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Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"I have some spare clothes in my cottage. It's probably getting dark so, uh, do you want an escort? Or you can, you know, have my bed if you'd rather not walk back in the dark. I promise I won't disturb you. Not that I, uh, need to."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She smiles and leans against him. "That's really nice of you to offer, but I don't want to push you out of it. Besides...it's not like we haven't already had sex.... She flicks her tail and keeps walking, "The professor will just have to wait until tomorrow. Unless he wants me to summon a bear to ride into town, and possibly have villagers with torches and pitchforks coming to burn his house down."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The comment about summoning a bear raises eyebrows again, but the group walks in silence. It takes about ten minutes for the group to reach the surface, and Shiv holds the door open for her to enter into his small cottage, which only has a few closets and a bed, the floor covered with thick furs. Shiv pulls off his clothes and falls asleep quickly.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan sets down her pack and climbs into bed with Shiv, also falling asleep, wondering if the slimes or men had left another surprise for her, or if the rope demon will do anything...but those quickly fade as she snuggles against the miner, tail curling around his leg, and sleeps as well.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan wakes up to pleasant vibrations of the ropes to find Shiv gone, but a breakfast of bacon and porridge is waiting for her next to the bed, smelling delicious. There is also carefully folded shirt and pants on the bed. Outside, it seems that the miners are already in the mine. The sun is shining and it seems that the day will be nice and warm.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She moans softly, then wakes up and smiles. First order of business: breakfast. Then, clothes. Then the trip home...and hopefully not getting sidetracked by the bear for a long time either. She eats quickly, then dresses and starts on her journey, whistling, her pack over her back.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The journey back goes surprisingly quickly and without incidents, although there is another rope demon which slips away and she sees the bear again down in the valley. When she arrives at the professors house, one of the servants directs her to find the professor in an outdoors cafe near the western border of the town.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She goes to the cafe--it's mid-morning, almost lunch time by the time she gets there, dressed in rather different clothes than the last time he saw her, and rather ill-fitting at that. "Good morning, Professor. I'm sorry I'm late, but by the time I got all the crystals, it was well and truly dark last night, so I stayed at the mine. But I have everything you asked for."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Hello Arrenhan. I was starting to worry about you. Sit down. Order something. They make excellent croissants here. Enjoy the view." The view is indeed lovely, a green valley with several brooks drawing blue lines across it and deer of some kind wandering around in the grass. There are lots of birds in the sky, including birds of prey, and Arrenhan even spots a harpy just as it dives behind trees.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Of course, and thank you." She orders croissants and milk, and looks out over the valley, seeing the deer, the birds, even the hybrid harpy--a beastfolk like she is, though considerably more feral. "What will we be doing next? What are you hoping to find out about magic? A way to power technology? Something else?" She squirms a bit as the rope slides against her skin.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The professor smiles. "Dear girl, when a scientist researching something finds something completely unexpected, the only course of action is pure research, even for an applied scientist like myself. We've had the luck to find a completely new phenomenom, and now it's our duty to find more about it, before we publish our results. Have you spent time considering the implications of what happened? I spent all of yesterday doing just that, and now I think I have a hypothesis that can be tested."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Professor, I have been thinking about the implications of things that have happened. About the nature of magic. Of...connections and consequences....Oh! You mean about our experiment! I keep wondering...some of the old tales that talk about the crystal-studded spires of the arch-magi of old, the towers rent asunder that were the birthplace of so many of the creatures...are we finding out what they did? How to augment magic and use it to be applied to other fields?"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"I think our experiment may have opened a...portal of sorts to the level of magic, instead of a window. Instead of simply allowing us to perceive the level of magic through a two dimensional window, it may have created a three dimensional space within which we could perceive magic - and magic could perceive us! It worked only for a very short time because the configuration we used was designed for two, not three dimensions. With the help of the additional crystals you've brought, we'll be able to create a stable space that will last as long as it has sufficient power. Imagine what wonders we could find!"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Sir...when you look into the abyss, it is not supposed to look back. This...could be dangerous, especially if you aren't trained in magic yourself...please...you don't want to be the first to go in..."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Young lady, I've been practicing magic and creating and studying magitech since before you were born. And the danger is a small price to pay for knowledge that could change the world."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"I'm sorry...." She lowers her eyes a moment, then looks up. "So...setup this afternoon? When do we start the next tests?"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"This afternoon we'll setup a scale model to test if my calculations do indeed produce a stable model and we'll test it after sunset. Tomorrow we'll try to make the real thing and test it." The professor sees that Arrenhan is finished and gets up to pay the bill, and then leads Arrenhan back to the laboratory, where they spend most of the afternoon setting up the small scale model.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan works diligently setting things up, asking about parts of theory, and making sure that things are set up to the exact specifications. Finally it gets to be night and she goes back to her room, stripping down and caressing her rope-demon companion before falling to sleep.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The scale model seems to work flawlessly in the test, though the professor is careful not to feed it too much energy. In the bedchamber the rope demon massages her pleasantly until she falls asleep. The sun wakes her up in the morning with the breakfast once again delivered to her room.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan wakes up, nice and refreshed, mostly relieved that she doesn't appear to have slime-spawn gestating. After getting up and eating, she gets dressed and goes to the lab, waiting for the professor. "So we're building the full-scale model...what makes it more complicated, other than just being bigger?"
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