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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

She wouldn't resist, and she'd probably snuggle back against Vita. If you tried to do more than cuddle though, you would have to roleplay it out. Otherwise, she doesn't mind the tiefling being intimately close.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

She wouldn't resist, and she'd probably snuggle back against Vita. If you tried to do more than cuddle though, you would have to roleplay it out. Otherwise, she doesn't mind the tiefling being intimately close.

That's utterly dependent on how well the fiend convinces Vita.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Gotcha. Will represent that in the next post @Diaga.

I'm thinking I might make a separate thread for Rovana during the time when she is separated from the other PCs. That way it separates the in character information.

I may do this in the next post, since Rovana is indicating that she wishes to sneak away. Is that all right with the players?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Gotcha. Will represent that in the next post @Diaga.

I'm thinking I might make a separate thread for Rovana during the time when she is separated from the other PCs. That way it separates the in character information.

I may do this in the next post, since Rovana is indicating that she wishes to sneak away. Is that all right with the players?

Vita doesn't know about but yeah ooc wise, I'm okay with it. I hope Rovana finds a nice shiny, wave cutting cutlass. And herbs that respawn Joe hah.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Per player request, I'm going to speed along the revival of said parrot. Not the least of which is because he's one of my favorite NPCs. Do not be surprised if Joe is the secret final evil boss.

( Oh crap, I shouldn't have said he was evil... Oh Crap, I shouldn't have said it was a secret... OH CRAP, I certainly shouldn't have said he was the final boss. Ahhh... it's too hot today.)

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion


I don't mind rpying it out at all, but thats the thing with pbp stuff, reviving Joe might take a few days and clearly we need him to.. wait he's the final boss? Oh my god I just had the silliest idea.

Your group stands over Strahd, defeated. Rovana hesitates for a moment.. the power is hers for the taking, the dark vampire mistress she wants, a ship that will never sink.. but at the same time, whats a crew that can't get drunk? Can she really do this?

As she considers, Joe finally seizes the chance he has waited for for so many years. It is his time! He flaps his wings and shouts with malice:

Rawwwk! Bird is the word! Wee woo!

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

My silly thought was that when this was all over, the NPCs and PCs, both bad and good would all stand up and re-enact the "Rock your body" music video by the Backstreet Boys. Joe would provide the sound effects.

Heh, Tzeentch changer of ways ending would be proper scary too.

Anyhoo, gonna do a response to Vita, then work on a new thread post for Rovana, however, I have RL obligation today so I don't know how long it will take me to write stuff. Might be another day or so. Or quicker, if I write fast.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Woohoo! I see all the work done :D.

Is it okay if I read shit happening on Rovana's side?

EDIT: Also blue, that fiend is a sweet talker. Really, really sweet XD.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'd maybe hold off in the short term, since you and Esvele are likely to go to the church as well, and might want to encounter anything there for the first time in your own thread.

I can't really stop you if you want to know so I'll leave it to you.

And thanks. I was going for sweet-talker. :)
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'd maybe hold off in the short term, since you and Esvele are likely to go to the church as well, and might want to encounter anything there for the first time in your own thread.

I can't really stop you if you want to know so I'll leave it to you.

And thanks. I was going for sweet-talker. :)

Yep. Fiend brought up interesting thoughts in Vita. Rationalizations to do it heheh. (Or just going for a lewd lewd rp :p.) Anyway post is up. Hope it is an enjoyable one :p.

Any need for clarification?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I feel like we've grown distant, Diagas, Blarg. *nodnods*
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I feel like we've grown distant, Diagas, Blarg. *nodnods*

Like a flock of birds losing each other on the way north.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yep. Fiend brought up interesting thoughts in Vita. Rationalizations to do it heheh. (Or just going for a lewd lewd rp :p.) Anyway post is up. Hope it is an enjoyable one :p.

Any need for clarification?

Just not sure if she's accepted the Fiend's offer or not. I'll let you decide after I respond. If you want it to appear, a demon cock will appear. You can affect it so that it appears natural (ie: the same color as Vita) or as an obvious demonic appendage. You can somewhat control the size, but it struggles to be quite big and she'd need to actively think about it to shrink it down. For a only-just-not-a-virgin Ireena, it might be quite intense if Vita doesn't.

Ireena will likely give Vita the option to go ahead if she wants. Ultimately, I'd like it to be a player choice rather than an NPC choice.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

btw, just give me a holler if you want a deceptive roll Slime, though I feel for the most part Rovana isn't directly lying, more misleading expectations. ^^
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Just not sure if she's accepted the Fiend's offer or not. I'll let you decide after I respond. If you want it to appear, a demon cock will appear. You can affect it so that it appears natural (ie: the same color as Vita) or as an obvious demonic appendage. You can somewhat control the size, but it struggles to be quite big and she'd need to actively think about it to shrink it down. For a only-just-not-a-virgin Ireena, it might be quite intense if Vita doesn't.

Ireena will likely give Vita the option to go ahead if she wants. Ultimately, I'd like it to be a player choice rather than an NPC choice.

Ooooh this is gonna be hard IC wise for Vita. If she gives in, it basically means she is a horny slut driven to corrupt others >:p.

mMmmm mm lets see.

EDIT: Going for lewd lewds. Awkward Farm girl ahead. So yeah, Vita made her choice for sexy futa dickings.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Futa choice is best (Though I like to keep Rovana female), to proper serve futa-vampires.

Not to say it has to be all about futa vampires ofc.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Most any enemy who can think - and some that can't - will act lewdly upon defeating you. I haven't forgotten about the wolves.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

@Diaga: With a roll like that, you definitely will make an actual pact between yourself and Ireena with the culmination of this sex scene. Details will be sent in PM tomorrow, but essentially you'll make Ireena into a mix between your familiar and a level 0 depowered Warlock with you as her patron. That means she gets access to a few of the abilities that you have access to.

You'll also get to know about her stats, which I'll send to you. And you'll have the limited ability to affect her in the way that Strahd was able to. (you'll kinda usurp his power over her, effectively making her saf(er) from Strahd, instead with you now having that affect on her if you want)
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

ooh Go Warlock sexing.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Mmmmm. Lovely. I wonder how Ireena will react to. . . Vita lubing her up first nyeheheh.