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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

By the power of Komachi, I have the power!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I'd rather trust a reaper to do the job, thank you very much. Shou seems to have her limits, and Byakuren's low on power.

Also, results of the first round of the drinking game: one shot total.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Now I want to see a muscular Komachi doing the "I have the power" scene. Artists, make it happen!)

Sure that Komachi won't get up now, Byakuren flips her over and picks up her scythe instead. Turning to face the spirits, her mind is suddenly filled with hundreds, if not thousands of voices. Unsure how to react to this, she nonetheless readies herself as the first one starts to dive at them.


Startled by the voice, Byakuren takes a panicked swing at the incoming dragon spirit. The scythe ignites into an intense, ghostly blue flame mid-swing, completely evaporating the charging spirit as it cuts through the thing. Seeing their companion fall so easily persuades the others into not attacking, quickly turning away and fleeing down the river they came from.
"Good girl.." Byakuren can hear the same voice call out again, a stern but caring man's voice. As the voice fades out, Byakuren's legs suddenly lose their strenght. Falling to her knees, Shou is quick to support her. Noticing the scythe's flame on her hands, she looks in horror as they start to lose color. Another panicked reaction makes her drop the blade, as she realizes the weapon's life-draining properties. Shou lays Byakuren down next to the still snoring Komachi and tries to take control of the boat herself.

As the boat slowly drifts down the river, Byakuren watches the myriad of spirits going about in the air. Her mind wanders back to the experience she just had with Komachi's surprisingly scary weapon.
"Is she similarly affected by it?" she thinks as Shou guides the boat on a small piece of land. Feeling her strenght return after the rest she had, Byakuren gets up to carry Komachi ashore. Now on a small island, the group stay shored for a time, waiting for their ferrygirl to wake up.

After some time, Komachi returns back to the awake world from her drunken stupor. As she feels her blade missing from her back, Komachi immediately springs up. Byakuren mentions it still being there on the boat. Fetching her blade, Komachi looks over to the pair with her serious face again
"Did you actually use this?"
Telling her about the encounter during her snoring time makes Komachi visibly feel bad
"Got lucky there, the scythe could've easily drained you completely. I think you probably undertand how big our burden is. It doesn't drain me, but the voices... they are terrifying at times. I wish Shiki-sama would understand us reapers better, instead of constantly scolding us. It's not easy, you know, listening to the souls cry out at you from the very scythe you carry.."

Deciding to have a longer rest there, the group settle down on the small island. As they make preparations to sleep, Komachi volunteers to stand guard the entire time.
"I already put you guys at risk with my reckless drinking, so this'll be my make-up for it"

A. Let her watch over them

B. Take turns as you normally would
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Surely she won't fall asleep during guard duty... right?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

We've been running about lot lately, lets take that offered nap. (A)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Honestly, I like Komachi. But I would go with this option anyway.

Also, drinking game status: two shots total.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


While Komachi should take responsibility for her actions, it should be done in another manner that is less debilitating and risky for everyone. Pulling an all nighter is a bad idea. Take turns, as normal, and in the morning, take a few minutes to spank the girl for being so naughty! :p
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Wild Koffing appears! Koffing uses votelock break. It's super effective!)

Byakuren tells Komachi that she appriciates the gesture, but they should play it safe and avoid any further risks. Komachi looks dissappointed, but agrees to her plan. Letting Komachi take the first watch, Byakuren and Shou hit the sack.

The night(?) passes uneventfully, Komachi even succeeds staying up her entire watch. They depart soon after, reaching a city soon. This city is active, with all kinds of youkai and spirits going about, as well as other people dressed similarly to Komachi.
"These must be shinigami.." Byakuren wonders as she walks along the street.
"We'll be heading there" Komachi points out to a huge temple-like building in the far back. As they get closer to the temple, more and more people start to greet them.
"I'm somehow popular among my fellow shinigami, even though I'm such a lazy person.." Komachi confesses to them.

Easily getting inside the temple in Komachi's company, Byakuren is amazed at the sight meeting her as they enter the main hall. The room is massive, with intricate carvings covering most of the walls. On the sides of the room are numerous seats to witness the judgement proceedings. The central walkway is guarded by a host of armed shinigami guards, leading to a stairway of marble. This stairway leads up to the head judge's seat in the highest point of the room, a great table and a huge throne of a chair. Casually walking through the legion, the girls head up to greet the highest judge from the courts of paradise.

Standing in front of the judge's workplace, Byakuren is once again surprised by the sight in front of her. Sitting behind the massive table is a green-haired, small-figured girl with a huge, crown-like hat and a diamond-shaped rod. But under that cute exterior, Byakuren can feel overwhelming, almost godly power, more intense than anything she's met till now. Holding back the urge to go and pull on the judge's cheek, she introduces herself in the most polite way possible.
"Hmmm, your mannerism is pleasing, very much unlike the manners of some the subordinates I have." the judge replies to her, looking at Komachi
"You have the honor to be speaking with Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, the highest judge of the court of paradise. What might your business with me be about?" Shiki asks as she picks up a mirror with elegantly carved framing. The judge listens to Byakuren's story as she looks deep into the mirror.
"I see, you speak the truth. That is one lofty goal you've set for yourself. This world has always been full of discrimination and hate. But you plan to try and correct this?"
Byakuren gives out her positive reply with all her heart.
"There's great potential within you. Try not to dissappoint the world be failing on this" the yama responds to her
"But, you had some troubles over at the river?" Upon hearing this, Komachi tries to stammer some excuse, but Shiki smacks her on the head with the rod.
"You shut up, worthless servant. I'm asking her a question, not you"

A. Tell her the truth

B. Try to cover up for Komachi
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) As if lying to the Yama will work.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmm... I might refrain from voting on this one. On one hand, Komachi put us in serious trouble, but then again... Who gave her the booze? That's right, we did. So it's not like we're not at fault. And I really don't like telling one person about the failures of another...

Alright, B it is.

Also, we still didn't get a "KOMACHIIIIIIII!!!" from our resident Moe-Yama. Three shots down.
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B Indeed. Besides... the scythe was fun!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

lets see what happen "B"
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Au is right, but hell B does seem just a little more fun. Lying to a judge able to read your sins with a glance? Sure, why not. Sticking up for a friend is good karma right?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Opting to try and cover up for Komachi, Byakuren makes up some white lies for the yama. Shiki nods a few times as she listens to the made-up story.
"Really now? Well, if you say so. But you did have some reason to come all the way down here to see me?"
Shou takes over, telling Shiki about her hunch upon hearing about the mouse youkai.
"Oh, the little one? I don't know what my imbecile underlings were thinking when they dragged her here. It's not like she did anything wrong, the old hell is open to anybody who wants to visit there. If she has something for you, I'll send someone to escort you. Take her with you if you see fit"
Shiki barely manages to finish the sentence as a shinigami quickly comes to escort them to the dungeons. As they are about to leave, she calls out to them again, with an alarmingly cold-sounding voice
"Komachi, there's something we need to discuss. You're staying here"
Stopping dead on her tracks, Komachi gives them a wave as they head down to the dungeon.

After several sets of stairs, they reach the main parts of the dungeon. Only a few cells away from the steps, they reach their destination. Knocking on the bars, the on-duty guard tells the prisoner to get up. This youkai looks more plain when compared to Shou, with her mouse ears and grey clothing. Upon seeing Shou, she dashes up and nearly grabs her through the bars.
"You have it? The pagoda?!"
Replying with only a slight "Well...", she's quickly told off by the mouse.
"We need to find it then! Before Bishamonten-sama finds out"
As they release the youkai from her cell, another guard retrieves a strange pair of curved iron rods from a nearby room and hands them over to the mouse. Not wanting to stay down in the jail for too long, they head back up

Introducing herself as Nazrin, the mouse youkai urges them to leave as soon as possible.
"I'm terribly sorry Byakuren-sama, but this is a mission we must do as soon as possible. I promise we'll come back to you as soon as we find the pagoda" Shou tells Byakuren with a sad look on her face, as the two of them head out without her. After saying goodbye to her companions, a shinigami comes up to Byakuren again.
"Shikieiki-sama requests your presence, Byakuren-sama. If you'd be so kind as to follow me" the man tells her
Not wanting to make the yama mad, Byakuren goes with the shinigami.

Following the man, Byakuren gets a bad feeling as she finds herself going down the stairs again. Now back at the cell block, the guard opens up the first door on the hallway, notioning Byakuren to get inside. As she steps in the room, she's met with a shocking sight. A nearly naked Komachi is there, her arms held by tight leather straps with chains attached to them. Standing next to her is Shiki with a riding whip in her hand. Turning to face Byakuren, the yama speaks out in a cruel voice
"You both have broken the laws. You must be punished accordingly." she says, pointing her whip at Byakuren. "Did you think I couldn't see what happened there? You've let me down a great deal, Byakuren."

(Companion gained 2/4)

A. Accept your punishment

B. Refuse the Yama

C. Take all the punishment yourself, relieving Komachi from hers
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

*Insert obligatory "I told you so"*

C) Though I suppose everyone else will opt for B... AGAIN!