be thrown off. They're too powerful without silver to take them down!" The fiendish voice inside of her pleaded, almost as if he was genuinely concerned for Vita's well-being.

This left Sylvia to stand up and have an opening on the wolf who was savaging Vita. It let go of the tiefling in time to turn its head towards the other foe, growling its bloody fangs at her.
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Cheerful wagon ride
Tag: Everyone

"Now now, miss Esvele, we should not be petty towards these evil foes, they deserve nothing but swift destruction, .." Sylvia said, grumbling a bit at Vitas push, and growling more when the wolf leapt over her.

"That said, I am angered by being ignored." She reached over to the werewolf that had pounced at Vita, be it the weakened one or not, roughly pulling on its shoulder, growling back at it, holding her greataxe in one hand, pulling at the wolf with the other, attempting to tear both it, and her opponent down the wagon, uncaring for the damage the hard landing would do.

"For the glory of Falkovnia, I will not allow you to attack the weak whilest I stand idly by."
Grapple(str athletics) check: 15 for the better roll, advantage due to rage. Roll(1d20)+4:

If sucessful Sylvia would use her move action to move both herself and the werewolf back out of the wagon

Acrobatics check of 10 to not botch a potential landing afterwards too hard.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Tag: Sylvia

The wolf growls and twists in Sylvia's grasp, snapping and clawing. It is too fast for her to get the grip that she desired, even in her rage. Whatever the case, now at least she has the beast's full attention, giving Vita time to recover.

A blast from Bella in the corner of the wagon puts another bolt of three green energy balls smacking into the wolf's side, one after the other. It howls with rage, and begins to transform into its Hybrid form!

The other wolf that had been facing Esvele does the same.

"They're most dangerous in this form," yelled Bella, as her pointy hat whipped in the wind and she again summoned green energy between her palms. "Quickly! Toss them over the side! Use your muscle! Go go go!"
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Cheerful wagon ride
Tag: Bella, primarly

"That is my intent." Sylvia nodded, Sheathing her large axe and glaring at the wolf, flexing her now freed arms as she prepared to.. wrestle werewolfs, apparently. "They refuse to cooperate though." She cracked her neck, and sidestepped the wolf, only to reach for it with both hands, trying to grip it and toss it out of the wagon and as close towards the cliff, if not off of it, as she could manage, while the creature was still transforming.

.. aand again, the better roll is only a 15.
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Esvele winced as the beast went for her leg and tore into her ankle, below the chainmail leggings she wore for protection. Her teeth ground in anger, and when the wolves backed off to change, their bodies warping horribly from dog to something like a man, Esvele lunged forward, grabbing for the beast's neck-scruff and trying to yank it onto its feet as the already-heavy wolf rapidly gained the weight of a man. Esvele threw herself forward to slam her body weight into it, trying to topple it over the side.

"Hear that? She wants me to be nice to you before I kill you! You should have given up when we sent your worthless uncle howling over the side, maybe you could have scraped him together for a grave!"

As her shoulder slammed into fur, the nun's other arm reached out and pointed at the one that had leapt on Vita. "She's not the only one with fire. BURN, animal!" she cried.

SHOVE DOGGO. Uh, doggo that I am engaged with, to be clear. That's an Athletics check, right? I have Athletics +4.

I would also like to use action surge to cast Sacred Flame on the one on Vita. I-I am unsure if I can do that though. It's also probably pointless, but hopefully not harmfully so. I won't burn Vita if I fuck it up right? ;_;

(I am super trying to draw aggro with ye taunting and Sacred Flaming incidentally. I am unsure if there are mechanics that are supposed to be involved in this.)

Sacred Flame (250)
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Vita the Tiefling Warlock
The Old Svalich Road - Wolf Combat on Wolf Wagon
Tags: All

The werewolf lunged at her! Leaping straight on over the downed Sylvia to bite her and rip at her flesh! Only her jerking, arms raising moved the wolf from biting her throat out and instead biting deep into her collarbone and shoulder. Fang and teeth digging deep and easily ripping through her mother's leathers as the wolf dug deep before ripping his head away.

Blood flew from her wound! Splattering onto her cheeks even as her leather top is ripped opened! Her heavy breasts bounding free and droplets of blood leaking onto them from the wolf's pull!

"NNngnngg!" Vita cried, the pain harsh! Her voice strangled as she clutched her wounded collar and shoulder. Blood welling up freely onto her hands as she whimpered. The shouting of the fiendinsh voice inside of her. Telling her to struggle! To live and fight! The light inside of her urging herself as she glared up at the wolf that had bloodied her so.

"False life enter me. Empower me for what must come. [Fiendish Vigor]." Vita moaned softly, pulling on the light to envelop and give her strength. As Vita felt the enlivening effects fill her she placed a blood hand on the wagon and pushed herself back up to standing, watching the ongoing wrestle between Sylvia and the wolf. Her shoulder and collar where the wolf bit her feeling cold and burning at the same time.

(Invoking Eldritch power up! Gimme that life. EDIT: And using half movement to stand up and jiggle.)
Fiendish Vigor: 1d4 + 4. 7 (3 + 4)
Using up half movement to stand up. Leaning on Wagon side leaving blood handprint on it.
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character


The transforming wolf was caught by Esvele's bodyslam, her toned feminine form slamming shoulder first into the hard, furred body of the male werewolf. Caught off balance in this vulnerable state, the werewolf growled and attempted to claw and drag Esvele with him as he tumbled off the back of the wagon, but his razor sharp claws caught only air. He snapped his jaws in vain as he tumbled, hit the earth, and rolled side over side, his dark form left in the dust of the racing wagon. The nun could see him in the distance rising up and staring down at her her with a yellow gleam in his eyes before the mists intervened and made him disappear from sight.

With her hand reaching backwards, she sent a bolt of sacred flame hurtling towards the other werewolf, but this beast managed to side step the wisp of radiance.

Underneath him, the tiefling's body glowed with an aura of bright light and her skin took on a slightly reddish hue, more in tune with her fiendish heritage, although interestingly enough, amid the change in pigmentation, golden glowing script in what appeared to be Celestial runes appeared over her body, marking her as a creature of the Light. She felt a bolstering life-force helping her maintain herself in the face of her powerful foe.

"Impressive, Vita," the Fiend within her said. "To be expected of someone with your... lineage."

With the werewolf fully transformed, it was now Sylvia's turn to take action.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Cheerful wagon ride
Tag: Wolf tossing

"This encounter is almost comical now. I'd rather have you punished by the might and justice of Falkovnia, but as is, I shall kick you off the wagon, so these innocents may ride on in peace." She approached the remaining werewolf, only to reach for it with both hands, trying to grip it and toss it out of the wagon and as close towards the cliff, if not off of it, as she could manage, while the creature was still transforming.

A certain competetive part of hers tried to get this werewolf further than Esvele had tossed hers.

.. aand again, the better roll is only a 15.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Hungry Like the Wolf
Tag: All

The hybrid werewolf was still snapping its shapeshifting limbs into place when the Falknovian grasped the beast by its wrists and yanking it hard in a centripetal motion, causing the beast's feet to go airborne for a moment before Sylvia hammer tossed the lycanthrope out of the wagon as well, causing it to skid painfully across the stony path and fall halfway off the mountainside before it was able to dig its claws in and stop its momentum. It howled angrily as the wagon continued to race away, through the deepening mists, all the way to the looming Gates of Barovia.

The mighty oaken doors stood open for them, as the terrorized horses tore through the threshold and into the valley to the west. Behind them, another path cutting back east, rising higher onto the mountainslope led to a great castle overlooking the far cliffs. The distant wind carried the notes of organ music and an echoing laughter as they left the country of Barovia and entered into the neighboring barony of Vallaki.

[Combat is concluded. All characters level up to level 4! Vita and Esvele have stage one lycanthropy! yay?]


"Well, in about an hour or so, we'll reach my home. It's a windmill up on the left. You can't miss it. No one lives this far up the mountain except me and my sister Offalia, and my mother, Morgantha," Bella stated cheerily.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Cheerful wagon ride
Tag: Wolf tossing

"GROWARRRR!" Sylvia shouted, stumbling a bit with the centrifugal force of sending the wolf flying, before looking after her target, nodding satsifiedly. "Do not dare disregard the.. err.. throwing skills of Falkovnia!" She shouted, panting a little.

She nodded satisfied to herself, rubbing her bulging biceps after sending the werewolf flying, exhaling as she calmed down from her rageful state slowly. "I enjoyed this a little more than I should have." With a scratching of her head she took place in the wagon again. "Well, we drove the wicked villains off, and none have come to serious harm!" She said, cheerfully.