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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I like this vote.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let them go, but say thanks, and ask if they've seen anyone dealing with Sigma, or if they know anything about the one who set the chains up.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Despite their initial hostile attitude and attempt at raping her, Byakuren couldn't help but feel thankful towards these three. The youkai had helped her this far by carrying her across the stony underground in her injured state after all. Standing in front of the trio, she looked down at them with a curious smile. "Sure, you can go back to your homes. Just don't attempt to rape innocent women after this. By the way, you happen to know who was dealing with that big eye moster back where we met?" the mage told them. "Sorry, we've never seen anyone intentionally deal with that thing and not get destroyed." the leader of the trio said as they rose up on their feet. Once the half-oni got up, she kissed each of them on the cheek before sending them off. Waving at them as they went, she eventually saw the retreating youkai fade from sight into the depths of the caves where they lived. Now out from that place, the former monk turned back and started going upwards the remaining path towards the light, and possibly open skies.

After walking a few minutes, the pain in her leg started to intesify once more, growing more significant with each step. "Oww... better not try and push it..." Byakuren thought, going for another approach in moving about. With a minor cantrip, she now floated a few inches off the ground, and thus had no trouble going forward with a steady slide through the air. Soon enough, she reached the top.

"Hmmm, strange surroundings.." There was nothing familiar nearby, and Byakuren thought she should take a quick look around to see if there was a place she could recognise to help pinpoint her location. It had been a long and disorienting walk through the depths after all. Floating across the forested areas, she eventually found a temple that looked like it was still recently abandoned. "Maybe I can find some piece of mind there. Can't focus enough to fly yet..." she thought, entering the temple grounds.

After a walk through the slightly overgrown garden, Byakuren entered the main temple. Inside the hall was a statue of Bishamonten, a fierce-looking man in armor, bearing a tri-pointed spear in one hand and a miniature pagoda in the other. Seeing the god she once dedicated her faith to, the mage immidiately took up a prayer posture and offered a prayer to the divine entity. Afterwards, she sat down in a meditative pose, hoping to find that focus again in this holy place.

While she meditated, Byakuren could hear a shuffling coming from outside. It wasn't a normal human's walk, more like someone who had difficulty walking properly.

A. Face the entity if it is indeed coming this way

B. Hide behind the statue and see what is coming

C. Flee through the back door

D. Something else like?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Hide behind the statue and wait to see who/what it is. If it's someone friendly, approach them with caution. If it's someone who we see seeks to do harm, see if we can leave without a conflict -- if we can, surprise attack them.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I was originally going to vote to flee or hide but with a statue of Vaisravana in the room the idea just seems wrong! Plus, if it's somebody who isn't hostile they might get the wrong idea if Byakuren was skulking about behind a statue.
Bishamonten! Grant us your divine protection!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Sit tight and see who or what is coming.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Turn and sit in a cool meditative pose facing the door to welcome the visitor. I'm sure it'll be fine, but if friendliness doesn't occur, we've already proved how good we are at magicking peoples heads off whilst seated.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"It won't make a good impression if the person catches me lurking about the holy shrine. And really, I'd seriously upset Lord Bishamonten's image, having been a monk once..." Byakuren thought, shifting her position so that she faced the sliding doors of the shrine. A shadow soon appeared against the paper doors, moving towards the middle in a slow, shuffling gait. It looked as if the person was dragging their foot along the way, not capable of moving it properly. The silhoutte revealed the newcomer as a slim-figured girl, shorter than average in size. Soon, she reached the middle of the doors, a hand reaching out to slide it open.

"Hello there, I was j---" the words died halfway as Byakuren noticed the person she was greeting. This girl was sickly pale, had graying blue hair and dressed in a red shirt with a black skirt. Under a cap on her head and the paper amulet on her forehead, a pair of dead, completely white eyes locked onto the meditating monk as the girl slowly moved closer. Only after the mage noticed the bloodmarks of past meals that had run down her mouth and now remained as faded red stains did she think it might not be a good idea to try and interract with this thing. Before Byakuren could get up, the girl took a sudden leap from several feet away, intent on taking her down and clawing her brutally before she got away.

Before the undead reached her though, the mage incanted a quick spell and blasted the thing as it flew towards her. Hurtling back and hitting the wall next to the doors, it slumped down to a pile upon landing. Suddenly urged to get a move on, Byakuren got to her feet. The undead was not destroyed, as it tried to get back onto it's feet, not quite having the right idea how to do it.

A. Flee

B. Finish the undead girl off

C. Something else?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Fleeing won't do much good on our broken leg and fighting her is probably not a good thing either, it's Youkai Jesus talk show time.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


It's undead. Zombie. Braaaaaaaaains-girl. Kill it. Kill it with fire!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I continue to base my votes entirely on the statue of Bishamonten in the room! Punish the evildoer! Destroy the lost soul!

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I wouldn't feel safe trying to merely talk our pale friend here down without some kind of safeguard, so perhaps we can perform some kind of monkish zombie binding spell to give us a bit more time, to analyze and maybe even chat to this shuffling stranger?


And if that fails, there's always plan B.

This instead!
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I wouldn't feel safe trying to merely talk our pale friend here down without some kind of safeguard, so perhaps we can perform some kind of monkish zombie binding spell to give us a bit more time, to analyze and maybe even chat to this shuffling stranger?


And if that fails, there's always plan B.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I wouldn't feel safe trying to merely talk our pale friend here down without some kind of safeguard, so perhaps we can perform some kind of monkish zombie binding spell to give us a bit more time, to analyze and maybe even chat to this shuffling stranger?


And if that fails, there's always plan B.

This thing.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"This tortured soul... I hope I can help relieve you from your neverending torment..." Byakuren addressed the undead girl who was still trying to get back onto her feet. Ignoring the pain in her leg, the former monk went up to the struggling being, reading a minor restraint spell. Now forced into magical bondage, the girl struggled against the bindings with all her deathly strenght, but could not break the magical effect restraining her. "Sorry, you'll have to wait a while, then I'll see what I can do for you..." Having told that to the girl, the gradient-haired mage went back to her meditation and tried to gather her focus back so the more complex spells could be recited once more, not to mention her flying ability returning.

Spending an hour in meditation, Byakuren eventually regained her ability and focus as a result of the peacefull contemplation, despite the shrieking of the undead girl somewhat bothering her. Hovering over to the restrained girl, the mage touched the amulet that was hung on the girl's forehead, trying to estabilish a connection with the departed spirit. After a brief spiritual struggle, she was able to get the connection up and estabilish a conversation with the spirit. The ethereal whispers were garbled and hard to understand, but the girl's spirit seemed to not be happy with her current condition as some bloodthirsty guard dog from what the mage could understand. "That's... so wrong. I'll set you free." the former monk assured the spirit, breaking away from the discussion.

Once she got back to her senses properly, Byakuren recited a spell she previously used to purify Murasa from her haunting state. The amulet on the girl's forehead burned away as a result, soon replaced by another one that was much cleaner than the previous. Despite her purification, the girl was still little more than a zombie, but now she wouldn't try to eat and kill every living being that she came in contact with. "Right, suppose I'll try and find my way back now." the mage thought, being able to fly once more. But the pale girl grabbed her arm, not letting her go. "What? You want to go with me?" Byakuren asked, getting a barely notable change of expression and a nod from the undead girl.

A. Take her with you

B. Let the girl exists on her own freedom

C. Something eeeeeeelse?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Zombie-like companion. I like.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A.) DO DO DO! Zombie Girl has joined your party! XD