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Re: Vices

I like rum, which is always cheap here, and whiskey, which never is. I tend to mix my drinks with soda. Rum and coke is delicious. Jack Daniels and sprite is also good. You can pour irish cream over ice cream and it freezes in the bowl, making a sort of alcoholic sundae that's pretty good. I've got a bit of a sweet tooth as well. If you can get me a caramel filled chocolate, I'm happy.
Re: Vices

Yup... I'm also big on the dark chocolate thing. Question, though... how dark do you guys like your chocolate? I like it up to about 70% cocoa, but anything higher than that just tastes a little too bitter. My roommate, however, will sometimes bring home the 90% bars for his own consumption. Said he picked up the taste in France.

I'm a 90 percenter myself, my grandpere got me hooked on em when I was young. Though I also like a lot of things that are usually bitter: coffee, mate, olives, dandelions, chicory. Coffee and olives should probably be added to my list of vices as well.
Re: Vices

As for Cardinal Sin, I tend to moderate Wrath and Gluttony pretty well

Pride, envy and Vanity are minimal at best. But sloth is as high as my ever present lust...

But as for material vices, I cut down on most of them, now all that remains is A nice, room temperature Sprite, a good fap, and the internet...
Re: Vices

Hmm, let's see...

Sloth, as those who have RPed with me can easily tell you – or, probably anyone else who knows me, for that matter. A general sense of Hedonism also fills my life, though I don't actually stick fast to it as a moral principle. Narcissism goes almost without saying, and I'm glad for it. As would be expected, given the forum I'm posting on, I tend to give into lust quite frequently, though I've never dragged anyone else into it. I'm actually something of a yes-man in real life, since I can't respond well in a short space of time. Aside from that, I have a general, probable addictive personality disorder; at the moment I'm prone to pacing around whenever I have something on my mind; I spend far too long thinking about how to write something before writing it; and, the last thing I can actually remember at the moment, I clench my jaw when I should be keeping it slack, to fix this popping I get due to it being out of place.

Despite Hope's advise, I also have to admit to being at least mildly addicted to a certain drug, as going without it will cause me a noticeable desire for more of the stuff - which is unfortunate, as I was hoping to avoid the same trap that so many million others have fallen into.

(The drug in question is caffeine.)
Re: Vices


Sweets and food, though I tend to be picky about those... Anything I like though will be rapidly assimilated, and I tend to hold grudges about food, so it's best not to screw around with my stuff. Also, I'm very lazy and easily provoked, I guess... And I really hate to admit that I might be wrong.
Re: Vices

Yup... I'm also big on the dark chocolate thing. Question, though... how dark do you guys like your chocolate? I like it up to about 70% cocoa, but anything higher than that just tastes a little too bitter. My roommate, however, will sometimes bring home the 90% bars for his own consumption. Said he picked up the taste in France.

The nunu doesnt like bitter chocolate. i like milk chocolate instead, it keeps me sweet.
Re: Vices

The nunu doesnt like bitter chocolate. i like milk chocolate instead, it keeps me sweet.

White myself, though I can eat any in small amounts. Milk is the one I'm put off by the fastest, oddly. Was going to add that, but forgot, so you can add "doesn't pay enough attention to things to actually remember half of them" to my own vices.
Re: Vices

Well, I'm somewhat of a recovering alcoholic so there's that.

Never been much of a chocolate fan, or candy in general, I prefer a nice bloody steak but to each their own.

Smoke ciggarrettes, but not those cheap store-bought ones, I roll my own so they're exactly the way I like em.

Masturbation, really shouldn't need to go into much detail with this as you should all be familiar with the act.

As for the seven... all of them at one point or another I guess, maybe not greed because I'm too busy enjoying what I've got to want more.
Re: Vices

Despite Hope's advise, I also have to admit to being at least mildly addicted to a certain drug, as going without it will cause me a noticeable desire for more of the stuff - which is unfortunate, as I was hoping to avoid the same trap that so many million others have fallen into.

(The drug in question is caffeine.)

It may be a drug, but Hope's advice was to legality. Not to drugs.
Re: Vices

Bailey's Irish Whiskey.

..... okay, okay, ANYTHING chocolatey.
Re: Vices

It may be a drug, but Hope's advice was to legality. Not to drugs.

I missed that myself, obviously, but with any luck others will have also forgotten what he actually said by the time they get to my post.