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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) We're not Marisa. Let's find Mima and Genji and have a drinking party.
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A! Jump the miko!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B Let's get some rapport and friendship going before we initiate intimacy.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Because that's the easiest way for potential hilarity to have a chance to ensue... Unless you're suicidal enough to rape one of the most dangerous people in Gensokyo.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(No Squidly vote, but carrying on still)

"This.. isn't like me at all.." Byakuren thinks, trying to pull her thoughts away from the cute girl sleeping next to her. That slim figure, the pretty face...
"Better get out before I so something drastic. Maybe the cool night air will help me calm down" the monk thinks as she slides open the door and steps out to the backyard.

As Byakuren steps to the veranda, she sits down on the edge and takes a look around her. The night is quiet, with only the chirping of the crickets audible. The nearby garden pond draws Byakuren's attention, as a big turtle with a beard crawls onto the edge of the pond. It looks at Byakuren with a calm, wise look. Byakuren ponders the if the turtle is Reimu's pet or similar as the creature gazes back at her.

"You call yourself a monk, with all these filthy thoughts rolling around in your mind?"

The sudden voice sounds like it's coming from all around her. Byakure's gaze darts around the yard, but no-one can be seen
"Reimu is loved by many here in Gensokyo." the voice calls out again. After the last word, a woman materializes before Byakuren, floating in front of her. The woman sports a blue, wizardly dress and hat, along with a staff topped with a crescent moon. She doesn't have legs, a ghostly vapor flowing in their stead. Her eyes and long hair are both green. If looks could kill, the current look on the woman's face is one of them.
"She's fought, defeated and befriended many different beings, some more powerful than others. This girl bears a great responsibility." the ghostly woman speaks to Byakuren telepathically.
"You are not going to harm her with your lusty actions. Keep your desires in check, isn't that something your kind do?" she continues
"Cause her trouble, and there will be many who'll want to get back at you, some you've met, the others you might see in the future"

Having said everything she had to say the ghost woman turns in place, looking over her shoulder
"Pay heed to these words, or your final twilight might be closer than you think..." are her final last before she disappears from sight

Now alone with the turtle again, Byakuren can't believe she was just face-to-face with the ghost of Mima, supposedly the most skilled magician in Gensokyo's history.
"No wonder the shrine is safe, with such a powerful guardian looking over it.."
With the ghost's words in her mind, Byakuren finds her inner peace again, going back inside to have her much-needed sleep.

When the morning comes, Byakuren leaves the shrine and gives another donation in the box as she does so. Walking away from the shrine, Byakuren can see Reimu staring into the box.

Starting her climb up the mountain, Byakuren advances along the steep mountain paths. As she comes to rest on an even area on the path, she can hear something land just behind her. Before she can turn to face the ambusher, she is stopped by a large blade she can see in the corner of her eye
"You, stop!" she can hear a somewhat shy voice call out from behind her

A. Stop

B. Fight the assailant off
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Aaaaaand here we go. Tengu strike again.

ZUN Slayer, shot numbah four. Look at all the pretty colors...
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Being held at bladepoint by a stranger and trying to fight back might be lethal.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Seems like there's less dying involved.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hah, I thought we were getting a lecture from Genji for a moment there. A
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Not wanting to risk her life with a sudden move against the assailant, Byakuren stops, raising her arms up as she does so. The blade soon withdraws from her shoulder as she does so.
"You actually listened to me?" the shy voice asks her again as the person moves to face her. This guard is a small-statured, white-haired girl wielding a shield and a curved sword which looks a tad too big for someone her size. She wears a white shirt with detachable sleeves and a flame-patterned skirt. As Byakuren notices a pair of fluffy ears perking on the girl's head, she immidiately gets an urge to grab the girl and just cuddle her till tomorrow. But the sword, still aimed in her direction, keeps her from acting upon those urges.

The dog-eared girl keeps eyeing her cautiously, as if measuring Byakuren for her intentions
"This is Tengu territory. Why are you treading along these paths?" she ask Byakuren, lowering her sword down to the side

A. Tell her about Byakuren's mission

B. Show her the letter and explain about delivering it

C. Refuse to tell her anything

D. Attack her now that you've got some room

E. Grab that cute puppy and cuddle her hard!
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

E) Puppy!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A Get that letter delivered. We can glomp her after she puts the weapon away. :D