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Where in the world is LM?

Re: Where in the world is LM?

its more than a tradition in dtt and nearly always work, so after years of investigation with animals named bartnum we reach the conclusion that also work in the real world

Re: Where in the world is LM?

Lynch Bartnum! What? You said it was a tradition... can't I be festive too?

I don't know what I'd do to him if I found him. It's not like we can force him to finish the damn thing...
Re: Where in the world is LM?

That's an interesting point, actually.

Why does everybody lynch me?
Re: Where in the world is LM?

bartnum is epic fool me thinks


Also, don't you think it's a little ironic that you're trying to lynch me, which is just what the fool wants?
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Unless you're trying to make us think you're the fool, when you're really a demon, then lynching you is exactly what we want.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

or your trying to make us think that we think that your a demon pretending to be the fool to make us think that we think your really a demon but then to make us think that your really the fool to um........ yea....
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Garfield: The game's up, Bartnum. There are no more bullets left in that gun.
Bartnum: Oh, come on, you don't think I'm gonna fall for that old trick?
Garfield: It's not a trick. There was one shot at Mr. Boddy in the Study; two for the chandelier; two at the Lounge door and one for the singing telegram.
Bartnum: That's not six.
Garfield: One plus two plus two plus one.
Bartnum: Uh-uh, there was only one shot that got the chandelier. That's one plus two plus *one* plus one.
Garfield: Even if you were right, that would be one plus one plus two plus one, not one plus *two* plus one plus one.
Bartnum: Okay, fine. One plus two plus one... Shut up! The point is, there is one bullet left in this gun and guess who's gonna get it!
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Copper: I'm a plant
Keylo: I thought people like you were called a fruit
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Raptor: Yes. Yes, I did it. I killed Toxic. I hated her, so much... it-it- the f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breath...
Re: Where in the world is LM?

For some reason, I've had the habit of, whenever someone asks me to get something. I pull the "PICKED UP THE DAGGER! RUUUUN DOWN THE HALL!" And I do it with all the same full body motion too.... No one ever gets it.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

That's a shame. Clue is such a classic. And you can't get away with half the shit they did in that movie now-a-days. (Well, I suppose you can, but it isn't as funny.)
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Raptor: "So, it's been about nine months, somehow, since I put that baby in your cooker. How's little J?"
Toxic: "I shat an egg, so I ate it."
Raptor: "WAT!?!"
Re: Where in the world is LM?

I dont.... remember that scene.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

You were high at the time.

I thought it would be funny to slip drugs into your food.