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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Have I mentioned that I'm getting reamed pretty fuckin' hard by end-of-semester skool projects? Because that's happening.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Have I mentioned that I'm getting reamed pretty fuckin' hard by end-of-semester skool projects? Because that's happening.

Nope but now I do know :p. And dun worry. I bugged Blue and Pervy as well. So everyone is pretty busy hah.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Well I suppose it was well timed smut then. However if we need to break a bit for academic sanity, that's understandable.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

*pirate nudges*
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Bit busy myself now XD. Expect post up in next 20ish hours >.<
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

No worries. Should be back on track soon (hopefully).
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Having a feel the interrogation is not gonna go far, so posted the ritual already. ^^
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

If any action is taken that would instigate a combat, I'll have initiative rolled first before any action, unless you feel that surprise would be warranted. (Though I will take final say in that matter.)
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

@Pervy, your Rakish Audacity only works if the target is within five feet of you.

So in order to get a sneak attack with a ranged attack, it only works like a normal rogue. Which means you dealt only 8 damage rather than 11 on that last attack. (Negligible difference, really).

Link to confirmation by game designer:
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

@Pervy, your Rakish Audacity only works if the target is within five feet of you.

So in order to get a sneak attack with a ranged attack, it only works like a normal rogue. Which means you dealt only 8 damage rather than 11 on that last attack. (Negligible difference, really).

Link to confirmation by game designer:

I wasn't aware of that, that said, As you say, not a huge difference this time plus I take a range attack this turn over a claw claw bite, or Claw claw doggie-dong attack on me next turn. :p

Edit: Weeeell with those kinda rolls.. It would be a .. real shame if Rovana managed to pacify rather than slay one of the wolves, gaining an ally that still totally lusts after her if it finds a moment of distraction to establish dominance.. *whistles*
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Unless Rovana was deliberately striking to subdue the raging dire wolf, I'm afraid she has sliced a major artery and the creature is dying fast.

She can attempt a medicine roll if she wants, and rip her clothing to try to create some kind of staunch for the wound. The dire wolf is thrashing in what are likely its death throes, so it's not going to be easy and it might bite or claw her, not knowing that she's trying to help.

Several things about this make me think that we might need to have you roll to hit and wait for confirmation before rolling damage. Some various effects and spells have decisions being made before knowledge of the damage or hit result is verified, but after the attack roll has been made. We're currently posting at a fast enough rate where this isn't a problem.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yeah, I know, I like to post my stuff before the rolls are even on the table, but with that kinda rolls.. plus I doubt the direwolf had a displacement memorized. :p

Anyway, merry piratey christmas!
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Post will be up in a while. Feeling brain dead from festivities. But! It will be up. Sooner or later. At least before Wednesday Dawn on the US of A.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

No worries.

Bit of a time gap brewing between Rovana and the rest however. She's already to the Vistani encampment! :cool:
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Also, bonus ancient squidmonster to deal with. yey. :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

All you had to do was follow the train, CJ!
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

All you had to do was follow the train, CJ!


I swear I did not -plan- for Rovana to go off on her own. ^^
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Now time to wait, and read about 6 to 25 more posts in Pirate thread.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Now time to wait, and read about 6 to 25 more posts in Pirate thread.

Pirate thread is best thread. Short derailing with grumpy pirate story, but now we shall resume yo ho hoing and fighting enemies/lewdities. err.. doing lewdities, not fighting them.