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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(A) So you don't want to pick some flowers for your mistress first?

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Finishing up the quest, yes?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Yeah, you guys have a point. It's a good idea to let Remilia know that her letter reached it's destination.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C, Si?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Better inform Miss Remilia that we delivered her letter... Let's go to visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion." Byakuren tells Ichirin. The girl seems hesitant at first, but agrees to the suggestion when informed that Byakuren is familiar with the residents of the dreaded mansion

The two of them land at the gate, not wanting to give a false alarm to the gateguard Meiling. The red-haired girl looks at them somewhat threateningly at first, seeing the giant cloudman, but eases when Byakuren jumps down to ground level.
"Well I'll be, Byakuren-sama again. You have business with us once more?" the chinese girl addresses her in her usual polite, easy-going tone
"Yes Meiling, I'd like to speak with Remilia once more, I delivered her letter to the shrine at the mountain peak."
"I'm afraid to tell you, Byakuren-sama, but the little Mistress is away on some personal affair. She and Sakuya left just last night without telling me too much about their destination. But, I'll pass on the news once they return."

A bit dissappointed at this outcome, Byakuren bids farewell to Meiling as the guard girl reaches for a bag. She pulls out a meat bun and starts happily munching on it as the two rise towards the sky once more. As they ascend towards the clouds, Byakuren sees Meiling wave at them. With that obligation taken care of, other spots await exploration.

A. That curious yellow area in the plains

B. The town by the sea
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Let's investigate it. And head into a colourful death.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Believe me people... If A is what I think it is, going there is a very, very bad idea.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

See, "VERY BAD" just makes it sound interesting ;)

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

With the large yellow area in the plains as their next destination, the three of them zoom towards it.

The particular spot turns out to be a huge field of flowers, most notably sunflowers of different heights. It is a beautiful place in Byakuren's mind, with flowers all around them as far as she can see. They start to move along the trails within the forest of flowers, not wanting to ruin any of them by stepping on them.

As they head forward, a sudden feeling of something extraordinarily powerful being nearby enters Byakuren's mind. It was an almost invasive feeling, not a subtle hint she had experienced with some of the other beings she's met up to this point in her ventures. After a few quick moments, a white parasol can be seen in the distance, slowly advancing towards them. The trio stop in their tracks, following this being coming at them. A little farther away, the flowers are not so tall, allowing them a view at the incoming person. Dressed in a plaid red skirt and waistcoat worn over a plain white undershirt, this woman sports wavy, shoulder-lenght green hair. Within her proximity, the flowers become more vivid and full of life, the bigger ones turning on their own to face the sun. The woman seems to be in no hurry as she gently walks amidst the flowers, admiring their beauty. Then, she notices the trio further away, briefly locking gazes with Byakuren. Within that split-second, something that she's not felt in a long, long time settles over Byakuren's mind.

It was fear.

A terrible, primal fear. Somehow, this being re-awakened the sense of fear inside Byakuren's mind. All the monsters and powerful beings up to now were not able to bring fear to her, but this flower-adoring female did it with a single, quick glance. The woman now advances towards them with purpose, her aura of power even greater now that she was closer to them. A smile begins to form on her beautiful features as she closes, something that makes her seem even more terrifying to behold.
"I-I-I-I think we s-s-should get away, Byakuren-sama..." Ichirin manages to stutter, pointing down at the flowers near them. Only then Byakuren notices the bones partially buried under the flowers. Quickly looking around the surroundings, she can see them everywhere around them, a literal sea of bones buried under the blooming flora. Suddenly this place didn't seem such a nice spot to be at.
"Just what is this woman...?" Byakuren thinks as the smiling woman creeps towards them, slowly but steadily closing the gap between them, parasol held atop her to shield her from the sun.

A. Approach this woman

B. Attack her

C. Flee before she gets closer
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition



Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Sunflowers, whats so scary about that??
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition




All the warning signs are there. The gut feeling, the creepy scenery, a person that's way too comfy in it.

Let's GTFO. C
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C Run like you never run before! Hopefully the women won't chase em down and stuffs.. If they do, poor them.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A yaaay game over
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Race for your life, Charlie Brown!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Kneel like the insignificant fodder you are and accept Yuuka's divine blessing of death.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

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