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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Maybe I'll use it on Vita or Esvele then.

Though honestly, they can create tentacles, they can solidify if they need to, and you can RP their slime as having aphrodesiac or extremely stimulating qualities. Not hard to have sexy times.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'm thinking more merging with you to be a living goosuit that .. encourages you to do as they want but yeaaah. Not saying they cant be fancy, just havent seen it done.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'm not that big into mind control, per se.

Maybe a psionic goo could do that.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Lathander definitely exists in 5th Edition. In the Curse of Strahd game run by Chris Perkins (creative head of DnD) there is a paladin of Lathander running around as a PC.

Not only that, Lathander is from the Forgotten Realms (Toril) which is the flagship default world for 5e, so of all the LG gods, he's arguably the main one for the current official version of D&D.

4e the main world was the Nentir Vale. 3e was Greyhawk's "Oerth" which had four separate pantheons to itself! I think 2e was also Greyhawk as the main setting. And I believe 1e was... Blackmoor and before that I think it was Mystara as the default world of the original modules.

AAaaaaaannnyway. Sounds like your dad worshipped Lathander, and you were down with the Goddess of Agriculture who is Chauntea. Your mother, being more well traveled will give preference to the god Milil, who represents song and poetry. The primary gods of your town would be Chauntea and Lathander, though EVERYONE in your town likes Chauntea, while Lathander had some fancy priest from the big city who conducted the services. Your mother was the only person in town to offer prayer to Milil.

Sound good?

Works for me. Also wow, rage button found on Pervy. I guess I better keep pushing it and maybe something good will happen.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Works for me. Also wow, rage button found on Pervy. I guess I better keep pushing it and maybe something good will happen.

*transforms into dickgirl'd shehulk*

Yeah, not a fan of the fourth edition and a lot of stuff that messed up prior D&D lore in Faerun, not to fix something that didn't work but just to accomondate a lot of writers and self insertion and whatnot.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

*transforms into dickgirl'd shehulk*

Yeah, not a fan of the fourth edition and a lot of stuff that messed up prior D&D lore in Faerun, not to fix something that didn't work but just to accomondate a lot of writers and self insertion and whatnot.

*Pushes rage button more*

So I should totally make Vita reference the wall of the souless and stuff.

*Waits expectantdly for Super Transformation sequence hah*
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You have yet to see Pervy's ultimate form.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You have yet to see Pervy's ultimate form.


*begins glowing red, creates a gust with self as epicentre, rocks begin to crack around*
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

*pat pats Blarg*

I'm busy too right now, so it's just as well.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Oh don't mind me I'm just over here being piratey.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

That feel when you had like three paragraphs typed out but you passed out and then the paragraphs were gone when you pull your face off the laptop keyboard aa.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I sometimes write stuff I dun remember later thats weird too. Also, I wanna make a pirate Barbarian now. They'll a travel ration of spinach and eat it before raging.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

That feel when you had like three paragraphs typed out but you passed out and then the paragraphs were gone when you pull your face off the laptop keyboard aa.

Aaah. That's no good. :(
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

The materials to perform the ritual are not all on hand. You can see if charcoal, incense, and a brass bowl are available at various places. The church may have incense and the bowl. The local mercantile would have charcoal.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Why can't I simply nab charcoal from a fireplace?.. It's not that I don't want to invest the rp effort, but ... its more that I don't want to wait lots longer..

Anyway, uh, looking at Esvele..

..ok Gargantuan: .. are you trying to piss off Rovana on purpose? Like. short of going 'Pirates suck lol' theres little more you could have your character say there to antagonize her. :p

Also, not sure how you can tell that Rovanas parrot is a familiar or how you arrived downstairs to still hear what Rovana said, after talking with Vita, without rpying your way downstairs. Rovana is not in the same room.

Sorry to ruin your effort, but it might be better if you edited/deleted the part addressed at Rovana alltogether and let us all move to the next day, unless you want to create PvP either now or down the line. Your post would antagonize Rovana with its almost gloating, challenge her leadership(she believes in it!) and.. well, theres the fact that Esvele spoke up, stopping Rovanas plan from getting the vampires target chained up, now, OOC Strahd can control anyone and Tristram would have died anyway, but Ic.. My point is I don't think Esvele wants to go about lecturing others right now.

To be clear, happy to respond, infact, got a response written up, but reading through it, might not be the best way for things to go. Do want Rovana and Esvele to work together downt he line, propably, right?
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Esvele and Rovana aren't in the same room, true.

As for Esvele antagonising Rovana, it's fair to say that Rovana has done her fair share of antagonising. Turnabout is fair play.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Esvele and Rovana aren't in the same room, true.

As for Esvele antagonising Rovana, it's fair to say that Rovana has done her fair share of antagonising. Turnabout is fair play.

Yeaah true, but Esvele is more emotionally stable than Rovana, who does feel trapped in a shitty situation. I'm not saying don't do it, just that that'll have serious consequences. OOCly I feel like Esvele is speaking up just to speak up.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Perhaps it would be good to have an ooc conversation about what behaviours each PC could do that would contribute to group cohesion. We could comment positively on each other's actions, and make suggestions for what we feel would be the best strategy for interacting with each other's characters.

So we should limit "don't do this" comments but rather keep it to "it would work well if you..." etc.

We may have an idea of our character in our head that is different from others' perceptions and it would be good to have those aired out.

For instance, I'd really like it if every player was invested in the storyline and felt that they have the ability to be a driving force in the game. I would like each player to enjoy the narrative spotlight equally, or at least be given the opportunity to do so by both the DM and the other players.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Perhaps it would be good to have an ooc conversation about what behaviours each PC could do that would contribute to group cohesion. We could comment positively on each other's actions, and make suggestions for what we feel would be the best strategy for interacting with each other's characters.

So we should limit "don't do this" comments but rather keep it to "it would work well if you..." etc.

We may have an idea of our character in our head that is different from others' perceptions and it would be good to have those aired out.

For instance, I'd really like it if every player was invested in the storyline and felt that they have the ability to be a driving force in the game. I would like each player to enjoy the narrative spotlight equally, or at least be given the opportunity to do so by both the DM and the other players.

I'm playing Vita like a follower from a rural farming village that doesn't know jack diddly squat about adventuring besides stories from her mama. She'll pull open the obviously trapped treasure chest cause why wouldn't she? It can be just a fake treasure chest or be a mimic.

She'll get more into your hopes Blue for doing spotlight but I'm gonna do it organically and au natural.