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Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

had never heard of her before this thread.
The looks of a musician never come into play, unless you're part of the ignorant masses. Your looks do not determine your composing and playing skills.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Susan Boyle? Never heard of her, so back off topic we go...

I often get the feeling (in school mostly) that all the politically correct bullshit that's happening now 'n days is only making the situation worse. As pointed out above, when someone gets up on a stand and shouts "Accept them, they're different!" they're not helping make the minority accepted as one with the majority when they are clearly marking the minority out as different. Making it even more apparent that they are different than us! More often than not the people that are preaching acceptance as part of the majority are more intolerant than the people they're preaching too.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Yes, that is often unfortunately the case. It goes the same way for usage of intolerant words. I believe we had this argument a while ago, where people who don't like discriminant words being used in any other vain except to separate people, which hurts everyone.

Although, to play devil's advocare: On a sociological perspective, segregation is actually healthy as long as the other side is brought up to equal levels of value to the society to which they can be reintegrated, which is why things like gay parades and stuff are important, but in order to be equal, the majority should have the same. This way, it does separate people but put them on equal plains. What some people don't realize is trying to fight intolerance with regaining equality without keeping some attention to separation won't work. The same reason it's healthy to keep neighborhoods in the same ethnicity because, although everyone's equal on a larger scale, they can still use their commonality as a source of cultural strength when living together.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

*high five*

your forgetting the term African American, its just as racist as calling them black but they feel good about it for some reason. why aren't white people called Anglo American?

Where is African-America anyway? It's not on any of my charts...
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Susan Boyle. Never heard of her until people on the internet started talking about her. I think I heard somewhere that she was a country singer, so I don't care. Had she been like, a heavy metal singer or something, I may have wanted to listen to her stuff. Since I have no interest in her genre of choice, I don't care.

Now my entrance into the off-topicness.

I hate gay pride parades. Kinda funny considering who I'm engaged to, and though I agree with the idea behind it to raise awareness and promote gay rights, I hate the parade itself. I find that the people in the parades are flaunting sex, which is only going to alienate the very people that the parade was trying to persuade. It seems counter productive. Also, I don't give a shit about what they are like sexually, this is about their sexual orientation, not their sexual habits. There is a fucking difference. Shouting out to the world that they are proud to be homosexual is fine, are you so proud that what your doing is only making a stereotype for homosexuals and bisexuals.

*takes a deep breath*

Anyway, those are my views. I dunno if Gay Pride Parades are less sexual elsewhere, but any that are just piss me off.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

My only counter to that is that they're generally fun to be a part of. XD Oh noes, I've been brainwashed by the gay agenda! *goes to hell*

How dare people talk about sex, likes or dislikes! I think I'd prefer that to the BS that gets spouted to make people afraid of their own sexualities, or even their own body-parts. Seems more important to me that people who are of like minds get a chance to connect and let others sharing similar, normally taboo likes know that they're not alone, as opposed to maintaining the Great Gay Chameleon facade that many GLBT folks practice for the rest of the year.

Oh wait, this Susan chick? Sings country? Pthffpht, don't care.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

My only counter to that is that they're generally fun to be a part of. XD Oh noes, I've been brainwashed by the gay agenda! *goes to hell*

How dare people talk about sex, likes or dislikes! I think I'd prefer that to the BS that gets spouted to make people afraid of their own sexualities, or even their own body-parts. Seems more important to me that people who are of like minds get a chance to connect and let others sharing similar, normally taboo likes know that they're not alone, as opposed to maintaining the Great Gay Chameleon facade that many GLBT folks practice for the rest of the year.

I didn't say anything about brainwashing or gay agenda, or going to hell for that matter. I was simply saying that the parade seems counter-productive because there are enough people in this society that do seem afraid of sexuality. My point is that being proud of being gay, and flaunting your sexuality (not sexual orientation) are two different things and the gay pride parade seems to confuse that.

Now as to sexuality itself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Sex is great, its amazing. Being sexual is a perfectly natural part of being a human being, whether male or female (apparently women liking sex is bad to some people but that's a different discussion).

There are plenty of ways that people of like mind can get together and share. They already have gay and lesbian bars out there as one example.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

The one thing that ever really really got to me was the fact that:

I put a lot of study and interest into psychology, and I'm pretty used to the idea that everyone accepts the fact that EVERY trait is a combination of nature and nurture. However, some people had to spread this HUGE scheme that homosexuality is 100% genetic. I guess it was some attempt to stop others from discriminating cuz it's not "their fault" when, in actuality, it shouldn't be seen as a "fault" in the first place and now you've equated it to a disease.

With this argument, people have given things like "You're not gay so you wouldn't know" completely ignoring the fact that if homosexuality is genetic, so is heterosexuality. And I agree with the idea of lessening discrimination to gay people, so they were right in trying to do something about it. But what really hit me was talking to my friend about his cousin. Extremely gay, flamboyant, but very depressive and suicidal. The reason being? He was gay and was 100% convinced it was genetic, so he can't change himself. He was gay and there was nothing he could do about it, so he hated himself for it and saw no reason to live.

Now, I'm one for long speeches, arguments, debates. I'm quite a disagreeable asshole, garrulous to a fault, and stubborn, so there's nothing I enjoy more than going head to head with someone until one of us realizes they're mistaken or concedes entirely from the argument. But every time I hear someone talk about there being absolutely no choice to homosexuality, it takes all my effort not to punch them in the face.

So for those reasons, I don't care about Susan Boyle. Oh and ditto to wolf about the not a metal singer = don't care.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

We could probably change the title to who doesn't give two shits about anyone on Britains got talent. I swear everyday they discover someone in Britain can sing. Duh you ever hear of the British invasion it happened a long freaking time ago we already knew they could sing there. So quit pointing it out like it's newsworthy you idiots.

So in summary I don't give two shits about her or the show for that matter, and I even listen to country.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Everyone is under the impression that noone can do anything for themselves anymore, so anything extraordinary was actually ordinary earlier in the last century practically.

So yeah, I don't give THREE shits about these damn reality shows in general


Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Well, overall, he wasn't that impressive, but I did like George Sampson. I give him that
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

I need to dig up that study that I found that suggested that women are more prone to swinging between different levels of queerness, whereas men are supposed to be more set in what they like and don't like. I can't imagine that anybody would be 100% unchangeable... but I'll bet that the whole 'gayness is genetic' argument was probably made in retaliation to things like gay-reform camps; the idea that it can be changed is so closely linked with the idea that sexuality should be changed that I'd imagine that really got under some people's skin.

Hence why all reality TV shows should have been canceled in 1999. :D
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Ya' know, the ancient Romans flocked to their own version of a reality show in the Colosseum... around the time their empire began to fall.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

i think your dates are mixed up lucas... they were doing it all through both their rise and fall.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Don't forget Hitler
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

However, some people had to spread this HUGE scheme that homosexuality is 100% genetic.

This is impossible. If it were strictly genetic it would have bred itself out of the gene pool ages ago. That is not a sustainable trait. Some aspect of it has to be environmental. Maybe it has to do with overpopulation, and a natural inclination to maintain a survivable population? There ought to be a study where they survey orientation in overcrowded areas vs open spaces, and see what happens.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

Could just be that, hey, it's fun -- pretty sure that gay isn't an urban phenomenon, though a lot of gay folks do move to bigger cities so they won't get the shit beat out of them for being different.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

This is impossible. If it were strictly genetic it would have bred itself out of the gene pool ages ago. That is not a sustainable trait. Some aspect of it has to be environmental. Maybe it has to do with overpopulation, and a natural inclination to maintain a survivable population? There ought to be a study where they survey orientation in overcrowded areas vs open spaces, and see what happens.

Well there's different definitions of what homosexuality is, but this talked about desires. Behavior is a social defining factor, thoughts are individual. So the people who experienced thoughts and wants towards the same gender didn't necessarily never mate with the opposite gender. There are plenty of cases of closets even in marriage.

That's not my personal definition, just a possible one. Gender isn't exactly a this way or that topic, and what's considered sex itself isn't black and white either, so that even further complicates the problem of defining the not-black-and-white situation of sexuality.
Re: Who else doesn't give two shits about Susan Boyle?

And this is where people who don't get diversity get their panties in a knot, I'm sure. *pees on the supposed axiom of dichotomies* :D