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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Shota [Toro Toro Resistance] もんむす・くえすと! ぱらどっくすRPG中章 / Monster Girl Quest: Paradox (RJ201109)

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

The humor in these Part 2 sure is fun...
Might as well add the time with Alraune, dam its pretty opposite with the spider queen case.

Havent complete part 2 yet, but when i got PT up to 12 and trying to put a potential party member.... All these queen is way too OP for their trait skill and their unique queen race.
Additionaly their trait skill is making me sad i even bother lving the girl in part 1,
Ex: Spider queen trait
swd / time / insect skill can always use
swd / time / insect skill power increase
time skill mp consumption 1/2
swd / insect skill SP use 1/2
Unique Race: Queen of insect - side quest (depend on choice)
Whats the point of geting ready in part 1 anymore other than for waifu logic >.< / party set up consist of part 2 now except Luka (yes i already trow away Sonya prom ilias etc..)

Question: How to recruit mermaid queen ? or i dont need to worry about it atm
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Yeah, i've just played on normal difficulty so far. Maybe when we are close to a 100% translation I'll do a from scratch or NG+ paradox run. That will test some mettle...
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Yeah, i've just played on normal difficulty so far. Maybe when we are close to a 100% translation I'll do a from scratch or NG+ paradox run. That will test some mettle...

I asked on Dargoth's site, but here seems to generate more clarity on details. How close to a complete translation is the pt1 patch? We talkin' 80% or closer to 60%? I ask because while I own the license to download pt1, I've resolved not to get invested until everything is patched. I realize it'll probably be 2030 before that happens, but...
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

try talking to Bonnie in the boss fight choosing the answer she likes and she'll say stuff like "Marry me" and "we're soulmates"

on that note Bonnie and Rami have something in common (other then artist, hair color and bust size) just like Rami can't fly, Bonnie can't swim.
I think it's a joke how opposite they should be from their nature ...
Imp / Succubus should able to fly, and Pirate / Mermaid should able to swim ...

Rami can't fly because oversize boobs ...
and all 4 bandit loli always jealous and demanding Rami share her boobs to them ... :D

haven't seen event / dialogue for Bonnie yet ...

More about Hilde, after joining you certain Apaoptosis (XX-7) will talk with Hilde ...
Hilde will notice that Apaoptosis as her prototype in past, and Apaoptosis will think Hilde as her junior / younger ...
still, that Apaoptosis wondering why Holde seems don't have enough knowledge and decide need to teach Hilde as her senior ...
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

A...Pirate...mermaid...that...can't...swim? mentally blue screening here.

Right??! Her boobs are made of fat and should be natural floatation devices because
. The backstroke should be a cinch for her!

One question. I'm playing part 1 right now, and realizing that a lot of companions have unique lines that you can only hear once during once-a-game events, like during camp nights or one-time events. Which party do you recommend to take with you just to experience the story to the fullest?

I take Alice (chose her over Illias) and Sonya obviously because they seem to have a big role in the story.

Promestein will probably provide a lot of useful exposition, so I include her too.

I brought Lime along because she's probably the first companion you can get besides Alice and Sonya. It was freaking hilarious and random how during the rescue mission in the underwater temple
she had a scene where she attempted to free the mermaids by slipping through the bars thanks to her slimy body
. This scene could have only be made for her and made me so glad I brought her along. I'm predicting that she'll have other important lines.

Nuruko seems plot-relevant, but is somewhat disappointing because all she says is "Kyuuu~" and Sonya doesn't always translate what Nuruko says.

I'll probably bring Hilde along when I find her, because she seems important to the plot too, somehow.

What do you think about bringing Nanabi along?

I've found that BF characters and NPCs like the Medal Queen don't really add much to the story. Medal Queen didn't appear in my camp scene before Illiasburg.

I'm wondering what characters to include in my party if I were do additional playthroughs/revisit old saves.
What other characters are extremely plot-relevant to you, and bring out the best of the story? Which couples/groupings have the best interactions in your opinion? This is for part 1.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

A...Pirate...mermaid...that...can't...swim? mentally blue screening here.

apparently Ashe has been trying to teach her but Bonnie's been skipping out on the lessons or they been going poorly. I'll have to redo the the fight again to see the dialog.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

One question. I'm playing part 1 right now, and realizing that a lot of companions have unique lines that you can only hear once during once-a-game events, like during camp nights or one-time events. Which party do you recommend to take with you just to experience the story to the fullest?

yeah in part one they need to be in your party for camp events but in part two you just need to have them for most events(though there are a few things that require you to have them in your party)

that said someone who joined as part of the story will almost always have something to say in camp
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

that, also Ilias wondering why Hilda have that function ...
and at previous 1st season game, Ilias also wonder why Hilda don't have full war function, have emotion, yet have poor calculation ability ... the design seriously flawed if she being made to protect Luka ... why Hilde being sent to Luka at that world, at that place, at that time too ...

There are plenty in H scene in castle requesting marriage / child from MC ...
(few get translated, and the rest I see from Chiitrans) ...

some interesting one at 2nd season ...
I translate the dialogue through Chiitrans ...
1. Sara (after morphing to her 2nd origin) she seduce Luka multiple times to the point Sonya get wary of her (in more than one meaning) ...

2. Spider Queen before fight she made bet,
- If she win, she will continue war and Luka will become her breeding tool ...
- if she lose she will accept peace and willing to become Luka's concubine ...

After she lost, she accept to become Luka's concubine, but said the marriage after all this chaos is over ... (Sonya already get piss off about concubine, and she retort about Spider Queen actually jump off to become legal wife through official wedding)

3. Princess Elf ... she actually hikikomori / Hermit / anti-social person, but get fall in love with Luka at first sight ...
She promise Red Orb if Luka meet her ...
however, at that meeting she give Luka A LOT OF GIFT ...
(the amount actually quite abnormal, and feels like cheat)
Ilias get freaked out and says the princess love is TOO HEAVY ...
this also freak Sonya too, and she get really worried ...
Luka also don't feel good accepting tons of gift like that ...
Ilias and Luka ask if this alright and want to return all of it ...
The princess elf finally said, it's alright for a bridal gift before their engagement (the whole gift package, so if they return, they won't get that Red Orb too) ...
Sonya get very shocked, angry and yell out directly to Princess Elf ...
Princess Elf says Sonya is barbarous / crude and Sonya become speechless ...
after that, Sonya get gloomy all over wondering how she can win against graceful, beautiful, rich, strong influence princess ...

IMO, Event from Princess Elf give strongest impression pairing with Luka ... :D

Also I notice, bits of character not used, including bits of enemies don't get used either ... plenty of picture don't get used either ...
there are some kind of "normal" Adramelech picture (like she is fully "sane" and can be talked), but it never get used ... "insane" picture from Ilias, "Dark" picture for Alice, also Hilde picture get very deformed / evil ... all not used in 1st or 2nd season ...

There's also Nanabi in part 1, now that she has her lines in the Pocket Castle translated she has kind of an infatuation with Luka, telling him that she wants him to pamper her, they should go on dates or even in their own journey only the two of them.

Speaking of CGs not being used, I was wondering if even if there are no new scenes for part 1 characters, maybe there are variations to already existing ones using some of the CGs that weren't used in part 1, like Melk's variations of her blowjob, there should be 3 variations of it but its just one in part 1.

On regard of conversations, I really look forward to see Eden's lines when you give her gifts, specially sweets. When you give Illias sweets in part one she just goes on about how Eden has no cooking or baking talent and all she attempts to make ends up in failure, like giving her ice with sugar to pass it up as ice cream :D

Also, I didn't know about that Lime event! I made a list with all talk events all girls have in towns, camps and places with some to talk to, like Illiasville mountains but I knew it probably didn't have all of them
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

can someone list that 30+ BF location ?
I need it to unlock Advanced Job for Prostitution ...

There's also Nanabi in part 1, now that she has her lines in the Pocket Castle translated she has kind of an infatuation with Luka, telling him that she wants him to pamper her, they should go on dates or even in their own journey only the two of them.

Speaking of CGs not being used, I was wondering if even if there are no new scenes for part 1 characters, maybe there are variations to already existing ones using some of the CGs that weren't used in part 1, like Melk's variations of her blowjob, there should be 3 variations of it but its just one in part 1.

On regard of conversations, I really look forward to see Eden's lines when you give her gifts, specially sweets. When you give Illias sweets in part one she just goes on about how Eden has no cooking or baking talent and all she attempts to make ends up in failure, like giving her ice with sugar to pass it up as ice cream :D

Also, I didn't know about that Lime event! I made a list with all talk events all girls have in towns, camps and places with some to talk to, like Illiasville mountains but I knew it probably didn't have all of them
1. some monmusu which join you will become a lot more attached to Luca ...and Nanabi is one of them, Shelly too (that seashell girl) ...
one of apoptosis in H scene, she have multiple eggs thus each intercourse will cause some eggs get fertilized and ask Luka to take responsibility while reverse rape him ...

2. About addition / picture fix, it seems will be fixed in 2nd season patch instead ... (if they fix in 1st season, then they will need to fix at 2nd too) BTW, one of monmusu girl picture get fixed in update 2.02 ...

3. Yeah, after Eden join you and you bring Ilias to talk to her, the dialogue is very long, but it show Eden really pampering Ilias (but bad at cooking)

4. Lime is one of character which have A LOT event in 1st season game, but it seems she don't get much in 2nd season ...

about camping, it mostly consist monmusu from 1st season game, so try to get ALL monmusu you can before treading to 2nd season game ...
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Phew, just tried to fight the reaper on paradox and got one-shotted with 49k damage. And she's supposedly beatable? I'll do a NG+ when p1 gets fully translated, I didn't even bother recruiting characters given it's not finished yet, but man, I haven't had this much fun with an RPG in awhile. I wonder how many people are doing Ilias or Alice's route now that it matters. I went with Ilias because Akazawa Red was drawing her, but Alice has a cute artist too... was so torn. Chrome route when?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Chrome route when?

Force her to take a bath or you won't help her clean up her lab.

Yeah, after Eden join you and you bring Ilias to talk to her, the dialogue is very long, but it show Eden really pampering Ilias (but bad at cooking)

It's sad that Eden is the one that genuinely cares the most about Illias, but she gets treated like shit.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

It's sad that Eden is the one that genuinely cares the most about Illias, but she gets treated like shit.
she is one of few character which notice Ilias true existence ... ;)
(even other angel think current Ilias is a low rank angel)

BTW, most angel like fruits, loves sweet, but avoid meat and alcohol ...
this is also same with that Robo Pope ... :D
stay faithful to their religion I guess ...
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Any way to warp to town we visited before?
Just playing and I really need hint and tips. Thanks
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Some user from Dargoth and ULMF asking me to help Dargoth in handling Script ...
(yes, he is still struggling in that part and Item part)

! I CAN'T ! :(
1. It might goes worse if 2 people handling the same script ...
not to mention if I'm outside of team which already work for 2 years ...
(I'm programmer, and yes I already experience this in my work) :mad:
2. The translation between me and Dargoth might cause conflict
(some user already complaining Character Name and Job name translation)
have a guess who translating that ... :mad:

as much as I want to help, ! I CAN'T ! ... and I better NOT doing something which might clash script handling ...
I will wait at least until Dargoth finish handling all script (and until the game have no script update) ;)

Found all BF location ...

Any way to warp to town we visited before?
Just playing and I really need hint and tips. Thanks
You can't use Harpy Feather inside most dungeon, but ...
There's item too which cause you to instantly goes out from dungeon ...
certain skill, (ex one from Merchant) will have same effect, BUT you need to pay money more than the price of that item ... better stock it first ...
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

So, against my better judgement I decided to give myself a sneak peak at part 2 and now I just want to spoil myself. I'll still play the game but, the questions are eating at me.
What the shit happened to Sonia? Why does Ilias's portrait change when you lose to Sonia's third form? Does this happen in Alice's route too? RIP Sonya?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

So, against my better judgement I decided to give myself a sneak peak at part 2 and now I just want to spoil myself. I'll still play the game but, the questions are eating at me.
What the shit happened to Sonia? Why does Ilias's portrait change when you lose to Sonia's third form? Does this happen in Alice's route too? RIP Sonya?
hmm, that quite a spoiler ... but ...
1. Sonya actually original apoptosis Type XX-0 or something ... Which is why several important character suspicious with her ...
Her power enough to create major chaos and summon Adramelech herself ...
She is so powerful to the point can create corruption / Apoptosis symptoms just by touching their opponent, this also cause her own corruption goes a lot faster too ... (the devil need to cut her own arm because being touched) ... to make it worse, Sonya also ABSORB the element which she touched ... Note, 1 Devil and 1 Angel touched by her and we know Apoptosis being created by mixture between Holy and Dark element ...
This freak Angel and Devil, including Luca's team ...
2. I haven't lose to her, might try latter ...
3. Sonya actually have somekind of "Almighty" power, she restore Luka's world which already "eaten" by Adramelech and change history, where the Angel win against the Devil also when Apoptosis symptoms don't happen to Sonya ... she also create her own copy (minus her memory about what happen) ... The original Sonya still dead because her double suicide against Adramelech, but her copy already unlock Low Apoptosis Race because that event ... Finally, the original say "Goodbye Luka" but Luka say it's not goodbye because she still beside him ...
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

hmm, that quite a spoiler ... but ...
1. Sonya actually original apoptosis Type XX-0 or something ... Which is why several important character suspicious with her ...
Her power enough to create major chaos and summon Adramelech herself ...
She is so powerful to the point can create corruption / Apoptosis symptoms just by touching their opponent, this also cause her own corruption goes a lot faster too ... (the devil need to cut her own arm because being touched) ... to make it worse, Sonya also ABSORB the element which she touched ... Note, 1 Devil and 1 Angel touched by her and we know Apoptosis being created by mixture between Holy and Dark element ...
This freak Angel and Devil, including Luca's team ...
2. I haven't lose to her, might try latter ...
3. Sonya actually have somekind of "Almighty" power, she restore Luka's world which already "eaten" by Adramelech and change history, where the Angel win against the Devil also when Apoptosis symptoms don't happen to Sonya ... she also create her own copy (minus her memory about what happen) ... The original Sonya still dead because her double suicide against Adramelech, but her copy already unlock Low Apoptosis Race because that event ... Finally, the original say "Goodbye Luka" but Luka say it's not goodbye because she still beside him ...

Damn... thanks for the food.
But then doesn't that mean part 2 ends the whole Chaos arc because you kill the Chaos infested Sonia? What's there left to do after beating Sonia?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Damn... thanks for the food.
But then doesn't that mean part 2 ends the whole Chaos arc because you kill the original Sonia? What's there left to do after beating original Sonia?
yeah, quite mindblowing and a bit sad ...
even after we know something suspicious about her but we still get surprised and shocked ...
Nothing, it's a Clear Gameplay again, you already finish 2nd season game ... ;)