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RPG RPG Maker Vore [うんこモリモリ丸] Exorcism Shrine Maiden/蘇る退魔巫女 (RJ356908)

Wait so just so I'm sure I didn't miss any content - it's the fat dude boss, giant squid, lesbian cage ghosts, lamprey boob monster, (and that bondage squad,) for all the bosses, right?

Hey, I'm replaying this rn, there aren't any new bosses since I wrote that that I could be missing out on, are there?
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Does anyone have the latest update?


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He has posted a nice long piece on
main things being that he is changing from adding monsters/areas of map to building up the story (whew, I thought this was becoming a forever project where he would add whatever struck his fancy each month, granted his fancy is quite impressive)
Also, we have the following (via Google's translation)
"We have many questions, and we plan to complete the game in 2021.
However, there is no guarantee that it will be completed by the end of 2021, so please wait without much expectations. Don't get mad if you're late"
He has posted a nice long piece on
main things being that he is changing from adding monsters/areas of map to building up the story (whew, I thought this was becoming a forever project where he would add whatever struck his fancy each month, granted his fancy is quite impressive)
Also, we have the following (via Google's translation)
"We have many questions, and we plan to complete the game in 2021.
However, there is no guarantee that it will be completed by the end of 2021, so please wait without much expectations. Don't get mad if you're late"

"No guarantee that it will be completed by the end of 2021"

Jesus christ, how big is this game possibly going to be to warrant such a long development time? Hasn't this game already been in development for like a year and a half now?
It takes a solo developer a long time to make an ambitious game, especially if they're doing everything thierself.

An entire team of people probably could've made this game in a few months but, well, that's an entire team of people.
"No guarantee that it will be completed by the end of 2021"

Jesus christ, how big is this game possibly going to be to warrant such a long development time? Hasn't this game already been in development for like a year and a half now?

It's been at least three years, actually. I want to say their older games didn't take this long, but time's a tricky thing to keep track of sometimes, and there are a ton of things that could happen and affect development.
Call me a fucker but I don't really care about the new uniforms. Obviously the dev wants to have fun and some people genuinely do enjoy it, however considering they don't fit well with the ever improving critical H scenes and how long they take to make they are plain bad for development. I'm not saying they are the new great sin or anything, just from the perspective of what brings enjoyment to a game like this relative to how long they take, they suck compared to most other additions.
Absolutely don't mind the wait, now if only they would use a non machine translation.
It's been at least three years, actually. I want to say their older games didn't take this long, but time's a tricky thing to keep track of sometimes, and there are a ton of things that could happen and affect development.
退魔巫女物語 Took about a year, with 退魔巫女遊戯 about 2 years post that. The major things to take into account is still working in VX Ace (a system that has been showing it's age as people push for larger and more detailed products), along with a VASTLY more involved map and environment to interact with, and a time cycle system running in the background controlling many factors. It falls less on the direct 'ero', as it's more or less the same combat rape system from the very start, but -everything else- going into it adding greater complexity, and with that, greater need to adjust things to not cause complication. 蘇る退魔巫女 is hyper complex and I'm shocked it's not breaking more under it's sheer weight, but I'm also sure it's taken a LOT of time to even get it this far, and given that it's vastly more open ended then their previous products as well, it'll need that extra dev time to at last put down the story events in a desirable manner.
I like how this, basically a recolor of his previous game 退魔巫女遊戯 (Taima Miko Yuugi), has now been in development for almost 3 years and will probably take another year before a 1.0 releases. This had me greatly flummoxed for a while, considering that there is basically nothing new codewise about this game, and i mean nothing tantalizing that hasn't been done in his previous works or works of other devs whose code becomes accessible to you the moment you use a decrypter.
hmm... maybe our friend, basic math, can shed some light onto this conundrum ... 743 supps x 4.7$ = 3492$ x 12 Mo ~ 42K$ yearly and that's some serious dosh for a bi-monthly session of Photoshop recoloring.

Shame i really liked the story and chars of Taima Miko Yuugi, sadly the chances of him getting hit by a truck and never finishing this recolor are growing by the joke of progress update he posts on twatter and senddosh-en.
funny how you think new artwork balance and new events (theres new code also mult fights work have been recoded) doesn't take time when done solo
I like how this, basically a recolor of his previous game 退魔巫女遊戯 (Taima Miko Yuugi), has now been in development for almost 3 years and will probably take another year before a 1.0 releases. This had me greatly flummoxed for a while, considering that there is basically nothing new codewise about this game, and i mean nothing tantalizing that hasn't been done in his previous works or works of other devs whose code becomes accessible to you the moment you use a decrypter.
hmm... maybe our friend, basic math, can shed some light onto this conundrum ... 743 supps x 4.7$ = 3492$ x 12 Mo ~ 42K$ yearly and that's some serious dosh for a bi-monthly session of Photoshop recoloring.

Shame i really liked the story and chars of Taima Miko Yuugi, sadly the chances of him getting hit by a truck and never finishing this recolor are growing by the joke of progress update he posts on twatter and senddosh-en.
It's not THAT cookie cutter, mind you a fair bit of the complexity was probably not all that needed but the artwork and thinking up the new enemies and levels is definitely time consuming. He has chosen a quite unique selection of enemies and level design that isn't really something that one could simply get inspiration from something like shinobi girl and call it good(which btw isn't bad either).

Don't get me wrong I would love to see some an expansion of current mechanics with kind of bondage system and more notable status effects(like shiraso's new game), but we are still getting a pretty solid delivery of content for just 1 guy doing all this though he definitely isn't as fast as some.
Still haven't seen a good H-scene yet, guess I'll just wait til the game is done. How long can that be, 5 years? Can't be more than 10.
Anyone know if this game can be run through Translator++ with ease?
I have just tried out Taima Miko Yuugi and I'm considering supporting for the latest version of this game.
It works, not particularly well though. There will be a lot of broken areas that you will need to manually repair. Used it on the mtl that is posted way way back.
I think what I read was that after the August 2020 update, there wasn't going to be any new H-scenes added for a bit as bug fixes and other additions were going to take priority. Having played the August 2020 update, the content so far is solid and could turn out to be a pretty good game once it gets fully released.
I want to play this game now, but I can't. Is there anyone who can help?