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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

If you go to a place that has charcoal and incense, you can get away with it, so long as there isn't someone there that would NOT be intimidated by you.

I'd allow it so long as the adventure as written doesn't have an NPC that would legitimately not be intimidated by your piratey ways. There are a few shopkeepers for example who defend what they have in Barovia with their lives, because they don't have much else and its their key motivation.

So ultimately, the answer, as with most things, is that it's a case by case basis. If you're in a situation where it's reasonable, then yes, you get away with it.

EDIT: Also, there are three vampire brides. Why did Rovana mention only two? Vira?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

There are a few shopkeepers for example who defend what they have in Barovia with their lives, because they don't have much else and its their key motivation.

Man, now I'm feeling bad about it. *not sure how much gold is actually on Rovana*

Edits: Off to think of a piratey 'self cleaning vampire' joke. *nods*
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Well, Ismark can probably pay for it as part of your fee for protecting his sister, it's more the finding them than the gold right now.

Edit: using the starting wealth from your background, you have 10gp for Rovana.
Roll a Charisma check, DC = 10, to see how well you charmed Damia into not letting her Vistani friends reduce that total by half and make up the difference with wooden coins. (Gypsies... same as pirates, they're incorrigible.)

Vita can do likewise, but with a DC = 12 for Ratka. (Edit: Success means Vita still has her 10gp)

Tristam has half his starting value, as he was robbed a bit, sorry bud. (Which with your soldier background means you've got 5gp)

Esvele has her starting cash, all in Barovian coinage with Strahd's face on the front and a raven on the back. (5gp, although if you want to have some of it in smaller denominations, that'd make sense.)


For everyone's knowledge, these are what the three brides look like:

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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Charisma Roll: 24 (18 + 6)

Safe! Doubled that roll for the DC :D. Also I missed out on alot in 3 hours -.-.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Hmnn.. sure.


I seem to be unable to roll low with Rovana, most of the time. :p

Rovana is unsure if she should go charm the masked or the black one now for sure, white one looks a bit mean. :p

Man, I wanna post for Rovanas next daring action. :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I continue to have a mask fetish and am totally going to loot fucker number 3's thing if I get the chance.

Also and on the topic of summoning, Esvele totally knows how to use a herbalism kit and knows the familiar spell, which probably counts for getting berd-procurement materials. Though uh, if we're fucking off across a mountain in like, one day, we'll probably want to hurry the fuck up about it and not stop, lest we end up without a comfy house to hunker down in I guess.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I have a feeling we should prepare while we can without being chased, though the offer is appreciated. I imagine it less an arcane ritual and a meditation and more my pirate getting high while humming sea-shanties waving her sword around menacingly.

And.. alright, I'm calling dibs on the black one then. :p

I say we should put in a team effort, each charming one of the vampires brides. Totally gonna work.

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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I mean, you have to be wearing it for it to count. She has a bunch of them flying around her, which is a little silly.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Also, didn't Rovana already break eye-contact with her 'shoot the Strahd!' approach?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yes, Strahd has already broken eye contact.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yeah, I mean, is the first thing that makes sense but unlike the stories D&D enthrallment lasts longer.

Well that and shooting a wooden board thats being scratched on from the other side by vampires is likely to just reduce its structural integrity further.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'm aiming for the bit of wall above the boards though!
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Your roll is sufficient to do that. So Tristam is up.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Tristam stepped in the way, shaking his head as he sought his beloved ones eyes: "We may have only met today, but please, I beseech thee, don't give in, don't let this creatures advances overwhelm thine mind."

Clenching a fist to hide his own despair at the situation Tristram reached out, Forcefully embracing, and holding the half naked woman close to his warm chest. "To answer what thy asked afore we had been so rudely interrupted.. I love thee, enough to give mine life if it were to mean thine freedom of this wickedness."

Holding her tight he half turned, glaring at the window, shouting loud enough for the beasts of the forest outside to hear: "Hear this, creature! This maiden is not yours for the taking, now take your claws fromout her timber and take thine form fromoff her soil, lest I shall hold her till the morrow drives thine wicked husk away!"

(Str to hold her back physically. Charisma to hold her back emotionally)
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Awesome job, Esvele. MVP.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yeah. Agreeing with that. +1 vote to MVP Esvele. Super cool.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Oh noes! Did Ireene break the hold person spell D:?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Unfortunately on her turn (at end of initiative order) she rolled a 17+2=19, which beat your spell save. So yes, she snapped through the spell. She's got some decent resolve.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

There will be a bit of an action sequence occurring in my next post, it will be done without rolls because I need to achieve an effect. Spider has made indications that he isn't enjoying the game, so unless told otherwise, the party will soon be down a ranger.

This will change the group dynamic and NPC relations a bit, but I will try to make it a natural transition.