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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
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タダシクエスト walkthrough
  • Ctrl can skip message
  • after end or true end, has box for open all H-scene
Start :
  1. west to bathroom, 2nd choice for H
  2. 2 locker has equip
  3. down stair to bathroom, click washing machine has equip, drink water in bath can power up (all states +20)
  4. move out home jump to castle, underground jail find heroine's sisters
  5. in sewer, click statue can recover, lower right vs slime girl
  6. in city, upper right to pub talk to man who sit near master
  7. city upper left to city hall, talk to male manager, 2F can make alchemy
  8. east click crystal can get skill テレポート for teleport, upper small house is H-scene room
  9. city south is dock area, upper left talk to aged has H
  10. (need high Lv, when heroine Lv 24+ is better) church outside talk to man, then inside church talk to sister has fight, after fight has H
  11. boy in lower right need するどい爪 (fly monster in T road) and 硬い殻 (enemy in forest)
  12. west to crossroad then south to hot spring, talk to aged
  13. crossroad go west to T road
  14. in T road better go north has house, click box can get card, drink water in bath can power up (all states +20)
  15. if get card, pub talk to man in lower right can get pass, pass for brothel pub.jpg , talk to manager in lower right 2 times, use 20k can choice girl, if choice 2nd beast girl again can get ATK +15 item, if choice 3rd bunny girl again can get HP and def +15 item
Forest :
  1. T road go west has tent can rest, west to forest clear rubbish, if defeat boss has H
  2. forest north get 1st choice help girl then can use exchange shop in city right (upper left has hidden item), click back of shop has H exchange shop.jpg
  3. if help girl, tent lower talk to man, then crossroad go south to hot spring talk to aged
  4. if get 光る粉 (from forest north, fairy that near tomb), city lower right restaurant, talk to knight in middle can get weapon
Underground of Graveyard :
  1. T road go north to house then west to graveyard, click well to underground
  2. if get ひれ from enemy, dock area lower left house talk to man, then hot spring talk to aged
  3. if get 3 火炎玉 (forest, fly monster) and 3 氷結玉 (monster in underground), hot spring talk to aged has fight, after fight talk to manager has H
  4. well underground, lower right has hidden road underground.jpg , inside upper wall has hidden road too
  5. underground, upper right can get key for door in underground
  6. north vs boss, after fight has H
  7. back to house that near graveyard, talk to girl has H
  8. after defeat boss, city hall talk to female manager
  9. dock area, upper right house talk to aged has H
Town :
  1. if get 100k, pub talk to man who sit near master
  2. crossroad north to mansion, upper has fight
  3. tomorrow, crossroad talk to rich can get $
  4. graveyard click wall has hidden road graveyard.jpg , pass it to town
  5. north click crystal (click again can back to city)
  6. north to inn then north can find heroine
  7. town east to house talk to girl, upper right has hidden room for true end item, drink water in bath can power up (all states +20) house.jpg
  8. east to cave, when deep get fruit get 1st choice
  9. back to house report to girl has H
  10. town north find heroine, city middle event
Castle and Ending :
  1. city go north to castle, castle entrance vs boss, after boss has H and get key
  2. underground jail help sisters, then right jail talk to merchant can click orb for H
  3. underground jail, upper right to hidden room jail.jpg , upper left room click middle to hidden dungeon hidden dungeon.jpg (if hard back to castle, vs boss that before final one for item to make double attack item)
  4. 2 hidden room in lava area lava.jpg lava2.jpg
  5. deep vs hidden boss
  6. castle 2F, west library click wall has H library.jpg , open box get true end item
  7. castle go up vs boss
  8. when pass magic circle get 1st choice (if 2nd choice to normal end)
  9. go up vs final boss, then 2 more fight for true end
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
温泉勇者 park of walkthrough :
  • shift key can skip message
  • possibly no day limit
  • if get performance, menu choice 冒険の実績 can get item
Start > Nearest Forest (近くの森) :
  1. get 2nd choice for performance then get 1st choice
  2. talk to heroine, 1st choice STR +5, 2nd one SPD +5
  3. tomorrow can use farm, farm lower right has hidden box farm.jpg
  4. treasure store in NW of farm need Lv 10+
  5. magic circle to nearest forest (近くの森)
  6. upper has hidden box nearest forest.jpg
  7. upper left has fight, then open menu choice 拠点へ戻る for back to hot spring
  8. talk to Goddess and talk to heroine 2 times
  9. go 2F sleep, choice as u like, 1st for talk to heroine (sometime has H), 2nd for training (if hot spring can use, hero will change or add skill)
Wooded Forest (ヌルルト山林) :
click purple book that near Goddess :
畑を拡張したい2 more farm for seed
エセルの畑を拡張したい2 more farm for heroine (unnecessary SP for farm)
畜産小屋を修理したいrepair house for livestock and get chicken > cow > sheep
虫捕り場を増やしたいadd 2 more tree for click
ダッシュがしたいcan change speed (D key)
上位のクラフトがしたいmenu choice クラフト can make new item or equip
納品クエストを受けたいadd board in right for quest
  1. magic circle to wooded mountain (ヌルルト山林)
  2. from start go north then go west (or west > NE) can find Goddess, she need 魔鉱石の欠片 x3
  3. from start go west then go NW has big tree, near it has 魔鉱石の欠片, back of tree has hidden box
  4. from start go west then go west talk to aged, if get よくある鉱石 x5 can exchange 魔鉱石の欠片, talk to him again can exchange other item
  5. aged north has hole, has 火薬草 x15 爆裂ニトロキノコ x10 フラム鉱石 x5 can go to infinite labyrinth (無限迷宮)
  6. from start go east has 魔鉱石の欠片
  7. north has chicken but need repaired house for livestock
  8. wooded forest report to Goddess
If Hot Spring can use :
  • talk to Goddess (not click purple book)
  • 1st day of hot spring, better talk to all customer 2 times, choice is whatever? then other day talk to them or not as u like
  • farm upper left talk to Angler (水の日 is NG)
  • (水の日 is NG?) wooded forest (ヌルルト山林), go north then go east can find Angler, talk to her has fight
  • when sleep talk to Angler, tomorrow night Angler event (after back from other area or rest in hot spring), then go 2F she will join
  • talk to heroine, get 1st choice ice cream icon can go snowy mountain (カッチン雪山), if 2nd choice go beach (トロピコ海岸), if 2nd choice need clear beach then talk to cook can go snowy mountain
  • if before get 1st choice to snowy mountain, talk to angler can go beach (トロピコ海岸)
  • talk to Goddess, choice 新しい場所に行きたい
  • need cooking (料理) over 10 times? noon Cook will come, at night inn 2F has event, after event she join
  • wooded forest (ヌルルト山林) big tree has new boss
  • if toilet has monster (bug), after defeat it other area has bug, defeat it then back to hot spring can get reward, spawn in toilet, farm, nearest forest, wooded forest, beach, snowy mountain and desert, total 7 bug, but each day (1 week 4 day) spawn area is different
  • Go Beach (トロピコ海岸) or Snowy Mountains (カッチン雪山) or Infinite Labyrinth (無限迷宮) or Desert (ザラメ砂漠) as u like, not in order
  • about H-scene, a lot is no idea need what flag, because no time limit, better rest few day to try it
  • some event need move from farm to house or move from hot spring to house's toilet and bath area...
beach (トロピコ海岸) and Angler Ending :
  • north area, upper has event
  • east area, upper left has hidden box beach.jpg
  • east area has cow
  • east area, need fishing at lot times? move up has big octopus
  • east area, upper click 4 place can open door, deep talk to captain then open box has fight
  • few day later, talk to captain has fight, after fight can get かわいいお財布, then can get Angler's H-scene
  • if fishing over 100 times and get few Angler's H-scene, click purple book has new choice 釣り検定試験を受ける, choice it has fight, after fight to Angler end
Snowy Mountain (カッチン雪山) :
  • find 3 snowman やわらかい雪 (each snowy mountain area has 1) to west area there has a lot snowman can get hidden box
  • north area has sheep
  • north to cave, need 火薬草 x10, 烈火花 x5, 炎の木の実, cave deep vs boss
Desert (ザラメ砂漠) and Cook Ending :
  • possibly need cooking (料理) over 100 times and few Cook's H-scene, talk to Cook can go desert
  • north area, if raining day (水の日) has event near south exit, click it has boss, after boss has H
  • north area has boss for performance
  • south area has chicken and hidden box in lower desert.jpg
  • south area middle event, then can find 3 monster
  • south area vs 3 monster then lower vs dragon (in lower of hidden box), defeat it to Cook ending
Infinite Labyrinth (無限迷宮),Main Heroine and Goddess Ending :
  • pass 9 area to boss area, after defeat boss then click object that near treasure box can treasure box
  • after cleared 1st area, click purple book then choice 新しい場所に行きたい can go special area (特殊階層) or arena (闘技場) in infinite labyrinth, all special area has boss
  • if cleared 2nd area, after event in hot spring, main heroine's skill will change
  • if go to arena (闘技場, total has 3 type level), no stop win 10 times (30 fight) has boss
  • if clear 4th area can make new shield, 5th area can make new helmet, 6th area for armor, 7th area for weapon
  • if clear 7 special area boss + clear other area + has $100, click purple book choice 借金返済? to Goddess ending
  • after Goddess ending, click purple book can choice ガチャを引きたい, use 3k for 10 x random item
  • if go 8th area has event, after event go hot spring can find heroine
  • go 8th area again, after few fight to final boss, in final boss fight need wait 15 round for stop boss's HP regenerate, defeat boss to main heroine ending
  • if get 4 ending (maybe main heroine ending only?), rest in hot spring can get final CG
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New member
Oct 9, 2019
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Request please.

I had sex with armors seller but in game it not count, need 4 men to entrance heaven cassle again.
RPG VX ACE Cheat System _ dldb.info_blog_506 2020_11_23 午後 5_43_03.png

RPG VX ACE Cheat System _ dldb.info_blog_506 2020_11_23 午後 5_42_29.png

If you won't buy it. Download . I hope someone can help to whriten a walkthrough for this game.
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
中出し露出ビッチ天使~天使と人間はいいなかだしっ~ walkthrough 1
  • before GoR, better use skill 天使の取り分, or $ will down to half
  • heart icon enemy has GoR
  • if ice need fire magic or item, water need ice magic or item, stone need lighting magic or item, trap need skill attack skill 地斬り, vine and cat need heal skill, if not work maybe need higher Lv skill
Year 072 :
  1. start in God's castle, talk to angel in lower left can get item 天使の誘惑 for GoR
  2. outside castle, use magic circle to village
  3. talk to priest, get 3rd choice, if choice 休憩する for rest
  4. use skill 露出オナニー
  5. armor shop talk to manager (not from counter) has H
  6. upper left talk to farmer has H
  7. village east to temple has fight, after fight report to priest
  8. if click temple, 1st choice for class up if enough haP (total got haP, class up can get equip), 3rd choice can get 再降臨の宝玉 (for teleport or power up skill 天使再誕) if don't has any 再降臨の宝玉
Hill road :
  1. village north to hill road
  2. if back to village, house in lower, talk to boy 2 times for 2 H
  3. upper left talk to farmer has 2nd H
  4. in 2nd cave use skill チンポ感知 can find hidden road hill road.jpg , inside can find alchemist, if back to village, go to east area, house in upper right talk to him has H
  5. defeat boss can go to hill

Hill :
  1. NW to hill, if back to village, house near village entrance, talk to lady then get 3 white and 3 red flower to her can get haP
  2. B2, lower right has hidden room can find blacksmith hill cave B2.jpg , if back to village, weapon shop talk to him 2 times for 2 H
  3. if blacksmith back, weapon shop outside talk to girl, then armor shop talk to manager, then report to girl can get haP, then talk to armor shop manager has 2nd H
  4. village east side, house that near entrance talk to woman, then outside defeat monster and report to her can get haP
  5. If get skill 神剣解放, talk to blacksmith has event, then reenter house again and talk to him can get haP
  6. entrance talk to blacksmith's grandmother, then north of village can go to pond, has lighting or item or defeat 4 group slime, get item in pond then weapon shop report to grandmother can get haP
  7. B3, upper left barrel has hidden road can find man hill cave B3.jpg , if back to village, house in lower left talk to him 2 times for 2 H
  8. B3 vs fallen Angel
  9. back to castle, report to God
  10. click new magic circle then report to God
  11. back to village, talk to priest 2 times for 2 H
Year 172 :
  1. back to castle of God, new circle to year 172
  2. talk to priest, get 1st choice, then get 2nd choice 2 times for 2 H
  3. use skill 露出オナニー, town middle click cross has H
  4. upper left talk to farmer 2 times for 2 H
  5. (need 3 white flower in year 072) upper left house talk to woman, then go to livestock house that nearby talk to 3 cow, then report to woman can get haP
  6. weapon shop talk to blacksmith, then outside talk to girl
  7. town east to lake
Lake :
  1. left has hidden road can find alchemist lake.jpg , then town east talk to him 2 times for 2 H, talk to him again and get 2nd choice
  2. lake lower right get item to alchemist, then weapon shop talk to blacksmith has H, then reenter talk to him for 2nd H
  3. if lake get 女王の鞭, give it to girl who in weapon shop outside can get haP, then talk to priest, get 3rd choice can get haP
  4. town north to pond, defeat boss then talk to lady warrior
  5. lake defeat big lighting spirit then help man, then town east talk to him 2 times for 2 H, armor shop talk to manager (not from counter), then town east talk to man again can get haP
  6. change to nude, town entrance talk to lady, then town 5 house vs fire spirit in kitchen and fireplace, then church outside vs big fire spirit
Tomb :
  1. NE to tomb
  2. if back to town, talk to item shop manager, then east to goblin town, to house has H, then talk to manager again for 2nd H
  3. house in right of town, click locker has fight
  4. church talk to sister, then town east to tentacle (box need Lv 3 ice magic or item) vs big tentacle, then report to ghost
  5. in tomb 2F, if get magic 子の光, click coffin can skip fight
  6. tomb 2F west, one of coffin has hidden road, inside can find boy, then house in lower of town, 2F talk to him 2 times for 2 H
  7. tomb 2F south, one of coffin has hidden road, inside can find fat guy, then house in right of town, talk to him 2 times for 2 H, then go to house in lower left, 2F click locker then go right house again can get haP
  8. tomb 1F right click barrel has hidden road can find man tomb 1F.jpg , then house in lower left of town, talk to him 2 times for 2 H
  9. talk to farmer then item shop talk to woman, give her 高揚の宝玉 can get haP
  10. tomb underground vs fallen Angel
  11. back to castle, report to God
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
中出し露出ビッチ天使~天使と人間はいいなかだしっ~ walkthrough 2

Year 272 :
  1. castle talk to God
  2. castle outside, talk to Angel who in upper right few times for 2 H
  3. from new magic circle to city
  4. house in lower, talk to 2 woman
  5. if back to God's castle, inside talk to blue hair sister then outside talk to Angel who in upper right 2 times has H
Tunnel :
  1. north to tunnel, near entrance has hidden road can find man tunnel1.jpg
  2. lower left has hidden road tunnel2.jpg , talk to man has H, then city east area, shopping mall 3F talk to owner has H
  3. house in right of city has 3 monster, use 露出オナニー or find them in 1F fireplace, 2F box in upper left and 2F locker
  4. middle of tunnel has hidden road can find man tunnel3.jpg , city upper left livestock house talk to man has H, then house in upper left talk to him has another H, in livestock house talk to pig that in lower left, then tunnel left can find pig, report to pig can get haP
  5. upper of tunnel has hidden road can find man tunnel4.jpg , house in upper of city, 2F talk to him has H, then 1F talk to his wife, go to adult shop that near town entrance, talk to manager can get adult toy, take it to wife then 2F talk to husband has H
  6. adult toy right, click shining point 2 times for 2 H
  7. tunnel lower right has hidden road tunnel5.jpg , inside can find blacksmith
  8. near exit has hidden road can find alchemist tunnel6.jpg , city easy side talk to alchemist then talk to his sister, get 3 red flower and 3 red flower to her, then go to adult shop talk to manager
  9. if class can change to 主天使, temple get 2nd choice can get 天使の聖水 for full recover HP and MP, if used it can get again

Demon Castle and Tower and Ending :
  1. pass tunnel to demon castle
  2. if now back to city, city has 4 group bat, defeat them
  3. house in upper of city, 2F click door can get haP
  4. in city use skill 露出オナニー
  5. reenter city again, entrance talk to 2 woman, then house in lower, house in lower left, house in upper 2F, shopping mall 3F has water spirit, if defeat them, in church outside vs big water spirit (2 fight)
  6. go to demon castle, lower right bathroom has hidden road castle bathroom.jpg , talk to boy has H and fight, then church outside talk to him has H
  7. castle's library has hidden road castle library.jpg , inside talk to fat guy
  8. when back to city has enemy, defeat 6 group monster
  9. house in right of city, 2F talk to fat guy has H, reenter house and talk to him again has 2nd H
  10. demon castle upper left has 3 box, 1 box is empty, click it again has hidden road, inside talk to priest, then back to church, nude talk to priest 2 times for 2 H
  11. after priest H, city middle click cross has H
  12. after sleep in church will vs 4 group goblin
  13. city east has goblin camp, deep vs goblin king, defeat it has H
  14. demon castle 2F, left trap has hidden road, inside talk to blacksmith's brother, then city talk to blacksmith has 3P, then castle 2F upper right get opened silver box to blacksmith's brother, talk to him again then city north to pond, get flame to him again. If get skill ツインエンジェル talk to brother has H, then reenter house talk to them can get weapon
  15. demon castle 2F, upper left dress room has hidden road castle 2F dress room.jpg , inside talk to aged, house in city's lower, 2F talk to aged 2 times for 2 H
  16. demon castle 2F vs golem (GoR), if defeat can get item, take it to alchemist has new H
  17. demon castle 2F, lower right store has hidden road castle 2F store.jpg , inside talk to man has H, then house in city's lower left, 2F talk to man for 2nd H
  18. demon castle 2F, upper right weapon store, upper left shield has hidden road, inside talk to man then go to house in lower of city, 2F talk to man 2 times for 2 H
  19. demon castle 3F vs fallen Angel
  20. pass castle to tower, 5F vs fallen Angel, defeat her to ending
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
アニャと10の凌辱者 walkthrough
  • if win can get GoR h-scene
  • before fight, better get all shining item
Start > Mission 1-4 :
start : upper talk to Adventurer, in fight choice 降参 can skip

mission 1 : better defeat slime in lower right first

mission 2 : skill 足払い work

mission 3 : fight in lower, start use item ロッソを呼ぶ
Mission 4 -7 :
mission 4 :
  1. entrance click box and get rope, rope for upper right, right vs orc
  2. inside house then move out from back door has fight
  3. inside house from main door to help them
  4. move out vs boss, better move from their back, better defeat leader first
mission 5 :
  1. upper talk to fairy then upper left talk to fairy
  2. find hidden item in yellow circle, then talk to upper left fairy 2 times can get item hidden item.jpg
  3. lower right get water then talk to other fairy can get item water.jpg
  4. vs upper fairy, start use item ロッソを呼ぶ
mission 6 : talk to monster get item, in fight start use item ロッソを呼ぶ

mission 7 : right road can drop down to upper right get item
Mission 8 :
  1. some place need click 2 times
  2. upper left cabinet get item then upper locker use フォーク west side.jpg
  3. upper bookshelf and upper right cabinet get item, then 3 table get 3 item
  4. go east side, fireplace use ほうき can get item east side.jpg
  5. upper cabinet (that near mirror) and cabinet that nearby get item, right table get bread
  6. click mirror choice 紙片
  7. long table, from left set チーズ, ワイン, グラス, レターセット, then underground get 3 item
  8. click small mirror choice ねじ回し can get it
  9. back to west side, in long table from left set パン, ノート, 小袋, ミルクつぼ, then underground get 3 item
  10. click lower right candle, choice 青魚のフィギュア can get key 小さなカギ, then click cabinet that near monster, use it
  11. go to east side, click mirror and use スパナ can get it
  12. set 4 mirror in west side, from left is 伸長の鏡, 痩身の鏡, 真実の鏡 (on small cabinet), 血色の鏡
  13. talk to monster can start fight, use item and wait 100 TP skill
Mission 9 :
  1. right weapon store enter 2457 weapon store.jpg , then hidden room open box and click notes
  2. left room click knight statue, enter ふしちょう( ょ is small one), hidden room open box and click notes
  3. middle room , set item on wing statue
  4. click switch green > blue > red > green > yellow
  5. talk to monster can start fight, start use item ロッソを呼ぶ
Final Mission :
  1. upper left open box get ハンマー, then upper right click switch
  2. lower left click pot then middle has hidden road to bookstore
  3. in bookstore, middle get 2 item and click notes bookstore A.jpg
  4. upper click notes then under picture enter 3176 passwords.jpg , get 2 item in bookshelf, right click few times has lift bookstore B.jpg
  5. set 4 item can go hidden room bookstore C.jpg , inside open all box
  6. use lift go up, in fight use item ロッソを呼ぶ
  7. roof vs boss, start better use all rege item
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Thanks for the walkthrough. Althoug the dev posted one (with less explication and 0 screenshot) on his Ci-en.
And there a bug in the game (reported and I also suffer from it but the dev's still exploring it) that sometime prevent you from watching the scene or cg in the gallery. So keep save for every scenes for now guys.
(dev game are getting shorter and shorter with a average sized one once in a while :/ )


New member
May 1, 2018
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etigoya always been my idol, i have to check walkthrough topic every weekend to check his post.


Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
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Reluminage -リルミナージュ- walkthrough
  • if get 輝きのメダル talk to レリアム get 3rd choice, if enough number can get reward
  • item > 大事なもの > 帰還石 can teleport back to town
  • 転移の水晶 (can buy in item shop) for teleport to town and other place
Start and Swamp (熱林の沼地) :
  1. inn 2F talk to Adventurer, then NW to dock, talk to witch who in upper of fountain
  2. pub talk to lady Adventurer in upper, give her 1k can get skill
  3. move out town, near middle can get 手作りのお守り, take it to house in lower right of town, talk to man can get 高級な布生地
  4. NE to Swamp 熱林の沼地, 1st area (has crystal) upper left can get スーパープルーン, take it to dock, talk to lady can get 特製サンオイル
  5. swamp deep vs succubus, if hard back to magic house, make 魔導銃 LV.2
Sea Cave (海の洞窟) :
  1. town west to west beach, then north to cave
  2. collect all item then make 魔導銃 LV.3, cave deep vs boss
  3. magic house report to レリアム
  4. west beach can start H-event
アシュリナの塔 and Ending :
  1. town go east to tunnel (塔への廃道), pass it to tower
  2. Tower outside can find key (box in right) and トレーダーバッツ (upper left), key for inn underground and dock's store house, item for man in upper of town, reward 接客の心得
  3. if get item in store + 高級な布生地, weapon shop talk to lady can get new swimming suit
  4. tower 2F 2 side click 2 orb can go 3F
  5. if get 魔法書の紙片1-5, inn 2F talk to witch can get all status up magic book
  6. 5F vs succubus, she power up in fight, better Lv 40+ and used all status up magic book
  7. 6F get item then report to レリアム
  8. inn click table to ending, now has 3 ending, 淫欲度 under 59 or 淫欲度 60-99 or 淫欲度 100, after ending get 1st choice イベント発生前に戻る to before ending, 2nd choice 周回プレイを行う for 2nd play, after ending can get 秩序の白石, use it can make 淫欲度 to 0
  9. make best equip and 魔導銃 LV.4, tower 6F vs another succubus (has power up too), then 淫欲度0 to good ending
Town H :
  • town lower beach, has 特製サンオイル and 淫欲度 20+, click umbrella has H, then talk to man has 2H, next H need 淫欲度 60 80, then next has 3 choice for 2 H, then 淫欲度 100 click umbrella has final H
  • after defeat succubus in swamp, go boss area click big flower, then item shop talk to manager 2 times get 2nd choice, talk to manager again get 2nd choice has H, next H need 淫欲度 40 60 80 100
  • if 淫欲度 80+, セクハラ回数 10+ (sexual harassment how many times), 本番回数 5+(sex how many times), and get 接客の心得, pub talk to master few times can work in pub, has 3 H, tomorrow get work again for 3 H
  • need 淫欲度 100, west beach click tree for H and sailor saw it, when 経験人数 10+ (sex with how many ppl), inn talk to sailor has H, tomorrow talk to him again has new H, if 青姦回数 10+, need change new swimming suit then go west beach talk to him has H
  • man in beach who under tree, if 奉仕回数 10+ (blow job) and sex in west beach, talk to him has H, talk to him again has 2nd H
West beach H :
  • click tree need 淫欲度 60-100
  • if 淫欲度 100, lower talk to man has H, talk to him again for 2nd H
  • if ナンパされた回数 15+ (pick up how many times), town left click board can change new swimming suit to west beach
  • if 異種姦回数 10 (H-attack by monster), west beach go north cave, deep has 5 H
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Dec 27, 2009
Reputation score
If get 魔法書の紙片1-5, inn 2F talk to witch can get all status up magic book
Does anyone have any idea where to find 魔法書の紙片5 ?

Edit* Nvm, you just need to keep exploring the tower.
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
魔法少女セレスフォニア walkthrough
  • If degree of erosion (侵蝕度) over 15, in アルス・メモリア can get key for upper right door
  • If lust (淫欲) is 99 or 199, in room has event can up Lv of lust, so lust has 3 Lv
  • If pregnancy pregnancy.jpg , talk to Memoria (メモリア) get 3rd choice to pregnancy end, has H and 2nd play. Sometime will lost pregnancy if fight a lot? (after ending cant get this bad end?)
  • If 学園評価 is neg, school 2F teacher room talk to teacher has H
  • some bad status need use 淨血カプセル, remove equip need 解呪の霊水, both can buy from teacher who in photography club (写真部) or later can use smartphone buy item
  • if 2nd play, pass left door has choice, 1st is level reset or not, 2nd is virgin or not, 3rd is lust reset or not, 4th is sex EXP reset or not
  • all quest and GoR can ignore if get all H-scene about it
  • change some clothes need for nude.jpg , 100% can nude
  • after ending, talk to Memoria (メモリア), choice アイテム生成, get アナザーメモリー and use it can open all H-scene
Start :
  1. upper left click book
  2. room click book, talk to Memoria (メモリア) choice アイテム生成, use SI make ink (魂のインク)
    for repair skill book in 2F, 記憶の鍵 for key to h-scene room (lower left), 翼のカード for back to home, go up stair click book, if get skill book better choice エングラム装備 equip it. Start better get 治療魔法I, because talk to Memoria choice <怪魔の魂片>を浄化, equip it can up 40% SI, if Lv 20 get 治療魔法III, equip 治療魔法I or II + 治療魔法III or IV will up to 80%
  3. back to room sleep
  4. to エチノミヤ駅前, go to upper station, train to エチノミヤ南(学園方面)
  5. go to 私立エチノミヤ学園
  6. up to 3F to 3-1 classroom
  7. to ハヅキの家
Chapter 1 :
  1. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) school's photography club (写真部) talk to glasses student, choice 撮影 for take photo (lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  2. if get きらきらメダル, station talk to student 3 times, get 2nd choice can exchange item
  3. (can ignore) go to 喫茶店, talk to waitress then click left can work
  4. go to 住宅地, click darkness ? in lower then can go to sewer (下水道)
  5. after fight sometime can get 怪魔の魂片, use it can get double SI (but up degree of erosion 侵蝕度, if want chapter 3 get degree of erosion end better use it) or talk to Memoria (メモリア) choice <怪魔の魂片>を浄化 can get SI
  6. if GoR can get 穢れの記憶, in H-scene room talk to Memoria (メモリア), choice 穢れの記憶について then get 2nd choice can exchange power up item
  7. deep vs boss (GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H, boss will reborn in chapter 6)
Chapter 2 :
  1. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) if 学園評価 is neg, school 2F teacher room talk to teacher has H (lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  2. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) if lust Lv2 and go station get train, sometime has molester (clothes, time and 支配度 will change encounter ration), better get all 3rd choice for H, total 2H
  3. go to 総合病院 and アルス・メモリア, if make doll on she will go to school, but need 1 SI/day, if want 学園評価 to neg better ignore it
  4. go to school > photography club (写真部), talk to teacher can buy or make item. Now talk to glasses student or home click PC, choice ミッション受諾 can get quest
  5. go to エチノミヤ市街地, go to north area, upper left click purple core has fight. Middle of north area has shop, it only open at night
  6. go to アルス・メモリア
  7. (can ignore) go to sewer, boss room has hidden road (if get and equip book 探索II-IV can see hidden road)
  8. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene and teacher end) if get gym clothes (体操着), morning or noon to school's gymnasium (体育館) click ! event, then sunset go gymnasium again talk to teacher 2 times has 2 type H, lust lv 2 has 2 new H, after 4H and lust lv 3 talk to teacher can go his house in middle of 住宅地, night talk to him has H, then gymnasium again talk to teacher can get last 2H
  9. (can ignore) if get gym clothes (体操着), school outside can up AGI
  10. school's swimming pool talk to friend, has swimming suit click swimming pool can up HP
  11. go to エチノミヤ駅前, middle talk to ! mask guy, then can go to マカイ地区, レネゲードの拠点 and get quest <FREE>レネゲード制圧
  12. if 瘴気汚染 over 50 then move out dungeon, can go マジック☆サルヴ for massage, can down 侵蝕度 and 瘴気汚染 (lust Lv2 and 3 has new H) , talk to manager choice 膏薬の材料集め, if get 5 粘液 (from slime) to him, then massage price down to half
  13. マカイ地区, near entrance merchant can sell item, merchant how in upper can buy デーモンカード for GoR, ラッキーカード for the day item drop ration double
  14. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) マカイ地区 go lower right get item, when move back get 2nd choice for H (lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  15. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) if clear quest <FREE>レネゲード制圧, home click PC can choice DoeroTubeを見る, then go photography club (写真部) talk to student can get item . Now home click PC can choice 配信する, choice it again then choice エッチな配信 for H (lust Lv2 has 1 new H, Lv3 has 2 new H)
  16. レネゲードの拠点 5F click device for big door to 6F, 6F vs boss (GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H, boss will reborn in chapter 6)
Quest :
  • 銭湯の異変 : go to おあしずの湯, to female side big bathroom click star has fight (win or lose also has H), then photography club (写真部) talk to teacher
  • 銭湯の異変2 : photography club (写真部) talk to teacher choice 物資作成(特殊) > make デモンフィッシャー, then go to おあしずの湯, female side click star then catch monster, then 羞恥経験 over 50 and lust Lv2? can go male side from female side (Lv3 has new H)
  • 電車の調査 : morning go to station, choice 電車の調査(ミッション), then photography club (写真部) talk to teacher
  • <FREE>怪魔討伐作戦 : go to 廃屋[怪魔の巣] defeat all monster (GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  • <FREE>レネゲード制圧 : go to 市街[レネゲード出現中] defeat all enemy (GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
Chapter 3 :
  1. (2nd play ignore it if get this bad end) if degree of erosion (侵蝕度) = 100, go to new area will go to bad end, total 4 H and restart game (after ending cant get this bad end)
  2. if station talk to lovers can go to beach (エチノビーチ)
  3. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) beach upper right talk to man, if lust over 100 has H (lust Lv3 has new H)
  4. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) エチノミヤ市街地 north, lower right building talk to manager, then go 2F has H (lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  5. photography club (写真部), talk to glasses, get ☆ quest
  6. go to 市街(ミッション) has 2 fight
  7. go to エチノミヤ繁華街, talk to Inspector then back to home
  8. go to photography club (写真部), tomorrow get phone can go to 封鎖市街 (normal enemy has GoR h-scene, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  9. better defeat all black core, deep vs boss (GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H, boss will reborn in chapter 6)
Quest :
  • 公園の怪人 : night to 市民公園, lower right event, then night to 市民公園 again, go to toilet can start event, need 羞恥経験 over 30, in park start 4 event then go to male toilet has H (lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  • <FREE>汚染コア破壊作戦 : go to 繁華街南[汚染コア発現] defeat black core (GoR same as <FREE>レネゲード制圧)
Chapter 4 :
photography club (写真部), talk to glasses student, get 2 ☆ quest

if 行方不明の養護教諭 :
  1. go to 3-1 classroom
  2. back to home, if get anime from smartphone, go to アルス・メモリア talk to Memoria (メモリア)
  3. back to home then go to photography club (写真部)
  4. night to エチノミヤ繁華街, left talk to man then upper talk to man, go north to club talk to counter can get bunny clothes. エチノミヤ繁華街 south area, upper right book shop better buy 5 book and use it
  5. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) back to south area, upper right talk to friend has H, then go upper left talk to man can prostitution (need lust over 100). After H can use item 重要 > smartphone (スマートフォン) > ぺあLinkを起動, choice pink color message, then night go to エチノミヤ繁華街 find NPC for H, has 3 type pink color message (price is different, each NPC has 2 H)
  6. sunset or night go to club (秘密クラブ), click upper right can work, if in work all get 3rd choice and lust over 100 has H (lust Lv3 has new H)
  7. after work, outside club near man in left can get key
  8. morning or noon go to club can go underground, now cant change to magic girl (if HP = 0 has GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  9. B4 can change to magic girl (normal enemy has GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H)
  10. deep vs boss (GoR has 2 type, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H, boss will reborn in chapter 6)
if 怪しい薬物の調査 :
  1. 2-2 classroom outside talk to student
  2. night go to エチノミヤ繁華街, upper left talk to man
  3. go to マカイ地区, keep go east, (GoR 2 times has H, lust Lv3 has new H, if remove bad status maybe need lost more times)
  4. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) in east area, toilet outside talk to man has H (need lust over 100, lust Lv3 has new H)
  5. in east area, upper right to shop, talk to bunny girl get 2nd choice 取引する then アルバイトする for H (if lust too low need get 1st choice pay $, lust Lv3 has new H)
  6. go to 薬の取引場所 then can go to 廃工場
  7. in 廃工場 better destroy all black core, deep vs boss (GoR)
Quest :
  • 学園の異変 : アルス・メモリア talk to Memoria (メモリア), get 4th choice > better equip 心の錠前 (エチノミヤ市街地 north area, lower right building 2F hidden road
    ) and 胡蝶のピアス (shop in エチノミヤ繁華街
    ) , school destroy all candle (if 催眠深度 high, 3-1 class room, 3F 美術部 and gymnasium has H, school uniform to school can get new school uniform) > after destroy all candle, school outside click back of statue has hidden road to underground, need destroy candle or cant pass, deep vs boss (boss will reborn in chapter 6, if lose and 催眠深度 high, school 3F has H, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H ). If defeat hidden boss school hidden boss.jpg 2 times get 2 key item + get 2 夢色の絵具 in school dungeon + buy pot in station, go to アルス・メモリア upper right area, has 裏錬成 can make box 目覚めの箱 for change 催眠深度 in room
  • Quest <FREE>レネゲード戦闘部隊 : 市街[レネゲード戦闘部隊], defeat all enemy, (GoR same as <FREE>レネゲード制圧)
  • Quest <FREE>危険な怪樹 : 森林公園[怪魔出現中], defeat all monster
  • Quest 電車の調査II (item from this chapter dungeon) : photography club (写真部) talk to teacher choice 物資作成(特殊) > make 瘴視グラス and equip it, then morning go to station, choice 電車の調査(ミッション) can go to 駅・乗り場, east has boss (GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H, boss will reborn in chapter 6)

(2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) if get bad status 奇生 tentacle.jpg , go station by train or morning/noon go to school 3-1 classroom study has H (need 催眠深度 0 and 1 time normal study), lust Lv2 and 3 has new H
Chapter 5 :
  1. go to school's swimming pool then morning/noon go to beach (エチノビーチ)
  2. (2nd play can ignore it if get all H-scene) if 学園評価 is neg (over 20? school H.jpg ), school 1F left talk to student has H, 2nd H is lust Lv2 talk to him then go to swimming pool's male changing room, talk to him again, after H go to swimming pool talk to friend has H, 3rd H is lust Lv3 talk to student in male changing room
  3. go to テレビ局, talk to Inspector
  4. deep vs boss (GoR, lust Lv2 and 3 has new H, boss will reborn in chapter 6)
Quest --- <FREE>監視する魔眼 : go to 市街駐車場[怪魔出現中] defeat all monster
Chapter 6 :
  • go to 下水道, deep vs boss
  • go to photography club (写真部) then go to 総合病院, now all dungeon boss reborn each day
  • go to 市民公園's lady toilet, click locker to ドクターのラボ
  • ドクターのラボ, if pass duct has H (total 3H)
  • click device enter soul can open door (if not soul check 4 メモの切れ端)
  • deep vs boss
Quest --- <FREE>レネゲード精鋭部隊 : go to 市街[レネゲード精鋭部隊] defeat all enemy (GoR same as other)
Chapter 7 :
  1. go to アンダーベース, some area need click device
  2. (2nd play can ignore it if get this H-scene) if now go deep defeat boss, has H same as GoR or 支配度 100
  3. go to アルス・メモリア, get all book in upper bookshelf can get key for final boss.jpg , pass upper left door click new book
  4. go to アンダーベース again defeat boss will go to darkness area
  5. deep vs final boss, if teacher of gymnastic get all H-scene to his ending teacher end.jpg , if not and lust Lv3 to lust ending
Quest --- <FREE>謎の怪魔? : go to 倉庫跡[極めて危険な敵] defeat boss
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
サキュバス☆コネクト!! walkthrough
  • if battle has bug, F4 change to full screen
  1. follow soul, NW to stele, in fight use 手コキ then use サキュバス変身
  2. pass forest to town (エストの町)
  3. if get any achievement (じっせき), left well can open box
  4. left talk to Lv1 man and start fight, now can H with Lv5 guy or lower, Lv2 boy in right house is NG
  5. If get SP, menu choice スキルツリー for new skill or power up, if enough SP better get パイスリ paisuri.jpg
  6. middle to shop, then go to shop again click alchemy pot can go to mine (ガイア鉱山)
  7. house has ! that near town entrance, if skill used over 15 times then talk to him can get SP
  8. mine use trolley train to next area, all switch to right and H with 2 miner can open blue box
  9. back to ground, another trolley to next area, all switch to right then use trolley to deep, H with miner
  10. get key then back to ground, open door and use lift to B5, deep vs leader of miner, after quest alchemy pot can make new item
  11. if Lv5 and clear mine, can go to hill (ドリアス山)
  12. cave near hill top, open red box has fight
  13. hill's forest, tent vs boss
  14. go to succubus castle (淫魔城), if Lv5 can break 1st barrier, then each 5 level can break one barrier
  15. back to town, now can H with all male
  16. if enough SP, better get 足コキ and セックス skill 2.jpg
  17. talk to Lv2 boy in right house, then town upper, back of fountain can find him, then upper left box can find him again > item shop > pub has fight > home of boy has H
  18. talk to pub master can get quest, then talk to item shop manager can go to cave (浜辺の洞窟)
  19. Lv9 or higher go to cave, deep defeat boss (need care H attack) and get quest item, then talk to item shop manager
  20. go to item shop can go to marshland (テンタクラ―沼地)
  21. Lv12 or higher go to marshland
  22. defeat red, yellow blue and purple insect can vs boss
  23. if make 超☆媚薬, upper talk to captain captain.jpg , get 1st choice > 2nd > 2nd will catch to jail, click hole on ground then talk to guard, then move out jail has H
  24. if not v1.03, before Lv15 better H battle with inn manager (3rd choice) or has bug later
  25. if Lv15, go to inn and rest has event, tomorrow can go to forset of spirit 精霊の森, entrance talk to spirit
  26. 1st maze area (keep fail to area has item), give 3 ルビーベリー to spirit will know follow purple mushroom is right
  27. before 2nd maze area, talk to mushroom get 2nd choice two times (pay 150$) will teleport to last area (and no boss)
  28. 2nd maze area (keep fail to area has item) is take the blue arrow blue arrow.jpg
  29. 3rd maze area (keep fail to area has item) is defeat will get memo, defeat 3 group monster can get full memo maze 3.jpg
  30. if has boss defeat it then go to tree house
  31. back to town, right house talk to man for fight, but cant do any damage, then go to item shop talk to manager can go to orc cave (オークの洞窟)
  32. orc cave deep click box will vs orc king, after fight get item
  33. use alchemy pot make 妊娠薬 then go right house for H
  34. Lv20 go to succubus castle (淫魔城) break last barrier, then north to queen room
  35. pub talk to 2 guy then go up has fight
  36. forest deep to stele
  37. go to succubus castle (淫魔城), east to archive, click upper right bookshelf can go hidden room
  38. 2 side break 2 crystal
  39. road to queen room vs brother, in fight defeat 2 crystal
  40. deep vs succubus, after ending need save for fighting anime in h-scene room


Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
淫乱アルケミスト・リルフィ ~私、淫乱なんかじゃありません~ walkthrough
  • 天使の羽 for back to map
  • stimulant (興奮剤) can up 20 発情度
Start and Rank F :
  1. to alchemy pot choice 精気錬金 > アイテム > ポーション
  2. peeing has 4 H, go to toilet or home choice おしっこ > ここでおしっこする or home choice おしっこ > おしっこを漏らす or 尿意 max in town
  3. excretion need オプション > 排泄表現 ON, has 4 scene, go to toilet get 2nd choice or 便意 max in home or 便意 max in town or 便意 max near other NPC
  4. home left to guild, 2nd choice or 1st choice GoR has H
  5. lower left house 2F talk to boy and near fountain talk to boy has H, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H
  6. other male has 2 type H, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H
  7. guild talk to manager, 1st choice get quest (2nd for report), talk to manager (4th choice) can go to grassland (南の草原)
  8. item shop get 3rd choice can buy book, then home click book that in alchemy pot lower can make new item
  9. town east to casino, talk to bunny girl who near entrance, get 5th choice 2 times has H and 5k coin, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H and 20k coin
rank F quest :
  • ポーションの納品 --- need 3 ポーション
  • エーテル納品 --- need 3 エーテル
  • 大ネズミ討伐 --- grassland defeat 6 mouse
  • スライム討伐 --- grassland defeat 6 slime
  • 薬草採取 --- need 5 薬草
  • 盗賊討伐 --- grassland lower left can find thief hideout, deep vs thief boss (2 fight), then lower left has 2H

grassland (南の草原) :
  • slime has GoR, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H
  • defeat fairy has H, then back to home talk to teacher can make フタナリ薬, then defeat fairy has 2nd H
other event or quest :
  • talk to man in lower left house can get quest, give 興奮剤 to him
  • talk to woman who nearby fountain can get quest, give 興奮剤 to her
  • if choice オナニー 3 times, back to home after event, choice オナニー has new choice for new H
  • if 名声 4 or higher, go to guild can get quest 巨乳薬の納品, back to home can make 巨乳薬, then go to guild report. 巨乳薬 and 縮乳薬 can change breast side
  • if get 巨乳薬 and 縮乳薬, town west to brothel, entrance talk to staff then back entrance talk to manager can prostitution
  • after 2 times prostitution will get quest 若返りの薬の納品, back to home make 若返りの薬 then go to brothel area
  • after quest 若返りの薬の納品, brothel back entrance talk to manager will get quest 若返りの薬の納品, make 若返りの薬 to him has H, then 発情度 60+ and has 若返りの薬, talk to manager get 2nd choice has 2nd H
  • if 名声 8 or higher, talk to guild manager has H
  • if 名声 10 or higher, go to guild can get quest 縮乳薬の納品, back to home make 縮乳薬 to guild
  • if 名声 12 or higher, talk to guild manager can get quest [緊急] ポーション納品, make 5 ポーション to item shop manager
  • if 名声 16 or higher, go to guild can get quest 母乳薬の納品, back to home make 母乳薬 to church
Rank E : 名声 20 can up to rank E, talk to guild manager (4th choice) can go to west forest (西の森)
rank E quest :
  • 興奮剤納品 --- need 2 興奮剤
  • ウルフ討伐 --- west forest defeat 6 wolf
  • ゴブリン討伐 --- west forest defeat 6 goblin
  • マジックハーブ採取 --- need 5 マジックハーブ
  • 毒消し草採取 --- need 5 毒消し草
  • 銅鉱石採掘 --- need 5 銅鉱石
west forest (西の森) :
  • west forest, goblin has GoR, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H
  • forest north help lady knight
other event or quest :
  • shop buy お菓子のレシピ1 and make 食べ物 > クッキー, then talk to teacher get 4th choice お茶会をする > クッキーを出す, then talk to her again get 2nd choice has H
  • rank E and clear 緊急 ポーション納品 and 2 maid quest can get quest [指名] 巨乳薬納品, make 巨乳薬 to guard who in north Lord's House entrance
  • if 名声 26 or higher, guild talk to manager has H (can skip)
  • if 名声 30 or higher, guild talk to manager can get quest [緊急] ポーション納品2, make 5 ポーション to item shop manager
  • after quest [緊急] ポーション納品2 can get quest レズH用品の作成, back to home make 魔動バイブ to girl who in item shop, then back to home choice オナニー has new choice for new H (need 魔動バイブ ) and can go to Lord's House
  • in Lord's house, entrance talk to maid chief can get work, after 廊下掃除 has new choice, get お嬢様の部屋の掃除 3 times has H
  • if 名声 36 or higher, guild talk to manager can get quest [指名] 巨乳薬納品2, make 巨乳薬 to north Lord's House, entrance talk to guard. After quest inside talk to maid chief, has 母乳薬 then choice 若様の部屋の掃除 4 times has H
Rank D : 名声 40 can up to rank D, talk to guild manager (4th choice) can go to hill's cave (山の洞窟)
rank D quest :
  • 巨乳薬納品 --- need 2 巨乳薬
  • 縮乳薬納品 --- need 2 縮乳薬
  • 穴グマ討伐 --- hill's cave defeat 3 bear
  • ローパー討伐 --- hill's cave defeat 6 tentacle
  • 甘い蜜採取 --- need 3 甘い蜜
  • 鉄鉱石採掘 --- need 5 鉄鉱石
hill's cave (山の洞窟) :
  • tentacle has GoR, 発情度 60+ has 2nd and 3rd H
  • in cave 2F click red magic circle has H
  • hill top help holy knight
  • boss in hill top for item in cave only, can ignore
other event or quest :
  • shop buy お菓子のレシピ2 and make 食べ物 > 🥨プレッツェル, then talk to teacher get 4th choice お茶会をする > 🥨プレッツェルを出す, then talk to her again get 2nd choice has H
  • Lord's house talk to maid chief, choice お嬢様の部屋の掃除, 若様の部屋の掃除 (need 母乳薬 and breast side is biggest) and 旦那様の部屋の掃除 has H
  • if 名声 46 or higher, guild talk to manager has H
  • if 名声 50 or higher, back to home has event, make 翌日に響かないムチ to guard who in Lord's house entrance, then talk to maid chief has H
Rank C : 名声 60 can up to rank C, talk to guild manager (4th choice) can go to volcano's cave (火山洞窟)
rank C quest :
  • 母乳薬納品 --- need 2 母乳薬
  • バイブ納品 --- need 魔動バイブ
  • ハーピー討伐 --- volcano's cave defeat 4 harpy
  • サラマンダー討伐 --- volcano's cave defeat 9 salamander
  • 銀鉱石採掘 --- need 5 銀鉱石
volcano's cave (火山洞窟) :
  • orc has GoR, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H
  • B1 click red magic circle has H
  • B2 help lady knight
  • after help lady knight, inn talk to her, then home make 魔動アナルバイブ to her. Now back to home, make 1 more 魔動アナルバイブ, choice オナニー has 2 new choice for 2 new H
other event or quest :
  • Lord's house talk to maid chief, get 3-6 choice has H
  • need 若返りの薬, go brothel prostitution, get 2nd choice x 2 has H, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H
  • shop buy お菓子のレシピ3 and make 食べ物 > プリン, then talk to teacher get 4th choice お茶会をする > プリンを出す, then talk to her again get 2nd choice has H
  • if 名声 66 or higher, guild talk to manager has H
  • if 名声 70 or higher, guild talk to manager can get new quest 太陽石の納品, make 太陽石 then report
Rank B : 名声 80 can up to rank B, talk to guild manager (4th choice) can go to undersea cave (海底洞窟)
rank B quest :
  • アナルバイブ納品 --- need 魔動アナルバイブ
  • 魔法ムチ納品 --- need 翌日に響かないムチ
  • サハギン討伐 --- undersea cave defeat 3 shark man
  • 大クラゲ討伐 --- undersea cave defeat 3 large jellyfish
  • 金鉱石採掘 --- need 3 金鉱石
undersea cave (海底洞窟)
  • B1 click red magic circle has H
  • B3 click campfire, then vs kraken has GoR, 発情度 60+ has 2nd H, defeat kraken for item only, can ignore
  • 2F vs hydra for item only, can ignore
other event or quest :
  • Lord's house talk to maid chief, get 3rd, 4th and 6th choice has H, then back to home make 処女膜再生薬, use it back to virgin, then Lord's house talk to maid chief, get 3rd has H
  • shop buy お菓子のレシピ4 and make 食べ物 > 🍰ケーキ, then talk to teacher get 4th choice お茶会をする > 🍰ケーキを出す, then talk to her again get 2nd choice has H
Rank A : 名声 100 can up to rank A, talk to guild manager (4th choice) can go to abandoned castle (廃城)
rank A quest :
  • 覚醒ポーション納品 --- need 2 覚醒ポーション
  • ガーゴイル討伐 --- defeat 3 gargoyle
  • デーモン討伐 --- defeat 3 demon
abandoned castle (廃城) :
  • 1F click red magic circle has H
  • demon king in castle 3F for item only (has 3 fight), can ignore
other event or quest :
  • Lord's house talk to chief, get 3rd choice has H
  • shop buy お菓子のレシピ5 and make 食べ物 > チョコショートケーキ, then talk to teacher get 4th choice お茶会をする > チョコショートケーキを出す, then talk to her again get 2nd choice has H
Ending :
  1. 名声 120 can up to rank S
  2. west forest (西の森), deep talk to elf can get 世界樹の葉
  3. inn talk to holy knight, get 1st choice she will join, with her go to volcano's cave (火山洞窟), deep vs fire dragon can get 火竜の牙
  4. casino use 50k coin exchange 地竜の角
  5. buy or make 100 gold bar
  6. click alchemy pot choice 賢者の石を作る, after defeat succubus has choice, 1st choice (2nd is same as 1st one) and 3rd choice to different ending
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2009
Reputation score
On the game 淫乱アルケミスト・リルフィ ~私、淫乱なんかじゃありません~, I can't leave town as it displays the following message:

What do I need to do?


Dec 27, 2009
Reputation score
There's a bug 淫乱アルケミスト・リルフィ ~私、淫乱なんかじゃありません~ game where when you're about to fight the demon king a 3rd time, you're presented 2 choices. Both choices lead to a 'jump' variable null error...


Oct 15, 2018
Reputation score
IS there a complete savefile available ?? O some way to unlock gallery ??


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
IS there a complete savefile available ?? O some way to unlock gallery ??
If Etigoya made a walkthough, then he got a save file avaiable in his google drive (check is signature).
Old game save might have been shared on the late HF thread so they are dead, better look for the game thread on ulmf.


Oct 15, 2018
Reputation score
If Etigoya made a walkthough, then he got a save file avaiable in his google drive (check is signature).
Old game save might have been shared on the late HF thread so they are dead, better look for the game thread on ulmf.
I was checking his old drive, thanks a lot!


New member
May 1, 2018
Reputation score
@etigoya can you make a walkthrough of this game . ?
alot of site already made a walkthrough for it but they didn't explain how the craft work and how to obtain rare item or side quest for recipes.