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TP forums: Aftermath

Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The computer contains an AI, which introduces itself as Arianna and is quite helpful, replacing it's avatar with 3D schematics of whatever Tsuki was working on at the moment, though she has to type everything in for the moment, ans the mics ans speakers in the cockpit were dead. If she goes to replace the undercarriage wiring, the ship settles itself onto the ground first and deactivates the engines, making the space a bit cramped but still workable, and a hell of a lot better than a sudden drop.

Outside, Shrike nods to Copper, watching her start patrolling for a moment before going inside and checking up on Tsuki.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki just worked on the inside wiring, since the undercarriage was at least partly working. A drone beeped, causing her to look about and see Shrike.

"You're right... it smells great in here! Nice hologram by the way."

(This or the next post will be my last one. I actually have to be heading off as well.)
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike scrunches her face up in mock irritation, then points her thumb at the corpse she had given a wide birth around getting to her present position. "His fault. His name's Tobias, he was a raunchy bastard, but i guess it kept him entertained at least. Need a hand?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Copper had been right to worry if the creature had pursued her. It was in fact in pursuit, but a slow one. It seemed to be taking it's time in chasing after her, allowing her to reach her friends.

It watched from afar for a long time, and when the groups split up, two of them heading under ground again, one still barely functional, and the other two relatively easy prey, it struck.

The chopper sitting there was the perfect thing, and it grabbed it in one massive tentacle, tossing it much like an olympian would a javelin at Copper's body.

If it connected, she'd be in a world of hurt, but if it missed, it would smash into the siding of the bunker where Tsuki and Shrike were.

Once again, the Thembrihkal had engaged targets, and this time it wasn't going to relent. It had also grown nearly two feet after it's brief encounter with Copper, and that was a bad sign.
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Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki frowned. "Oh... okay. Some help would be great. Thanks."

"So this... Tobias... er... that Tobias... why did he have you in lingerie? Especially if you thought he was a bastard?" Obviously, she'd missed quite a bit.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike chuckled a bit as she started helping. It was immediately obvious to Tsuki that she was the one who did the hack job on the wiring running under the ship.

"Well he's not really that bad, once you get to know him. Saved my life, gave me a home for almost two years, taught me how to fly. He just had a real dirty mind, you know? As for the lingerie, I had this conversation with Copper just a miute ago, and I have no idea. My best bet is, he managed to get a pic of me naked and added it on himself. You're a hacker, you can probably guess how easy that would be living with someone."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki nodded. "Ah, the wonders of photoshop. Though, I'm not going to even ask how he would've gotten a picture of you naked..." she said, eyeing Shrike playfully.

It didn't bug her at first, but Tsuki eventually just stopped, looking at Shrike's work. "Uhm... no offense, but are you following the plans?" With the mass of jumbled wires, it was hard to see which wire went where... which would be bad if they needed to do quick repairs.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

As Tsuki's repair drone worked diligently, life was slowly returning to Burrito, his eyes slowly gaining light, but his skin still the same color as he stands from his arched position and shoos the drone away "Thank you, Tsuki. Call back your drone, I can handle it from here." he says, cracking his neck once and looking back at the building he had flew from, noticing his shotgun was nowhere to be found "Aw dammit." he says, walking towards the building with his right hand on his head "note to self, adjust power output of laser weapon." he says as his left eye returns to normal, although his right eye stays a shade of bright red
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"My best guess was a camera in the bathroom." Shrike says, shrugging a bit as she worked. She stopped as well after Tsuki asked her seond question, looking at her own work with a frown. "I'm trying to." She says slowly. "I'm not exactly a mechanic. I know pretty much what is supposed to do what, but these schematics are so confusing..."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The drone lifted itself up slightly, saluting a metallic in a sort of salute before it faded away.

Tsuki looked at Shrike. "Oh.... Uhm... okay. Let's see here...." She headed back into the cockpit, and tried to see if she could simplify the schematics.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki would find the interface rather clunky to deal with, But the AI helped somewhat, and soon enough she had managed to remove most of the extraneous information on the scematics, cutting it down almost to the simplicity of a lego instruction book. Shrike hung over the side of the cockpit while she worked, nodding a couple ties when it was finished. "Okay, that makes a little more sense." She says, disappearing over the side again and getting back to work, doing much better this time.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

With Shrike and Tsuki retreating inside the bunker to work on the ship, Copper continued to prowl around, her attetion constantly going back to Burrito until she saw him start to move again. Given that she was prowling around, it's hard to miss a massive creature like that.

"Head's up! It's here!" What follows next is a startled yelp and then nothing. At least not from the vampire, who gets the hell out of the way of the chopper, taking cover behind some of the nearby debris to protect herself from shrapnel.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike was on one wing of the ship, hooking up a weapon when she heard Copper yell over the radio. A moment later she hears the chopper crash against the side of the building, shaking loose a wall of condensation from the ceiling. "Shit!" She yells, then turns to Tsuki, wherever she was working.

"Looks like you're on your own for now, they're going to need my help." She says, then hops off the wing and the platform, landing on the ground floor and running out with her blade already materialized, looking for where the fight was at.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike found the fight rather suddenly. One moment she was standing there, the next three tentacles twice the size of her body came rushing at her, each looking to coil around her body and draw her into their grasp.

At the same time the creature opened it's mouth and let loose a primal bellow, most likely designed to intimidate lesser foes.

Shrike would have to be fast to avoid all three tentacles, and if one of them managed to get ahold of her, the sensation would remind her of when Copper had.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave didn't have a radio, but he heard the sounds of battle. The warrior cursed, changing his plans and rushed towards the enemy's location, drawing his sword. Once he reached the combat zone, he couldn't believe his eyes - was that thing a creation of the bots? Grave muttered a strong curse, then rushed towards the beast. He was full of grim determination - the thing must die.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The creature barely paid any notice to Grave, sweeping out one meaty tentacle and swiping the warrior aside, already forgetting about him. It was focused solely on the Female before it, and it didn't have the conception that the warrior just might be able to survive being tossed twenty feet into a patch of soft dirt. Which he did, but fortunately for Grave, the creature didn't seem to notice, or care.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

(Tch. I get no chance to defend myself? Or at least dodge?)

Grave raised after landing. He was in pain, but the adrenaline surge and building up rage helped him ignore that. The problem was, Grave ignored his common sense as well. He roared and charged again, shutting his brain off and going into berserk mode. His reactions were controlled by body and instinct rather than his brain - altough it didn't help him plan his next assault, it certainly shortened his reaction time. The warrior tried to get close enough and chop off some of the tentacles in order to weaken the beast.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

((On that one no since A: I didn't think of it, and B: trying to stall it enough so Shrike, who is now under attack can react to it before you kill the thing.))

Grave's first swipe connected into the creature's tentacle, though he soon found that it was seemingly armored and hadn't done much damage to it. Though now he had made it split it's attention only slightly, as it annoyedly swatted at the warrior again, mostly keeping him at bay until it could get a hold of the female set before it.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

(Ah. Ok.)

Grave kept attacking, in spite of the fact that the monster was able to defend itself successfully. None of the combatants could best each other - Grave was way too high on rage and adrenaline to deal a penetrating blow, the monster wasn't focusing hard enough to keep the warrior down. It was a deadly dance, but no one really showed his true colors... At that moment, at least.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike didn't even have time to spit out an exclamation of surprise, as she was instantly on the defensive. She sliced clean through the first tentacle, but she felt something that she never had before, fighting with full focus: resistance. It threw her off balance enogh that she barely managed to deflect the second tentacle, and had to jump straight backwards into the building to avoid the third. Panicked, she throws her hand against the side of the enttryway, summoning a blue, shimmering wall to cover the hole she came through.

"Holy hell!" Was all she managed to say, leaning against her hand and breathing heavily.