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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Should prolly wait for Cross, but the result is already pretty much set in stone. Six shots now

Angelic? Not just that..
We are youkai Jesus (chilling out with kung-fu Jesus)
But enough about that stuff)

Giving out a bright smile, Byakuren accepts Komachi's apology. A relieved look coming to her face, Komachi hugs her tightly again
"Thank you Byakuren-sama.. It would have haunted me forever had you not forgiven me" the shinigami says, letting her tears flow.

After their close moment, Komachi regains her composure.
"Sorry about that, my emotions were getting the better of me" she says, wiping off the tears. As she bends over to retrieve her scythe, the shinigami remembers Byakuren's mission
"So you'll be leaving? Just tell me when you want to get back, and we'll go."
Wanting to find her companions again, Byakuren tells Komachi she'll leave as soon as possible.
"Aww, I really wanted to have you here for a while longer. But you gotta do what you gotta do." Komachi says as Byakuren puts her dress back on. After gathering her few belongings, Byakuren departs with Komachi

Heading up the river, Byakuren is surprised that the boat seems to go upstream as steadily as it goes downstream. The voyage is uneventful, as the river predators are familiar with Komachi and her blade. As they head back, Byakuren sees a curious cave on a small piece of land near the stony riverbank. She probably missed this due to her unconsiousness last time. She inquires about it from Komachi
"That place? Ain't never been in there, so I can't say anything about it. You wanted to go there, Byakuren-sama?"

A. Go to this new path

B. Return to the caves you originally came from
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) To infinity and beyond! Sorta...
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

((I stopped counting shots after breaking out the brain bleach. I prefer my image of Shiki and Komachi to remain the way it was. But yeah, we didn't get that big "KOMACHIIIIIIIII!!!", so it's six shots and counting.))


Ooh! Yes! Let's go and find new dangers we can carelessly put ourselves in!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Indeed, cross
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

brain bleach.

(The Squidly one expressed his dislike for this version of the yama as well, but really? This bad? What can I say?
*Raises fist in the air*

This new path interests her, so Byakuren asks Komachi to take her over.
"If you that's what you want, Byakuren-sama" the shinigami says as she lands the boat on the entrance.

Jumping of the boat, Byakuren says her goodbyes to Komachi. Before she can proceed to this curious pathway, Komachi stops her
"Byakuren-sama, I'd like you to have this" the shinigami says as she holds out a palm-sized coin with a square hole in the center, similar to the one she has on her belt.
"It's a kind of summoning token. When you're in serious situation, use it and I'll be there for you"
Taking the coin, they share a final hug. Reluctantly, Komachi pushes the boat on the stream again, waving as she goes. Returning the gesture, Byakuren waits till the boat disappears from sight, before turning to head into the cave path.

After hours of walking, numerous twists and turns, Byakuren is surprised that there still are lights on the path. A few more hours pass as Byakuren finally sees an end to this tunnel. The path comes to an end, with a metal-framed door on the wall. On it's surface is a silvery plaque with an exquisite design skillfully carved into it, along with a smaller plaque. Wiping some of the dust off from the smaller sign, she can make out the word "Voile"


A. Enter the door

B. Go back and call Komachi with your token
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I cant see the silvery plaque, it must be magic

EDIT: now is visible
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Yay for mysterious doors.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


We'll come back and converse with Komachi another time.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Oh shiiiiiiiii...

I know that symbol.

I fraggin know that symbol.



Because I know what is coming.

And it is going to be bloody hilarious.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition



Having a back door to the river of the dead. Somehow I'm not surprised.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Not wanting to take the long hike back, Byakuren pulls on the door handle. To her surprise, the heavy door isn't locked and opens with some effort. Taking a peek inside, she can see a small, dusty room with a ladder leading up. Stepping inside, Byakuren looks up the ladder as it rises to ridiculous heights. Seeing no other way to go, she starts to ascend the ladder

After a long ascent, a trapdoor can be seen on the ceiling. Lucky for Byakuren, it is light enough for her to safely push open with one hand. Getting out from the vertigo-inducing ladder, she quietly lowers the lid back on. As Byakuren gets about to inspecting her surroundings, she finds herself in a labyrinth of books. There are bookshelves everywhere around her, reaching so high in the darkly lit room that she can't see the tops of these massive bookholders. Not sure where she should head, Byakuren starts to sneak about, wary of the possible dangers there could be

Only a few brief moments pass, as Byakuren sees a brighter light ahead. Carefully heading towards it, she finds a circle-shaped clearing in the forest of shelves. A light coming from a nearby hovering crystal lights the clearing up somewhat better than the surrounding shelf maze. In the middle of this clearing, a pile of books surrounds a comfy chair. On the chair sits a short girl in pink, pajama-like clothing and a matching mop hat with a crescent moon attached to it. Her lenghty hair almost reaches down to the floor, and is dark purple in color. She seems to be sleeping with a book on her lap. Wanting to take a closer look, Byakuren sneaks up to her, stopping a few meters away.
"She's so cute... wonder what she's doing here?" she thinks as she looks at the sleeping girl.
The girl's sudden cough freezes Byakuren in place. After a few more coughs, she turns her head to the other side
"Koa, bring me some tea, please..." the girl suddenly says with a half-asleep voice.

A. Initiate conversation with this girl

B. Sneak away from her

C. Don't move and wait for her to wake up
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C as there is not the option to bring her tea
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Metal Gear!
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Hopefully, we might present our case before being taken for thieves. We're just intruders passing by.

Seven shots. Oh wait, it's eight actually.
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C. Go and find some tea and come back.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Waiting sounds like a pretty creepy thing to do. Les say hi? (A)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Dammit taken, too late for that. Was writing the entry by the time you changed the vote....)

Letting the girl wake up by herself, Byakuren stands there calmly. After a few more minutes, the sleepy girl opens her eyes. She doesn't seem that bothered about Byakuren being there, as her expression doesn't change from the uncaring look she wears.
"You're not Koa. You better not be a thief" she says, raising her hand. As she does so, fire and lightning burst out from it in a display of great magical power. Compressing the elements into a ball of energy, she holds out her hand towards Byakuren.
"Explain yourself, or there's going to be huge trouble"
Before Byakuren can say anything, a coughing spree overcomes the girl, and her spell fizzles away to nothingness. Recovering from the fit, she tries to catch her breath
"You go fetch me something to drink, we'll talk after that"

A. Go look for something drinkable

B. Take the girl with you to have some fresh air
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