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TP forums: Aftermath


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki blinked. She didn't get to fight? Okay.... "Be careful?" she meekly called out before returning to the work. The sooner the ship was working, the sooner she could help them.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The creature was enraged now, and slammed two tentacles down onto the building, causing it to groan in protest and shift slightly. It was clear it wouldn't be able to withstand much more punishment like that, they had to get it away from the building asap.

It swung again for Shrike, sending four tentacles this time, however it also swung three at Grave, trying to grab the Warrior to drain him now too.

As of this moment, it had not noticed Copper was still in the area.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Picking herself up, the vampire took a moment to watch the thing, particularly as it beat on the bunker. If that thing gave, it would be bad. If it got hold of Grave, that would be bad, too. Yeah, she wasn't about to let that happen.

Thanks to Shrike, she had enough blood in her system to do what she wanted, right now, which was give herself a boost of strength. Focusing it mainly in her arms, she flexed her fingers, debating for half a second before her gaze fell on something else. Perfect.

Scampering over to the downed chopper, she scooped up one of the broken propeller blades. Thin, sturdy, and jagged on one end. Time to return the favor.

Making sure she had clear line of sight, she hefted the blade, took a few running steps, and then hurled it toward the beast. She wasn't good enough for a headshot, but with any luck, she could hope for something just as fatal in its body.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The creature didn't see or hear the blade coming, and was struck by it in the back side. At first it seemed like it was going to do nothing, striking the armor and shearing upwards....

Where it found purchase in a sliver of exposed skin, cutting deeply into it. Not enough to kill the thing instantly, but enough to get it's attention away from Shrike and Grave.

Bellowing again, it slashed at Grave, forcing the warrior to at least backpeddle to avoid being hit, if it didn't make contact, then CHARGED at Copper, only one thing on it's mind. Grasp and drain dry.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Shit..." Shrike says softly as the thing pound os the building and her shield, another layer of condensation falling from the ceiling. She didn't see any way out, until a helicopter blade came out of nowhere and hit the thing from behind, drawing it's attention.

She took her chance, dropping her barricade and sprinting off to the side, slicing another tentacle on her way by and narrowly dodging the rest for the time being.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The chopper pilot who had been M.I.A until now suddenly sprang out of no where, carrying a 'borrowed' M249, which might have been Siphons, it was hard to tell.

The end result was he let out a war cry and began unloading the weapon into the charging creature, bullets pinging off of it and smashing into flesh every now and then. It was no where near enough to kill it, but it did get the thing pissed as all hell. Enough to lose focus on Copper and go after him.

He was doing well with distracting it.... until the weapon clicked on empty. He barely managed to mutter out, "fuck," before he was impaled through the intestines. It didn't kill him instantly, but it was clearly a mortal wound.

From her vantage point Copper could see exposed flesh on the underbelly of the creature, a perfect place to stab it with everything she had. It might not be enough to kill it instantly, but it would HAVE to at least mortally wound it.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Ahshit." Copper's first reaction is, naturally, to get the hell away from the thing, at least until it gets distracted. Kicking up another of the blades into her hands, she's got enough time to adjust her hold on it and change tact, charging it, leading with the edge of the blade and aiming for the soft spot. She drives the metal in as far as she can push and then starts scrambling back, wanting out of range of flailing tentacles, claws that bite and jaws that catch.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The creature let the pilot loose of it's grip, letting loose an almost deafening screech of pain and agony, flailing it's limbs about in an attempt to find purchase on something.

It did, just not on anything it could feed on. Finally the thing seemed to stabilize for just a moment, before collapsing to the floor. A quick look indicated it STILL wasn't dead, but it was definitely bleeding out.

The pilot on the other hand landed with a thud next to Copper's new position, barely alive still. He barely managed to gasp out a few words in his pain and agony, death not too far away, but not close enough to end his suffering. "Finish... me... now..."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Somehow, Grave managed to avoid the blows, but his skin was covered in marks and bruises in places where the tentacles grazed him. After the battle came to an end, he sat down, waiting for his breath and sanity to return. "What... What the f*** was that?" Just looking at the creature was enough to make him loathe it. His mood definitely wasn't improving - in the depths of his soul, Grave made a dark promise. Someone was going to die a painful, slow, cruel death.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike took a seat as well, collapsing against the outside of the bunker. Holding the barrier against the creature's onslaught was draining, and she didn't have much left to give at the moment.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Flailing nasties are never good, but so long as the thing stopped moving, she counted it as a victory. The pilot landing both made her wince and distracted her from joining the others to figure out what to do with Thrakazog there. He couldn't be...

Fuck. Yes, he was.

Yeah, there was no fixing that. Tsuki's little drones couldn't patch up a wound like this and there was no way to get the proper help here in time. Even ghouling him wouldn't give him enough blood to recover from something that serious.

That thought snapped another into her head, even though it was something she was loathe to do. There wasn't much time, but he was one of their own and he'd probably helped save their lives.

"Hey. Hey." She cupped his cheek, almost forcing his attention on her. He was starting to shake and he felt cold, even to her. "I can end this right now or I can bring you back. Your choice. Death or vampire."

He was fading pretty quickly but there was an instant where there was still determination in his eyes. "Still...want...t'help."

That answered that. She moved around so she could still keep one eye on the critter, trusting the others would raise some sort of alarm if it started moving again. Both leaning down herself and propping him up, she sank her fangs into his neck. Given how much damage the thrembikkul had done, there wasn't a whole hell of a lot left to take out of him. She held on to him, waiting for that last moment. Too soon and he'd be a near-dead ghoul. Too late and he'd be just dead. Slicing open her own wrist with her fangs again, she brought the wound to his mouth, this time having to force the blood into him.

Once she'd given him enough, it was a matter of the waiting game. Pushing herself back, she licked both sets of teeth marks closed, wiping at the blood around her lips as she watched and waited. Some changes took quick, others, not so much. She just hoped it wouldn't be long, with their friend still potentially thrashing about.

((Given that he's Siphon's NPC and he's gone for the night, we're going to let the Embrace take a bit. *chuckles*))

Turning to Grave, she looked across the creature to him. "It's a...Thrembikul, or something like that. The wraith made it. It likes sucking life forces like they do, has a pleasure Kiss like I do, apparently gets bigger after sucking on vampires, is part bot, part undead, reproduces by forced impregnation, which is why it was really interested in Shrike, and, well, as we've seen, is strong and very hard to kill. And apparently there's more of them."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave raised his head and looked at the vampire. He repeated everything she had said in his memory and stood up. "And it's a f***ing abomination! I swear, the devil's going to pity those bastards after I catch them!" The warrior wasn't naive. He knew that an enemy like wraith would not hesitate to use anything they had, but this thing... Grave valued one thing about warriors - honour. The bastards who made this no longer deserved to live. "Copper. I'm not going to stop. This won't be a war - this will be a wraith genocide."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Get in line, kid. Those ships you saw zipping around? One of them kidnapped Siphon for, I was gleefully told, conversion or death. If anyone gets first crack at those things, it's me, but feel free to slaughter any that happen to get in your way." Likely the only reason she doesn't seem further upset is that they need the means to get to Siphon. Without it, it's a moot point. Of course, she also knows he's a tough bastard, so there's only a little worry that shows.

"Besides, if we want more info on Thrakazong there, we gotta keep their queen alive. Apparently she and their high commander made the damn things. Of course, once we get the info," she drew a line across her throat.

((Copper = Bed. See you guys after I slaughter things tomorrow night.))


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave laughed. It was a cold, evil laugh. A laugh one may let out during a funeral of one's enemy. "Another reason to kill. Copper, you may be first... But I'll be the worst." It seemed that Grave snapped - in the worst possible way. An urge to slaughter, once it appears, can't be fully supressed.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

In accordance with at least a dozen universal laws concerning the arrival of allies, and the lack of alacrity in such, the air splits. A circle outlines itself, thirty feet up, roughly five feet in diameter.. then lines criss-cross the shape from the outside. Finally, it collapses, and none other than the winged Grey Mage saunters through.

With a tap to seal her portal, she strolls down to the ground without a wingbeat, using thin air like a set of stairs.

"Finally. Nice to see you lot are still alive.. way to go, fly off without telling me where you were going. It's almost as if you don't like having me around!"


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki eeped at the sound of something hitting the bunker. That was NOT a good sign. It'd be nice to know if her friends were still okay and not dead... as well as nice if they would refrain from trying to bring down the decrepit place down over her head.

Then... it was relatively quiet. She sighed as her hands and drones continued to work. How much longer would it take before this thing was in good, working condition?


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave glanced at the mage. "Try to stay awake. Maybe you won't miss the next flight. By the way, Siphon was captured. I believe that Copper knows the details." The warrior looked at the vampire. Wasn't she a bit pale?


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Pale treats Grave to mixed pout and glare. She brings her left hand into a fist, then opens it again, holding what looks like lightning.

"When you can do this, criticise me. Takes a lot of energy to pull this kind of trick off. Back to business, though. Where did they take him?"

Grey orbs range over Copper's form for a moment, then narrow.

".....What happened here? You look... beaten up."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave shrugged. He had another avatar, but he doubted that he could use it outside of his homeland. It was too... Twisted. "Do you see that thing?" The warrior pointed towards the body of the monster the vampire impaled. "It's tough, it drains both like a wraith and like a vampire, it rapes girls to reproduce and it's f***ing hideous."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

There was a sudden roar in the skies, and as they looked up they would notice a massive hive ship come down from the skies, heading for the ground, vanishing over a hill. There was no vibration from it landing, but if it had landed any distance away they wouldn't have felt it.

Moments after that, the pilots radio, somehow still working crackled to life. "This is ULMF command to all inbound teams. A Detected Hive Ship has entered the atmosphere, projected course to land within five miles of the TP forums. All teams are advised do not engage, repeat do not engage the enemy."

With that the radio was silent once more.

The pilot stood at this, thinking a moment. "That's got to be the same hive they took Siphon to."