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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Rovana is a spotlight hogger by design but equally appreciates if other people do it. Like, she liked Esveles over the top pew pew the clothing to the window precisely because it was over the top and unecessary.

She is actually rather intimidated by the idea of being trapped away from sea but rather than succumbing to fear, vents that in taking action. She's also the type to open the obviously trapped treasure chest, but more because she'd want to see what happens. Also, shes likely to at least do so with a long stick.

That said, players aren't created equal. I'd like it if Gargantuanblarg stuck with what information we have of each other in character and not push into the foreground through OOC means, like concluding Rovanas parrot is a familiar with little proof or joining in on conversations they aren't really around for.

Beyond that *shrug* I actually place the duty of group cohesion heavily on your shoulders, Slime. You set up a very oppressive setting atmosphere with little way out and little chance for the players to shine, on a more meta-level, Diagas is playing a follower, Gargantuan and I are playing leader types. That we clash IC in reaction to being confronted with a deadly threat is only natural.
I for one feel as if Gargantuanblarg is having their character, for whatever reason, vent at Rovana by trying to put her down, using their superior local knowledge in destructive ways. Rovana will react in a volatile way to that, adding to that is that theres little sollution to diffuse the situation, we have no way presented to us to fight back, our best lead is someone that is responsible for getting Rovana in this situation in the first place and for a week now there has been no moving forward of the plot. After having such extreme a development as butchering another pc infront of the pcs eyes there needs to be some encouragement and buildup, not silence and piling on of how horrible the setting is by one of the players.

Perhaps I'm taking this all too serious, but yeah. You succeeded in making a dark, oppressive feeling setting. The playlers snapping at one another if not given other options to deal with their frustration is, to me, a logical next step.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I had assumed we had all traipsed downstairs together so as to not needlessly exclude people from what we were doing together? If that is not what happened then I'll cut things yeah. What are we talking about that needs to go, now?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I had assumed we had all traipsed downstairs together so as to not needlessly exclude people from what we were doing together? If that is not what happened then I'll cut things yeah. What are we talking about that needs to go, now?

I dun wanna -force- you to edit stuff, but basically Rovanas reaction to Tristrams death was to go downstairs and do a drunken rant, but also was hoping to get more information, not griefing, but planning a counterstrike, while Vita comforted the burgeonmasters daughter whos name I keep forgetting for some reason.

You stayed with and spoke with Vita, so you could at best have heard the end of Rovanas rant, when heading downstairs yourself. I guess you could have noticed or guessed that Rovana was using her familiar link to spot whats going on on the roof, so that'd explain that happening and you could cut down the beginning part of 'you're gonna get fucked out there' Which would also lead to Rovana being soothed. :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Rovana is a spotlight hogger by design but equally appreciates if other people do it. Like, she liked Esveles over the top pew pew the clothing to the window precisely because it was over the top and unecessary.

She is actually rather intimidated by the idea of being trapped away from sea but rather than succumbing to fear, vents that in taking action. She's also the type to open the obviously trapped treasure chest, but more because she'd want to see what happens. Also, shes likely to at least do so with a long stick.

That said, players aren't created equal. I'd like it if Gargantuanblarg stuck with what information we have of each other in character and not push into the foreground through OOC means, like concluding Rovanas parrot is a familiar with little proof or joining in on conversations they aren't really around for.

Beyond that *shrug* I actually place the duty of group cohesion heavily on your shoulders, Slime. You set up a very oppressive setting atmosphere with little way out and little chance for the players to shine, on a more meta-level, Diagas is playing a follower, Gargantuan and I are playing leader types. That we clash IC in reaction to being confronted with a deadly threat is only natural.
I for one feel as if Gargantuanblarg is having their character, for whatever reason, vent at Rovana by trying to put her down, using their superior local knowledge in destructive ways. Rovana will react in a volatile way to that, adding to that is that theres little sollution to diffuse the situation, we have no way presented to us to fight back, our best lead is someone that is responsible for getting Rovana in this situation in the first place and for a week now there has been no moving forward of the plot. After having such extreme a development as butchering another pc infront of the pcs eyes there needs to be some encouragement and buildup, not silence and piling on of how horrible the setting is by one of the players.

Perhaps I'm taking this all too serious, but yeah. You succeeded in making a dark, oppressive feeling setting. The playlers snapping at one another if not given other options to deal with their frustration is, to me, a logical next step.

I didn't make this setting. Credit goes to Tracy and Margaret Hickman, and it is an excellent atmosphere to roleplay in, in my humble opinion. I think it would work best if we all got past the fact that it is a horror setting. Take it as a given, and look for ways to maintain humor and a sense of adventure. There are ways to roleplay anxiety without going aggro on your fellow PCs - and I think that would be a healthier way to vent.

I also think that due the play by post format, it's hard to appreciate that the PCs haven't gotten very far into the campaign yet. If we were doing this face to face, we would be nearing the end of the first session. It wouldn't be expected for the answers to all your problems and worries to be laid bare at this point.

I will do my best to interject more humour into the setting to balance out the gothic horror nature. However, it will be hard to do that if we get abrasive and build up player tension, so I'm trying to not-so-subtly diffuse it.

You say that you place group cohesion duty on my shoulders. Well , I'm happy to *try* to railroad you all into being a group, but given that the natural reaction to railroading is to try to veer off the tracks, what I'm doing here, in the OOC chat, is my method of taking on that GM duty.

If you each lay out an idea or values that I can latch onto to veer your paths on course, that will work much better (and there will be less of a chance of any of you fighting me) when I present story hooks meant to bring that cohesion about.

However, if Rovana expects everyone to be a part of her crew under her leadership in order to work with them, and if Esvele has no intention of ever being under Rovana's leadership, then it doesn't matter what story hook I throw at you both. Short of immediate survival needs - the two of you to wouldn't work together. And I can't keep you all under constant need of survival, because, quite frankly, you would die.

So the more logical and productive method would be for players and GM to work out a deal here OOC, and to do so without tossing around blame or acting condescending about who is doing what wrong as a player or whatever. I don't think any of us have been perfect, but I think playing a game together certainly starts with mutual respect. If that's not present, then it's not a good table.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'm not saying I would actively buck her as a leader, I'm just saying she doesn't have authority over me. Esvele is commanded by the Abbot and her Faith, y'know?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Right, I get that. Characters are tied to different authority figures or drives.

So what is a dynamic whereby Esvele and Rovana could get along or find common ground?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

TL&DR: Give everyone naughty dreams that lets everyone see a different perspective and gives lewd preview/checks what players could be into noncomittally. FUTA DEMON VAMPIRE DISTRACTION!


Frankly, I wonder why we have to get along.

Now, I don't mean me and Blarg, I mean Rovana and Esvele. One is LN one CN, that they'd clash is just a credit to our roleplay. But they don't have to like one another. Obviously we wouldn't want to be extreme and go full on pvp, but avoiding all clashes would make the setting unrealistic in a way. The problem is not the clashing, honestly, the problem is that theres no uniting goal, little reason for the PC's to bury the hatchet and work together despite clashing, as for now defeating Strahd is something far away and impossible to the characters. I know what you mean with the pbp pacing, Blueslime, but that doesn't change us, the players, wanting the story to continue and worrying about our characters (well, I do at least.. I am dedicated!)

Now its a different thing if you want to find a way to make our characters get along.
A quick common ground is hard. I mean, its easy to satisfy Rovana short term, riches, sex, rum, piratey things, but In the face of the danger of the setting Rovana sees someone that questions her authority and decisions as a liability, now that isn't that she needs people to do as she tells them, she's followed along or relented with the burgeonmasters.. and his mistresses suggestions before, but basically Esvele is acting at least somewhat religiously authoritative, as an LN character should, towards a CN character, who goes screw all of that, .. again as they should.
From my perspective its simple. Esvele needs to understand that she cannot command Rovana and that infact any attempt of even hinting at how things are supposed to be will lead to her lashing out and Rovana will need to understand she needs to limit her lashing out to keep on Esveles good side. Rovana lashing out against the current rules isn't inherrently wrong or bad, after all, the status quo a LN character would seek to uphold is the status quo with Strahd in control of everything. Esvele is, in this regard, reactionary, by that I mean so far I've seen her act adequate to deal with threats, but she hasn't taken action by herself. So she needs to let some of Rovanas drive to actually change things rather than go along with them rub off on her, just like Rovana needs to let Esvele mellow her out just a little.

From Rovanas perspective the setting has been quite the taker and none the giver. Obviously losing ship and crew was before things even started, but still, then losing her parrot and 'her new crewmember', but really most of all the desperate situation of losing her freedom and the sea gets her more than anything. She needs a nudge, and needs it fast to make her go in a CG direction rather than a CE. I mean.. if thats the plan. You could also nudge 'em to LE and CE but in such a way they get to like each other, with the right naughty scene? *chuckles*

Again, perhaps I haven't explained it properly, but thats what I mean when I say group cohesion is up to you, DM. I don't mean 'your job to force us to get along' but more.. give subtle nudges that encourage getting along. ^^ Honestly, Esveles offer to help with the familiar would have gone great, execpt that Rovana can do it just the same and is more likely to go lone wolf on that one. Vita isn't the problem, Vita isn't the issue, but you have two characters that aren't quite ready to be heroes yet. One who is content not to fight back and one who doesn't know what they are fighting for or whom to stand against. We can use their inter character conflict and Tristrams death as a chance to elevate them, but we got to stop delaying this.

To motivate both characters I'd simply send them a dream, Tristram for Esvele to give her actual determination to stand up to Strahd even if the clergy didn't, for Rovana I'd say tell a sad but desirefilled tale about the vampiress, or simply equate her to Strahd in a dream, ask her if she wants Ludmilla to respect her as new kind of hero, or wants her to simply obey. Does she want the easy or the hard way back to her freedom.

Oh and while at it, sent Vita a dream about her mommy or wolfies and stuff. *nods sagely*
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Okay thanks for the input.

EDIT: Falls down exhausted after so much typing. Blugh!
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Hehe. worth it. Moral choices AND a kinky writeup!
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Rule of three compelled me to give one to everyone. Wanted to give Vita slightly more of a vision, but the difference with her is that it's not a dream and she can have a conversation if she wants.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Rule of three compelled me to give one to everyone. Wanted to give Vita slightly more of a vision, but the difference with her is that it's not a dream and she can have a conversation if she wants.

Whats funny for me is that the choice was really easy for Rovana (Ghost ship, fuck yes, Evil vampire lover, fuck yes) .. until it got to Joe being all evil undead parrotey. Anyway! Given the choice of an unstoppable ghost ship... just ask the song!
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Dammit Ulmf! Lemme see the pictures in the spoilers! You been so good elsewhere D: .
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I don't know why you can't see the pictures Diaga. Everyone else can...

Can you see them on my album in my profile page? Just head into ravenloft stuff.

If not, here's what the fiend represents himself as in human form:

and here is the flash that she got of him revealed:
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I don't know why you can't see the pictures Diaga. Everyone else can...

Can you see them on my album in my profile page? Just head into ravenloft stuff.

If not, here's what the fiend represents himself as in human form:

and here is the flash that she got of him revealed:

The older ones are showing up. Like from when you introduced Brides. But not the most recent ones.

I can see them completely in the Raveloft Album you have. It just seems to be a server issue. They'll probably pop up once 24 hours have passed since you posted initial post.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Thats weird. *Seeing them fine too* But I do recall Blue also struggling to see a pic over in overquest.. forums are weird with pictures. *nods*
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Dang, I see Ireena as being catnip for Vita due to being a "Virtuous person" heh
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

So, she's attracted to virtuous and easily manipulated by the not so virtuous.. win win for her eh? :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

So, she's attracted to virtuous and easily manipulated by the not so virtuous.. win win for her eh? :p

More like she just wants to be near virtuous. If corrupted more, then yes smexy times.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I think it's a win for the fiend inside of Vita. ;)

Yeah, still not sure why some pics don't work. I see the overquest ones fine now. That artist rocks~ Though I am quite liking the one that did the fiend pic here as well.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I think it's a win for the fiend inside of Vita. ;)

Yeah, still not sure why some pics don't work. I see the overquest ones fine now. That artist rocks~ Though I am quite liking the one that did the fiend pic here as well.

Hah! Yeah for him. Pervy picked the fiends picts? Good show Pervy.

Hmmm would it be too much of a stretch for Vita to be snuggling up against Ireena (if noble girl doesn't resist~)? All throughout the night?