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Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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I'm curious what kind of vices people have in here (besides our mutual enjoyment of pornography of varying and sometimes disturbing types). I enjoy good liquor and good smokes. One could often find me sitting outside with a Spanish Rosada Partagas (cigar) in one hand and a glass of Captain Morgan's (spiced rum) in the other. I also like my sake, coconut wine and bourbon, among other things.

Of course, I'm only asking about the legal stuff here -- if you're a meth head, I really don't want to know... :p
Re: Vices

Dr. Pepper. :p
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Re: Vices

Cigarettes, good cigars (usually Colts, but I like getting my hands on some good Cubans or Dominican ones), a lot of rum, scotch, rye, red wine, and a good selection of beer (Alexander Keith's remains my favorite).

And... I suppose dark chocolate could count under here as well. Just to stay a touch feminine :p

Then there's the sex. That's always fun too.
Re: Vices

Nunu is a big fan of sloth in every sense of the word (big as in metaphoricaly, despite what being a fan of sloth would normaly represent). Also a big fan of gluttony... mmm mac and cheese with bacon and all the delicious cookies the world has to offer (see previous sentance).

I've been getting into lust recently and i suppose i've always had a fair bit of pride floating around.

Wrath, greed and envy... well i'm not really into them. to busy indulging sloth. like right now... i'm supposed to be writing an ethics approval, oh well...
Re: Vices

Well if we're getting specific into sins I'd have to quote a personal hero: "I'm a fan of all seven."

Though wrath and lust seem to be my biggest ones, with vanity and pride not far behind at all.
Re: Vices

I'm talking less about the deadly sins and more about the minor stuff. Based on what you've said so far, Sin, I think we'd throw a hell of a party. I love the Dr. Pepper, too... but it's been Diet Dr. Pepper for the last five years, ever since my metabolism went to hell. :(

Can't drink Tequila though... Tequila always makes me forget.
Re: Vices

Tequila makes me violent. So I stay away. Just no fun.
Re: Vices

Scotch, vanilla ice cream, and dark chocolate. Sloth is great and to a lesser extent pride. Used to smoke and drink beer, but it's been over a year since I quit those ones.

I also had no clue dark chocolate was a feminine thing, it's okay though my first name can be a girl's name too.
Re: Vices

Oh I was just going for the 'women like chocolate' stereotype.

Though to be honest I know more guys that will hunt people down for a taste of chocolate than girls.
Re: Vices

Yup... I'm also big on the dark chocolate thing. Question, though... how dark do you guys like your chocolate? I like it up to about 70% cocoa, but anything higher than that just tastes a little too bitter. My roommate, however, will sometimes bring home the 90% bars for his own consumption. Said he picked up the taste in France.
Re: Vices

I usually go 70% but 90% is nice once in awhile. Not too often though.
Re: Vices

Sloth, sloth, sloth... forgetfulness, and more sloth. All dream and no do.

My alcohol of choice is either green ginger (Stones preferably) or almond liqueur. Rum, vodka mixes and other things are nice too.

Also an addiction to sugar. All snacks in range will be eaten. I never have chocolate left over from 'insert holiday here'. I've tried keeping a bag of sweets or bar of chocolate in my desks drawers before, for purpose of slowly eating over the week, but it's always gone within the hour. Just doesn't work.

I can't think of what else would be covered by the topic right now.
Re: Vices

Good, dark beer. The internet, Dr. pepper.... uhm... Pizza. And pineapples.

I would kill my own mother for pineapple.
Re: Vices

video games

about a week ago i beat banjo kazoie, gex enter the gecko, and super mario 64 in about 3 days. stoped myself from re-beating majoras mask to.
Re: Vices

Being my own worst critic. If I'd stop being so timid and actually applied myself to what I set up and plot and plan out and all that, I may actually get something DONE.
Re: Vices

Don't put brownies in front of me. You won't be getting any. Same goes for soft cookies when there's milk around and Bugles. Holy hell, do I love Bugles. Only other type of chip I'll snack down upon even faster would be Pringles. Pizza flavor is the best.
Re: Vices

Food of nearly any and every variety. Hentai ofc., MMOs, rping, fanfiction, and sloth. That about wraps it up for me.
Re: Vices

Definitely a massive overdose of lust for me, seeing as I'm currently constantly catching myself working my hand around the pole my microphone sits on, stroking it like a cock... But then not stopping when I notice I'm doing it, because I already know I'm just a slut sometimes, and accept it.. :eek: :cool:

As for sloth, I'm probably one of the biggests sloths in this forum, I can easily admit to that.. I've sacrificed my own future, and probably about a quarter and a half of my life span for it..

As for vanity.. Oh yeah, with my hot new pic I'm rocking vanity..

I have absolutely no wrath, holding a grudge is beneath me... Oh~, there's my pride kicking up again.. XD

Gluttony?.. Heh.. Well, my 230 pound body will agree with that.. (But luckily my body is still very healthy and nicely retains it's shape)

As for envy?.. Well shit, envy is the heart of all forum-dwellers who cry about their reputation.. Envy is so insanely common yet perfectly hidden around here people constantly bump into it and not even notice it..
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