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Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (On Hiatus)


Demon Girl Master
Oct 12, 2010
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After failing to do anything for the previous project during the past week due to unforeseen events, I started this over the weekend.
Since I've also did some other sprites for the game I can't go back now. It will be similar to Powerful Sister in terms of fluid combat and power-ups. The setting and story have yet to be decided but that the least of my worries. I'll post some more when I have more to show.
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Re: Working Title: No Pan Fighter

Hard to say with this little to see, but I'll keep an eye on it
Re: Working Title: No Pan Fighter

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm cut out for making games. I spent the last few days trying to think of a setting for the character when I decided to change her outfit to match it. Then I kept editing the story as I kept editing the costume which wasted more time than I'm comfortable admitting. Originally I was going to come and post to say that I was cancelling what little I had when it hit me. I was trying too hard. All the stories and settings I had created were worthy of a game but not of something I wanted to finish quickly for cash. So at around 3 a.m this morning after taking a 4 hour rest, I decided to try and design a mini game. Unfortunately, that took the same path as the other attempts and still ended up with something too big for me to tackle so early in my h-game career. So with this post I'd like to announce that I'm making a "_____ Girl" Game. Right now I'm stuck between picking 2 choices for the Lead: An Elf or a Valkyrie. If things go well I might make the other for free. As for the monsters/enemies and fetishes, let me hear what you'd like to see and it might make it in.

Oh. Before I forget here is some evidence of my uselessness;
Re: Working Title: No Pan Fighter

The first three girls on the left from the top row seem like they are better looking in my opinion than the rest. Maybe something where you color select with Z X C between the three or however many you can do?

Not knowing what you are even planning though with the game leaves me little in the way of suggestions I can offer outside of that.
Re: Working Title: No Pan Fighter

Not knowing what you are even planning though with the game leaves me little in the way of suggestions I can offer outside of that.

It was probably hard to tell in my not so great paragraph but...

I'd like to announce that I'm making a "_____ Girl" Game. Right now I'm stuck between picking 2 choices for the Lead: An Elf or a Valkyrie. As for the monsters/enemies and fetishes, let me hear what you'd like to see and it might make it in.
Re: Working Title: No Pan Fighter

It was probably hard to tell in my not so great paragraph but...

it sounds like hes making a run or rape sidescroller in the vein of jungle/demon/ /shinobi/witch girl

HEH, i am so subtle
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Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

Well, from what I see, and forgive me if this sounds horribly stupid, the first thing that came to mind is "Cleavage Elf in _____ Land"

If you're having a hard time deciding between elf and valkyrie, just draw a sample of each and maybe it'll help you choose?
Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

how about mystical elf girl
Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

Could make both an elf and a valkyrie, why choose between the two?
Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

aren't the chicks on the bottom row the exact chicks from the dot handy game?
Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

I vote for row 2 #2 or #4 in row 1.
Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

aren't the chicks on the bottom row the exact chicks from the dot handy game?
Actually that's how this all started. Dothandy "recently" changed the design of the nun and I was quite disappointed with it. So this began a sort of chain reaction into what I'm doing now, which is trying to make an H-game with a "no pan" fighter. I WAS going to just blatantly make a nun game but I wanted to be original so I changed the design as you see above. It still seems that I can't decide on a design though.

it sounds like hes making a run or rape sidescroller in the vein of jungle/demon/science/shinobi/witch girl
That was the original plan but now I'm not so sure. I'm still going to make a game but it needs to be as small as possible because otherwise I won't be able to finish it and get paid asap. Over the past few days I've been jotting down ideas on how to make a good basic game but my mind keeps making things worse. (I want to see this, That would be cool if this happened, etc). Now I have moved barely anywhere towards any games except the longest one (No Pan Fighter).

I fear that I may have to go towards my last resort, which is a low quality clone of Parasite in City which is better than nothing.

Anyway, here's some scraps for elf girl in parasite city clone.
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Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

jungle girl is less than one day of coding
Re: "_____ Girl" (Formerly No Pan Fighter)

jungle girl is less than one day of coding

Yeah, but add to the day of coding the time it will take to do the arting (Is that even a word?)
And considering the size of the sprites it's not going to be something quick.

btw, GoldBeetle, from that last batch of six samples I'd personally choose the first one (Green suit with Black details) because for some reason the other sets don't look too... I dunno. Half look too bright because they're mostly white, and half look too dark because they're mostly black.
I might be wrong though.

One tip I think I can give you is to try and draw with a gray background, around 50% gray if not slightly darker. Pure 255 colors are awesome when trying to find any issues with opacity, but they don't really let the figure itself and its colors stand out.

PS: Is that a flying dog-fish thing?
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone

So.... yeah. I'm making a clone of everyone's favorite zombie h-game. Yes, there will be zombies. Yes, there will be a gallery. No, there won't be zombie dogs. Yes, you will be able to walk around naked if that's your thing.

As for the setting, if you read the header, it will take place in space. I haven't decided yet between a planet, a space ship, or one of those satellite space village things in Gundam and Phantasy Star.

The mechanics and really everything else will be copy-pasted from P.i.C. The only difference is you'll have a striking weapon that does more damage but runs out of battery quickly.

I'm still going to have multiple palettes but those will come after the game is finished.
The brunette is the mc (there will be a blond alt so calm down you aryan fuckers)

I've already started coding the engine. It needs a little work but so far everything is going smoothly (for a C++ game engine that is).

I'm also starting to do sprite animation commisions as well. The animations will cost $20 if you're ok with the quality. I could really use the cash so I'm going to open the flood gates and say I'm open to ALMOST anything (ask me first before getting your wallet ready).
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

Sounds like a good idea for a game, and while I don't know if there would be much visual difference between a spaceship and a space satellite village thingy, either sounds better than just "a planet"

As for the sprites, why did you change the size of the heads? I'm not saying that it looks bad now, but I kinda liked a slight bit more the older sprite samples with a bigger head.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

The head size change was a result of the sprites being changed in size as well mostly due to me trying to copy P.i.C's size and style.

As for game development, I've been struggling with creating enemies. Some of them seemed too cartoonish and others looked like something Giger would make after discovering Dead Space. So now the enemies look like they would be in a slightly scary Monster Girl game which is better than before. Here is the current (mostly final) list of enemies;
Nude Zombie Male
Nude Zombie Female
Tentacle Zombie (Male)
Nightstalker (Fast Vampire Zombie)(Female)
Drone (Insect)
Glug (Leech)
Zombie Une (Giant Flower)(Boss)
Rose Tail (Alra Une Succubus Zombie)
Nightshroom (Mushroom Insect hybrid)
Love Shroom (Mushroom Hand Zombie)(Female)

The final boss, which I didn't mention in the list, is already finished weirdly. It was originally just a strong enemy but then I felt it would be a waste to lower it to a common occurence. Other than that, nothing new other than "still working on it" and I'll try to see if I can get a playable demo out in the first week of October.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone

The mechanics and really everything else will be copy-pasted from P.i.C. The only difference is you'll have a striking weapon that does more damage but runs out of battery quickly.

Will she get pregnant? That's one of the things I love about P.i.C.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

You are using C++? If you want most people to be able to play it with ease, don't you want to make it in flash?
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

You are using C++? If you want most people to be able to play it with ease, don't you want to make it in flash?

You don't know flash had a 3Gb ram usage limit? And it runs scripes very slow, in an almost outdated way(Many old flash files had issues loading on new computers), and save file always had issues?

Please don't use Flash, it just starting to fail.