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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Yeah, A.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Tsk, everyone are such killjoys.
A) Who knows, maybe she knows something we don't.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Because there's no reason to lie that I know of.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Because Aurani said so. I luv you Au~<3.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Lying to Yuuka is something I don't want to do.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Well actually..."

After having told last night's events to the Flower Master in great detail, Byakuren felt somewhat relieved that such a powerful, if a bit unpredictable being had been informed. "So that's what happened. No wonder there's been no activity..." Yuuka replied, getting the sheets off her after the story finished. Still stretching out, she sat up to speak up a bit more. "Alright, this needs to be investigated. The tourney will stretch out even further if we don't have that pipsqueak doing the honors. Better get to work, you two. I'll try to get out of this wonderful bed soon~" she continued after a few more stretches, still quite daringly using other people's beds in her underwear. Seeing it better to go along, the pair headed for the door once Komachi had picked up her blade from the stand. "OH! Tell that nice man at the door to bring me some breakfast, or there will be trouble~" Yuuka called out to them as they left. After having informed the guard shinigami about his assigned mission, they saw the man zoom away in a hurry. If there had been an interraction between the elder youkai and the man, it seemed to have been a terrifying one. Such was the speed of his departure.

"That woman... she's... terrifying..." Komachi confessed her feelings after they had gotten enough space between Yuuka and themselves. "True. But she's easy enough to deal with if you go along with what she wants, there will usually be no trouble then. And don't give in to your fear, that only makes things worse with someone like her." Byakuren replied, having experienced Yuuka's whims before. Once the pair reached the cleared areas, there was almost no trace of yesterday's partying there. Seems like magic had been utilized heavily to prepare the fields for the coming day. A whole group of competitors and spectators were arguing about beginning the challenges already, but the majority were against it, keen to keep up the traditions of past. With Kanako being the leading voice for these people, the arguing died out soon. "We need to find her! Everyone, we'll search the nearby lands for that Yama! This event will no end properly unless she is here!" the goddess announced, hoping to get some co-operation going despite the differing views and opinions people were having. After listening to the newest champion speak for a while, a portion of the people did in fact agree to going out for a search.

Connecting again with her group, Byakuren had a six-person search party with her now as Komachi opted to go with them. Despite her popularity with the shinigami, the busty redhead did not believe herself to be a leader of any kind. Thus, she let a more commanding personality to lead the rest of them. It looked like there was some work ahead of them.

A. Search for clues

B. Consult knowledgeable personalities

C. Just go out there and search

D. Some other grand scheme?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

D) Ask the Bakartet for help, they're clearly the best to aid our cause.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's get our detective on.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


If nothing turns out, we should probably consult someone.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Like Grave said. If there isn't anything we can find that'll help us, we should probably go talk to people about the situation.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hrm. It seems like we should search for clues first if only because the knowledgeable types are likely to still be around later and the clues might not share that longevity.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

With the group taking a quick counsel to decide on a course of action, all the females opted to go searching for possible clues. As the impostor had been living in the Yama's place, they deducted that should be the most logical place to look from.

Already looking out for possible hints along the way, the group made way back to the tent. Entering the tent without too much trouble as the guard was not there, they split up to search. Taking a quick look into Komachi's bedroom, Byakuren saw Yuuka getting her breakfast offered to her by the male shinigami. Apparently she wasn't up for using her own hands to eat, so the guy was feeding her what she requested in a specific order. Seeing it best not to disturb these two, she switched to the room next door, Shiki's personal quarters. Despite Komachi's minor protests, she would go through the Yama's belongings if need be to find something helpful. Initial searches didn't show up too much, but once she started taking note of different things scattered around the room, something became apparent. Some of these arcane components were needed for a powerful imprisonment spell. Superior mages didn't need them to cast the spell, but for more unskilled ones it would be a necessity. Besides the ingridients, such a potent sorcery needed a spacious location to allow for a person's imprisonment. It seemed much like the prison Byakuren herself had been placed in the past. "That is something I wouldn't wish on anyone...." the mage thought, remembering the abusively long years spent in darkness, with only her thoughts there to keep her company.

The rest of the investigation was fruitless, everything else had been removed as to not draw undue attention. Taking another look at how the shinigami male was holding up with Yuuka, Byakuren saw that he was doing rather well. He was just helping the youkai lady with getting dressed, helping her get the vest and skirt back on. After getting her parasol handed back, Yuuka kissed the man on his cheek and petted his head, now in full gear. "Good boy... I think I like you. Maybe you should come with me~" she thought out loud, but got instantly refused. "Awww, too bad. Well, I'll be off now." the Flower Master gave a final reply, before leaving the man and the group behind.

Seeing Yuuka's departure, the group got out. This search had given vague ideas where to go looking for the missing Yama.

A. Search in a considered locations

B. Ask someone for further wisdom, possibly help. (Comment who should be asked)

C. Some other madness brewing in your skull?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) for the Bakartet! Indulge yourself with wisdom from the strongest!
But since we already know no one is going to agree with that. A)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Well... Since we have some ideas, we might as well check them out. We can come back to talk with others later.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's look for things that might help us.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Look for a place where the real Shiki might be sealed.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) for the Bakartet! Indulge yourself with wisdom from the strongest!
But since we already know no one is going to agree with that. A)

Actually, I don't think checking with the Bakartet is a bad idea. Sure, they're idiots, but even idiots see things. Prankster idiots see unlikely things.

However, the trail is still warm and the Bakartet, among others, will hopefully be around when we get back.
