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RPG [Vanja] Witchcraft II


Mar 26, 2013
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Re: Witchcraft II

It is indeed possible to track back files if the creators download them themselves.
If the identification info is added automatically, it shouldn't be the .exe file unless she got someone with rare computer knowledge on her side.
If 2 people would download a game and give it to someone to check where the difference between the files is, the identification info is most likely removable.

Then there is the way to automatically contact the creator when the game is started in case you got a connection to give a signal on which computer the game is running, who could then see suspicious usage of the file and also see info about who had paid for that game originally, if transmitted.
But I haven't seen that behavior at least on her older games.
Actually most public games do that already, but more likely to gather data than to prevent anything. Firewalls won't tell one that the games do that.
The easiest way around this which always works is to open the games in a virtual computer, which however lowers quality and limits speed or might not work at all on some games.

What I think about piracy:
It's good to copy from those that already earn more money than worth the work, damage and risk, cause it grants fun to a lot of people with nearly no loss.
If that doesn't apply, only those who could or would not pay in any case should get the software for free.
But the problem is that spreading it would give it to both kinds of people, so only those that one knows about who couldn't pay should be given the software. ;)
If released in public, many try to stick to make it fair by still buying if they see it while others don't, cause they lack awareness of the world.
The best choice for sharing, downloading, paying or making it nearly unhackable can still be different in some cases, which however are in involved in more complicated situations.
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Demon Girl
Apr 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

The easiest way to check would be to compare md5 hashes or something of a couple files and see if they come up different at all.

an anonymous

May 8, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

it's now been 3 months out and I still have not found a single link.:(
so either vanja has a good protection to or the people respect her work very.

i would for witchcraft 2 and a few other games get also a membership
but it is too expensive I mean 25-80$ (see for yourself) hxxp://xxx.ero-mania.net/join.htm for a couple of movies, comics and small games all with a similar drawing style, who would pay so much for something like that? :eek:

if they would sell their games individually i would pay 2-5$ for each.
or 10$ for first membership and 4-6$ per month rebill
that would be better I think:D
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Tentacle Monster
Jan 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

It is indeed possible to track back files if the creators download them themselves.
If the identification info is added automatically, it shouldn't be the .exe file unless she got someone with rare computer knowledge on her side.
If 2 people would download a game and give it to someone to check where the difference between the files is, the identification info is most likely removable.

Then there is the way to automatically contact the creator when the game is started in case you got a connection to give a signal on which computer the game is running, who could then see suspicious usage of the file and also see info about who had paid for that game originally, if transmitted.
But I haven't seen that behavior at least on her older games.
Actually most public games do that already, but more likely to gather data than to prevent anything. Firewalls won't tell one that the games do that.
The easiest way around this which always works is to open the games in a virtual computer, which however lowers quality and limits speed or might not work at all on some games.

What I think about piracy:
It's good to copy from those that already earn more money than worth the work, damage and risk, cause it grants fun to a lot of people with nearly no loss.
If that doesn't apply, only those who could or would not pay in any case should get the software for free.
But the problem is that spreading it would give it to both kinds of people, so only those that one knows about who couldn't pay should be given the software. ;)
If released in public, many try to stick to make it fair by still buying if they see it while others don't, cause they lack awareness of the world.
The best choice for sharing, downloading, paying or making it nearly unhackable can still be different in some cases, which however are in involved in more complicated situations.
The thing is that to actually get two copies and compare them, at least one person will have to put their ass on the line and hand over their game. Possibly two if a third one is doing the comparing.

I don't think she'd go that far, but what if she wanted to go after the one who leaked it? She'd already have your information (since you paid for it somehow).

People tend to be helpful and upload things, even though there's still a very minor risk attached to that. This one bears a lot more risk. It's unfair to demand people be trusting of complete strangers for the sake of a porn game (and not only trusting them to not share it as-is, but to trust their skills in finding the/all markers and getting rid of them).

Besides, the game isn't even supposed to be that good.

(Also, it doesn't look like she did server-side authentication. It's very likely there's no authentication at all! Just a watermark somewhere, either in the code or in a file, saying which client that game was supposed to, so if it gets shared she can trace it back on her side and ban the bejeezus of that person)


Mystic Girl
Feb 23, 2012
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Re: Witchcraft II

The quality of her games are piss poor but I give her major props on her tenacity in shutting down links to her work when they pop up, as well as shutting down hacked accounts. This unfortunately limits her profits severely, considering all her members join on genuine curiosity and never from people who have good things to say about her work (because what good is there to say about a site where 8/10 games display double-image sprites when holding the left and right arrows down simultaneously?)


Mar 26, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

if they would sell their games individually i would pay 2-5$ for each.
or 10$ for first membership and 4-6$ per month rebill
that would be better I think:D
Hehe, compared to H-Flash-games pretty much most of her new ones are pretty long and good, except the low animation frame rate, which seemed to get better :D
Since there's no connection or anything you could probably just keep the games after paying once.
So you'd get all of them for the minimum price and would then have to pay the minimum price again to get the few new ones.
Problem is that with multiple lesser payments, there might be additional effort / cost for her / them.

Witchcraft I only had one .exe file - the demo of II also got only one exe file - while some games had more than those btw.
There is no further extraction and just a "save" file is created while playing.
I'd only have checksums from Witchcraft I and older games, which might come from the same "source" as anothers and the capability to see where the identification info is if i had 2 files. But this would most likely not help with other games than those that are compared.
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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Witchcraft II

I honestly like her games. I wish for a little more, but some games are quite a bit of fun. Some are annoying, (most are annoying) but for whatever reason, they're impossible to find, and people DO join her site, and they do download her games, and do not share them. I think this does her profits just fine.

I like to split the price this way.


X being the number of games you paid for. In my case, right now, I'd get

Witchcraft 2 and the Medusa game hopefully coming out in a month.

So each game is roughly $12.50

Had I not had the Ghost Hunters Game, they would have each been around $8.35. It helps me feel better after wasting 25 dollars on just barely average games.


Demon Girl
Apr 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

No one would have to share their actual files if they just compared the md5 hash and maybe the exact filesize in bytes. That should at least be enough to tell if there are any difference at all between files at least. Beyond that, it should be maybe be possible for someone to look at an individual file and see if there is some sort of watermark in there. I kinda doubt she has some secret watermark that only she can find and no one else.


Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Witchcraft II

Maybe you should be a hero and get a membership and find out for us!

an anonymous

May 8, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

I still haven't found a single link vanja must a strong pirates protection have.:(
seh also has a new game:hxxx://www.vanjas-world.com/games/eroprevs/hentaigamemedusasslave/index.html
looks interesting (haven´t found a link to)
25$ is still too expensive for them.

(by the way has anyone here join her site?)


Tentacle God
Jun 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

The games do have nice graphics but because of my situation I'm in i have no income so unless games are obtainable free. I'm out. I'm not lazy I just am unable to find work.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 30, 2011
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Re: Witchcraft II

I actually found a link one time to the first Witchcraft game... and it was kind of a mess, to be honest. Way too many glitches, the scenes were repetitive and only had like three frames of animation each.

Now... for something I pirated for free, I wouldn't grudge those issues at all, as long as I could get some "fun" out of the game. But after getting to play the full version of that one and seeing how much of a mess it was, I am very hesitant to pay that kind of money to DL any more of them.

The Lurkers Shadow

Demon Girl Pro
Oct 28, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

No one will give out a link to this game or any others from Vanja, if you want it you'll have to shell out some cash and join her site to get it and every other game she has currently.


Mystic Girl
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

Eromania has a niche: mediocre-to-terrible games that are very hard to come by unless you pay. Her games have mystery to it; it's the forbidden fruit. But once you play her games, notice it's the same copied speed and algorithms for running, jumping, attacking, etc., and play through all the bugs with the hitboxes, collision detection, and numerous other stupid things (holding left and right at the same time in most of her games will display both left- and right-facing images for the player character), you realize that her art is just okay and her games are just galleries that require tedious effort to view more of said art. The games are never improved to fix even the dumbest bugs in her games because she (or her boyfriend) simply doesn't give a shit to improve her product and learn how to make her games better.

My view of this game is the same of all her games; It's lazy and poorly executed. And the reason why she doesn't offer individual prices for her games is actually understandable to me: it's because each one isn't worth shit on its own. So she doesn't charge for a product, because to sell a product that is broken is unforgivable, and she would be expected to make bugfixes and improve her work. Instead, she charges for access to her site, which can contain as many broken games as she wants, as well as all of her art, animations, and photos.

In a less volatile standpoint, a lot of her work features copyrighted characters and intellectual properties which she legally cannot include in individually sold products unless she gets the rights to do so, but most companies do not allow this. This is the same reason why many sites like Jigglygirls and other themed porn sites are paid-access sites, and why Zone works for a paysite rather than slinging his shit through direct distribution. Copyrights won't allow for that, but you can get around it through indirect payment. We can't charge you for a game where Rouge gets fucked by Princess Peach, but we can charge you for access to a website that happens to host such games.

But this does not excuse Vanja for never improving her work, because she just wants money and will give minimal effort for her livelihood.


Demon Girl
Jun 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

As someone who actually enjoys her work and have been a member on her site several times, I feel some of the rants over her work is waaaay harsh. Sure, one can either like or dislike her work, but posting insulting statements or straight out lies about her and her website doesn't feel justified in any way.

omp1234 said:
The games are never improved to fix even the dumbest bugs in her games because she (or her boyfriend) simply doesn't give a shit to improve her product and learn how to make her games better.
She's been fixing bugs and updated fixed versions on her website several times, and this is being posted on Ero-Mania, often the blog there. I've also seen a steady increase in quality on both her games and artwork - I mean, come on. Nobody can really say her newer games have the same quality as the first "Lost Heart" game? She's listening to advice given by her members, and she's quite open for critique by comments or e-mail whenever I've sent her any.

omp1234 said:
In a less volatile standpoint, a lot of her work features copyrighted characters and intellectual properties which she legally cannot include in individually sold products unless she gets the rights to do so, but most companies do not allow this.
That's actually nothing but a big, fat lie. Ero-Mania doesn't contain any single artwork with characters she doesn't own the copyrights to. She does create parody artwork on her free website (Vanja's World) but that's given out for free. No parody art has ever been shown on Ero-Mania.

Those who doesn't like her work, isn't exactly forced to watch it. Nobody is forcing you to play her games. Heck, there's tons of games discussed here on this forum that I personally find to be complete crap, but I feel no need to talk negatively about the creator because of that. I just move on and spend my time and effort on the games I do enjoy.


Tentacle Monster
Jan 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

I still haven't found a single link vanja must a strong pirates protection have.:(
seh also has a new game:hxxx://www.vanjas-world.com/games/eroprevs/hentaigamemedusasslave/index.html
looks interesting (haven´t found a link to)
25$ is still too expensive for them.

(by the way has anyone here join her site?)
They actually don't seem to have really a pirate protection.

It seems to be more of a "if you pirate it, it will work, but I will find the original sharer", like a watermark in the code or something. Sharing is nice and all, but it's not correct to ask people to put their asses on the line, it's just entertainment.

So she has all the personal details (since people paid her) and she has a way of knowing which member shared the games. Would you risk it?

So it is very unlikely links for these will ever appear.


Demon Girl
Apr 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

The white knight aspect is why nothing will ever get released. If it was anyone else people would either not care about the supposed watermarking or have already removed it. It's kinda of ironic to have a forum basically dedicated to stealing things from everyone else except this one. People seem to think because you want to share her stuff you are somehow a hater and literally want to steal money out of her hand. Obviously she has her fans that will give her money no matter what, and the leeches who will never subscribe anyways end up getting stuff. In the best case, you convince some other non-fans-for-life to subscribe for a little bit.

I personally feel it ends up being like advertising more than anything else. The only reason I ever found out about her stuff was from a random download of Witchcraft 1. And I've bought things from other artists when I originally found stuff from downloads.


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 24, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

See mods? I know there's some kind of sincere reason behind prohibiting vanja game free distribution, but almost all people have been talking about are how to distribute the game freely,avoiding blacklisting, link requests and yada yada. Even after you've specifically told us not to do so, it still happens, and will still happen almost everytime a vanja game comes out.

Hell, I'd even say the increase in code an' stuff discussion and decrease in game discussion is because we've been ruled to doing vice-versa. People won't stop discussing how to get the games for free until they can get the games for free.


Aug 28, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Witchcraft II

White knight aspect, lol.
Inability to legally and inexpensive purchase goods pisses off people and leads to piracy.

The only reason why I still haven't get all stuf from ero-mania & share it worldwide - Verotel does not accept my credit card.
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