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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Is that with the Survival skill you can create special ammo? I've never really bothered with the special ammo I tend to stick with the normal ammo though since getting the Ballistic Fist I haven't had any need to use any guns.

That with the repair skill at 90, i learned all recipes. i also got the perk jury rigging. I can Repair guns with the dumbest combinations. I can repair a Lever-action Shotgun with a hunting rifle or a varmint rifle. Specail ammo Kicks fucking ass dude. I can one shot These giant radscorpians with the .44 mysterious revolver with the specail ammo, plus, every shot, if not into the flesh, knocks off -15 on their DT, not to mention the mysterious revolver has a high rate of fire.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

That with the repair skill at 90, i learned all recipes. i also got the perk jury rigging. I can Repair guns with the dumbest combinations. I can repair a Lever-action Shotgun with a hunting rifle or a varmint rifle. Specail ammo Kicks fucking ass dude. I can one shot These giant radscorpians with the .44 mysterious revolver with the specail ammo, plus, every shot, if not into the flesh, knocks off -15 on their DT, not to mention the mysterious revolver has a high rate of fire.

Wow, sounds like I'll need to hoard special ammo in my next playthrough. My first playthrough is just to get a feel of the game world and to find out the story, in my next playthrough I've planned to put Intelligence and Charismas to about 9 and have Strength and Endurance at about 3-4 with the rest left pretty much alone. I'll also be tagging Guns, Repair and Speech because I plan on either talking my way out of things and if that fails put distance between me and my opponents and blow them away. I'll also be taking speech related perks over anything unless I can't get any at certain levels.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Wow, sounds like I'll need to hoard special ammo in my next playthrough. My first playthrough is just to get a feel of the game world and to find out the story, in my next playthrough I've planned to put Intelligence and Charismas to about 9 and have Strength and Endurance at about 3-4 with the rest left pretty much alone. I'll also be tagging Guns, Repair and Speech because I plan on either talking my way out of things and if that fails put distance between me and my opponents and blow them away. I'll also be taking speech related perks over anything unless I can't get any at certain levels.

lol awesome dude. Im just going through as a Gun type person with high repair because of the repair skill and breaking down ammo to make even better shit. My next charecter will have high energy weapons, high science, high explosives, that way i can Turn drained powercells useful, convert ammo, or create new plasma stuff.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

lol awesome dude. Im just going through as a Gun type person with high repair because of the repair skill and breaking down ammo to make even better shit. My next charecter will have high energy weapons, high science, high explosives, that way i can Turn drained powercells useful, convert ammo, or create new plasma stuff.

I've already planned all my different faction playthroughs;

Mr. House-
Energy Weapons, Lockpick and Science

Caesar's Legion-
Melee Weapons, Unarmed and Survival

Yes Man-
Barter, Speech and Medicine/Science

Also, what the fuck has this modder done to ?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I've already planned all my different faction playthroughs;

Mr. House-
Energy Weapons, Lockpick and Science

Caesar's Legion-
Melee Weapons, Unarmed and Survival

Yes Man-
Barter, Speech and Medicine/Science

Also, what the fuck has this modder done to ?

What the FUCK indeed. That doesnt seem right at all o_O. Is he...is IT still a guy?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Finding out that my local drug store sells vibrators.

Granted, they've got them labeled as "finger massagers" or "personal massagers" or whatnot, but they've got, like, four different kinds. And vibrating cock rings, too. I was trying so hard not to bust a gut when I was waiting to pick up my mom's prescription today.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Finding out that my local drug store sells vibrators.

Granted, they've got them labeled as "finger massagers" or "personal massagers" or whatnot, but they've got, like, four different kinds. And vibrating cock rings, too. I was trying so hard not to bust a gut when I was waiting to pick up my mom's prescription today.

I know drug stores around here sell cock rings and such, but I don't know about vibrators.

Though, finding some at the drug store might be cheaper... still I'll drop some money on any personal purchases to know I got something good.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I know drug stores around here sell cock rings and such, but I don't know about vibrators.

Though, finding some at the drug store might be cheaper... still I'll drop some money on any personal purchases to know I got something good.

It's against the law to sell sex toys in Ga. That's why all the sex toy shops are labeled as "Novelty" shops, and the items are novelty as well. It makes me laugh my ass off every time I think about it.

But oh man, playing D&D last night made me giddy as hell. Not only did we managed to solve a riddle keeping a guy under the influence of a polymorph spell, we also managed to get him back to normal AND gain two new party members, the first four of whom are Chaotic Neutral. We have a sorceress with Copper Dragon heritage, a fighter who is good at stabbitying but not so good at the thinking, an "Exotic Dancer" Bard, a rogue with skill points out the ass who keeps making passes at the Bard, and we managed to pick up an Arcane archer that we met while he was running from a troll, and the the guy who was polymorphed? A good aligned Cleric.

Adventuring will be... fun. XD
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


It's against the law to sell sex toys in Ga. That's why all the sex toy shops are labeled as "Novelty" shops, and the items are novelty as well. It makes me laugh my ass off every time I think about it.

But oh man, playing D&D last night made me giddy as hell. Not only did we managed to solve a riddle keeping a guy under the influence of a polymorph spell, we also managed to get him back to normal AND gain two new party members, the first four of whom are Chaotic Neutral. We have a sorceress with Copper Dragon heritage, a fighter who is good at stabbitying but not so good at the thinking, an "Exotic Dancer" Bard, a rogue with skill points out the ass who keeps making passes at the Bard, and we managed to pick up an Arcane archer that we met while he was running from a troll, and the the guy who was polymorphed? A good aligned Cleric.

Adventuring will be... fun. XD

...there are people who still play D&D who are as awesome as you are? Well, i feel allot better! haha. I still play some old rpg's, i recently got for like 3 bucks, Final fantasy 1 for the PSP. I keep forgetting when you revive someone, they ONLY have 1 hp. So i went to fight some more to level up, and got bitch slapped because we all didnt have any health at all.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


It's against the law to sell sex toys in Ga. That's why all the sex toy shops are labeled as "Novelty" shops, and the items are novelty as well. It makes me laugh my ass off every time I think about it.

But oh man, playing D&D last night made me giddy as hell. Not only did we managed to solve a riddle keeping a guy under the influence of a polymorph spell, we also managed to get him back to normal AND gain two new party members, the first four of whom are Chaotic Neutral. We have a sorceress with Copper Dragon heritage, a fighter who is good at stabbitying but not so good at the thinking, an "Exotic Dancer" Bard, a rogue with skill points out the ass who keeps making passes at the Bard, and we managed to pick up an Arcane archer that we met while he was running from a troll, and the the guy who was polymorphed? A good aligned Cleric.

Adventuring will be... fun. XD

That reminds me of a campaign me and a group played a couple of years ago. We had only just started and were in the city that we started in, it was nighttime and my character (a chaotic neutral Rogue) was breaking into people's houses to steal their cutlery. Because he liked cutlery. Anyway, another player, his character if I remember correctly was also chaotic neutral but a Fighter went to murder some homeless guy after tripping up on him. He only managed to grieviously wound him giving the hobo time to call out. The local guards heard the cries of the bum, chased my friends character who happened to charge into a house that I was currently stealing from and woke the residents. In a panic we slaughtered the husband and wife in front of their child (who we didn't see at the time) and after alerting the rest of the players we fled the city BEFORE getting whatever quest the DM planned for us. Needless to say the campaign ended up as all of us fleeing and/or killing people who were coming to claim the bounties on our heads. A shame we never finished that.

...there are people who still play D&D who are as awesome as you are? Well, i feel allot better! haha. I still play some old rpg's, i recently got for like 3 bucks, Final fantasy 1 for the PSP. I keep forgetting when you revive someone, they ONLY have 1 hp. So i went to fight some more to level up, and got bitch slapped because we all didnt have any health at all.

I have such a hard on for FF1. Every team I make I need to have at least one Red Mage, and for my first 'proper' playthrough I had a whole team of Red Mages. Even though they don't get access to the most powerful spells in my opinion (though I may be biased) it is the best team because it is the most well rounded. You've got a team that can fight competently with swords and black magic, heal pretty well as well as soak up enough damage. Who wouldn't want that? Though they do cost a lot to keep up to date. My team at the end when I got to Chaos was Lv.99, and they raped the shit out of him.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Thanks Darmy. My sorceress is cursed with the urge to seek knowledge. Everything from, what does that mystical scroll say to who is banging the farmer's wife. But over the years she's learned to... direct it. I love playing her so much, I'll see if I can scan the picture my best friend drew for me :'D

@Oni: That sounds like it was a fun campaign! My god, but can you imagine having a Good aligned Cleric along with you? My party is going to have to be sneaky. Babysitters drive me bonkers sometimes XD Our fighter last night kept botching his hide and move silently checks. So when the troll comes screaming out of the forest, he's hiding behind a tree... the wrong way... with his back to the troll. XD
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Fun is a word you could use. Chaotic is another. But yeah, it was really fun to play mostly because we never knew what was coming our way next. Thankfully one small remote village hadn't heard of what we had done before we arrived there so our characters did end up with beds to sleep in at one point. And that fighter sounds like a liability. Maybe an accident should happen?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

He's the one that finally managed to kill it too... And Ben plays him so well, it's hysterical to watch. Anytime we've got something to discuss that flies over his head, he pick up one of his dice and plays with it with the exclamation of, "Ooh! Shiny!"
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Lol fair enough. I take it he's new to DnD then? And if worse comes to worse his character will make for an excellent meat shield. It's uh...it's not like I've done that before...
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Yeah, he's even more new to it than I am, but he's a quick learner.

With three party members that have a cha of 17+, he'll be more than willing to be a meat shield for the pretty ladies, if it comes to that XD
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ah, charisma. It's one of the few things that actually kept my rogue alive long enough. That and killing everything that tried to capture me.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


It's against the law to sell sex toys in Ga. That's why all the sex toy shops are labeled as "Novelty" shops, and the items are novelty as well. It makes me laugh my ass off every time I think about it.

It's against the law? Can I ask what the reasoning behind such a thing is?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I loooved FF2 and FF2, they are actually My favorite in the entire FF series. I usually go classic warrior, theif, black and white mages. They start off slow, but once they upgrade to their next class, oh shit do they become powerful! Especially ninja's who can throw fuckin anything! I loved FF2 just because it was so rare to see an RPG like FF embrace the idea that you had to actually use weapons and speklls to be proficient with them.

Also, No problem chibi, or Big sissy, whatever you prefer. I love a good dnd, but ive never gotten into it in the long run, i never could find enough friends XD. I used to RP with a couple friends until we just kinda stopped. dont know why either.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ah, charisma. It's one of the few things that actually kept my rogue alive long enough. That and killing everything that tried to capture me.

Friend of mine had ok-ish Charisma, but his little halfing Rogue "The Black Ferret" Thought he was the most charming man alive. Imagine Zorro, shrunk, with less charisma, a rubber ball, and a tendency to botch his own rolls for amusement purposes.

@Sin: I couldn't tell ya. It was a law that was put into affect a long time ago, and never got changed I guess.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ergh, FF2. The 'leveling' system turned me right off it. It was so much more slower than actual leveling and I never seemed to be able to increase my stats all that well.