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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Blueslime, to avoid future confusions like this, do you want our combat actions posted IC or OOC? I think a problem was that Esvele did one thing IC, another OOC.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I mean.

With that, the nun rushed forward, thrusting her long, thin blade out towards one of the dead men's necks.

Though I'll grant that I guess I should have made a lil spoiler with a declaration or somethin'.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

With that, the nun rushed forward, thrusting her long, thin blade out towards one of the dead men's necks.

And when were you doing that? At first, the door was closed. Zombies are infront of it, so the entrance square, target of the fiery sphere, is the only place you could move to to attack the zombies. Then, with a higher initative than you, Vita cast a flaming sphere. Lets presume you readied your charge the undead action and Vita readied her flaming sphere action, Rovana is off boarding the kitchen window harder.

Readied actions for both of you go off as soon as you see the undead (thats the trigger unless you want to charge the closed door). You start running, Vita starts chanting. Giant ball of fire bursts into life before you. DM generously assumes you -stop-, just like they generously assumed Vita wouldn't burn Rovana, only the zombies with her next readied action.

If you insist you got that melee attack off, sure, but for one it'd change the course of the battle because you'd block the square Rovana would have jumped to, for two, two DC 14 acrobatics check or be hit by Vitas sphere.. Per raw rules, both readied action are same priority and she'd end up summoning the sphere on top of you.

FAR more importantly: Now you are in the square of the door, with two zombies ready to attack you WITHOUT having to set themselfs on fire to get to you, so, all those attacks that hit Vita.. they are now going for you, I do believe thats enough to get your character down, pending the firey save roll.

I believe you got out of it with the best possibly result with two hits going in and the zombie going down.

Also, if you have the time to OOC discuss this, can you do your response? I am eager for this to continue.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'm most comfortable with a narrative description of what your character is trying to do, In Character. [Like what Blarg did]

Also, you could spoiler and mechanically write out what you want to do at the bottom of your IC posts, just to be clear.[like what Pervy and Vita do]

Any questions or clarifications can be posted OOC.


I think this was just a case of me not describing the situation clearly enough - that there was a sphere of flame blocking the doorway and that the slow zombies who were acting last in initiative order were still on the other side of it when Esvele had her turn.

I chose to interpret that as her readying her action, because I saw it as the option that would hurt him the least, but I didn't consult blarg about it. I probably should have.

Learning pains for me here, as we're figuring out what works best.

EDIT: Also, Spider, am I to interpret that you're going to have Tristam continue to sex Ireena and not react to anything else that's happening? Going to go with this unless you tell me more.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Well, I thought "Yeah, I should probably help the others." But then it occurred to me that Tristam hasn't gotten laid in a while and he barely knows them.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Well, I figure its faster if I include what I think necessary rollwise, after some fanciful description.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Alright, now just waiting on. . . erm, what now? I is impatient.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Post delayed due to IRL stuff. I expect to update later today. Try not to be too impatient, as this game is still going fairly fast for a 5-player pbp.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Post delayed due to IRL stuff. I expect to update later today. Try not to be too impatient, as this game is still going fairly fast for a 5-player pbp.

Kay, I'll try to rein it in. Tis my interest in this game <3.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Honestly, I'm not concerned about the speed.. one large post a day is fine, though more would be fancy, I'm mostly concerned if it'll keep steady. Experience tells me that sadly, far too often a player suddenly poofs.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Hmmm. I didn't do familiar peekies like Rovana, but would my birdy be telepathing at me and keeping me abreast of the situationinnuendo?
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yes I figure Nevermore would be relaying info to you on an emotional connection. From memory, the familiar can't give you a perfect read on the situation so treating it like a drone with live video feed probably isn't playing it accurately.

EDIT: Actually, you can see with its eyes and ears, and communicate telepathically, so hey. Guess it's good to go back and read things again.

However, in order to see through your birds, you need to use an action and while you're doing it and you're blind and deaf while you watch and listen through it, so not easy to coordinate.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

*facepalms as Tristram peeks through the window demons are likely being summoned through.*
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Update coming later today. Yeah, that window is coming open, and Strahd isn't expecting a naked man with Ireena.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Update coming later today. Yeah, that window is coming open, and Strahd isn't expecting a naked man with Ireena.

I bet he's the kinda guy that takes it in good humor. Right? Right..?

*goes read Ic post* :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

He's... probably more chill about it than some people would be. But there's reasons for that. I mean... he's not exactly monogamous. And once she's his, then that's that.

EDIT: By the way, Pervy, Joe's action was the difference between Strahd only having a peeping hole to look through and having half the wall missing, FYI.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Hey, the whole 'glowing pentagram and three people chanting something' is usually a sign for me to, if in any way possible, throw the kitchen sink at them if need be, plus, considering how close Tristam was that was at least a 2d6 avoided on his end too. .. ironically it was even a pretty darn heroic scene, moreso with only Rovana knowing what was going on there. ^^

What are the downsides of losing your familiar in 5.0 and can I handwave the materials required to restore my birdy? Having a feeling that this place doesn't have magic incense, unless I go hang with the gypsy seer.. I mean, that could be a motivation to string Rovana around but by now its kinda personal for her anyway.

Also, I totally fight the urge to look at the stealth feat stuff for 5.0, never considered it 'cause I consider Rovana to be rather loud and flamboyant, but the lore is making her like a shadow of silence, whenever she doesn't -want- to be heard, so.. *tips chin* perhaps the diceroller is secretly rewarding me for doing things like breaking stealth to properly cuss about .. err. mourn the parrots passing.

*Now wonders on Joe's changes*
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Normally, it's 10gp worth of charcoal and incense, along with a brass brazier to do the burning in. Your cutlass would instinctively give you the notion of how to do this. I'd like to not completely hand waive it though.

It's as good a reason as any for you to seek out someone with the proper materials. There's a shop in town that you can visit after this perhaps, or there's the Vistani, or maybe there's another place nearby that you could get the stuff from.

It won't be too hard to get the materials, but I'd like to play out the minor inconvenience, just so that your reuniting with Joe is more heartfelt and meaningful. He's not going to be gone for any great portion of the adventure.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Well, charcoal is not hard to get, you literally just need a fire place, I imagine the incense being more of an issue.

I dun mind rpying it out ofc, .. Also, now that we are at that topic, I wonder about an rp detail, my backround 'scary pirate' bonus, usually allows you to commit minor crimes without punishment (not that I say stealing 10 gp worth of incense would necessarily be minor), either way, considering what those people live at I don't think thats gonna come into play at all, whats you say?
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