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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Just updating, letting you know that I'm still here.

As predicted, I'm still quite busy, and by the time I've got free time, I really need to use it to rest. I can make small posts here and there, but I don't want to make a tiny post in response to what some of you wrote.

To be honest, I may be up against things until mid-next week. I hope you'll bear with me until that time.

Meanwhile, I have given idle thoughts over to individual character arc stuff, specifically I've been mulling over the true origins of 'Molly' the ghost and the cutlass that Rovana currently possesses, as well as the exact nature of the Fiend inside Vita and its relationship to various NPCs in Barovia, along with what's happening to Patience (Vita's mom). And finally, Esvele's background as well, including her little curse and possible inherent relationships to major NPCs.

Oh and Rovana's interest in Ludmilla has led me to creating a much more detailed background for her than the source material had. The brides have become richer characters... the text really just has them as flashy backup singers to Strahd's lead vocal.

It's exciting for me at least, making these connections, and I look forward to revealing them to you in due course.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I dun mind a wait, just as long as its clear things will continue fancily afterwards. Lotsa american friends of mine are busy busy this time o' the year.

I'm happy to give you input .. or at least a direction for the ghost and cutlass idea or experience what you got planned blindly as you see fit. I like the mystery, but also presenting my lewd ideas. I often 'energize' certain npcs, because I can't help but imagine how the story could play out. Like, what if freeing the brides from Strahds influence turns one really powerful vampire lord into four powerful ones, even if one fancies Rovana? What if Rovana became Ludmillas werewolf-pirate pet?
Frankly, if left to her own devices, I could Rovana easily having an arch going from CN to CG, albeit a flamboyant and cussing variation, primarly because most of my characters tend to CG if left alone. I definitly enjoy elevating simple high sea robbery to this almost mystic status in a world thats not necessarily set up for such things.
Is the ghost an enemy of Rovanas? A friend and guardian? Her true mother who was a pirate, lost at sea to mirror Vitas story? Is she Rovanas future, or a part of Rovana.. lotsa possibilities. If I could empower the Cutlass in 5th edition I would.
Anyway! My approach to coming up with ideas for Rovanas rp is to listen to one of the dozens of and just looking where the writing takes me as I go along.

I personally thought it a given that Vitas mom was being buggered by sexy werewolves. ^^
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I have a pretty good idea (well, I think it's good) for the ghost and the cutlass already and I'm going to run with that.

I also have given considerable thought to the Ludmilla situation (and anyone turned into a vampire spawn by Strahd, for that matter). If it is even possible, it's not going to be a quick fix, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for there to be sexy times in the interim, it would just mean literally sleeping with the enemy.

And uh, yeah, Vita's mom is going through the whole wolf pack, for certain. Don't get to her quick... Vita's gonna have a litter of half-siblings. :D ...buuuut there's more to Vita's mom than just being a lycanthrope sexual relief toy.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Looking forward to deraili.. experiencing your plans then. :p

Well, per raw rules ignoring wishes and whatnot the one way to free a spawn is to .. well, force the vampire to make moar spawn, not completely implausible, though for someone of Strahds calibre to resort to this just to create footsoldiers is not gonna happen unless we tripple our level overnight. That said theres always mystical ritual mcguffins, eh? ^^ Btw, for now I also left it a mystery what message Rovana wrote on the black spot. Uwah.

As for sleeping with the enemy, just gotta make sure Rovana stays on top (which is hard, 'cause flamboyant or not, I'm rather subbey when I can), else its gonna suck.

Get it? Eh.. eh... eh..

Well, I'm not gonna share my theories in public as I think one could be right and I don't want to spoiler others. ^^

My only worry, other than my impatience is you being good at writing furry/kinky bestiality and Rovana struggling to pick between sexy wolves and vampiress in the end.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Derail my plans for the sake of derailing? Rocks fall. Rovana dies.

Rules as written in what edition? Forget everything you think you know, matey. But yes, said mystical bypass quest might be possible - still not going to happen overnight.

Just a little nip every now and then... Rovana won't miss a few drops.

Is Rovana a one-monster kind of girl?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Eh, death is not the final frontier in this kinda setting though. :p

Yeah, I don't know all of 5e's rules. Makes this more exciting, really.

Well, as long as they are part of her crew... ^^
it may sound weird but Rovana values loyalty in a partner, not that she'd mind having a wild free for all orgy among her crew, vampires and beasties invited, just ask her about her past, but at the same time seeing Strahd make out with Ludmilla would really load her cannons if you catch my drift. Kinda my romantic streak ooc, but she'd make out with/seduce lotsa folk, actually care and fight for and submit to and etc a select few.. its a trust-thing!
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Diaga, given the awkward tension between Ireena and Rovana, the former isn't intending to bunk up with everyone else. She won't begrudge Vita if she wants to sleep in the master bedroom however. She'll just likely sleep next to Esvele.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Diaga, given the awkward tension between Ireena and Rovana, the former isn't intending to bunk up with everyone else. She won't begrudge Vita if she wants to sleep in the master bedroom however. She'll just likely sleep next to Esvele.

Hah! Vita won't recognize that due to optisim and selective reality denial. Well she'll recognize it after it is implied or reads body language.

Whats this about Vita getting a new sibling?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Sibling thing is in regard to Vita's mom probably getting bred by werewolves.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Sibling thing is in regard to Vita's mom probably getting bred by werewolves.

Ah. That'll be interesting. I do love pregnancy and preggo sexytimes *nods*

That'll be disturbingly mind bend fuckery with Vita once she encounters this. Hopefully werewolves aren't sanctimonius dicks and will work with her to KEELZ the vampires. And turn Castle Strahd into Castle Wolfenstein.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Join the pack. Vita and Patience can be pregnant with little pups together.~

On a more serious note, what is Vita's stance on religion when it comes to positive energy and the Light inside of her. Were her family religious?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Join the pack. Vita and Patience can be pregnant with little pups together.~

On a more serious note, what is Vita's stance on religion when it comes to positive energy and the Light inside of her. Were her family religious?

*Snort* Depends on Patience's inside of the pack and whether other characters (Rovana xD) will see it.

Been puzzling out that out. Thinking Vita father worshipped Lathander and passed that on. But in 5e, unsure if Lathander 'exists' for all intents and purposes.

So, she believes there is Gods, she chooses to worship one belonging to insuring fields stay healthy and rural folk like her are protected from undeads. Her own mother, much more fluid and lot less sheltered then her daughter. Still pays service to a God but one belonging to the more neutral of states.

As Vita's stance to Positive Energy and the Light - she really, really likes it. She also has a deep fear of the dark now and all this dark stuff is going to build up on her.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Lathander definitely exists in 5th Edition. In the Curse of Strahd game run by Chris Perkins (creative head of DnD) there is a paladin of Lathander running around as a PC.

Not only that, Lathander is from the Forgotten Realms (Toril) which is the flagship default world for 5e, so of all the LG gods, he's arguably the main one for the current official version of D&D.

4e the main world was the Nentir Vale. 3e was Greyhawk's "Oerth" which had four separate pantheons to itself! I think 2e was also Greyhawk as the main setting. And I believe 1e was... Blackmoor and before that I think it was Mystara as the default world of the original modules.

AAaaaaaannnyway. Sounds like your dad worshipped Lathander, and you were down with the Goddess of Agriculture who is Chauntea. Your mother, being more well traveled will give preference to the god Milil, who represents song and poetry. The primary gods of your town would be Chauntea and Lathander, though EVERYONE in your town likes Chauntea, while Lathander had some fancy priest from the big city who conducted the services. Your mother was the only person in town to offer prayer to Milil.

Sound good?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Chris Perkins (creative head of DnD)

Thats almost insulting for you to say. The creative head of D&D was Gary Gygax and if the fourth and the stains it has left on the fifth are any indicator they have yet to find a worthy replacement. Not to critique who is no doubt an accomplished game designer, but being the creative head of D&D during the development of the fourth edition is something to be ashamed of, not laudated.

Lathander is from the Forgotten Realms (Toril) which is the flagship default world for 5e

*disapproving growling noises* Please don't use the Faerunian pantheon. If you do your setting would become Faerun and not Ravenloft.

Greyhawk's "Oerth"

*positive fluffing noises*

As long as theres no wall of the faithless bullslhit I can stomach Faerun but it has some rather questionable ideas in regards to gods and storylines run.

Also, Ravenloft is a campaign run with D&D, as is Faerun, that actually gives it its own default pantheon. We are not on Faerun or any other world, thats why you can't leave after all, Rovana may well be from Oerth, Vita from Toril. Anyway, for a pantheon Barovia has: Barovia - Morninglord(thats Lathander on Faerun, Pelor on Oerth, thats where Chris got him from), Ezra, Hala, Erlin(/Nerull)

What that means is that outlanders that go to the world of Ravenloft may have varying faiths, depending on the worlds, campaigns they originate from, but those born there are likely to worship the afformentioned. If her mother came from Toril she'd follow chauntea and give that onto her daughter, but she wouldn't just start worshipping a random deity. Clerics will be cut off from their spells unless they worship any of the afformentioned four, though its likely that, for example if you follow a deity of light in your world, the Morninglord will let you hang with his crowd.

Now, its your setting, so the deities you find fitting go right ahead with, but if we use the Faerunian pantheon know that deities are actually rediculously weak and stupid.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion


Chris Perkins, along with a couple other chaps who have been contributing to the game for years and years before 4th edition was a twinkle in the eye, is the current creative head of DnD.

So. What I said wasn't an insult. It was simply fact.

I am aware of who Gygax is.


In my games, the Multiverse is precisely that. All gods exist. They usually deal with their own particular slice of the Prime Material Plane.

Vita can be from Faerun. For the purposes of this game, it doesn't really matter, but just chill out with the Faerun hate.

Baldur's Gate I and II are fantastic, and settings like Waterdeep and the Undermountain are classic and iconic. I may not approve of everything in Realms lore, but it's not horrible and shouldn't offend you if another PC wants to have their character come from there.

You can be from any plane you like. Krynn, Oerth, Mystara, heck, that Birthright setting from waaaay back in the day when they were toying with a Game of Thronesy type setting.

If your character is from one of those planes, then you grew up with the pantheons from that world.

If you grew up in Barovia, you've got the Morninglord or Mother Night. You can also choose to worship an oddball god if a traveler from beyond the Mists comes in, tells you about it, and it strikes your fancy. It's all really personal preference.

To be clear, if you were a cleric of Lathander, you're not cut off from your divine patron in Barovia, they just seem muted and they can't bail you out of the demiplane. You can still cast your spells.

And yes, the faith of the Morninglord would readily welcome anyone who worships a good deity based on hope and goodness.

EDIT: PS - I'd personally say that the Wall of the Faithless is a punishment only for the evil souls of Faerun unclaimed by any particular god. They go to the Gray Wastes and Kalemvor interns them in the wall. Perhaps he does this so as to keep their soul energy away from the fiends and yugoloths that inhabit the Gray Wastes.

Now let's all party and love slimegirls together.

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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

PS - I'd personally say that the Wall of the Faithless is a punishment only for the evil souls of Faerun unclaimed by any particular god. They go to the Gray Wastes and Kalemvor interns them in the wall. Perhaps he does this so as to keep their soul energy away from the fiends and yugoloths that inhabit the Gray Wastes.

Then you too disagree with the way Faeruns core ideas are set up, though its scratching the surface. The wall as you propose it still doesn't work with the planar lore of good souls go to good places, bad souls go to bad places. I'd believe the demonlords would have something to say about that and they, as well as the General of Gehenna, could curbstomp Kelemvor without trying if they had such clear a unifying goal as 'I'ma gonna keep them souls away from you!', not to mention Asmodeus would have something to say on that front.. *sighs* Faerun lore. It don't need to make sense.

My point is that those iconic adventures and stories are iconic in spite of, not because of the Faerunian lore setup.

Anywhooo, lets talk about werewolves instead. Unless there'll be corruptive goo girl encounters, interested in that too. :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

It was just a suggestion based off of what the wall could be trying to do. But yes, I don't really agree with the wall either. It doesn't invalidate the good things about Faerun.

So if it makes you feel any better, we can declare the wall of the faithless to not be a thing. It won't matter though because we're in Barovia!

Where everything is awesome!

If there isn't a goo girl in the adventure, there is now.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Where everything is awesome!

If there isn't a goo girl in the adventure, there is now.

Kinda suspicious of that. :p

I dunno, my problem with slimegirls is its hard to roleplay as one. Corruptive goo a la though.. yum.

Not saying Faerun is all bad, they had some nifty things ofc, but I'm a picky lot.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I like RPing as goo girls. They're cute and sexy, in addition to being deadly.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I dunno. they are so.. semi solid! how do you poke them. I mean.. I could see some kinky stuff happening but I can't rp such a malleable body well in sexytimes.