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ACT [ Unholy Production ] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Keep in mind that this 'is' a hentai game we're talking about here. His personal reason might have more to do with possible legal action taken against him or some such.

I doubt very much someone would care if it were reposted on MU or RS or w/e if it were just some free-to-play random castlevania-esque game with no H content at all.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Keep in mind that this 'is' a hentai game we're talking about here. His personal reason might have more to do with possible legal action taken against him or some such.

I doubt very much someone would care if it were reposted on MU or RS or w/e if it were just some free-to-play random castlevania-esque game with no H content at all.

You wouldn't have much more than a simplified version of Nightmare Sphere then. Yeah there is a little H-content...but too little to really register on the meter. Bloody fantastic game though...gotta say. I actually prefer it more than castlevania....the real ones. lol
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

But IP bans don't work, and we all know that. The VH teams banned all foreign IP, but we are still receiving all of the regular updates. Once you put something on the internet, that's it. You can't take it back.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

You wouldn't have much more than a simplified version of Nightmare Sphere then. Yeah there is a little H-content...but too little to really register on the meter. Bloody fantastic game though...gotta say. I actually prefer it more than castlevania....the real ones. lol

Slightly off topic but I most certainly don't agree with this. I like the H content in nightmare sphere.Something randomly awesome about seeing a "female" (Use loosely cause obvious the bottom part isn't.) centaur hadoken people and mount them..sigh wish I had the artistic talent to make a Dungeon and Dragon arcade style beat'em up game with such content.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Just thought of an idea. Should we modify the topic title to include "Do not ask for re-uploads"? That should (hopefully) stop any new members from accidentally re-uploading the file somewhere else.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I downloaded the game from the dev's website today and I am unable to open the .zip file. I verified the download completed twice, but it will not open. Does anyone have an idea why? Thanks for any help.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Open it with .
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

That's the program I am using. I'm even using it with the Japanese locale. Has anyone else been able to download the game from the website today and open it?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

i have been away from this thread for a while. what is the latest update?

(i'm too lazy, drunk and tired to search for it myself)
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

actually they won't let u put link here until some dud stop posting his stuff...so u have to go to his site instead...
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

actually they won't let u put link here until some dud stop posting his stuff...so u have to go to his site instead...

Actually the author requested to NEVER have links to direct download redistributed. There's a link to his blog, and the first page has both that request/warning and a link to the current version of the game, which he keeps updated.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Well, I downloaded the game again from the dev's website today and used 7-zip--again. This time, the file unzipped and is now playable. I have absolutely no idea why I was having problems with it before, but I guess it doesn't matter now.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

can someone make a dl with his savefile XD because i'm too noob i can't reach to finish lol
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I kind of fail after the part with the many book holding aether like creatures as well, would someone share some sort of way through that? I do know I suck at platforming, making this post and all...
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I kind of fail after the part with the many book holding aether like creatures as well, would someone share some sort of way through that? I do know I suck at platforming, making this post and all...

Don't worry, there is just a skeleton cave and a save room after that, no new type monsters / rape animation etc, so you didn't miss anything.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

theres a new version on his site, added today
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Boss fight added. Lady with a purple whip that summons the knife throwers from earlier in the stage.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

no new sex scene - 2 things found so far

1 - boss fight with zealotus
2 - fixed bug when injustice touched you was instant death

and other game saves doesnt work - aside from that i have no idea whats new
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

There's a savegame you can download from the site that puts you at the save point just after the dinosaur boss. It's the link right under the one for the latest version.