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Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

1C: Strip her naked and tie her up, then have her healed enough for proper "questioning."

2C! It must be studied. Or something.
This man speaks sense. We must find out what's happening, and then find the fake yama and kill her.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

1A 2C

Well, perhaps we got a little carried away...

NAAAH. Though we should patch her up before doing anything, or she might bleed out or something. Blood stains are a bitch to remove.

And keep the ball. It might come in handy.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


What Tassadar said! Heal her and then prepare her for Jack Bauer style interrogation techniques!


Again, what Tassadar said! We should probably study it, if nothing else.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Hmh, she most likely has some valuable information to help us track that imposter... there's no way she's not associated with her somehow..." the gradient-haired sorceress thought as she dragged the wounded youkai a little farther from the railing. Only then was she able to get into the healing process properly. Most of the damage had been dealt to the girl's head and upper body, so the mage had to take off her frilly shirt. Underneath her clothing, the raccoon was pretty nicely figured, sporting a bigger than average bust and shapely form. Focusing her energy, Byakuren summoned forth her healing power. It was no Eirin-class spell, but she could fix the wounds caused earlier, sealing all bloodflow and preventing the girl from dying. Within a minute, she was done with the spell.

Still, this one was most likely a tricksy thing, being a youkai associated with the yama imposter. There would be need for precautions, otherwise there would be no chance to question her later since the raccoon girl would most likely be able to escape. Taking away all of her clothing and equipment, Byakuren secured a bundle of rope from the side of the cabin, knowing full well that there would be enough of it on the ship and that one of the coils missing would not be a dangerous thing. Despite getting a slight feeling of hotness from seeing the fully naked girl's pleasant body in it's complete glory, the former monk focused on the task of binding her. She crossed the female youkai's arms behind her back, pulling them as upwards as possible without any injury before applying a restraint on her crossed wrists to keep them there. A few quick spins around the body pinned the arms further, keeping them tightly behind her back. Next, Byakuren's practised ropework bound this attacker's ankles against her upper thighs, followed by another coil near the knees. As a final act, she strung a rope across the raccoon's mouth to prevent her from casting any spells with a gag. Not wanting to touch the orb on the ground, the sorceress rolled it up into her captive's removed shirt, knotting up the sleeves and and other parts to prevent it from getting out. With everything done, she took the confined ball and the equipment into the cabin first, then the restrained and unconscious girl. Further preventing any shenanigans, the former monk attached a rope that connected to the girl's arm bindings to the inner railing in the cabin, preventing any possible rolling too far. With all that work behind her, Byakuren joined the rest of her companions, tucking herself in next to Shou. It was finally time for her to sleep. Tomorrow would be another interesting day. Maybe there would finally be answers to all that chaos...

Being the last to wake up, Byakuren had a bit of explaining to do almost as soon as she got up, with the rest of her group somewhat unsure about what to feel about this naked and raccoon-tailed prisoner in their room. Quickly shaking off her drowziness, the sorceress gave them a brief look at the happenings that had occurred during their sleep. "She is connected to that imposter? I say we find out what you are right now." Murasa was the first to speak up, releasing the railing rope and gag to allow the youkai speech. Still, she let Byakuren handle it initially. "Alright, we'll be needing to hear about some things from you." she started, but was met with unwillingness right from the get-go. "Mamizou Futatsuiwa. That is all you'll get from me." the raccoon youkai replied to the first lines, speaking in a voice that was slightly more womanly than one would expect from her stature and looks. "It looks like this lady is a moneylender." Nazrin spoke up, looking through the notebook that had been on her belt. In it, there was a bunch of records, both paid and unpaid debts along with wealth calculations. "That info will give you no benefits." the captive spoke up again, showing an aggressive front in spite of her utterly hopeless situation. "We just might have to go violent on her...." Byakuren's mind was getting bad images that did not sit well with her, despite the possibility of it being necessary. But before she could do anything to further the situation, Murasa stopped the former monk. "I know your heart is kind, Lady Byakuren, and this kind of thing is hard for you. This is not an easy thing, but you might need to get rough on her to get that info. Seek your inner self and see what is the answer. Or if you can't bring yourself to it, I can substitute for you, there is still a tiny bit of that terror of the seas left inside me. Just say the word and I'll take over this questioning."

A. Continue with this soft form of questioning

B. Move to harder interrogation (Also suggest what exactly should be done)

C. Let Murasa take over and have her way with the prisoner

D. Something else?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Fuck her silly until she's too numbed out to not spill the beans for us. Maybe not the most gentle and peaceful approach, but possibly better than beating her up.
Last edited:


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Rather than use force, provoke her. Seek out her buttons and push them all. Physical torture is counterproductive, but perhaps we can get her to talk if we manage to drive a needle or two in her soul, metaphorically speaking of course.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Fuck her silly until she's too numbed out to not spill the beans for us. Maybe not the most gentle and peaceful approach, but possibly better than beating her up.
More sexy time, and how often has Byakuren been the aggressor? Time for some self-empowerment!


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B! Erm..... Hrm. Start with Grave's B. Then do Aurani's B. *Nods*

Start with a suggestive edge, perhaps, and then slowly do more and more until she spills the beans.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


As always, Tassadar is eminently sensible.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

In the hopes of advancing beating somebody with an anchor as an interrogation technique, I'm casting my vote for letting Murasa dirty her hands.


S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B! Erm..... Hrm. Start with Grave's B. Then do Aurani's B. *Nods*

Start with a suggestive edge, perhaps, and then slowly do more and more until she spills the beans.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Ho, we have come far with this derp project. Tomorrow, on the 31th, the story turns over to being one year old. I initially had the plans to finish the whole thing before the end of 2011, but with my recent lazy streaks...)

There was a brief hesitation in the mage's mind, and for a moment she considered handling the interrogation part over to Murasa's not necessarily kind hands. The captain would likely be eager to abuse the captive youkai girl, having already stated her indignation about the chaos during the games and the brief separation of the two parties in the chasm cave. Still, mere physical beating combined with hurled insults might not be up to the task of breaking this raccoon in. Mamizou was most likely not too far in power level from the fake yama, so she probably could resist such crude measures. "Sorry Murasa, I think I need to handle this by myself. She is above your level, even in her captive state." the gradient-haired sorceress expressed her feelings about the situation. Despite a brief look of dissappointment, it seemed like the seafaring youkai did not take offense from being denied. "Oh, that's too bad. If you change your mind though, do tell me."

With that fact settled, the group left the captain's cabin, Shou dragging the restrained girl with her. After a brief foray into a miniscule island on the lake, the group got themselves breakfast in the form of some freshwater fish. Byakuren herself ate and drank plenty more than any of the others, already having a plan towards the unpleasant interrogation part that was looming over her in the future. This particular idea demanded a lot of stamina, so she prepared accordingly by eating a lot. "Alright... you lot go and do whatever there is to be done. Or if there is nothing, go and dally with the residents of the Mansion. They know you now that I told them about this group, and should be hospitable. I'll take this questioning job and get the answers out from her, no matter what it takes. Maybe the information will prove useful beyond my simple expectations." the former monk addressed her companions, the group splitting up after that and going to their own things.

Having prepared herself, Byakuren flew up and back onto the ship's deck, where the restrained Mamizou still laid, held firmly in the embrace of the sturdy ropes that had been skillfully applied to bind her pleasing form. "I'll ask you once more. Will you tell me what I want to know?" she addressed the raccoon, getting a similar response to the earlier ones. "Hmph. Well, I did not want to resort to this, but I'm getting the information out from a villain aider like you one way or another. Your friend has caused far too much chaos and suffering to be allowed complete freedom. Let's go." the mage replied to the venomous retort, slinging the captive over her shoulder before heading down into the cargo hold of the ship. It would be better for the nearby residents of Gensokyo if they did not see what was going to happen between these two.

Surprising even herself with her cold behaviour, the sorceress chucked her interrogation target to the board floor with a remarkably uncaring manner. It was as if there was another side in her coming to the fore. "Alright. This is how we will go about doing this. I'll ask you about your willingness periodically. Every denial of my requests will bring more mental and spiritual abuse with it. Think about that carefully." she told the rules of the game to the face of Mamizou. Once she had repeated the things for another time, Byakuren began the action. She started up with molesting the raccoon's legs after seating her on her lap, whispering a few insults about her while doing it. After a few minutes of touching, she loosened up the rope gag and asked for co-operation the first time. Not getting it, the former monk tightened the gag back on before starting up the humiliation again. This time she molested the youkai girl's breasts as well, augmenting the usual kneading and squeezing with harsh tugs and pinches on the nipples, not letting up with the offensive remarks about her target. This was getting somewhat pleasurable to her in the long run, Mamizou being an attractive enough partner to use for your pleasure. Eventually the mage started tormenting the captive youkai in her most intimate parts as well, making sure to keep up the intensity as high as possible. Soon, despite the constant abuse, the prisoner had climaxed twice.

But despite the interrogation that had lasted for what Byakuren herself thought was an hur or two, there was no willingness for co-operation present in her captive, she still seemed as spiteful as before. "You think... this will break me... fool..." the raccoon spat at her when asked for co-operation for the ninth or tenth time. Not bothering to set the gag back, the former monk set the second, more brutal phase into action. Undoing her dress from the front, she bared her lower body, going bottomless. "You can't blame anyone but yourself for this. Should have been more willing..." the sorceress remarked as she began to focus power onto her privates, growing a sizeable phallus. This she had picked up from Eirin's strange medicines, and had enough knowledge in physically augmenting spells to perform such a relatively simple power. Once the magical cock had fully manifested, the sorceress grabbed the back of Mamizou's head and tilted it upwards while holding her mouth open before ramming the member in, sinking the entire lenght inside without too much thought or consideration about the captive's wellbeing. Feeling a slight pang of sadism, she held the hilted tool in until the youkai began to gag, being unable to breathe. After letting her take a few seconds of pause, Byakuren pushed her conjured phallus back into the abused mouth, beginning to fuck the raccoon youkai's throat as violently as possible. And not being one to let up, she still kept the verbal abuse up, despite not being sure how much of it the fucked girl could hear. Keeping up the pace, she only stopped once there was a climax of her own, the shooting cumload ending up on Mamizou's face.

After a bout of fervent, cum-spluttering coughing had quieted down somewhat, the sorceress asked for co-operation yet again. Despite the horrendous facial abuse, the captive still had her wits intact and stalwartly refused. "Alright. That is what you decide." Byakuren replied coldly, smacking Mamizou on the face, lifting up the victim's rear while pushing her beaten face against the ground. Doing her best to show as much disrespect as possible, she kept the pressure on the youkai, leaning against the back of her head to cause as much discomfort as possible while aiming the enchanted penis towards her womanly flower. And another round of torment began, this time being more tolerable, but only slightly. The idea was the same as last time, a steady but strong pace of pumping until it was time for the former monk to climax. Once it was there, she released the torrent inside Mamizou, filling up her insides with a burning hot torrent of magical seed. With no need to rest her member, Byakuren instantly switched holes, ramming inside the upper entrance with absolutely no interest. The raping was as calculated and brutally steady as before, but more painful to the raccoon since she had no preparation for it. After another round in a new hole, another flood was released, this time spilling all over the captive's back.

With that over, Byakuren turned Mamizou to her back and presented her with the question again. As she had expected, it was denied even after that. "Oh well... It is entirely up to you..." the sorceress' reply was quick and cold. Having been denied her info, she picked up the youkai again, forcing the huge magic dick into her mouth again. The cycle started anew, with each step coming methodically after the other.


Eventually the former monk started to have breaks, which made the captive youkai somewhat arrogant and cocky. But that snark was showed right back when the mage cast a spell, restoring most of her stamina instantly. At this point, there was a slight desperation detectable in the raccoon's eyes. Not caring about it in the least, Byakuren herself just kept up the methods of physical and mental abuse with the same hard steadiness and brutality as before, repeating the cycle over and over and over and over and over....


Day had shifted into the evening. The entire cargo bay smelled like furious sex. The floor in the vicinity of the two had been changed into a cum-stained puddle where Mamizou slipped about as she was turned over and over again. Still, Byakuren's tool showed no signs of tiring, the mage had used numerous spells to keep herself in peak condition to ravage the raccoon youkai non-stop through the day. And the captive was not looking any better than the floor, having been sprayed with far too many shots of cum and now looked like the aftermath of a lotion explosion. After yet another savage throatfuck, she finally began to break down. "ENOUGH! ENOUGH! I can't.... take.... this anymore.... too... tired... will... die..." she managed to gargle, getting tossed to the floor in reply. Mamizou did look like she was going to choke or something, her gasping for breath being the fastest that Byakuren had ever seen. Once she had catched her breath a bit, the sorceress sat down near her to listen. "Nue called in an old favor... she did not tell.... why to do this... but... she has been... odd... recently... I can... show you where... one of her usual haunts is... about the orb... I... do not know... she just... told me to.... give it to you and... instruct you like I... did..."

Thinking a bit about those words, Byakuren spoke up "Now now, are you sure you don't know about the orb?" The raccoon youkai nodded as best she could upon hearing the question. "I swear... upon my loanbooks... she did not share any... info on that thing... to me..."

A. Pick Mamizou up and torment her further

B. Believe her

C. Some other derpherphurrdurr?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Fuck her tits and bukkake her face as a final action, she may be a trickster but it's probably safe to say she's had enough. After that give her a hosing to clean her up.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmmm... I really don't know. It seems out of character to torture her any more than that. But I don't necessarily believe her. I guess B


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Going any further seems unnecessarily cruel. Even if she isn't telling the truth, it doesn't seem like we could do much more to get something else out of her. Might as well heal her up but keep her captive for the time being. Also, at least check out this lead she's offering.

B + (Sort-of) C?

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's believe her, but let's not fully trust her quite yet.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Fuck her tits and bukkake her face as a final action, she may be a trickster but it's probably safe to say she's had enough. After that give her a hosing to clean her up.
Hmmmm.... I have a better idea.

"I'm not sure I should trust you... Blow me." "Wha-?" "So far I've only been taking. If you pleasure me, give it, I know I can trust you. Suck me off one more time. And swallow."