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Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The miner looks slightly embarrassed as he fills a bowl with grub and hands it to her. The foreman looks at the diagrams. "I think we have most of these ready, but there are a couple that you'll have to fetch yourself again. Shiv can show you the way again."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Sure. I'd appreciate it. Thank you," she says to the foreman, then looks to Shiv. "And thank you for all the help you were yesterday. It was rude of me not to tell you then." She takes the bowl full of stew and eats it heartily.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The stew tastes like it's full of essential minerals and vitamins. The men eat quickly and then get back into the mine, with only Shiv staying behind to wait her to finish.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan eats quickly, then sets the bowl aside and goes to sit by Shiv a moment, her tail curling around his side as she leans against him. "It's ok. Don't be embarrassed. We can get these last crystals. Would...you like me to come back?"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"I...Yes, I would. You never told me your name. I think we'll find those two in on of the deepest tunnels." Waiting for Arrenhan's answer, the miner would then lead her down the main tunnel for a long time, carrying again a lamp and a pick. Eventually the pair would reach the end of it, with a smaller tunnel continuing in a slightly downward angle. The smaller tunnel is lit by some kind of fungus and there's a fair number of spores in the air. The smaller tunnel ends in a chamber with many colourful crystals showing on the walls.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"I'm Arrenhan. Nice to meet you, Shiv." She squeezes his hand before they go into the caves. She looks at the fungus and spores, and goes to collect some of it to put in her back while she asks. "So, let's get these, and hope...that, um...." She breaks off, blushing at the memories of yesterday.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Finding suitable crystals doesn't take very long, and Arrenhan is just putting them in her pack, when Shiv exclaims loudly: "Shit."

What appears to be two slimes are flowing down the tunnel.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan turns and her eyes go wide. "We're trapped...do they eat people? Let's focus one one at a time." She readies magic to attack, waiting on Shiv's word.

(Basic magic attacks until she's at 2/5, or either she of Shiv has been taken out by grappling.)
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

A 6 vs 18
V 11 vs 1 3/4
S1 9 vs 4 A5/6, -1 att
S2 4 vs 16
A 15 vs 5 3/4
V 1 vs 5
S1 3 vs 7
S2 3 vs 13
A 2 vs 11
V 5 vs 8
S1 14 vs 9 A4/6, -2 att
S2 20 vs 6 V3/4, -1 att
A 18 vs 10 2/4
V 11 vs 18
S1 15 vs 9 A3/6, Can't attack, -3 to escapes
S2 2 vs 5
Arrenhan 3/6, MP 2/2 AP 0/10 Can't Attack, -3 to escapes, Slime has +2 to hit
Shiv 3/4, -1 to Attacks
Slime1 2/4 Slime2 3/4
Arrenhan is off to a bad start, with the slime attacking her and starting to dissolve her clothes almost immediately. Shiv does little better, managing to hit the slime attacking him with his pick. Arrenhan quickly finds herself trapped within the slime, unable to attack.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She's grappled fully, and struggles, trying to escape, calling out to Shiv, "Go! Get others and come back to help me!" She knows she's consigning herself to whatever these things will do--which seems rather obvious as her clothes are dissolved, and the ropes offer no protection--but maybe she can pull something off. Unable to focus enough to use her magic to attack, she throws all she has into trying to escape the first slime.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

A 15 vs 4 Success
V 18 vs 10 Success
S1 9 vs 20
S2 18 vs 20

Arrenhan 3/6, MP 2/3 AP 0/10
Shiv 3/4
Slime1 2/4 Slime2 3/4
A wave of strength courses through Arrenhan's body, allowing her to tear herself free from the slime's grasp. Shiv also manages to free himself, and runs past the slime towards the main shaft.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She pulled out of the grasp, but they're still between her and the exit. At least Shiv made it out. "All right...you want a piece of me, like the bear did?" She's naked, a bit wet from the slime remnants clinging to her, and she makes an attack against the one that had attacked her.

(Want to keep their attention on me. Basic attacks each round, alternating targets. Playing for time until the miners can come back with reinforcements.)
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

A 19 vs S1 11
S1 16 vs 14
S2 13 vs 4
A 16 vs 2 critical
S1 14 vs 4

Arrenhan 0/6, MP 2/3 AP 0/10, -2 to attacks
Slime1 1/4 Slime2 1/4
For a moment it looks as she might be able to keep the slimes at bay as the slime that had been holding her recoils from the bolt and loses part of it's mass, but then both slimes attack her simultaneously, driving her against a wall and immersing her legs in them. Though the second slime clearly suffers from the bolt, a sudden wave of lust comes from the first one, dropping her to her knees, helpless.
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Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan sighs with relief. He made it. Of course...now she's in trouble...and the slimes are actually feeling sort of good. She started to struggle, but the wave of lust coursed through her, and she fell to all fours, putting both hands and legs in the slimes which started to congeal together. She stiffens, breath coming faster now as the desire takes hold again, tail lifting.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The slimes - only one slime now, Arrenhan dimly realizes - completely immerse her within itself. At first she almost panics before realizing that she can breathe within the slime. It seems to realize that it doesn't have much time, as a large tendril immediately shoves itself into her tight honeypot, another quickly following into her ass and a third one deep into her throat. The slime massages her entire body, inside and outside, causing the first orgasm to come almost immediately. The slime seems to like playing with her tail, getting distracted with twisting it into different positions for a while, before starting to gently fuck her all holes while still massaging her, paying special attention to her love mounds. In several minutes the miners arrive just as she orgasm, but instead of helping her immediately, they just stop and stare.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The girl is on all fours, coated completely in the slime, which is rippling a bit, but the onlookers cannot see the wonderful things it's doing to her. Her tail is lifted and slowly wagging through the viscous liquid, and she squeezes around the tendrils inside her, breathing slowly, lapping at the slime and swallowing even as she climaxes. She tries to groan in pleasure, body flushed as she sees the miners watching her, naked, bound, having the slime in her...
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The slime continues fucking her, and as the miners start to masturbate, it lifts her legs up the air and flows down to her waist, still massaging her upper body and fucking her mouth. Two of the miners - it's hard to see which ones - take the apparent invitation and come closer. Her holes are well lubricated and still gaping from the tendrils, so it doesn't hurt as their members fill her and trigger a third orgasm. The pair fucks her roughly but they come too soon to satisfy her. Luckily the other two take their places and give her yet another orgasm before coming into her. Then the slime changes her position, hanging her from the roof, and the first pair fucks her again. This continues until each of the men has come into her several times and the slime slips away, leaving her on the floor, naked and exhausted.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She writhes in the slime as the mines thrust into her, taking them in her mouth, her pussy, uner her tail, them and the slime time after time as she shudders, finally left on the floor, exhausted, eyes glazed, nipples hard, body still wet. (Does she still have the rope-demon around her?) "P-p-please... h-help m-me up...." She sounds dazed, and reaches out for Shiv to try to pull herself up using his arm.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The ropes come into view with the remains of her clothes, having apparently fled as soon as she lost. When shiv pulls her up, they coil into the now familiar harness, offering her much needed support. They raise eyebrows among the miners, but no-one says anything. The pack doesn't seem very damaged and all the crystals are still in there. "So, uh...did you get everything you needed, Arrenhan?"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Y-yeah...I did. I...I think I need to get...get back home, though." She leans against Shiv and puts the pack on her back. "Do any of you have some clothes to spare? I...I don't really want to walk naked through the town..."