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ACT [ Unholy Production ] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

if any1 has link to the latest update download for this can u pm me. that stupid user and password prompt! :D any help would be great

With such a way of asking for the "stupid" username and password. I do believe the author was right to put it in. And as for now someone know the correct answer for your question, you might want to read the few last message to find him and pm him for it. I doubt your promese would be one worthy in his eye.

No hard feeling, but being more polite does help when asking for things like a password only a few should know.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

*Pops head in*

been lurkin around here for sometime, and this forum does not disappoint.

a PM with the Authentication would be great.

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I see that there is an authentication code on the download now :/
that sucks :S Lucky me managed to download it before the authentication code appeared :p

So I've uploaded the latest version for you guys onto megaupload

Edit: Link removed due to foolishness and stupidity.
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Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy


Don't poke the bear.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Rare thing indeed for asians to actually defend the white devil.

Still, like I said you can't convince me that out of a strange ass country like japan, there aren't trolls amongst them either.

Do japanese just hate the english language?
I can think of that as an (unjustified) reason, since I have encountered alot of people on forums and stuff going, fuck english, I want to speak my own language cause it's more 1337.

Heck I would too, but considering english pretty much gets you everywhere almost anywhere in the world since it is a very easy language to get the basics for, why wouldn't you make it a universal standard?

And then saying ALL foreigners are the same and should be banned is just showing how stupid your own mindset is.

If you want to prevent foreign access due to being afraid for foreign laws I can understand that though.

To be honest, if you want accessibility to language around the world, Japanese is better than English. Japanese, even with multiple written languages and the spoken language is easier to learn than English.

I see that there is an authentication code on the download now :/
that sucks :S Lucky me managed to download it before the authentication code appeared :p

So I've uploaded the latest version for you guys onto megaupload
*Nope! Not here either! -Darkfire*

I just finished uploading it, so it might be temp unavailable.

...that's the reason why there is restrictions on the site now. You're just compounding the issue.
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Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

@recent posters: What the hell are you guys doing!? Read the damn thread before you make a damn post! Keep this up, and the next update will block foreign IPs and everything else. The guy already said he'll make it available again when people stop uploading his work elsewhere without permission. Which is what just happened here, for those of who who aren't following me.

This is exactly why I took extra care in some of the stuff I've shared on this forum.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

...that's the reason why there is restrictions on the site now. You're just compounding the issue.

So, you quoting the link (that exists in your quote), does, what, erase that continuous problem?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

So, you quoting the link (that exists in your quote), does, what, erase that continuous problem?

Was on the way to work and didn't think about that. Either way, it was taken care of thanks to the mod.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

To be honest, if you want accessibility to language around the world, Japanese is better than English. Japanese, even with multiple written languages and the spoken language is easier to learn than English.

I don't know true or untrue Japanese being easy to pick up is, but your basic assumption is fallacious. English is the best mass-distribution language currently because it's become the international standard for business, so the most people in the widest geographical area know it.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I don't know true or untrue Japanese being easy to pick up is, but your basic assumption is fallacious. English is the best mass-distribution language currently because it's become the international standard for business, so the most people in the widest geographical area know it.

I've studied both Japanese and English, I'd agree with Japanese being easier to learn (their nouns are always in one form, no need to know plural or not, the verbs only have 2 irregular ones, etc)

I recall reading somewhere that the top 3 most used language around the world are:
1. English
2. Chinese
3. Japanese

So while it's not THE most wide-spread, it certainly is up there(and the amount of JLPT examinees show they are growing, fast)
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Grammatically speaking japanese might be simple, but we are mostly talking about written japanese here and that's not easy!

To properly understand written japanese you usually need to know at least 50-100 kanji because no one writes in just hiragana, which pretty much means memorizing 50-100 different images with sometimes small differences, that's far harder than learning a language based on 26 letters.

You can learn the language and then try to use an online translator for the kanji you don't know, but that's still a lot more effort than it takes to be able to understand written english against written japanese.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

if i was able to memorize +600 pokemons, im sure you can learn Japanese
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

i am attaching the image of problem i am getting when i run the game plz help me.


  • UHS.jpg
    101.3 KB · Views: 0
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I don't know true or untrue Japanese being easy to pick up is, but your basic assumption is fallacious. English is the best mass-distribution language currently because it's become the international standard for business, so the most people in the widest geographical area know it.

Sorry I wasn't clear. I meant that if we went back to when there really wasn't a presumed standard language, Japanese would probably be the easiest for the world to pick up. It is comprehensive without being bulky, unlike English.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

i am attaching the image of problem i am getting when i run the game plz help me.

That's just the new Japanese censorship style. You're fine.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Sorry I wasn't clear. I meant that if we went back to when there really wasn't a presumed standard language, Japanese would probably be the easiest for the world to pick up. It is comprehensive without being bulky, unlike English.

Well, if I may quote Feynman...
While in Kyoto I tried to learn Japanese with a vengeance. I worked much harder at it, and got to a point where I could go around in taxis and do things. I took lessons from a Japanese man every day for an hour. One day he was teaching me the word for "see." "All right," he said. "You want to say, 'May I see your garden?' What do you say?" I made up a sentence with the word that I had just learned. "No, no!" he said. "When you say to someone, 'Would you like to see my garden? you use the first 'see.' But when you want to see someone else's garden, you must use another 'see,' which is more polite." "Would you like to glance at my lousy garden?" is essentially what you're saying in the first case, but when you want to look at the other fella's garden, you have to say something like, "May I observe your gorgeous garden?" So there's two different words you have to use. Then he gave me another one: "You go to a temple, and you want to look at the gardens..." I made up a sentence, this time with the polite "see." "No, no!" he said. "In the temple, the gardens are much more elegant. So you have to say something that would be equivalent to 'May I hang my eyes on your most exquisite gardens?" Three or four different words for one idea, because when I'm doing it, it's miserable; when you're doing it, it's elegant. I was learning Japanese mainly for technical things, so I decided to check if this same problem existed among the scientists. At the institute the next day, I said to the guys in the office, "How would I say in Japanese, 'I solve the Dirac Equation'?" They said such-and-so. "OK. Now I want to say, 'Would you solve the Dirac Equation?' -- how do I say that?" "Well, you have to use a different word for 'solve,' " they say. "Why?" I protested. "When I solve it, I do the same damn thing as when you solve it!" "Well, yes, but it's a different word -- it's more polite." I gave up. I decided that wasn't the language for me, and stopped learning Japanese.


Also basic literacy in Japanese requires knowledge of 39 unique hiragana (not including the possible combinations), 39 unique katakana (as above, and not including the obscure ones), and at least

And Japanese is a far cry from being the third most commonly used language. French, Spanish, Russian, and even Arabic have more speakers.

Now, personally, it's a beautiful language, and Japanese can be very well worth learning, but there are better choices available if you are trying to look for an international and/or technical language.
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