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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


(Bets on this turning out to be some sort of monster/enemy? ^^)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(A mere monster or enemy? Well... not something small like that)

Byakuren tries to stop Parsee, but the bridge princess is already going fast towards the girl, her twin energy balls beginning to form behind her. Nearing the girl, Parsee is stopped by a sudden attack, a rock jumping up from the ground to tap her in the forehead. This distracts her enough to make her lose focus, and the twin seekers dissipate before they can properly form. Stopping on her tracks, Parsee checks around but a cause for the attack can't be seen.
"Rrrrrgh, fine." the princess goes on, venting a standard stream of projectiles at the girl, who's still not paying attention to anything else beside the water at her feet. Before the bullets reach the girl, a wall of dirt and stone rises in front of her, absorbing the fusillade with it's mass. Dumbstruck by this sudden development, Parsee is forced on the defensive as the wall explodes towards her, a veritable rain of jagged rocks and dirt flying towards the bridge princess. Escaping the rain with just a few cuts on her clothes, Parsee is now facing the blonde girl, as her attention is finally turned towards her. Byakuren wants to step in and stop this foolishness, but after witnessing the girl's power, she secretly hopes for a lesson to be taught here.

"Why do you attack me? Surely I didn't do anything to you..?" the blonde girl asks Parsee, her face a mixture of confusion and anger.
"SHUT YOUR HOLE, BRAT! I'LL KILL YOU NOW!" the bridge princess shouts back, her ire being roused from the attack she fully deserved. Dashing at the girl with newfound determination, Parsee is stopped when the surrounding earth rises to envelop her, trapping her in place as the dirt covers her up to the chest.
"You'll kill Suwako Moriya? That's something I haven't heard in a few thousand years." the frog girl says, an aura of pure white energy quickly enveloping her as the earth starts to shake with a terrible fury. Byakuren barely manages to stay on her feet as the girl rises into the air, her aura growing with every passing second.

"Suwako...? I've heard that name before.." Byakuren thinks at the spectacle unfolding in front of her. Then, she remembers. Suwako was a goddess of the earth, worshipped thousands of years ago in ancient times by the people of Gensokyo. Among the highest of nature gods, her position was taken by another goddess during a war between nations.
"Could this be the same Suwako?"

Parsee's situation starts to look grim as the frog girl is gathering a gargantuan mass of rock over head, suspending it in the air with her powers.
"Normally, I'd crush bloodthirsty beasts like you on the spot. But I'm not without mercy, and will let you go if you apologise properly for your foolish behaviour" the possible goddess asks from the bridge princess.

A. Get in there an apologise

B. Wait and see what happens
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Would be a shame to lose someone so shorty after saving her life. I doubt she'd even consider apologising.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Yeah. We should at least try to defuse the situation. Sure, Parsee had it coming, but since we've decided to spare her in hope of bringing her back to normal, we can't just let her die like this.


Fifteen shots. "Drink-related banter" out of service today. Insert your own banter here.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Yeah. We should at least try to defuse the situation. Sure, Parsee had it coming, but since we've decided to spare her in hope of bringing her back to normal, we can't just let her die like this.


Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. She is our property! Muahahhahaha...
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I'm going to against the rest and say B, far too volatile to have her wandering about attacking random people, let the earth goddess feed on her flesh :rolleyes:
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(That X-Man, he's a rebel)

Byakuren though Parsee should apologise for her own actions, but the hashihime's pride and unstable condition would probably not allow her to do it. Quickly stepping in to the situation, she calls out to the blonde powerhouse
"Suwako-sama, please! Stop this before it goes too far and somebody loses their life needlessly!" Byakuren shouts at the might-be-goddess, bowing down in a gesture of highest apology. Suwako stops for a while, then the rock mass breaks apart, depositing itself evenly along the bottom of the stream. With Parsee still held in the dirt's grip, she descends down to Byakuren's level

"You actually recognised my name? You do seem to have a lot of faith in gods, are you a monk?" the goddess tells her, casually examining Byakuren.
"Well, yes. Bishamonten is the one I've been dedicating myself to, but I see no problem with other gods" she replies, getting a happy smile from Suwako.
"It's such a nice thing to see faithfull people still roaming the land.." the frog goddess explains her, turning away to look towards the sky. "This land needs more faith to continue it's existence. The recent years have been pretty bad in this aspect, I'm sure you've noticed it..."
Byakuren can't really say, she was just released some time ago from her long-time imprisonment after all, but agrees with the earth goddess
"I do have to wonder though, what is it that you hope to acchieve with someone like this here accompanying you?" Suwako changes the subject, turning to Parsee and pulling at her elvish ears, clearly wanting to tease the still-trapped bridge princess. Surprisingly, Parsee's gone silent once more, completely ignoring the blonde girl's pestering.
"I've taken her with me to maybe find her good friend once more, and break this violent streak she's going at. There should be no reservation towards helping others in one's mind." Byakuren replies, feeling like she's preaching the goddess. But Suwako's mind is similar to her own.
"You are a rare one, Byakuren Hijiri. To ensure a future for our land, there needs to be more people like you." the goddess tells her, giving Byakuren a bow of her own.
"Go to the shrine near the summit, you should offer your prayers there." Suwako continues before vanishing in a flash of light. Taking the advice, Byakuren and the now-released Parsee head on further upstream

Not a long time later, they arrive at a well-kept shrine. But something else catches Byakuren's attention. On the roof sits a purple-haired woman who's looking towards the peak of the mountain, covered in a large, dark cloud. An occasional lightning bolt strikes once in a while inside the cloud. The woman is dressed in a red shirt and a black, long skirt. Hanging over the bulges in her shirt is a mirror, but the most eye-catching thing about this woman is the thick rope circle floating just behind her back. When not given any attention, Byakuren thinks about a course of action

A. Call out to the woman

B. Head towards the peak
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Kanako!!!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B Parsee needs some space away from other people. Lets get up the hill and do something calming and be nice to her and stuff. And stuff.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


With that volatile psycho on our backs, perhaps it's best not to attract attention... And if you ask me, I bet that woman will notice us anyway. Besides, would you call out to someone who looks like she does? I bet you wouldn't.

Sixteen shots. Four more, I guess.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Need to still offer up that prayer.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A ^ ^
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A, sounds kinda freaky ^^
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


A sounds like it might cause ~PrObLeMs~
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Not sure what might be waiting for them inside the stormy peak, Byakuren chooses to estabilish contact with the shrine, remembering she had a letter to deliver.
"You there on the roof. Miss, can I speak with you?" she calls out at the woman. The woman snaps out from her thoughts, looking over the pair.
"Ohh... people." she says, suddenly appearing in front of Byakuren and holding out her hand.
" Don't know what you're doing here but welcome. I'm a resident here, Kanako is the name." she tells Byakuren, tilting her head slightly as she gives a friendly smile.
"Byakuren. Pleased to meet you." Byakuren replies, firmly shaking hands with Kanako. Now up close, she could tell Kanako was not your average woman, with her impressive figure and more noticeably the rope ring that frames her upper body and head as it floats behind her.
"So, you're here to pay your respects to the gods? Go ahead and do it, the spot is there right behind the corner" Kanako tells her, offering her hand to Parsee next. The bridge princess doesn't react to her, looking at the statuesque woman with a cold stare.
"Fine, be that way..." the purple-haired woman says out loud, taking the offered hand back

After she's offered her prayers, Byakuren goes inside the shrine with Kanako's invitation. Some conversation later, Kanako goes for the door, checking towards the storm cloud still raging around the peak.
"Where is that girl? I hope nothing bad has happened..." she can be heard talking under her breath.

A. Offer to investigate the peak for Kanako

B. Stay put and wait for this girl to return
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Heroes to the rescue DUN DA DUN!
